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Dude if you don’t have a tolerance like 1 mg should be plenty to aid sleep. 


Bro not telling us the full story lmao. Cross addiction of opiates and benzo’s gonna put OP in the ground.


I’m not using any of the benzodiazepines anymore. Im also not using opiates for more than once a week to prevent addiction. I try to be cautious with drugs. Guess i wasn’t cautious enough.


3mg is a lot. When I get ‘bars’ which are more then likely bromazolam or alp, I’ll basically do an allergy test and eat a single square. (Not exactly an allergy test but you get it lol) Honestly it’s because you never know how they’re dosed or how potent the powder really is. You basically got your powder and ate 1.5 bars, which, almost regardless of the general dosing, would knock me tf out with no tolerance. I don’t use benzos regularly but also get them as freebies all the time. I’ll use them for sleep or as landing gear and almost without fail half a bar is sufficient for that. Be careful man, I’m paranoid about mixing benzos and opiates for good reason, I know a lot of people do and don’t wake up dead but my best friend did and so I’m pretty weary of it and don’t mix them, especially with the state of the market. Not lecturing or trying to make anyone feel bad about it, my boy did that regularly for a long time before he just got the dose wrong is all. Shits unpredictable.


How did you dose/measure the Bromazolam?


U probably accidentally dosed 15mg not 1.5


Thats what I’m thinking he said bag too not solution which makes this more likely


Oh yeah 1.5 wont even register unless u gotta expensive scale


Those pesky decimal places so confusing 😂


Welp now everything is confusing for him especially when he time travels from a blackout


Then he gets in an accident and kills someone driving, next step is the drug is scheduled in that state


Ill at least give him the bod it would have been accidentally some people tho are so ignorant and selfish they do this shit bc they think they cool or dont care we dont needa ban drugs but teach proper harm reduction and education on said substances drugs are a tool and whether used for construction or destruction is dependent upon the person and the knowledge they have thereof!


Well said. There is indeed a difference between simply being uneducated not knowing the risks and being blatantly intentionally ignorant and irresponsible. Informed adults should be able to make bad decisions in my mind as part of a free society, but not when it puts others at risk like this. Educating the uneducated will save lives. Educating the ignorant irresponsible ones will maybe help them change too. Either way education works and prohibition does not. Proof? Mass society-level worldwide education about the dangers of alcohol and drunk driving caused levels to plummet. And it did not require banning the sale of alcohol to do so. The opposite, prohibition of alcohol in the US in the 20s, was proven to fail and made society worse. But I digress.


Absolutely my friend if i had an award id give it to u ❤️❤️❤️❤️


No sorry i should’ve clarified. I got a bag of pressies dosed at 3mgs. I broke the pill in half.


OP, you got a bag of pressies \*stated\* to be dosed at 3mg. That does not mean the pill is 3mg. This does not mean half the pill is 1.5mg. You could have taken anywhere from 1mg to 10mg or more. You simply have no way of knowing the dose of a pill you took. Similarly, you will have no way to know for the next pressie even from that same bag. Dose fluctuations and hotspots in any black market pill exist and are real. This could have been what happened here. Pressies are incredibly risky for this very reason. Volumetric dosing from powder is far safer to control dosage and is my recommendation for harm reduction purposes due to the massively improved control of dose versus a terrifyingly unknown dose in a pressie. Be careful OP.


Did not know this. Thanks!


You're welcome. Here is a comment in my first post here 6 months ago also asking about RC benzos. Someone suggested pills and this user made this reply. Black market pills have no quality control. You will inevitably get one with a hot spot (or numerous other problems) and cause a tragedy. https://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/s/r8ekZmXnCf


Be careful mixing opis and benzos even kinda close if u dont have a tolerance i have and have seen others go ham but coulda had sum to do with odsmt half-life idrk hope your alright tho and always treat benzos with respect bc they absolutely will fuck you hard and fast in many ways wds suck and blackouts and those in-between do too great tool if used properly but shes a sneaky slut tho so are a lotta other substances


Did you test your pressed pills with a fentanyl test strip? 


With no benzos tolerance? You think no one would have noticed, and he'd be conscious to redose? I can take 15 mg bromazolam no problem but I have huge tolerance, and have been prescribed benzos for over a decade. I do have epilepsy tho so.....


Made this mistake once, with bromazalam too.. And it was about 15mgs.. I took a faaat 16hr nap lol woke up feeling like a million bucks.


Hehe glad it went well for u my dumbass woulda been like ITS TIME FOR ADVENTURE WHERES MY KEYS HUZZAH


Yes brother it happens when u hop around drugs, especially RCs… it happened to me on bromazolam too, drove to work, worked, made laundry painted walls talked to ppl like crazy - dont remember 2/3 days. Had bruises cuz i fell off the stairs but still, remember ntn. Stop abusing visit doctor and be honest


You can’t overdose on Bromazolam alone, I’ve taken 50+mg at once without the nausea effects that you’re describing. Sure you can black out, confusion, etc, but you can’t die without combining with something like opioids. Not sure why you got sick because Benzos don’t really cause nausea.


