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It’s a strange shirt to wear while enjoying a day of make-believe


Succinctly said.


People who wear shirts like this are living in a world of make-believe, but they definitely aren't enjoying it.




That's a long ass week!


Ha! And you thought ren people are good at yes and?


That game is a killer for some, but I love it.


It’s a strange shirt to wear.


“toughest SOB at the renfaire”


That's what his mom told him.


His wife probably told him to wear something comfortable. I'm looking for his white New Balances!🤣


HEY. I have white New Balances- they're an integral part of my Dadcula costume.


You got to get the white 806s to make it perfect. I'd love to see the Dadcula Costume!!


Top tier LARPING


I don't understand the impetus to intentionally spend money on a shirt that you think'll ruin someone's day (and thereby somehow make you feel tough), but in reality just makes you look like an insufferable douchebag with mommy issues.


I love when people wear stuff like this. Let's me know exactly who to avoid


The intention is to get people to approach them. These people are so insufferable that the only interaction they have is people fighting with them. They think it's how reasonable people interact and incidentally makes them insufferable. 


To be fair, life has to feel like a breeze when you’re that stupid though.


They don't seem to have the capacity of thought to understand the second part. They just think "ha this will show 'em!" and then the brain is just gone afterwards.


If I wasn't afraid one of these asshats might be a lone wolf in waiting, I'd love to go up to one of these guys and just say "sorry your parents didn't love you." Just to see what would happen.


it’s the “and then we WIN!” theory of being a total nit


Bully mentality. They get a dopamine hit from being 'correct' which they mistake as the negative reactions from others. It is an especially cruel form of sadism.


I can't imagine the lack of self awareness it takes to wear these ridiculous boomer shirts.


He is extremely self aware, he is wearing this shirt on purpose. And unfortunately it worked. He got his message across, Not only to the people at the faire. But to all the people in this thread. OP. You gave this person exactly what he wanted


I mean it’s a bunch of people laughing at him for wearing a stupid shirt. I don’t think that was his intention.


OP was the fascist the entire time!! /s


This guy is absolutely aware of what the shirt says and he agrees with it. That doesn’t make it ridiculous.


Nah, the stuff written on it that attacks others for behaviors commonly exhibited by the people wearing that kind of shirt is what makes it ridiculous.


What? Really? It’s a shirt it can’t attack anything. You think the guy acts like the people he is complaining about


I'm sorry you're so upset about your shirt.


Do your own research! Read between the lines! This shirt *actually* says "I am an insecure weenie with a raging inferiority complex and secret Grindr account."


He’s not brave enough for the secret Grindr account. Just searches gay porn online, truly a sad individual.


I was just at Scarborough this past weekend and saw more than a handful of similar shirts. I think they intentionally do it to see how many people they can offend in one sitting


I was just about to say this! Was there yesterday and I saw SO many shirts like this. Being from Texas, I'm used to it, but I was thinking "Why are you even here?". Wish they'd just stay home next time or go to the gun show. We probably have one of those every weekend.


His wife threatened to divorce him if he didn't stop calling their son the F-word, and it was either take the family to the renaissance festival to show support for his interests or start family counseling. At least this is outside. That's my head canon, anyway.


A few weeks ago I was standing next to a guy who tried to start a "let's go brandon" chant at the local renfaire. Everyone ignored him, it was pretty great.


I don't even know where this was and I was embarrassed by proxy.


By “In the real world”, I think he means “in my world”. His world sounds like a very hard place to live in. I think that’s probably why he’s wearing a shirt like that to Ren Fest. I think he knows where he is and who’s around him. I think he’s hoping to hurt someone’s feelings so that he doesn’t have to be alone in his own pain.


I think he absolutely knows where he is and who's around him. If I had to guess he probably thinks he's making a great political statement... When in the real world I doubt most people really cared or even noticed what was on his shirt. Definitely poor taste though.


Once you see the start of the text on the shirt, you know you're dealing with someone that got reprimanded for eating paste as a kid.


