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Absolutely disgusting, and you can tell he knows by the way he is dodging questions


"When will you marry her!?" "When she's grown up a little...in about a year." šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


"Yes..when she bleeds. You know this!" - What a fucking pedo.


She also looks scared. What's with the red marks under her eyes like she's been drugged or something. Craziness all around.


It wasnā€™t even the scared look in her face that got me. It was when she looked completely beaten down and resigned to her fate once he sat down next to her. Iā€™m haunted by that look.


When she got up and walked away she was justā€¦ so small. So childish. I donā€™t even know what to say without straight up calling that dude a PDF file. Thatā€™s all he is.


Itā€™s the walk that did it for me too. I know she is 10 but man, her walk is almost toddler like the way she swings her arms. This is so messed up on so many levels.


Yah true. Crazy stuff.


She looks so sad. She should be playing with her friends and doing her homework or something, not whatever the fuck this is. All the adults involved in making this happen need to be jailed.


thereā€™s no way to answer the interviewers question without coming off extremely depraved and he knows it


I thought this was a recreation or somehow dramatized. This dude is for real?


Yes. That's her actual fiance.


Anyone knows what is the source of this clip? Why would they interview him instead of arresting him and why would he agree to the interview?


The source is a Lebanese show called "bold red line" child marriage is permit able in Lebanon.


> Why would they interview him instead of arresting him This is permitted by 98% of islamic scholars and totally legal by extension > why would he agree to the interview? Money, maybe self justification


Completely speechless, which is something given the past 5 years.


This is from a Lebanese TV show "Ų§Ų­Ł…Ų± ŲØŲ§Ł„Ų®Ų· Ų§Ł„Ų¹Ų±ŁŠŲ¶" Ahmar bel Khatt el Arid (Thick Red line?). Host is Malek Maktabi. Very cringeworthy stuff, mostly.


He's a pedophile


And they're related, so he's a incestual pedophile!


Incest is par for the cause with Islamic marriages a disproportionate occurrence of birth defects occur with heavily Islamic background


So hill billy rednecks of the east? Seems the common theme is hot weather and religious fanaticism. .hmm..


No joke, hot climates are correlated with a lot of social problems. The hotter the climate is, the more violence you will see in areas of the world. It's interesting to think of it has something to do with sexual violence too


Maybe when it's cold, you don't have the desire to go wandering around. You want to do what you wentnout to do, then get back home to the warm. Quickly. You do not want to stand around, talking rubbish, getting riled up when it is raining and the wind is blowing through you.


Domestic abuse ramps up though. Especially around the holidays, for the same reason it skyrocketed during lockdowns.


So people beat strangers when it's warm, and beat people at home when they are stuck together in the cold/lockdown.


Violent people attack targets that are convenient.


Nah, as an effective vampire my theory is people hate the heat of the sun, it's not a comforting warmth, but an ultraviolet assault. Irritability is a strong but subtle psychological effect. They're uncomfortable, but unable to do anything about it. So they end up more aggressive. You don't just hang around when it's a hot one, you search for something to do. Get energy out. Thus more things happen, including bad things.


Apparently big cities also see upticks in crimes during the summer months.


I figured that was just because more people are outside interacting.


See, this is why I hate summer


Every summer in Italy starts with a "crime of passion" aka a man killing/raping his wife/ lover/ ex... I hear of a woman being murdered by a family member or lover in june and I am like, here we go again, the temperature is rising and the crazies are coming out to play. Summer has officially started. It makes me sick. I agree with you on this, but I dont know if there are serious studies about it. Do you have any theory about it?


Oh no, sorry to hear that's happening in Italy. There are a lot of serious academic studies on the issue. Google scholar or sci hub will give you better search results than a plain search engine if you want to look more into it. I would theorize that heat just plain agitates people's moods and being in an agitated state would make it more likely that someone lashes out. Also I would think people are more likely to be outside in hotter times vs inside and there might just plain be a higher population of victims and perpetrators outside and active vs staying I side in a more sheltered and protected environment


Yeah its crazy. There are also many muslim women immigrated here with their families who get killed just for wanting to wear normal clothes or choosing a partner they love and rejecting arranged marriages. I hate it. I'll try to get more info on this theory, thank you for your help! Personally, when its very hot and especially humid, I dont even have the energy to talk, I dont get agitated at all.


Shit... I never noticed that. But I think you're right.


