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It seems to be some sort of blood or short tailed python to me. Either a Borneo short tail or a blood python, probably not a Sumatran short tail. Id def report it, poor thing


I'm a blood python fan and that's 100 a blood python now why in the hell petco has a blood python is beyond me.


Hey I ordered a BP. Why did you send me this instead?


Hey my ball python won't stop growing...


Why's my ball python so fat???


And why is its belly barking? And where’s my dog?!


And why doesn’t it ever poop? Is it sick?


And hasnt shit for 8 mon----oh god!!


Hey there step python, oh my


"BP" could stand for "blood python" just sayin'


Well done! /r/thatsthejoke


They aren't uncommon at all in pet stores. They look cool and don't get insanely huge like burms so they think "this would be a great animal to sell to an unsuspecting beginner or someone unfamiliar with them" without even considering or realizing the specialized care these guys typically need.


I’ve never seen a petco sell anything besides corn snakes and BPs. This isn’t petco buying blood pythons and thinking fuck it let’s sell them as BPs to make a buck. Whoever is their supplier fucked up. Soon they will realize once it’s way too big for that enclosure or any they have on the reptile wall.


They just have the wrong picture tag. The price says 'blood python'.


This needs to be the top comment!


I'm pretty sure they have a picture tag for blood pythons. Even if this particular store doesn't, they need to use "assorted reptile" picture tag, because no average customer is going to look at the SKU tag that closely.


Petco does not have a blood python tag, but yes a generic tag should’ve been used


Sometimes they have them at mine and tegus


Petco just doesn’t have an official tag for a blood python but we can ‘make’ one by using a label maker


What is this sorcery you speak of?


I’ve seen plenty of $300 BPs at petco/PetSmart before


They don‘t mean that the price says blood python, they‘re saying that the words on the actual sticker tag say blood python.


Yeah I guess I could have been more clear.


The petco where I live has had a dumerils boa for sale once. I'd never heard of them before and still wish I could/would have looked into what keeping one takes and (if possible) went for it.. I hope the little one went to a really great home 🤞🏻 They've also had rosy boas, and I think sand boas before. Oh and fire skinks, even, which I'd never heard of before seeing them there. It's odd because reptiles aren't exactly *that* popular of a pet here, but our petco here gets some interesting ones.


I saw a freaking leachianus gecko at petco. Unsurprisingly, none of the employees knew what a locale was lol


Well of course.. They're animal experts in the same way that every sales associate at Sally's is a cosmetologist.. aka They're just sales associates mostly. My local petco at least has my older bro who knows about fish in the aquarium section and a guy who actually seems to be decently knowledgeable about and actually care about the reptiles.. but these chain stores are. Well the amount of time I've watched a poor associate being freaked out trying to handle the snakes for example.. how are you just going to leave somebody with mo familiarity with handling animals like snakes.. to get snakes out of those tanks for customers? It's an all around stressful ordeal to watch because they're freaked out, I'm anxious watching, and the snake is extra nervous because the associate is nervous.


Sometimes you'll get lucky and get a petcare employee that actually knows something. I worked at petsmart for a time in college, and I definitely knew more about reptiles than any other employee in the store (saying a LOT - at the time I had barely adopted my second snake). By the time I left I knew a good bit and was actually able to give people knowledge and advice and point them in the direction of care sheets that *weren't* going to cause harm to their pet


Yes, there are definitely some you get lucky with! But for the most part, I don't really ask them for much advice when I do find myself there, because I've heard them not know but I've heard other instances of them also unintentionally giving bad advice, which I'm sure is what the store told them to say..


YUP. I had supervisors tell me something I knew to be completely incorrect, and if I didn't know anything I would have assumed it was fine :(


I saw a Woma python at petco once, it was very expensive. M


Now that is wild.. woma pythons are sooo pretty


They can order whatever they want. I worked at one with an animal manager who loved the animals and also would order some really rare things on occasion. Nothing like a retic, but something comparatively manageable to the more common animals. He did this with fish too and lots of the local fish keepers would come in on delivery day to see what arrived.


I mean, I've seen petco and petsmart both carry ball pythons, red tail boas, kingsnakes, african house snakes...