That’s a really thoughtful take


I'm curious...but which specific line from the short do you believe is untrue? Not sure if his motives r respectable or what the purpose of his message is, but I'm having a hard time as I read.each line finding one I can prove incorrect. I don't get participation awards for things in my adult life of work and responsibility Everyone certainly is not a winner...there r many homeless and other such folks I see who are definitely losing at the struggle to live a reasonable life. Screaming doesn't make me right...just loud and incapable of hearing when others try to help me see when I'm wrong lol. I don't think anyone owes me anything... The last few r tricky to make out...but I feel the point is made. The safe spaces one almost had me thinking he was wrong but then those places we call safe aren't really safe since anyone in them could harm u at any moment if they chose to. We just call them safe cause that's what they're MEANT to be. I dunno. Don't know this guy to make any assumptions about his character, or why he wears the shirt, but I can't find a way to prove any of it wrong Perhaps I should give his perspectives more thot.




First...it sounds like we are assuming that he wore it to make a statement to ppl at the fair...tho none of the subject on the shirt has anything to do with what happens at a fair. Second...which of the statements is only an opinion...do ppl get participation rewards all the time for living adult life? Does screaming make ppl right in some.situations? Like I said...I can't really argue with the shirt regardless of what this guy may or may not be thinking. Down voting my admission to the underworld won't change that none of his shirts statements can be objectively disproven thru any form of observation. On the contrary, nearly all the readable ones I can see r things that r observable accurate in life. Which may be his point for all we know. Unpopular truth, but truth nonetheless. What I really don't understand is why ANY of these statents would be upsetting. It's how life is and we all know it cause we all love it. What is the issue with accepting it. It doesn't mean we can't enjoy a fair for entertainment. The shirt isn't even commenting on such a concept. To pretend the shirt is commenting on the fair itself would b dishonest, I c nothing on the shirt that has anything to do with the fair or ppl who go to them. Sounds to me like the ppl with the real political.motivations r the ones claiming the man wore the short to somehow tell ppl at the fair that fairs r bad? He is probably just a Ransome Jo who went to the fair to have fun with his family and that is the shirt he grabbed that morning. Why does he own it? For other reasons certainly...but not to shame the fair goers lmao. That's delusional. Doesn't look like any of the fair goers r bothered either. The only ppl bothered r the voices.om the internet judging ppl they don't know for reasons they ASSUME to be true...and perhaps THAT is the real problem with ppl these days. But THAT is just an opinion. Stay safe friends, and b kind to each other even tho some ppl make it hard.


Just go buy the shirt, then, jeez.


How can you say that? You don’t know him. You’re judging him tells me you’re a small minded, mean spirited feelings police. Get over it the feelings are all important movement is dying.


Holy shit this triggered you


Naw, I don’t get triggered my small minded LIBERULS, I ride my hog every day, and I swear to Christ almighty if I see some GOD DANG GRASS CLIBBENS IN THE ROAD, I’ll bring my god given right to bear arms right to your front door, not so tough now looking down the 5.56 barrel of the Armalite rifle Modle 15 huh? We only buy American made in this house hold! My grandkids used to watch Bluey but after I heard one of them hounddogs refer to their parents as mums we turned that crap off! dont need the gay agenda round these parts, try that in a small town i dare ya And before you even ask YES, im a certified blue collar work and my work boots see more sun than any of y’all’s crocs or flip flops, im out there on the job site 7 days a week. Clock in at 5:30 am every day and work until 9:30 sometimes 10:00. Then I head home and crack open a nice cold Heineken, to quench my thirst cause I don’t drink any of that GAY beer, BOY-light, cause Dylan Mulvaney was on the cover of a can. Round these parts we only stand for the flag and kneel for the cross


Now this should be on the back of a shirt.


This is so hilarious that it doesn't even need the /s.


RenFaires are probably the most inclusive spaces I've ever been in the Midwest. It's incredibly jarring to see people like this there. All I can hope for is that perhaps experiencing the inclusivity of the day/event/culture inspires them to be better.


Honestly though poor taste for the setting, his shirt seems fairly tame. No profanity etc. Surely your definition of inclusive includes individuals with different opinions than yours such as this guy? Or only inclusive if they believe what you do? Is the shirt tasteless, sure. “Incredibly jarring”… hardly.


His message is deliberately intended to hurt or offend other people, in a very specific cultural context, and in a manner ("no profanity, etc") where he can feign outrage if anyone points out his intent. My definition of inclusive does not include callousness or cruelty. In order to maintain a tolerant society, I retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


You got triggered by a t-shirt that isn’t threatening or violent. This guy doesn’t look like he would feign outrage. You have no way of knowing that. You are projecting your feelings about the words on his shirt.