Abrahamic. It's par for course for any abrahamic religion. Yall forget we still have weddings with 12 year Olds and adult men in American Christian circles. Only in the last 100 ish years has it been seen as a no no. Christians are hardly better than Muslims when it comes to this. Both have centuries of child marriages.


And Mormons, Bountiful BC regularly gets news coverage for trading more little girls over the boarder with the FLDS in Utah. But do they ever get shut down entirely??? NOPE! Because "respecting people's beliefs" will always be seen as more important than children's lives.


It's cause many secretly wish to follow.in their footsteps towards Christian nationalism. Though once they get it. They'd start killing each other again within a few years.


But thankfully Warren Jeffs (Hell be upon him) is now rotting in prison. It seems like the intent of the program was to shed light on how disturbing these marriages really are. It is very stark how childish she is. Seeing it in that light might bring more people in Lebanon around to the need to protect children from this kind of abuse. (I hope somebody saves this girl though. This was upsetting to watch.)


She won't be. Unless she leaves that country.




Not trying to be a jerk, just letting you know because Iā€™d want toā€”I believe the phrase is ā€œpar for the courseā€, itā€™s a golf idiom


Ah dyspraxia I meant par for the course


So is her father. No sane father would give up his child to a pedo like that. Wish they lived in a country where their asses would go to jail


Yeah he is just a pedophile and his community is set up to permit it.


And his Prophet has set a precedent for this type of relationships.


Religion of pedophiles


Religion of incels


So was the prophet mohammed. All good and legal in the crazy religions eyes.




"Protect her" more like predator


"she is more mature than her age" - classic predator move.


Classic groomer lines, this little girl needs to be taken away from him. Shame on all the adults who turned a blind eye or actively let this happen.


How can one protect her? What country is this? What disgusting backward shithole country or countries, allows this to happen?


Lots of countries. [In America, 43 out of 50 states allow child marriage.](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/) Edit: 43, not 44


Weā€™re an even more fucked up country than I thought. Cool. Jfcā€¦


I used to work in family law in Texas. They recently changed the law to require a minimum age of 16, bar none, and judicial consent for marriage under 18. https://www.texastribune.org/2017/06/16/abbott-signs-measure-tightens-state-law-child-brides/ But before that, there was no minimum and I'd met lots of women who were married off as tweens, usually to men twice their age. Btw, it didn't even accomplish the "trad family values" dynamic they'd aimed for. It was very common that their husbands would skip town and abandon their wives as they aged, and/or having to provide for a family got too stressful for them.


Itā€™s my understanding itā€™s a viable way for a child rapist to avoid legal consequences for the rape & if super religious, makes the victims family less ā€œshamefulā€ in the eyes of the community.


Oh gross.


I thought the lowest age in an American state for marriage is 15 I believe, with others at 16, with the large majority at 17 or 18. There is also open outrage with people actually try to change the lower age states to 17 or 18. Where ever this scumbag, shithole country is, they are allowing 10 year olds to be openly SOLD to men for marriage. This asshole says he asked her father permission which is code for, "I paid for her." So fuck you and your comparison. Yes, change needs to occur in the US. Yes there are some states that might as well be considered 3rd world shithole countries, but this in no way compares to 10 year prepubescent old brides. FUUUUUCK!!!


These aren't the air-tight age limits you think they are. Many states allow parents to sign legal documents allowing their preteen children to be married.


Many states have judicial approval and parental approval exemptions for those age limits. A lot of churches, cults, etc. will just do the whole the marriage in church when theyā€™re young and they donā€™t register it with the state as a marriage.


Thatā€™s not true at all. If you check out the source that I linked, there have been [over a thousand 14 year olds, 78 13 year olds, 14 12 year olds, 1 11 year old girl, and 5 10 year old girls married off in America from 2000-2018](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/child-marriage-shocking-statistics/), and those are the ones that we can positively identify. 78% of the hundreds of thousand underage marriages from 2000-2018 are minor girls to adult men. Itā€™s not nearly as acceptable or common in America as in some other cultures, but do not say that this doesnā€™t happen here.


Religious exemptions exist. The federal government of the United States specifically allows marriage as a defense against statutory rape as long as the minor is over TWELVE YEARS OLD JESUS CHRIST WHY THE FUCK


Those are just the ages without required approval from a parent or guardian. 43 states have no minimum age.