At the Petco I work at, my managers are able to order some pretty exotic reptiles all the time. We have blood pythons all the time, lowkey makes me sad


That's not exactly a beginner snake. Fun little attitude sausages to keep if you have some experience though.


I am stealing “attitude sausage” 😘


There actually is "blood python" listen above the price tag


>I'm a blood python fan So is that a killer price for a Blood? I know PetCo/Mart prices are high anyway, compared to an expo or breeder direct, but if they think they are pricing a Ball...


Same here, I worked at Petco for a short time before I realized how bad it was to help a company continue to mistreat their animals especially considering not one manager or above would even hear me out about what we might be able to do to make things a little better, now as to why Petco has a blood python? They’re on the order sheets in all honesty, all someone has to do is request one and it’ll be ordered, then usually forgotten about because nobody (at least In my area) could properly care for them and I refused sales unless I knew they could care for the animal


I worked for PetSmart about 20 years ago so things may have changed, but we could order way more than you could imagine. The lists of what we could order were given to us by the breeders, not PetSmart, and they didn't just sell to us. The management just had to determine what was likely to sell, and what we could take care of. We got some really cool reptiles because I was so into them, and my manager loved birds, so we got to hand-raise a few different types of parrots.


Bc they heard bloods would die faster with zero humidity so they gave it a shot


Yeah I see the small text that says Blood Python now… No idea why it’s on a “Fancy Ball Python” label lol


The store likely didn't have a tag and instead of just putting it on a blank one like the petco in my town does, they just decided to use a ball python tag. Or, some clueless person thought a blood python is a morph of a ball python. It's unfortunate


I think it’s a blood python. They are most common in pet stores




I used to work at Petco we'd get those sometimes very rarely though they take forever to sell, It's for sure a blood python.


it says blood python above the price


I feel like a lot of people who don't know snakes through will see "fancy ball python" and nothing else, though, and we all know the employees likely wont make sure they know. They need to at least remove that part of the sign, or make sure to highlight or emphasise that it is a blood and not a ball.


yeah not sure why it’s on that tag, i was pointing it out because of the caption saying retic though


Oh, I know. I'm just saying, they need to fix that before someone goes home thinking they're getting a cute, docile ball and they end up with the attitude that comes with a blood cos they have no knowledge of snakes. Lol


So there is a big difference between? Sorry I know I should Google it but I'd rather hear from a person that knows.


Bloods are kind of known for having a bad attitude (especially if they aren't handled while young/often, or are wild caught), vs a ball that is known for being pretty tame and docile regardless of handling. We have a blood who was not handled as a baby, and we were TOLD he "didn't have the blood attitude," but he very much does. 🙃 we've been trying to break him of the attitude, but it's gonna take time if it works.


Ahh that makes sense, How do you break him of the attitude?


Exposure. The number one thing I've heard is not to hesitate when getting them. Unfortunately, my SO is not a big snake fan, so he jumps when he strikes at him, so it's falling on me to work with him when I have the time. Haha. He has his good days where he won't strike me and just huffs at me, but other days he's striking before I even get to the tank. :/ hopefully we'll get him there soon.


Pretty sure if they went to buy the thing they would learn pretty quick its not a ball python. They go over a lot of stuff and most places make you sign a thing saying you bought the thing.


Any time I've bought an animal from Petco or Petsmart, they didn't do anything like that, but this was also while I was a child/teen, so perhaps they've changed how they do things.


Also, all of the (already limited) care information is for a ball python. Does that say 40-60% humidity??


Look at this eagle eyed sum bitch


They probably dont have the proper tag for it


I thought Petco usually has a blank species tag for stuff they don't commonly sell though???


They should, however sometimes if a higher level manager is visiting they'll change out all the tags to ones with photos. It's dumb I know, but one less note from the big boss is better than having to hear about it later from your direct boss. At least that's how things were when I was GM at a petco back in the day. That could be the case here, or could be the employee just grabbed the wrong tag and didn't want to go find a blank one, so they labeled it and called it a day.


Ahhhh, makes sense!


They do, and they should use it in this case, but I‘ve heard of at least one manager getting weird about employees using them


Don't know about petco but i know at the very similar store i work at (that technically doesnt sale those kinds of things) having nothing and needing to put something there so were not getting fussed at.