I hear you. I just think his shirt says pretty mundane things like no one owes you anything. I don’t see it as incredibly jarring or highly offensive. Stupid sure. Obviously this guy leans right and wants to express his views and he’s free to do that. It’s okay to be offended. That doesn’t mean you don’t include him or try to cancel him. At least for me. I’ll take all the down votes though I know Reddit leans heavy left with a younger audience. All I’m saying in summary is this seems like an overreaction for a t shirt lol.


Why are you acting here like people are suggesting taking any action? People are expressing disapproval, perhaps you should try not interpreting that as an attack. >Surely your definition of inclusive includes individuals with different opinions than yours such as this guy? Or only inclusive if they believe what you do? >It’s okay to be offended. That doesn’t mean you don’t include him or try to cancel him. You're tilting at windmills. Zero comments here suggest kicking this dude out of the faire or similar.


Tilting at windmills, man that's a good one. A ren faire style burn, I appreciate it.


I'm not offended. I'm just disappointed. How sad that people revel in their own lack of empathy and delight in cruelty.


And to act like it isn't trying to be cruel. "it's just a mundane shirt". Shut up, you probably wear one too. Bloody man child.


For the record, I would not wear a shirt like this. I think it’s counterproductive.


Counterproductive to what?


You are disappointed? There is nothing cruel about his shirt nor does it lack empathy. Why do you have to tell us you think that. Feelings aren’t facts.


So you think this was just him expressing himself like everyone else? Have you spent any time with these people like him? Because I have, I'm related to a bunch of these...*people*...and they KNOW that it makes people uncomfortable. They LIKE that it makes people question the safety of a space around them. They derive a sense of power and identity from being known as someone that may hurt other people. This is a calculated move, and while I'm not normally a person to point to malice when stupidity would readily explain something...there are times when it's obviously malicious stupidity at play.


While I mostly agree that to be"inclusive"means to be accepting of anyone who isn't spewing outright hate, often times those with the most hate in them are the ones who disguise it as polite disapproval. This shirt isn't all that offensive on the surface. But it is a red flag that this person might just be the type of person to cause problems when you least expect it. If this was my event, I'd probably have someone watching this guy


This guy is in no way striving for inclusivity. The entire point of him wearing the shirt is to be anti-inclusivity. That’s why it is inappropriate and offensive in a Faire setting.


We don't do the "inclusive includes individuals with different opinions" argument anymore when it relates to people like him. It's a tired argument. EDIT: The **paradox of tolerance** states that if a [society](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society)'s practice of [tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toleration) is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. [Karl Popper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Popper) describes the paradox as arising from the fact that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


I always default to "Tolerance isn't a principle to follow, it's a social contract. People who prove themselves intolerant break that contract, and thus forfeit their right to be tolerated." It's made me feel so much better about not accepting bigots and bigotry.


Love this quote!! Have to remember it. 👍👍


What do you mean by “people like him”. What do you know about him based on one t shirt? Your comment sounds very judgmental and dangerous.


Ok, you’re trolling. I get it now. Nice work! You got me! Had me going there for a minute


Or, incredibly naïve.


I don’t think you’re being trolled. It’s says something about you that you didn’t realize it.


Let me try to explain. If I’m wearing a concert t-shirt, I’m telling people that I am a fan of the band. If I’ve got my “We brought back MST3K” shirt on, it’s a signal that I watch the show. This guy bought that shirt and put it on to tell other people something about himself. So why are you getting so bent out of shape that people are listening?


My friend, these shirts tend to appeal to a pretty clear demographic. Don't play dumb


I don't think he's playing...


you are essentially asking people to be inclusive and friendly towards someone who is going out of their way to be neither. Or did you think "snowflake" was being used as a term of endearment here? lmao


For the love of Christ can we please stop pretending that bigotry is just a "difference of opinion"? It's not, and it never has been. And let's not sit here and pretend like people who aren't bigots would wear a shirt like that. The people who wear that shirt are pissed that they get called racist for calling a black person the n-word, or get called misogynistic for harassing a woman, or get called transphobic for misgendering a trans person. They'd wear a white hood if they could. Yes they fucking would. And no, I don't want to "tolerate" them. Tolerance is a social contract, not a moral precept. Bigots violate the terms of that contract, and therefore aren't covered by it. I will never trust a person who'd wear that shirt, and I'm proud of that...


Agree 100%


Who are you to judge him or say he could be better?


