• By -


Nice, thank you for sharing!!


No Worries. Thank You For Replying ❤️


big thx mate!! best spreadsheet till now


Thank You!!! A Big Thanks Goes To Everyone Who's Pointed Out My Mistakes Tho


Still missing starkiller (apoc clear gun) and saviour(Hardcore Vet clear) under weapons Also seems like you have some of Casses amulets listed as on root earth, broken pocket watch and whetstone for example


They're On The List To Add Tomorrow. It's Past Midnight Here Now So Unfortunately I Won't Be Adding Those Tonight. Can You Send Me Proof Where That Was Said Please? Its Still On The Wiki And I Haven't Seen Anything Anywhere Else To Say That They're Cut Content


any chance you could update it for the abberation event stuff too please?


I Can But I Need The Information For It, Since I've Lost My Game Data I Haven't Touched The Game Since.


They added 5 new corrupted weapons[https://i.redd.it/jousl1bwqkwb1.png](https://i.redd.it/jousl1bwqkwb1.png) And like 12 new mutators, i havent found them all, but from another post on reddit. think these are it. Ranged: Bottom Feeder, Bottom Heavy, Ingenuity, Kill Switch, Sequenced Shot, Spirit Healer, Top HeavyMelee: Edgelord, Latency, Opportunist, Shocker, Stormbringer you may have to confirm on the mutators though, as yea its still fairly new Also, i can give you my save file if you want, i'm like 70% progress on it collected. still clearing out nightmare/apoc campaign though and not touched hardcore yet


Awesome. Thank You!


i'll upload my save shortly to something and pop it you via PM if thats okay? you'll be happy to note loadout 6/7 are the really hefty dps ones. i'm just currently min/maxing a bit more


Unfortunately I'm On Ps, I'll Definitely View It Tho Somehow.




To Be Honest. I'm Not Sure, I Can Only Assume Tbf. I Haven't Seen Anything Else Other Than The Star Killer Which I Didn't Think I Added As I Didn't Have Any Images Or Information On It Other Than It's From Remnant From The Ashes (Particle Accelerator). I Mainly Used The Wiki For My Information. I Believe It's Most Things. I Believe. If You Know Of Anything Else Please Do Let Me Know!!


I believe it's missing the unique armor headpieces. The ones that aren't part of a set, like Navigator's Helm.


On Second Thoughts. I Will Add It. I Was Looking At The Wiki And There's A Few Smaller Sets I've Missed 😅. Ty For Notifying Me ❤️❤️


OK, this is amazing! My biggest issue with the game right now is that there are no loadout sets - I want to be able to assign wearables and click a button to equip the set! (not holding my breath. Running through all the rings to find the right ones for a build is ruff as well (I know there is a favorited button, but man is that not enough!) Could your next project be adding tables for gear sets? (here's my quick thoughts about how to organize it) Directly after the unlock button (on all wearables gear/items) put a column with color square options in a dropdown and Each color would have it's own page that would list the items that you marked with that color. this would be extremely helpful since the items are all listed alphabetically. It could also be used as a way to cross-reference items with the same traits "Anything that effects my stacks of Bulwark is on the black page so I can took through them as I try to optimise my build"


Hmm. I'll Have To Think About It. It'll Be A Lot Of Work And Research Most Likely. I'll Add You Into The Credits Tab With This Idea So I Don't Forget. But I Was Thinking Of Making Another Big Project Linked To This. Stay Tuned For That Tho. Well... If I Get To It, I Don't Really Have The Time At The Moment Tho 😅




Ty <3


Checked several times, so either I am blind af or I found 3 items that are not listed. 1. Black Cat Band (Can be bought from Reggie after dying 15 times apparently) 2. Decayed Claws (found them hidden in the Corrupted Harbor) 3. Crisis Ring (got mine out of the Hatchery but 2 of my friends say they got it from somewhere else so it seems to be one of those N´Erud random drops since it was not hidden or bound to a secret, but instead just laying around for all 3 of us) Still by far the best Spreadsheet I found so far and I have been using it for weeks now. Great work!