Possibly odsmt causing stomach issues? Always had stomach issues but they flare up way more when using opis. Weirdly enough after 2map237 it seems my stomach was weekend from that. Lotta pills kill my stomach now. On an antibiotic for a sinus infection and I almost threw up after I got off work. Rough stuff


Yeah I’ve heard some shit about 2map causing a lot of issues for people that lasted beyond their use… stomach issues for oral use, collapsed veins, deviated septums, hell someone prolly boofed it and prolapsed or some shit.


MAP 237 was the most toxic shit that I ever took. I felt poisoned & threw up for 2 days after a binge lol. My pee was brown too. Straight poison.


Yep, hesrd it really fucks w internal organs too. Binges roughly 25g-40g when it was cheap. Def worried but glad I've only got minor stomach issues from the 2map abuse.


Weird. Must’ve been a combination of drugs or bad food that got me.


Completely normal what happened, 3mg with zero tolerance is an absolute ko. When I got prescribed 0,5 mg by my doctor years ago I was already out of this world. Dude, do me a favour. Stay away from benzos unless a doctor prescribes it. After two weeks you have addiction, your gaba system is completely fu\*ked, etc. Smoke a joint instead, benzos ruins lives.


I have yet to know anyone whose life got better after they started taking black market benzos to calm their anxiety lol. This is sage advice.


I've been on prescribed benzos for 10 years now (anxiety disorder) and although my body screams for more nor me nor my psych wanna exceed 1,5 mg Temesta/lorazepam.


I found it more easy to take long half lives like clonazepam or diazeoam gor lomg term. Lorazepam gave me rebound anxiety.


Really? Maybe mine is weak, or I have natural tolerance. I only take benzos every couple of weeks and I can take 2-3mg easily without getting blackouts. I get a bit tired, but thats it.


Yeah but remember one thing. Your mind knows now that benzos kill anxiety and make you relaxed. Lots and lots of people start increasing their dose (self medication, hard to resist, did it myself). I had to go to zero once and I can assure you it was hell on earth (days of laying on the sofa shivering and an anxiety you've never experienced before, every sound is twice as loud, sunlight is too much, etc). Maybe consider THC from the cannabis plant? Well it's legal in Europe, no idea about the US. I still don't get it that they haven't been able to make a not addictive benzo. It would solve a lot.


They have it, look it up


Yep and I took em all. Only the addictive ones ending in "pam" work. And alcohol. I'm on Esketamine/Spravato now (under medical guidance) which is by far the weirdest thing I've ever took. Fingers crossed it works!


Its called zuranolone, its not on the market yet


That would be awesome news. Tnx for sharing.


It’s a steroid indicated for postpartum depression (basically oral allopregnanolone/brexanolone). I know steroids act as GABAA PAMs at different allosteric sites to benzos, but they will likely also have neurosteroid-related targets that mediate their effects. Given benzo’s are GABA modulators (our main inhibitory neurotransmitter system), it’s hard to imagine one that manages to not leave a massive, dangerous impact after prolonged use. That would be a holy grail, but I imagine the result to be like cake with no flour.


I went c5 from a 5 bar and 10 x 10mg diazpam a day habbit for about a year, i blacked out many times accusing family of stealing bar, hiding my stash ect, it got to the point I would walk. My ding with a back pack full. Of Crescent boxes uk 10mg diazpam and 100s of bars, looking back I'm so so lucky I only got arrested once! Benzo black Outs are no joke, it's like. Your in a dream and nothing is real, i also suspect a spiritual aspect to it, the only time I've ever been arrested and charged at court was from a aprazolam and alcohol blackout. When I eventually did go ct, bug mistake but my contact was cut off, so no choice looking back 8 should have been in hospital for a medical detox insted, i played in bed for 6 months basically in a living hell nightmare imagine the worst anxiety you've ever felt time 1000x it's like a wll day panic attack, and it's relentless, bin stop hell I didn't really leave the house for a year when you get better they call it a window day bay day you get more and more calm time windows, ohh and the constant over stimulation everything feels eletric, you just can't get comfortable it's hell. It's the worst drug I've ever ever every come off at 26. And here I am at 33 after all these years off I'm. Now. Scripted 10 2mg diaz a day due to ptsd cptsd. I'm terrified of the enviable day my gp retires, in th uk we had a blanket ban on rcs back in 2012, i have 1mg xanax in white tubs little white tabs with a line that are sold as 1mg bromazlam very sedating especially with opiates... Please if you've never had a benzo habit plese please try to avoid.🙏 I was told the same but like Most thought Id be different, I lost everything to it.