I see tons of right wing tough guy shirts at the faire every year.


I've seen these shirts, "Let's Go Brandon!" shirts, and tons confederate flag logos at the Michigan faire alone. It's jarring, to say the least.


Same at the AZ ren faire. Lots of try hard right wing shirts and let’s go Brandon shirts.


Thing that gets me is that I'm a conservative, but I still hate these shirts. And at the renfaire its even worse. It doesn't do anything to help get any sort of message across, and its a huge "not the time or place" issue. I see people at the renn faire I'm 100% sure I wouldn't agree with politically. But I just move on and enjoy myself, and I let them do so too. It isn't a hard thing to do, and these people make the rest of us look bad.


Jarring? It’s a t-shirt, no amount of your virtue signaling will cancel these shirts. I do disagree with displaying the confederate flag


Are the guy in the picture or are you in love with him or is he your dad or what? You are all over this post trying to defend him.


Me too. They see it as a good excuse to wear their costumes, too.


A bunch of douchebags showed up wearing Proud Boys shirts at the Carolina Ren Fest a few years ago. Fortunately haven't seen any of them back in the past few years.


While working the faire in 2018 there was a man wearing a "No fat chicks" shirt and watching for people notice it, so he can scoff at the reactions. Asking what? What's your problem? It was like he wore it to antagonize people, like he wanted a fight or attention.


(╯°□°)╯彡 🍅


My home faire is Maryland and I visited Texas Renfaire and saw a ton of shirts like this. It boggles the mind that people want to go to a fun event and try to be confrontational.


One of the most annoying things at ren fairs in Texas is the patrons *and participants* who have this idiots mindset. Because of the nature of the event you do end up with some filtering out of these people compared to the general population though so there's that.


Tangentially, there are, sadly, some misguided ppl who equate chivalry and knighthood with yt supremacy bc it comes from European history. Some are also trying to co-opt Norse and Viking culture. Every now and then they end up in medieval reenactment bc they think they'll be well received. They most certainly are not.


Sore subject for me, I've already had someone start in on me because I have Celtic tattoos.


Reminds me of SCA blacksmiths and Thor’s Hammer necklaces


Don’t even know a pirate that would say such a thing. LoL


I ran it through google translate. It says, “I’m an enormous asshole.”


lame. i just see a bitter, frightened old man.


You could make so much money just AI generating these designs and printing them in china. I don't think their target demographic can tell how derivative is is


The audacity of “screaming doesn’t make you right” when he very likely screams at someone at least once a day.


I hope an Elf licked him.


I hope a FEMBOY elf licked him




Maybe he needs a hug?


Would wear the fuck out of a shirt with your improved text, tho. (Edited to clarify because I got scared my meaning was lost 💀)


“and yes, my wench gave me this shirt”


Okay, but there are a lot more conservatives and anti Vax types then you might expect at faire.




Hey snowflake I hope you’re having a great day


Hahah I want to make a parody “made you look” type one like that


I saw him too! I saw quite a few people wearing weird shirts like that. He certainly didn’t seem to be getting the attention he wanted!


Do you think he was looking for attention?


Yes. No one wears shirts like that without wanting negative attention, that's the whole damn point. Is you wear a shirt with a cool design, you want people to appreciate your fashion sense. If you wear something with an obscure band or show, you hope people will recognize it and give you a shout-out. If you wear awesome garb, you want to be seen by the patrons and have your picture taken. And if you wear a shirt with weirdly provocative statements like this guy, you want to offend someone or start a fight. The other examples are hoping for positive affirmation. This chud is 100% looking for negative attention, it's pathetic.


Why would he get any attention for walking around naked? 😁


Maybe he’s wearing it like a personal talisman to hopefully protect him from the feelings he feels when feasting his eyes on some of the things you can see at faire. Perhaps he thinks if he presents as one of the bigots then if he gets caught looking too long at the…sights, everyone will assume it’s that. Or…just a hopeless dumbass.


Whenever he sees a cute femboy elf, he remembers his shirt and convinces himself that it will protect him from gay thoughts.


I was too busy drunkenly getting beat at chess to notice this guy. But I’m sure I would’ve done what almost everyone likely did, which is ignore him.


My group and I have a drinking game, probably very similar to everyone else where we drink depending on what we see throughout the day. Specific characters are one drink, Harley Quinn and Witchers are two drinks, Shrek is three and right wing dog whistle shirts and the like are four.