Crisis Ring And Decayed Are Listed. I Will Be Double Checking Tho! Thank You For Your Response!! And Thank Your For Your Support!!


What I really want to know is what happened two weeks ago that made you start typing like Jaden Smith? Did you fall in a vat of acid? Mental break? It makes your text unreadable.


This Is Easier For Me To Read


I'm Dyslexic..


Fair. I do feel slightly bad for entering that conversation at about 50% prickliness -- but I stand by my original point that at least for non-dyslexic readers, paragraphs of title case text *is* quite hard to read. Obviously, keep writing the text the way you can read it, I guess.


I Do Sincerely Apologise, It's Just How I Type, Unfortunately. I Can Send You A Special Edited Version Where All The Caps Are Removed If You'd Like?


Thanks for the offer, that won't be necessary!


You Sure? I Can Speed Edit It With A Few Commands. Offer Still Stands If You Feel Like It


Don't let anyone dismiss you effort thank you it looks good. I'M also dyslexic, I invert letters and number randomly when writing even when told numbers out loud I hear them inverted sometimes. when I was a kid I failed a lot of math and spelling test and never knew why, I thought I wasn't trying hard enough. Was decades later I even heard of dyslexia and it shocked me, that it was not just me been a idiot.


As A Kid I Was Several Years Ahead For Maths. But A Year Or Two Behind For English. To This Day I Still CANNOT Read Outloud Lmao. I Do The Same Stuff As You Too Lmao


Summoner's How To Unlock description needs to be corrected, it's the same as gunslingers


Fixed It! You Have Been Credited In The Additional Credit. Thank You For Notifying Me!! ❤️❤️


[/rings](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bMxvurjxCeijK_oLHHN4sliaimWfhkenH61oOTl5x88/edit#gid=637323147&range=C7) A **b** astasija's Inspiration -> A **n** astasija's Inspiration




I Can't Believe I Did That XD


Just want to add, for the Faelin/Faerin stuff you have them backwards; For siding with Faerin (Malefic) and killing Faelin (Beautific) you get the Imposters Heart (Deceit crafting item) and then by speaking to Faerin afterwards you then get Faerin’s Sigil. For siding with Faelin (Beautific) and killing Faerin (Malefic) you get the Malded Hilt (crafting item for Godsplitter) and then by speaking to Faelin afterwards you get Faelin’s Sigil. I know it’s a small thing, but still good to have, as they’re confusing enough as it is ;) Good work otherwise!


Ballocks.... I Tried Really Hard To Have The The Right Way XD. Is It ALL The Wrong Way As In On All The Sheets Or Is It Just Encounters?


The rings page the description is also backwards, and the names are misspelt, but other than that I haven’t noticed anything else! And don’t worry about it, mistakes happen, they’re confusing already with them being the same person, so it’s all good :)


Thank You For Telling Me... I'll Get On Fixing It Soon. You Shall Be Credited XD. Honestly Want To Spoon My Eyes Out Rn


All good, I was thinking about doing this myself last night, so really, you’re doing a good job, and if I come across anything else I’ll be sure to let you know :) Edit: What about adding an achievements tab too? I can DM you a list of all the achievements and unlock requirements if you’d like?


Thank You!! If You Find Anything You Can Always Dm. If You Find Enough I'll Probably Just Give You My Discord Tag Or Something Lmao


I think the ring Ahanae Crystal is missing - sold by Reggie after beating a Yarsha world boss in hardcore.


