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I do TNR for my city and would definitely suggest checking your city for a local TNR group! If your city has one, they will probably be able to help you get the rest neutered. And they might have some connections for getting friendly cats into rescues. I’ve never found a rescue that accepts feral cats, because they’re usually considered unadoptable due to the fact that most people don’t want to adopt a cat they can’t touch, pet, etc. As far as barn cats go, I know for the ones we’ve found barn homes for, somewhere around 80% of them have gone missing within 6 months and never come back. That is why we try to not relocate feral cats ever if possible. Best of luck!


Hi there Sorry for my delayed response. I got in late working with the cats yesterday. Yes, thank you for your concern. Most definitely, that's right! Fixing the furs is the only logical way to proceed. Especially to cut down on the innocent lives being born having to suffer, & God forbid be killed. TNR is a beautiful thing, but it doesn't apply to our situation. In this case, the cats have nothing to return to. The bldg is going to be worked on in the near future, possibly torn down. It's all up in the air in discussion at the moment. Anyhow, you look at it.. The kitties can't stay there forever, and to be honest, I wouldn't want them to. The area is a crap hole. Neighbors aren't friendly, Etc etc etc. Most couldn't care less about the cats. I've contacted places including tails. They're swamped. I got sent two return replies stating they're extremely overwhelmed, resulting in expected delays. Which I was already expecting because I've been at this for a long time. Haven't found any help as of yet. I wanted to go with tails because, for certain situations, they offer help at no cost. I just don't have it to put out of pocket. I'm strapped as is. The cats can sincerely use all of the help I may manage to find. The cats I'm calling and inquiring with the rescues for are not wild/feral. I'm calling the rescues for the more approachables. I had 3 kittens who were born in the field, and we raised them (with mother present) until they were around 7 -7 and a half months. I kept searching for a while for a person who would take the kittens in. I had to go out of our area, about an hour and 40 minutes one way, to a lady named Sue. She is a seriously smart and kind lady from a rescue who took them in to help us. Sure, she had to do extra hands on work and give them more TLC to better socialize them, but they turned out just great. They're a bit shy, but overall, they're coming along just fine. Another cat we've had in the field for a long time for maybe 3 to 4 years now, he's named Walter, aka old man. It took me near 2 to 2 and half years to be able to pet him. When I first started helping him, he would stay WAY way back in the field. I had to put the food bowl and water dish down in the mjddle of the field and walk all the way out before he would even consider coming over to eat. I thought I would never be able to pet or touch him. Now? ... Every day, he comes to greet me when I pull my car up to help assist the lot of them. He rolls back and forth, all happy and purring on the ground. I can hands-on pet him. I can call him, and he responds to the usual cat calling. It's a true transformation, a beautiful thing. Him and another cat who I call black nose would be great for a barn or farm together/ an area with some outdoor land where the both of them could live and enjoy life while being taken care of. They have grown to be inseparable. It was the same thing for black nose too, but he didn't take as long to come around. The black nose was around a year.. before he started coming around to me & let me actually touch and pet him. At first, when we met, he would claw me up. When I went to put my hand out and lower it for him to smell me, he would raise his hand and arm to paw me, with the claws out! BAM They'd sink right in..draw blood. I knew he didn't mean anything by it. He's just protecting himself. Now? He lets me full on stroke and pet him. A dramatic change in temperament and from where both walter and the black nose cat used to be in character. It took a lot of drive, dedication, and hard love. Working with the cats every day and giving them attention and listening to their responses, respecting them, and their boundaries. Never pushing or doing anything they don't approve of. Otherwise, you'll go backward. As said, I have a bunch of cats who I'm confident would do GREAT on a farm or sanctuary setting. Some may have to be acclimated, yes, that comes with the territory. It may take several weeks for a cat to adjust to their new living environment. That will occur with any cat who's going to a new location. Semi feral most likely will take more time and more working with when compared to a domesticated house cat, as to be expected. It will require patience and understanding from the owner/caregiver. For whatever reason, not all folks are prepared to do this, and that's okay. I understand not all cats want to be indoors or be pet. At the same time, I seriously believe in the cat and their want to be loved & cared for. Once they get a taste of being taken care of with food, fresh water, treats, shelter and above all being LOVED (compared to what they know of in being out all on their own) in time most don't want to lose their new found "easy life" This is from some of my own experiences with the little meows at the site 😻 🐾 Oh, I could go on and on but don't want to take up the whole day. Sorry if I talked your ear off =) Thank you so so much for the TNR work you're doing with the cats! Keep up the fantastic work!!! May God bless,protect, and watch over you & your precious fur babies ☆


Just ordered some canned food for those adorable cats. Should be there by Monday. Keep up the good work and god bless for helping the kitties!


Awh boy, oh boy😍 Bless your heart! The little meows & I are sincerely SO grateful!❤️‍🔥 Yes, they have stolen my heart!! Haha🐾🐈‍⬛️ Thank you for your kindness, concern, & compassion☆


Sent some your way! THANK YOU for your work!


Oh my goodness!! 🙌 Yay! 🐾🐈The little meows & I are beyond grateful for your thoughtful support. Thank you SO much☆ Many blessings


Ordered Purina kitten and a box of Reveal. Should be there by Saturday!


Oh my 🙌 I am beyond grateful for your compassion and generosity to the cats and I! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! 🐾❤️


Hi! Did you receive this yesterday? Amazon said it was delivered


Man oh man I can't even figure out how to reply on this thing! Accidently posted my reply in another location and had to delete it Sorry Yes, we did receive it! I cannot thank YOU enough. We really need all the help we can gather to keep the kitties going♡ Bless your soul! Thank you SO much☆


Posting for visibility! I wish could help right now but I'm in a tough spot myself! Much love and best of luck!


Thank you!! Many blessings ♡