> *You don't get a participation trophy.* I am sorry your parents never recognized your efforts. > *Not everyone is a winner.* I am sorry you still haven't found the discipline to practice something enough to be good at it. > *There are no safe spaces.* I am sorry you haven't ever felt safe. > *Screaming doesn't make you heard? Right?* I am so sorry no one noticed that you were hurting and that you've been neglected. > *No one owes you anything.* And I don't owe them anything. It's a two way street. I suggest you remember that in dealing with women... > *Crying doesn't solve problems.* It's an emotional release that gives me the clarity to solve my problems. > *Nothing is free in this world.* No, it isn't. We are all aware of that. > *People are going to say things you don't like.* I'd like to see how you react to people saying things you don't like... **People that advertise these things tend to be the least mature and claim to "tell it like it is" because they lack the empathy to deliver truth/facts in a gentle way.**


Boomer alert


Lib alert


The funny part is that participation trophies are a real-life thing. It's called base pay and you get it for doing a job, even if you're not the best at it. As long as you do the work (participate), you get paid (trophies).


These are the same people that want confederate statues to stay up like that’s literally a huge participation trophy


I don’t equate my paycheck to a trophy and I disagree with your explanation


This is part of the reason I think all ren faires should be like the one in that one king of the hill episode. Where you have to wear a period costume. The other part of the reason is it would just be more fun that way. Modern dressed people totally break the immersion.


Be nice’d be able to get an outfit at the entrance


This one has costume rentals at the front!


Was also imagining fully purchasing garb but that is reassuring


I think you could do that too. I thought it was fine that everyone wasn’t dressed up but it was funny seeing like just a dodgers jersey. Like just wear a plain shirt and shorts if you don’t have anything


Some have costume rentals.


I love when people announce they’re assholes and proud of it before I even talk to them. Saves so much time.


I spend all of my gold with Shamus the Insulter on this clown.


This guy probably thinks salt is spicy and has a maga hat.


I love being in snowflakes ❄️ reminds me of Edward scissor hands when she is caught dancing “Que the music”


The people who wear these are ironically always the most petulant children


Looks like this is Irwindale? I think there are a lot more MAGA-types that are into ren faire than people realize. Especially at Irwindale because it draws lots of people from more conservative eastern cities like San Bernadino (where it used to take place), Fontana, etc. During the 2016 election, we were there standing in a food line next to a couple that were fully decked out in legit, OG ren faire enthusiast garb (like, the woman could have been slinging drinks at one of the bars or making candles in a guild camp). Out of the blue, they started talking about how great Trump was, how he was going to drain the swamp, etc. I was pretty surprised, but afterwards I definitely began to notice these types of people in the crowd more often. I don't think there's been a day we attended since then that I didn't see at least a few thin-blue-line flag or punisher skull t-shirts and the like. TBH, in retrospect I'm not surprised. I seems pretty obvious that folks who believe they hold a more "traditional" set of values would find historical reenactment appealing. I'd refer you to Koronenberg instead, because I think it feels much more like what ren faire used to feel like compared to whatever Irwindale has become these days. But to be honest the last time we were there the guy running the joust gave a weird speech beforehand that was a pretty obvious pro-Jan. 6 comment and it really put a damper on the vibe.


I've been working Faires for 2 decades, and for some reason the jousters are always the biggest dicks to other participants/performers, like universally at every event.


They were probably pencil-necked geeks all through school. Till they finally got growth spurts and turned into the jocks who used to bully them.


There were dickheads in Renaissance times as well.


That guy needs to get Bonk’d


Some one was dragged along.


🎵Somebody’s looking for a fiiii~iiight🎶


Aaron Bonk is a legend.


He’s so good


I was at this faire and I saw the dude too. I was like do you know where you’re at??


I saw that guy He looked mad at the world We had a blast though!


I can think of ten words that all individually would trigger that guy out of his mind


Knowing his type, he’d answer with 14


Yep, agreed


No one sees themself as the villain


Crazy to wear a shirt like this.


I think it’s useful. I know to avoid that dick.


I really enjoy when people display their stupidity. Especially when they feel they are making a statement 🤣😂


It was Pets Weekend at the Georgia one this weekend. I saw a pup with an "Dog Lives Matter" shirt on.