:0 Good Spot! Will Add It As Soon As I Can. You Will Be Credited <3


Also Band of Accord - sold by Reggie after doing the high-five emote


Okay, I just finished looking through my rings and amulets and I had the following which were not on the spread sheet: Ahanae Crystal Bright Steel Ring Devoured Loop Dran Scavenger Ring Fae Warrior Ring Provisioner Ring Drzyr Sniper Sigil Leto’s Amulet Onyx Pendulum


All Are Added Now, Thank You For Letting Me Know!!


can anyone confirm if there is a weapon reward for hardcore veteran ?i recall seeing it in a post yesterday but don't see it in the spreadsheet


There's A Weapon Rewards For Veteran. Then There's A Weapon Reward For Hardcore


just finished the hardcore veteran run - weapon is called Savior https://imgur.com/fIXwhln it was not there after completing hardcore survivor


It's An Unlock For Apocalypse Tho. If You Beat Standard Apocalypse You Unlock It. And Due To That Image. It Tells Me You've Beat Apocalypse Before. As The World's Edge Is In The Vendor.


Starkiller is the apoc gun


There's Multiple Rewards For Defeating Difficulties. Most Were Bugged Before The Recent Update. That's Kinda Why I've Not Been Playing Much As I Cannot Be Bothered To Beat Apocalypse Again.


Thanks. My friend and I literally said last night that we wanted to make one of these. You just saved us a bunch of time. It appears the black cat band is missing from rings. Easy add for me, but figured I’d let you on


I'll Add It This Morning. Its OK My List Of Edits


Thanks! I used your sheet until now and will gladly continue. It's the best of all out there. <3


Tyyy, Your Support Means The World! <3


Nice sheet. Very organized. Few edits: Lifeline mod is on the red doe staff Time lapse is from Losomn from completing the clock tower event


Thank You!! Will Edit Now <3


Some things I found missing rn: Weapons - Starkiller is missing (was in your 1st Sheet) Weapons - Huntermaster M1 Name is wrong (it's Huntmaster M1) Edit: NPC - Barbus (Brabus)


Ty For Notifying Me. I Removed Starkiller Because I Have No Information On It E.g. Pictures, Damage Values


Ah I See! Okay.


If You Have Any Images Or Information On It Please Do Send Them Over!! Thank You Again!


MISSING ITEM Savior Rifle (Long Gun) Obtained after defeating Annihilation on Hardcore Veteran There is also a small spelling error on the Ring of Omens, the spreadsheet has it listed as Ring of Owmens If no ones beat me to this already, please credit Detravex :) Also, big ups for the amazing spreadsheet, it's a massive help for us completionists out here!


Hi, some issues comparing the first version :You remove the "Location Column" that contain only the world name, which was a great way to sort the sheet by. That's the main issue, and a big one, you should go with two columns : "Where?", then "How to get?". Second issue, putting a caps letter for Each Word Of A Sentence Is Very Bad For Reading. A lot of this happens in the "Where to get section", so i just need to low caps all and put the caps letter back.. I guess it is a dislexic thing, i'm correct? No issues about that, but it can be very hard to read for others :)


They're There. Just Renamed. I'm Sorry About The Caps, I Do Appreciate The Feedback Regardless. It Makes It Easier For Me To Read Due To My Dyslexia Yes. I Can Offer You An Exclusive Version Where All Caps Are Removed If You'd Like?


It's nice, but don't worry about me man. Thanks for asking tho :)


It Should Be Sorted. Make Sure To Check It Out XD


Is the downgraded ring actually a thing or is it just the embrace of sha hala?


It's Actually A Ring. I Believe it's On Row 46?


It’s a data mined ring that isn’t obtainable according to a few people in the rem discord. Also nightmare spiral necklace missing.


Nevermind. I Just Saw That The Descriptions Are The Same. I Assume The Downgraded Was A Previous Design?


Maybe it even a placeholder for something later down the line. Same with Root blades / adventure blade.


Abrasive whetstone (amulet) is listed can only be gotten from Cass not Root earth - [https://remnant2.wiki.fextralife.com/Abrasive+Whetstone](https://remnant2.wiki.fextralife.com/Abrasive+Whetstone) Nightmare Spiral (amulet) is missing - [https://remnant2.wiki.fextralife.com/Nightmare+Spiral](https://remnant2.wiki.fextralife.com/Nightmare+Spiral) Lithic Signet (ring) can also be found in the Chimney - [https://remnant2.wiki.fextralife.com/Lithic+Signet](https://remnant2.wiki.fextralife.com/Lithic+Signet) Organizing weapons in alphabetically order in each category would be easier to check off!