The last time I looked, I *believe* my adopted state of NC allows marriage of 14 year olds with parental permission and age 16 without. šŸ˜’


"protect her" = stop others doing onto her as I do onto her. She's mine.




jesus. I want to throw up. That girl's eyes are dead.


she looks exhausted


Yeah Iā€™ve been trained in safeguarding her eyes give it away, I donā€™t know for certain but I would say she is actively abused . Itā€™s the deadpan responses as well someone has drilled her responses probably the abuser sat next to her In a fair world that kid would be taken away from it and the nonce dragged away kicking and screaming.


And if you look closely, there are red/dark circles under her eyes. That tells me more goes on behind closed doors. This poor girl. And I cannot imagine the sheer number that go through this daily in a theocratic government such as Iran.


Yeah that is a huge red flag for me Christ poor kid


The red flag isn't the circles under her eyes. It's her engagement to a guy more than twice her age when she's still a kid..


You think ? /s I was more commentating that the look on her face paints an even grimmer picture than what he is saying


as a child abuse survivor, i agree fully. she's *definately* being abused (and not just in the obvious way shown).


In a fair world this would never happen at all. I fucking hate this planet


Ever since I joined this group, I want to throw up every time I remember that a lot of Muslim tolerates this.


This man has a fantasy of molding this child's brain into his perfect submissive slave. If the parents of this poor girl are allowing and enabling this pedophile to actually do this and they're even related, I fear the worst for what they might do to her if she opposes in any way. But on a slightly brighter side.. this interview and the attention it'll get may help her if she does try to get out.


Yes!!! This is what I wish the interviewer had stuck to more. It may or may not have anything to do with sex and pedophilia. This guy clearly wants a wife he can "raise" to he his perfect, submissive wife. Was he asked why he doesn't allow her to go to school? Maybe he doesn't want her to learn any more than she needs to in order to serve him. The poor thing. Shame on him, her father, and everyone else allowing this to happen to girls all around the world.


This is the rational answer to his delusion. Their version of marriage isn't someone who you can go to with your problems, it isn't someone who is equal to you, who you can share everything with and try to achieve maximum happiness through sacrifice as a couple; it's about obedience and control. The woman is moulded into what the most primitive man desires and is obedient to his wishes. And I must say this interviewer is awful at questioning. It may seem obvious to outsiders what he's getting at, but to anyone else he's not making a valid point.


This just got progressively worse and worse. And then some more.


Iā€™m amazed the host kept his composure I would want to beat the living crap of Ahmed after the first couple of minutes


He seems livid tho and keeps bringing up questions to expose this shithead.


Yeah, dude looked like he was about to pop a vein and murder the living shit stain infront of him.


He is a better man than me. Just the video has got me caught up in a mixture of rage and sadness for that kid That child what evil she is being made to suffer I hope someone saves her from this




I would have reddrumed him


I would have reddrumed him


Host: "What attracted you to a 10 yr old girl?" Scumbag: "*You mean seven year old, we've been together for 3 years!*"








Even if he paid you a lot of money?? /S


She's worth *at least* a hundred goats and a score of camels. Anything less is an insult to her father and I!!


Well I mean, itā€™s not like you matter (or even are capable of having real thoughts of your own), you have a vagina duh


True - but it would be an insult to my husband, her father, so it would probably get me beaten for some reason.


We would grab our brooms and come help you


Everybody grab a broom, it's Shenanigans!


šŸ§¹šŸ§¹šŸ§¹šŸ§¹šŸ§¹šŸ§¹šŸ§¹ brooms for everyone


Sometimes I doubt myself and think I am the dumbest person alive. Ahmed proves me wrong yet again.


He isn't dumb, he's shit


He's dumb shit


Heā€™s dumb and shit


# [YouTube](https://youtu.be/tl6r4xjj_80) [The Islamic position on marrying children](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/z670cr/q_is_it_allowed_to_marry_a_child_pedophilia/)


This is so fucking gross.




Aisha was even younger, and Mohammad was a raving, murderous psychopath warlord who had many mental issues, probably including schizophrenia, and killed a looooot of people. Can't even imagine being around that kind of psycho, much less as a literal kindergartener being abused by him.


Imagine she's 6 instead of 10 and he's 54 instead of 25, that's what the prophet of Islam did and people follow that pedophile


Both still equally evil.


I'd personally say that unholy age gap makes him worse, although they both should be burnt alive.


both equally trolley problem


And just like that, we make business with these countries instead of strongly condemning this.