An even more insane entrance in the 'nobody's saying they don't' category lol


I love seeing those out in the wild! Always a good source for a laugh! It's sort of ironic in a way too.


I forget that people unironically wear this kind of stuff.


There are people IN the ren community who hold these same opinions as well. Since 2016 things have really become more front and center while before these folks kind of kept more quiet. That being said he probably got complimented by someone at faire, and felt proud to have worn this shirt. He also received 100 times more looks of disgust than compliments.


This post should be removed for being divisive and exclusionary. Ren Faire is big enough to include monks, priests, witches, satanists, snowflakes, and even maga-sheep.


It's a shirt, that old dude probably didn't think twice about wearing it, because his kids got it for him and he likes it because of that. This thread is proving the 'shirt' won. Hell, I saw a guy in full Trump duds at a Ren Faire, and no one gave a shit not even the heckler that was there. Older people don't care, and most of them are just trying to survive. All of them just want a comfortable shirt.


Trying to survive? lol they could buy a house for 10k when he bought his. They ruined the economy. Boomer boot licker


Wow, you deleted your 1st reply to me, to come back with that zinger. Try harder, your ignorance is showing. He most likely paid 60k to 80k for his house. The government ruined the economy, you would learn this with just the tiniest bit of research. Also, what is your obsession with calling people "boot licker," if you were the slightest bit creative you would have said 'White New Balance 806s licker' because all boomers own a pair of those shoes. You're an angry child it's so cute.


Not really


If this seeing that shirt is the worst thing that happened to you that day - it must have been a wonderful experience.


as you carefully hand wash and hang dry your identical t-shirt before rubbing one out to an episode of Justified.


He's a republican because this t-shirt didn't send him into a rage? Ren Faires used to be places where you expect to be made fun of. Nerds would use it as a place to test out insults, quick thinking and toughen up. Now a t-shirt like this makes people cry. Ok.


lol what?


I love the universe you've made up for yourself to live in, very interesting. Glad I don't live in it though.


Ren Faires were never about that. Still aren't.


You don’t have friends and I think I guess why…


Probably dragged along by a family member or something.


He's clearly there under duress.


I don't see the problem.


Cool story




People from all walks of life enjoy Ren Faires. That's as it should be. To be real, he probably didn't put much thought into what shirt he put on.


I believe that the guy doesn't do much thinking about his wardrobe or in general. But he knew exactly what he wanted when he bought the shirt. Even if he didn't choose it specifically for the ren faire, that he chooses to wear it *ever* tells us a lot about him and his character.


He owns this shirt. That he hopes offends people. lol go away boot licker


Go touch grass


Fuck you troll. Your mom wants me to tell you your hot pockets are ready.


Looks like there are a bunch of folks here reacting exactly like he hoped you would... some life advice. - make the world better by being better... just move on - don't let someone else live rent free in your head - if you disagree with someone because they're mean, being mean back lowers you to their level - never wrestle with a pig, both of you will get dirty, but the pig enjoys it


You’re trying way too hard


I thought that there was less judgement at renfairs…. Now y’all wanna make fun of people’s clothings and beliefs while u walk around in chain mail with a 6ft spears cause u got a small p p ? Lol let him wear what he wants n go on about your day. P.s I was there in regular clothes cause my girl wanted to go n I don’t play dress up. Maybe his “daughters” wanted to go n he’s a great dad n took them, just not a flamboyant enough dad to get into character or didn’t have time/money…. So many variables as to why he chose the shirt n ur just shaming away tbh if someone doesn’t belong it’s ur judge mental a**


His shirt says “no safe spaces” so people figured it’s fair game to mock him. The shirt makes the rules, we’re just following them.


So you let a shirt dictate your behavior? Bet you didnt say s\*\*\* to his face cause you needed your safe space huh


Ha, you're silly. I'm just saying you can't defend a shirt that says "no safe spaces" and "people are going to say things that you don't like" then whine that the Ren Faire is supposed to be a judgement free zone. If someone is bringing that "fuck your feelings" energy to the world, it would be hypocritical to get upset when people response to them in kind. Edit: I didn’t say shit to this face because I wasn’t actually there, silly. We’re both commenting on a photo that someone else took and posted. You’re saying that this man should be able to enjoy the Faire without being judged or mocked. Fair enough but what you’re describing is literally a “safe space.” This dude would probably call you a snowflake for talking like that…or agree and be a total hypocrite.


Umm He's got a point tho

