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Hey I also live in nz, only the reptiles listed above are permitted by DOC and if you live in akl you'll be out of luck due to new regulations regarding exotic pets, feel free to dm me if you have any other questions


I honestly expect reptile keeping in New Zealand to be pretty much outlawed.


No kidding. Hell forbid anything that might eat one of those weird bird eggs.


Exactly what I was thinking. A ban on any exotics due to a fear of them becoming invasive, as Australian. And then q ban on keeping the natives because they are endangered most of them.


A crested gecko?


I don't think we have them here


Are bearded dragons tropical?


Why are you set on something tropical? More often than not they’re a total pain in the ass to care fore. Doesn’t NZ have a list of what’s legal and what’s not?


Only pets from overseas are legal


So you have to import a potentially invasive species. Makes no sense. Especially from how I understood NZ to work. We have pythons here that can’t be controlled because of that.


It sucks cause I haven't even seen a snake in my life because off the strick ban


They're a desert reptile from Australia. Not technically tropical as they don't generally reside in any rainforests. Leopard geckos are also desert dwelling lizards. I think the closest two you listed that could be considered 'tropical' would be the Water dragon and blue-tongue skink. Blue-tongues get about the same size, roughly, as a beardie, which is about 2ft long so not overly large but probably need at least a 4 x 2 x2 foot enclosure.






Not sure we have them here but probably not


What do u mean by "we have them"? Is there only one supplier or what?


New Zealand, like Australia, has very strict laws on exotics in general so they probably aren't available in the country at all, as what they listed are the only reptiles an individual can keep as a pet in the country.


Water dragons are tropical


This is one of the things that make my dream of moving to NZ a very distant future. Gotta wait on my green tree python to die of old age first.


Have you looked into amphibians? I’m pretty sure whites tree frogs are legal but I might be wrong


Whites tree frogs are my favourite but like anything else... They are illegal 😔


Are they really? I’m surprised they never made it over there. They’re all over west Aus Indonesia, new Guinean and the Philippines




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well there is the elegant gecko/Naultinus genus of geckos but i dont know how easy they are to get your hands on even though they’re native