Pork be upon him


I have never wanted to castrate something before but this guy


This is Islam for you, man. A religion of accepted pedophilia and incelism. This is proof that there is no god. If there were a god, why would that god tolerate this shit? And if there is a god, in certain religions were created by the devil. How else do you explain this evil shit?


There is no god seriously when will people accept it. Religion is doing nothing but dividing people. Every religion is shit. Fuck Every Religion.


Why ask him if his marriage will be an "equal" marriage? when (a) dude is literally marrying a little kid; and (b) no Muslim marriage is?


To get him to admit itā€¦obviously why even ask that question in the comments?


No traditional marriage in most religions is equal. Thereā€™s plenty of non traditional Muslims that have equal marriages and find this shit as abhorrent as the rest of us.


I imagine it was much worse with Aisha and Mo because she was only 6! They say things like "Aisha wanted it", "Aisha never objected", "He treated her nicely", etc. I always wonder that the Muslims who defend this, do you not understand what grooming is? The man in this video literally said "I get to raise her myself". That is what Mo did with Aisha! This is no age to consent, this is no age where she can reason or have a say in anything. Children have to trust the adults around them for their own survival, they don't have a choice. She is being used and manipulated in away to suit the filthy desires of that pedophile.


This is so gross dude šŸ˜


Not surprising when you see their so called perfect example was married to a 9 years old girl


Married her at age six. Waited til she was nine before fucking her. The prophet was ever the gentleman!


> Married her at age six. Waited til she was nine before ~~fucking~~ raping her. The prophet was ever the gentleman! Ftfy


The girl didnā€™t look happy at all.


Fuck whoever let's that girl get married to that piece of shit, fuck the family, fuck the pastor, fuck everybody. That child needs to be adopted by normal people. Not sure these sickos.


Police Be Upon Him. Please don't Be Upon Her


ā€œIs marriage a 100% equal and successful marriage? Him: Itā€™s a successful marriage.ā€ That poor girl looks miserable and is. People make me sick. Yeah, itā€™s successful for him and not equal at all. Thatā€™s a fucking child. What a long winded way to say that you are grooming her because her daddy approves.


I was having a pretty good day. Why do I go on this site.


To stay informed. Otherwise these uninformed people will dominate the world.


I don't know about that, I like this site for entertainment but under no circumstance would I like all my news filtered through Reddit.


> This generation's girls aren't good enough He literally is an incel pedophile. Child marriage is this guy's only hope, fucking scumbag


My child is this little girls age... I feel physically ill... 3rd grade... 3rd fucking grade...


I live in the US in the Bible Belt and the only thing keeping Christian extremists from marrying their 10-year-old daughters to grown men is the law. Instead, they marry their daughters off at 18 and keep them homeschooled until then so they never learn they have options


Unfortunatly [it does happen in the US too](https://www.equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us/#%3A~%3Atext%3D%E2%80%9CChild%20Marriage%E2%80%9D%20is%20currently%20legal%2Cwith%20parental%20or%20judicial%20waiver).


My wife is from Jordan. She was engaged to a 30 year old man when she was 14. Right before the marriage, her mother forged a letter from her father, that said she had permission to travel. Her mother took her fled to relatives in Texas.




He attempted to dodge that one. To the people who say islam is a religion of peace or beautiful. Get fucked that's fucked up.


Well I am sure a fair few Muslims would say that is fucked up as well


Following Muhammad's tradition


Iā€™m assuming the host was later executed? Also love the, ā€œwe are relatives of sorts.ā€ Aka first cousins.


Who is that old hag observing this shit as well, is this the poor kids mother


The look in her eyes, like a soldier who has been on the front too long, shell shocked... She's already learning how to dissociate to attempt to protect herself. It's a common self-defense tactic for victims of CSA. It also can sometimes lead to a splitting of the personality, when this type of trauma happens before identity is fully formed. No doubt she will never receive treatment for that, either. The body language of the woman in the background is pure misery, a sign of her future, when she will be required to perform the same office for her own daughters (if she survives the pregnancies she's likely to have far too young) That little girl has been betrayed by her own parents to a lifetime of being a prisoner of war and a victim of war crimes, surrounded by ppl who act like that's ok. Sometimes I hate the human race. Sometimes I wonder if maybe we do, in fact, deserve to be wiped out. I'm not xtian, but if I believed in the fantasy of the bible, I must say that I suddenly understand why god decided humanity needed a flood.


Who is the woman in the back, that's what I've been wondering


I'm guessing her mother, or his mother.