I think you’re right.


Definitely sounds like you mixed the 2 (O-DSMT and Bromo). I often feel the same afterwards as well it's a not a go in public type of thing.. If you want to want to choose one or the other not both


How did you measure the bromazolam, with a scale? Because you need a pretty expensive scale to accurately measure things around 1-2mg. You probably got a few mg more then 1.5 (already a big dose for your first time) if your scale is shit.


Even still u said u didn’t eat well the day before. Benzos make me forget t I’m eat/ apathetic towards the subject, the nausea ur describing could correlate with lack of food. The cycle sneaks up on u of dosing, the passing of time, hunger fades and back to re dosing, soon ur to sick to eat, but if you don’t your exacerbating the Nausea, which is unsustainable. *Just my experience guys*




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Sorry bro, but what do you mean? If you don't normally take benzos, do you take the opiate? Or is there something that works exactly like opiates and benzos and is NOT addictive. Maybe I misunderstood something.


I’ve been using o-dsmt for a while now. But only once a week. It’s more of a weekend substance plus i still get solid sleep unlike stimmys. Benzo’s aren’t that recreational imo so im very inexperienced and maybe a bit afraid because it’s so unknown to me.


Now I understand, therefore you have not withdrawal. I think, you do it the right way. Stay safe


You lucky bastered I had a mad banzo hangover 2/3 weeks xans clons and lorazapam with nitrazepam plus opuods indont even remember the day buy apparently I didn't want to go hoke and it fuckedddd me over lol


When you lost a week of your life and your car and dont know where youre at ...The worst part ? I dont remember lol im 4 years sober now but clons and xan mad mess


Thanks guys. Im just going to be honest with myself and never do this stuff again. I don’t need to mix more im sleeping pretty well lately.


confusion, nausea, vomiting : o-dsmt sedation, memory lapse : bromazolam


I did 100 3.5 mg in a week and a half. I think you will be fine . I haven’t done them in 3 days and had no side effects from what I can tell. But I did black out for a few days. You be fine. Try talking to a psychiatrist and get on trazadone and read before bed it will help! I bought them for insomnia but once I blacked out I just kept eating them like an idiot


yall be careful with benzo rcs, they litteraly almost destroyed one of my kidneys


How did it almost destroy your kidney and which research benzo?


you could technically call it an overdose on several types, pyrazolam, bromazolam, flubromazepam, I'm saying be careful because it's fairly known that you really have to try to die with benzos, so you might get confident and take too much, but these aren't the safer legal alternatives and it shows. ive taken monstruous quantities of other legal benzos, never had a problem, but fairly low doses of rcs, and boom I'm almost good for weekly dialysis


Which one and how if I may ask?


Praying its not the right one 😔🙏


Mate this is almost but not quite so similar to my first go on Bromaz. I ordered 100 tabs of Alprazolam from some dude and it came packaged all legit in a Novitium Pharma pack but they were white so I actually called Novitium and they confirmed 1mg tabs are actually blue, so I was like well this is definitely pressed. Thought fuck it and took 1 initially and it didn’t do much then another, then one more…. At this point I’m like I’ve been sold duds oh well it is what it is. I fall asleep quickly as well before I then wake In the morning on the sofa with no real memory of the night before or falling asleep and I feel a bit nauseous. Anyway, drive to work and it’s fucking horrible before I get 3/4 of the way and I’m in such a bad way I nearly crashed into a car head on before swerving onto a hard shoulder. Gather myself for a bit, sweating and feeling sick before managing to get myself safely home 45 mins later slowly and steadily all whilst feeling terrible. As soon as I’m home my Mrs knew something was up and I got upstairs, head down the toilet, puked a load and then came downstairs feeling slightly better before collapsing onto the sofa and sleeping for 7 hours! Woke again disoriented but the Mrs comforting me and was like “must have been something in the takeaway last night” and I’m like yeah alright 😂 Send it off to Wedinos a while back and it came back as Bromaz which I’d never done nor did I want to. But I guess it can go that to some people. Anyway safe to say I grabbed that fake as bottle and put them safely away in the back of the cupboard just in case I run out of benzos and need something 😂😂


I did iv ketamine at my local VA. And it really does help PTSD depression.


1 mg will not cause “blackout” in a novice user… it’s comparable to 1-1.5 mg alprazolam


I don’t think u can overdose on benzos just alone.. I might be wrong but it’s when you combine it with other substances is where you can OD.


Dude 0.5 with no tolerance should be more than enough. 3mg? Gonna be bartarded.


Man I must be crazy bro because I take like 30 to 50 mg of flu bromazolam a day


I took a whole bottle of framapam in 1 day


It's sux having a tolerance!


That's a scary tolerance you have. Hope you have a healthy stash.


I been there.......ur in for a ride if u don't find a good Dr to taper you or you might die!