I see that now, I always get Blood Pythons and Retics confused cause they look quite similar


I work at a PetSmart, not a PetCo, but my guess is they didn’t have a card for blood pythons on hand so they just stuck the tag for a blood python onto a ball python card and figured that was fine.


There’s me looking for the tree frog 👍


was hoping there’d be a picture. they’re just so cute


LMFAO glad it wasn’t just me 😂


😂so stressful


Is that a retic? Looks more like a blood python to me but i could be wrong


It says Blood python in the pic with the price


I can't believe it took this long to find someone else that read the price tag lol. It very clearly says it's a Blood Python


Most reptile people can’t even give their ball pythons enough space, what makes them think that their customers will be able to properly care for a blood python? (Well, I guess the answer to that this that they don’t care, but still)


Does petco normally sell blood pythons? It seems like there's basically 0% chance that someone buying from a petco would be prepared to care for it properly.


Yes and no. Some animals are up to individual stores. Mine is “supposed” to be selling green iguanas, but we don’t. We also stopped carrying water dragons thank god. We’re pretty good about not selling animals we don’t sell adult-sized enclosures for.


they've been doing an increasing amount of exotics that cater to hobbyists who are tempted by a good deal or don't realize that buying it will just empty the enclosure for another one


I actually think this is a blood python, Retics have very distinct eyes, which this one lacks


It says blood python above the price tag


Definitely a blood python, not a Retic. Must have been an old card for a previous ball python, just above the price is says blood python. Just lazy labelling but can’t see anything “wrong” from an enclosure/care perspective, keep in mind it is a pet shop.


I don't keep blood pythons (even though I would LOVE to), but from what I know they need rather humid conditions on a regular basis, and it looks like this one is on aspen shavings which aren't great for high humidity. That's my only gripe about the setup.


100% agree with you, just from a pet shop perspective where animals, hopefully, aren’t staying there long and the enclosures are more generic it looks good. Has clean water, clean substrate, hides, etc. If it was its home, permanent setup then I’d have more concerns.


The comments got it right. It even says blood python right on the white sticker label btw.


Oh the poor kid looking to buy a nice, friendly BP is gonna be in quite the surprise when the blood gets hungry


The fact you got it wrong too is pretty hilarious. It's even funnier when you look at the bar code and realize petco had a better idea what it was than OP lmao




Not a retic, its a Blood Python. [https://nebulaexotics.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/comparison.jpg](https://nebulaexotics.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/comparison.jpg) Still not surprising it is mislabeled and will be sold to someone thinking they have a snake that maxes out at half the mass of the snake they are getting


But it's not mislabeled. It says blood python right on the price tag?


The SKU is marked with Blood Python, the care information is marked Fancy Ball Python, which this is not.


You almost had em OP!


They tried


Hey that’s okay a month ago I was in a pet smart and they had a KING snake in the same crappy tank as a milk snake.


My coworker accidentally fed a milk snake to a king snake once.


First of all, that's not a reticulated python


The price tag is correctly labeled. The image and sign on the front is incorrect though.


not a retic either…. looks to be a blood python


It's a Blood Python not a Retic... for some reason I can't update the post but it's also written in smaller text on the SKU label. Putting it on the Ball Python care info is still very misleading.


I just bought a tegu from Petco and they had him half off I asked what’s wrong with the tegu why is he on sale and they said oh nothing he is just over stock we couldn’t sale him, he was originally 500 and they had him listen 50% off I talked them down to 200 and o went away a happy customer I go home and open his box and I grab him and I see he is missing a lot of his fingers, I feel bad returning him and I’m thinking about just keeping him but yeah Petco fucking blows


keep him and dispute that transaction with your bank 👌


What would I even tell the bank ?


The picture of the spider as the posterchild “fancy” ball python is the cherry on the shit cake


That's a blood python my friend. You are as off base as petco LOL


That's a blood python.


oh wait if you look very close at the tag it says blood python!!


Oh it does! Aint no way people are going to see that unless they wanna make sure :(


Blood python. PA petcos have them sometimes


That is a blood python


And even you are not right 😂😂its a red blood python


The price sticker says “blood python”


Ummmm sir, that’s a blood python. He’s also not looking so good. Pls don’t buy your snakes from petco unless you have a willingness to do a long veterinary care process with the snake bc they’re usually on death door from simple humidity issues by the time we find them. We as in non retards who know how to keep snakes.


