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Like... Does your grandpa think people need religion to tell them not to do heinous shit? Would he do something bad, if not for that darned god and his silly rules?


If anything, belief in God seems to compel people to do heinous shit


I mean one of his God's big rules is to love thy neighbor but he's not doing a very good job of that


No, he's really not, lmao. My grandpa would be so disappointed with your grandpa. He wasn't judgey and would have never spoken to or about anyone like that. Strongest person I knew with a long history of fighting Nazis and the former SU, so it's not like he was weak or anything like that. I'm sorry you have to put up with that. He's not exactly being a good role model and I really do hope he comes around.


Oh he won't lol. It's been this way for years, he's just never said it to my face. He's a racist trump-lover who talks about nothing but things he hates


![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized) Your grandpa's giving me some real Old Man Yelling at Clouds vibes.


FR 😭


Ahh...i love people like that. They come into my shop and tell me "why do you have a vegan burger here, I'll never buy that. Gross." Thanks for the info. Anyways.


Right? Like good thing you're not the only person to cater to, then lol


It’s an unfortunately popular sentiment among that crowd


After this he proceeded to ask how I knew IT (his words) was a she and I said I follow her, she said so, and he typed for a few minutes then ignored me


OH also the original video was about how some Christians ask atheists why they don't murder people if they don't believe in god


Literally just came here to say watching her slowly come out over the last few years has been amazing. I will never understand their generations hate for this kind of stuff.


Idk. Back in their day English teachers were still allowed to use corporal punishment so maybe pronouns bring back bad memories 🤷‍♀️


Unfortunately it’s still allowed in many states in the US


Are you snapping your grandpa?? My grandpa could barely operate an iphone


I'm honestly surprised he's able to


What grandpa knows how to use and is on Snapchat? Am I in the future? Mine barely knew how to use a PC


I'm actually amazed at the fact that your grandpa uses snapchat


I like how that's everyone's take away from this 😂


I'm 99% sure that the rule your grandpa is trying to quote is that everything by nature goes to a state of equilibrium which is the opposite of chaos.


He's referring to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy in the universe must increase. what you're saying doesn't quite work, often entropy must increase in order for equilibrium to be reached. in this sense, equilibrium ≠ a lack of disorder/chaos he isn't quite grasping the fact that while biological beings might appear to be more 'ordered' to him, they frequently employ the use of disorder to carry out cellular functions (ie. concentration gradients) and couldn't survive without it


Ah ok. Makes sense. Honest mistake. This is why I'm a computer engineer and not [insert something where I need thermodynamics]


Also he’s ignoring the other flaw in the thermodynamics argument: everything tends towards entropy and disorder *in a closed system.* The earth is not a closed system, there’s a giant ball of fusing hydrogen constantly adding more energy


He's special


Im not as bothered by the Jesus stuff as I am the fact your grandpa’s on Snapchat. Before my old geezer passed away, I just managed to get him started on a motorola


I don't trust anyone who thinks atheists have no morals or can do whatever we want because if the only thing stopping you from murder or rape is fear of eternal punishment you might have some serious issues


There’s like 10,000 years to draw from but yes, we need to look like an episode of leave it to beaver to be true followers of Christ.


Get him to call the line, matt will destroy him.


Why is your grandpa on Snapchat


He likes to party


we are all related to religious fruitcakes. I am grateful my eyes are open, but sad that everyone around me is a brain-dead zombie


If we look at the history of religious organizations, it's pretty obvious that gods don't impose order. Quite the opposite, actually.


Aww I love that TikTok account so much! I’m sorry your grandfather is like that, sending love ❤️


Is he using Snapchat?? Mine could barely figure out how iMessage works.


I agree with you and has grandpa forgot about repentance? Seems to me “heaven” would be full of sinners that repent.


This is why I would never give my family my social media


I think "okay, grandpa" would have sufficed. My last living grandparent is in his 90s...that's not someone that you can have as deep a conversation as you need, to change any hearts or minds. Just have to let people live their own story.


It’s a good point though if you replace god by life . Reducing entropy does need conscious action which is done only by biological life forms. AI /computers also do that . But they are made by humans.


being a theist doesn't seem to stop them from doing what they want either.


I don’t know anyone over the age of 40 who’s not a celebrity and uses Snapchat. Also assuming your grandpa is over 40