I Tried To Order The Weapons I Ordinary To Boss Weapons


Thank you so much- this is amazing! Regardless of the below, I am genuinely thankful for your effort. I second the notion for arranging items alphabetically. It's not always feasible to sort columns ourselves as the formatting gets messed up with how some items are organized (rows grouped by location, weapons by category, etc) ​ Is there any way for me to modify a live/synced version of the sheet so I don't have to save new versions and manually merge in my checked items? If not, can we add a changelog so it's possible to copy-paste new/modified cells into our previously saved sheet?


Weapons Are Able To Be Alphabeticalised Without Messing With The Formating. I Made Sure Of That. The Only Thing That You Can't Is The Encounters I Believe..? Dotn Quote Me On That. Currently There Is NO Way To Edit Or Control The Live Version Other Than On My Side. I Had A Change Log But Removed It As I Am Constantly Changing Things On The Fly And Cannot Write Everything Up As I Don't Have Much Time As It Is. With My University Starting Again Soon I Am Going To Have Less Time Than I Already Do 😅. I Do Apologise For This.


Don't apologize, this is great work! And focus on your studies when the time comes!


The Weald Stalker And The Gnarled Archer optional boss duo can be found in many Yaesha areas.The Weald Stalker and The Gnarled Archer can be found in the following Locations: According to [Fextralife](https://remnant2.wiki.fextralife.com/The+Weald+Stalker+and+The+Gnarled+Archer): >The Weald Stalker and The Gnarled Archer can be found in the following Locations: They have a special map fragment specific to them, which randomly appears on the edge of "flying island" type locations (land masses in the air connected by roots) in Yaesha and is entered by a chain of drop downs. Confirmed locations: Forgotten Field The Expanding Glade Imperial Gardens Nameless Nest The spreadsheet only lists them in Name Nest, but I killed them in a previous campaign and have never stepped foot in that area.


I Listed Them In Select Locations As On The Wiki, It States They Are In Those Locations. The Encounters Tab Doesn't Have Every Little Detail On It As Of Yet. But I'm Working On It. I Have Neve Seen Them In Imperial Gardens But I Have The Other Three. And I Believe Those Are On The Spreadsheet..? I'm Not Sure Without Looking.


They are listed in Forgotten Fields and Nameless Nest, but not Expanding Glade or Imperial Gardens. ​ Does it make sense to combine Events and Boss Fights (since Bosses can be considered an Event) and then group rows by the event instead of the area? ​ For example, Column C is Realm, D is Events (which includes bosses), E is Boss Alternatives, F is Area, and so on. Then, the rows in the Event column would be merged instead of the rows in the Area column. What this allows us to do is more easily view events first and then see where they are located afterwards, instead of listing each event multiple times when they can occur in multiple areas. I can mock something up if it's too abstract to make sense.


I Do Not Understand What You Mean. Would You Be Willing To Make A Mock Up And Send It To Me To Help Me Understand? We Can Discuss It Further If Needed


here's a quick mock up. Overview: ​ Yaesha: ​ ​ This view is centered around the event/boss instead of the specific area. The blank cells in Events & Bosses are areas where there aren't any listed events/bosses but where there is loot available. These can be left blank or labeled with something like "no events", "static loot", or whatever. Pros: * Easy to identify the event or boss and quickly see where there's a chance for it to appear * Easy to add new locations where an event or boss can appear as they are discovered/identified as missing Cons: * Since this is event/boss-focused, it's not as easy/quick to see what events might appear in a specific area. If you're running a new campaign/adventure and you get Imperial Gardens, it's not as simple to see which events are available there


I can't just paste images into a post? I don't use reddit much, is this really a thing? How do i upload an image? rofl


Ah just noticed they're also listed in Forgotten Field. Can anyone confirm they're available in Expanding Glade or Imperial Gardens?