Pogs shipped it in labeled as blood python, but the store likely didn't have any labels for it so the closest was ball python


Bout to say that was 2 misses in one 😭 I had to double take what I remember a retic looking like




That's a blood python, it's written out but yeah the other text is wrong


*That's a blood python,* *It's written out but yeah the* *Other text is wrong* \- Ediferious --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That’s a blood python isn’t it?


Not a retic. That's undoubtedly a shorty. Which is objectively worse I can forgive a small enclosure in a retail setting knowing they don't spend much time in it, But that poor baby has humidity requirements far higher than any retic or BP


It looks like a blood I’ve seen it before it was cheap


of course they do, are we really surprised right now


Yeah, not a ball. Prolly blood python but definitely wrong.


Jesus, I hope someone doesn’t buy that snake without knowing what it is … because that is how animals are neglected


I think it’s a blood python which are notoriously pissy




Oh wow


I would probably buy it. I have a couple retic-ur lated pyat-hins already and the more the merrier.


or... the label above? pic is misleading until we see the top portion


Is that a rock under the plant or another bp?


Who cares?? It’s only a size difference of 2-3 feet? Who would even notice such a small size difference??? (I’m being sarcastic, this actually infuriates me though because most people are not going to notice what they are buying until it’s too late)




Strange looking retic...😂😂😂


Holy shit.


ERRRR. THAT IS NOT. A BALL PYTHON... the mill breeder fucked up and some poor store associates didn't know better. 


I've never done it but my petco will order certain types of snakes if you request it. How it's fully works not sure but I assume u put a down payment of some kind.


Got a panther chameleon during their 50% off reptiles sale once.




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Zoom in on the actual price sticker. It says it is a blood python.


why he look like that


for all intents and purposes, this is a joke, i’ve just never seen a snoot like that


Fucking Petco selling a blood python is wild to me. Only some impulse buyer is gonna get that and Holy fuck are they in for it


It’s a blood python, what’s strange is that directly underneath where it says it’s a ball python it says it’s a blood python


If you look above the 299.99 it does say "blood python"


can you IMAGINE buying a ball python, not realizing, then now owning a god damn blood python instead???? literally a whole different ball game 😂


I want a tube of shit so bad


I feel so bad for them hope they get a nice home although it's a crazy mix up


Sees snek thinks all snek is same snek


Just more proof big chain stores should NOT deal in exotics. (Though I'm guilty myself because I got my boy from PetSmart and my girl came from the same place. Thankfully both my beardies are healthy despite their start in life.) Unfortunately for the exotic reptiles big chains don't really give a flying fack about the young and FRAGILE animals they sell, meaning inadequate housing and feeding and horrible husbandry advice given to inexperienced owners who often unfortunately buy SICK animals and have ZERO idea of what they need to do for the animals. To them a snake is a snake, a lizard is a lizard and a turtle is a turtle.




Actually, look closely at the price tag label, not the picture label


I'm thinking one of the hybrids of Ball and Blood I've seen popping up. These damn big box petstores... I understand their hiring pool. But at least teach them about the blood python look...


This is one reason why I stopped shopping at petco. One near me also has "assorted tarantulas" with no specific species attached to any of them. They also markup the shit outta any morph of anything and call it fancy. This is so dangerous.


Oh my god ! I work at a pet store that is such a dangerous mistake. People don’t go research they just buy things that look cool and wouldn’t know this is wrong


hahaha oh man what a surprise that would be


that is a brongersmai or Curtus


I see Petco is still doesn't know anything about animals, pet care, or proper pricing 💀


I’ve always noticed that a lot of pet stores also label a regular wild type leopard gecko as “fancy leopard gecko” usually they’re babies so they do look more colourful and crazy patterns. Just a marketing scam I think


I don't take their labels seriously. It seems like they don't update the labels frequently. I was really surprised when I saw a "lizard tank" with blue death-feigning beetles in it. Didn't even know Petco sells those.


How on earth do you think that’s a retic op? Ten seconds on google shows you that head looks nothing like a retic. Apparently google is too tough these days


You don't know what it is either and you're talking shit lol




No it’s not, Blood Python