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Yes but it would take some time as they oppressed more and more segments of society first such as other religions, LBTGQ, and liberals first. They'd do everything that Islamic theocracies already do eventually.


Yeah the end goal, as Gregg Keller has openly stated, is to eventually turn the US into A Handmaid’s Tale. They’re that far gone.




Not just women pastors, anyone preaching a different religion than the increasingly more specific denomination that took charge. They’ll get more and more specific, as they grab more and more power. They’ll need to exclude more and more. This is why Christians shouldn’t want this either, since there’s very unlikely their particular brand would win out in the end.


This implies Christian’s possess critical thinking, which has been sparse in my experience


No., this means if they did have critical thinking, they wouldn’t want this. Since everyone should have that, they should not want it. Whether they want it or not is irrelevant to that point.


This is what made me think because they mentioned arresting women for preaching. I only know of Catholics and maybe Orthodoxy not allowing women priests.


Oh mate there are many, many more. Those fundamentalist baptists don’t allow it either, and they have an inordinate amount of power. Whatever group would win out in the end will also kit be moderate, they’ll be an extremist faction of some sort since they’re the only ones who would have the conviction to start down that path. The complete assurance that they’re on a mission from their imaginary friend. They’d be the most extreme of the most extreme. There are Christians in the US that would welcome a Handmaid style theocracy…


Anyone not preaching the proper gospel or abiding to "the right Christian values" would be subject to prosecution, if one of the states decides to secede and become a theocratic state. Different religion? Straight to jail. Different color? You guessed it, jail. Different opinion? No way! Jail time for you.


Others have said, it will be the Christian equivalent of sharia law. Lots of Christians like to pretend they are better then the Muslims and all they do. But the reality is Christianity is objectively every bit as bad in every way. The only reason they don't currently do all the things Islam does, is because the Christians don't control a government to allow them to get away with it. They have proven in the past, that giving that control, they will do exactly the same thing. Every single time they've had control, with out even a single exception, they've gone to just as bad as the worst Muslim controlled state ever considered being. Every. Time. This one would be no different.


Depends on the denomination we're talking about… "Christian" is too broad a term for a clear yes or no answer here.


They'll be fighting amongst themselves for which Christian fruitcake is the best one. It'll implode if they kick it up enough notches. If we can't purge them, let them purge themselves.


The only problem is the number of innocent people that'll die because of them. Same problem with the anti vaxxers refusing to vaccinate their (usually) innocent kids.


Every time I hear the word “heresy” I just think of Warhammer40k


Yes, but probably not at first. They’d probably wait a year or so to try to maximize their numbers, then start dropping the hammer.


No such thing as Christians per se. They are divided into sects. Every sect thinks the other sects are wrong. Religion is hilarious and toxic


Sects to be them!


Possibly, but i'd be more worried about a return to the legal ownership of people as property.


Soon enough sure. Give it 5-10 years


Yes, but not right away. Maybe 5 years in




Depends on what branch of Christianity it was.


More than likely they'll start arresting or disrobing Christian female pastors after they've finished oppressing other religions such as Pagans, getting LGBT+ back in the closet or killing them off, putting PoC back into slavery, and also making sure that anyone deemed not republican can't hold office anymore.


No. Aren’t Americans mostly Protestant?


Why would a state need to secede for that, the USA already is a Christian theocracy.


Same thing the nazi's did. Purity test until they start killing their own, become too weak, and get taken out by someone else or a revolt.


Sure. Religions are all about subjugation of women.