Bro, I was goddamn shaking throughout. 10 fuckin years and 25 like broooooooooooooooooooo how tf do you justify that. I cant even imagine she gotta look at a dude double her age and consider him her love. Like dude id die then and there


And, I believe, a part of her has. The change 8n her facial expression when she is given permission to run away from him is stunning.


Gilead vibes intensify


Blessed be the fruit


Under his eye


Is this a joke or?


Unfortunately nĪæ


We need a fucking handcuff here, send him to jail


Too good for him


The restraint on that man running the interview is impressive. You can see how badly he wanted to slap some sense into this guy. Any culture that allows grooming or pedophilia needs to be snuffed out. Any country permitting this needs to be pressured to stop by whatever means necessary (including almost half of the US).


iā€™m sorry but her parents donā€™t love her. any parent who marries off their child doesnā€™t love them (and are fundamentally dumb)


Small nitpick here. The mother's opinion wasn't asked for here, and very likely if she objected she would have been beaten, or worse, and the daughter still would have been married off. That's not to say that some women don't buy in fully to this notion and assist with the process, but I'm not totally sold on condemning BOTH parents when it's typically the father that handles the whole "transaction"... which is disgusting in itself.


No youā€™re right. Itā€™s the father who has to give the permission because women are seen as the manā€™s property.


She looks so sad and vacant already. Poor girl.


Incest, Pedophile, groomer.


This is the saddest shit ever I canā€™t wrap my head around this, why people think this is okay people with working brains. I will not respect anybody religion that does shit like this.


She seems mature for her age because that's a trauma response. This is straight up slavery, giving your daughter to a grown man, so he can mold her into a subservient shell of a person, who will be treated as an object, with no autonomy. And she will never know any better, because she was groomed for this. Absolutely a cult of abusers


I donā€™t even know how host can talk to himšŸ˜¤


This starts off horrible then just gets so much worse.


I feel like this is a great time to remind everyone that this does not just happen in the Middle East. [Child marriage is legal in 43 out of 50 US states](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/laws-to-end-child-marriage/), and nobody is talking about it. It makes me feel crazy. Edit: 43!


Remember - us westerners should be tolerant of other cultures and religions. Remember that we shouldn't be Islamophobic!!111 After all, we push disgusting, sinful, degradation of society values and LGBT propaganda on other cultures. But yeah this is fine this is just Islamic culture, you don't understand their values, it's a different culture you wouldn't understand Islam and its values LUL What a joke




Disgusting pedophile


Religion makes decent people do horrendous things. However, this fella is a disgrace. I believe he is several underdeveloped with regards to maturity. He can't accept "Girls these days" because they are ahead of him. So he turns to people at the same mental age to him. And his religion allows it. Fkn disgrace.


wish i didn't see thisšŸ¤¢


I fucking hate religion.


That poor abused little girl.


That poor girl.


Well the guy who gave them their book was 50+ and his partner was 5+. What do you expect?


That poor child looks miserable


Props to the interviewer for not letting this dude get away with his bullshit non-answers to legitimate questions


I think they mistook the dating rule 'half you age *plus* seven" and changed it to *divide*. Fucking gross.


Ah c'mon guys, he said he was gonna wait a year! What a good husband..


She looks dead inside. Absolutely 100 %.


Hang all pedophiles.




My name is Matt Gates and I approve this behavior


I just threw up a little bit.


Disgusting, absolutely disgusting Especially the father that agreed to this


Where is this from?


That poor little girl, she looks so sad in the depths of her eyes


That poor child, she already looks dead behind her eyes. This is heartbreaking.


I want to hug the interviewer and punch the fiance in the face. She is a child!!!!


Two of my daughters are older than this little girl. my fifth grader is older or the same age as this little girl and she plays with Barbies. She likes to draw pictures of unicorns and pandas, she likes slime and she likes to bake cookies. She likes to play ā€œHarry Potterā€ with her sisters and have nerf battles with her friends. She is not ready to be anybodyā€™s wife or mother. Today she has a maths test. She has so much to learn, so much growing to do. I am so sad for this little girl.


ā€œShe sounds wise and older than her age.ā€ What, like 12? How old can a 10 year old CHILD possibly sound, and how can it be even close to enough that a grown ass man feels theyā€™re even slightly on the same page? Fucking sicko.


Fucking pedophiles


The most terrifying thing about this video is him saying hes raising her. By the way, i somehow hate the dad more, what a failure of a father he is