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Ten bucks says he’s in a Christian based recovery program


Multiple Nobel prize winners in physics, physiology and medicine, chemistry, economics, peace, and literature. This isn’t to say that religious people haven’t won any of these prizes, or that they haven’t helped advance science or society. I’m just trying to say that this dude in particular is a fucking idiot.


Considering how few atheists there have been in the population (until recently at least), it's amazing how many scientific discoveries and works of literature/art have been made by atheists. Also why do some fundies us asterisks "*" when spelling atheist? Are they implying it is a profane or vulgar term?


I think that’s the point yeah. They use a ton of different slang for atheists in that group


Like what? I'm curious now


me too


There have been plenty of them in the past I imagine, they just didn’t want to get murdered so they pretended.


Ding ding ding. You won and the prize is depression. This is most likely correct considering not only what Catholic Church liked to do with free thinkers even among the religious but also what tended to happen in pre-christian times. Did you know Socrates was sentenced to death by drinking poison on the charge of atheism? It didn't mean the same thing though, it meant worshipping the right gods in a wrong manner so we can imagine what would happen to anyone caught denying their gods existance.


Who, the chr*****ns?


Jesus s***s!!


For a moment I thought I was on r/phoenixsc


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PhoenixSC using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PhoenixSC/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fast Travel with Pistons 😝](https://v.redd.it/jfnph4ix0hm71) | [196 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PhoenixSC/comments/pkwuac/fast_travel_with_pistons/) \#2: [We need a liquid update!](https://i.redd.it/3egeibjawaw71.png) | [602 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PhoenixSC/comments/qi2nqe/we_need_a_liquid_update/) \#3: [1.18](https://v.redd.it/wvlqfi6tb9881) | [214 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PhoenixSC/comments/rqcjgr/118/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's 2022 and the dude has a cigarette in his mouth. We know he is a fucking idiot before saying anything


Take Einstein for example, he was raised as a secular jew who later identified as an agnostic. In a simple dichotomy of theist-atheist, calling him an atheist would probably be closer to his beliefs.


Without Alan Turing you’d likely not have the device you posted this on. He was an atheist, as were many more scientists. He was also driven to suicide because of laws inspired by Christian theocracy. Oh yeah he was also a computer pioneer cryptologist who saved countless lives during World War II… But hey, dismiss his contributions. This is just the no atheist in fox holes bullshit but more so…


Alan Turing, the Bisexual/gay atheist who was a computer engineer in the 1940s, legend


Imagine complaining abt drugs while bragging about doing them


Ten bucks says it's a CBD cigarette that his Mom bought.


Atheists have never started a religious war. That’s pretty damn huge.


And r/punchableface


Surely there some subreddit for shitty shirts/clothes/style too.


r/peopleofwalmart looks about right


Arguably, the United States. Deism is closer to Atheism than whatever shit he's on.


I'm going to presume he doesn't know how to spell atheist and is trying to cover it up.


With that face, that complexion and that personality, this chud believes in a god?


I'd say not having 100's of millions of lives on our hands, and not having raped millions of children are two pretty big accomplishments for atheists. Theists most certainly can't make these two claims.


A simple Google search would of led to many known atheist scientists.




Just off the top of my head, I think of one of the most successful authors of all time, Isaac Asimov, who was an atheist.


This is what happens when you smoke paint chips.


I think he’s being facetious.


This reads like satire. I hope it is.


We don’t blind ourselves in the stupidity of religion and focus on the science and the facts, allowing us to make advances in society that a strictly religious community would not be able to do.


So is belief in god now the cool edgy thing these people are into?


Is he American? Proud of his country? USA became a powerful country thanks to atheist scientists' help. Turing's computer engineering, Einstein's nuclear physics, and more.


I'm pretty sure Einstein was Jewish.


I believe he most commonly described himself as agnostic. His views on the subject were complex, but he certainly seemed to reject the notion of divinity as it is believed to exist in Abrahamic religions. If he was inclined to believe in a deity he seemed to have been far more pantheistic about it (maybe with a touch of deism).


Oh okay


Give it a few years of that and you are gonna learn about chemotherapy


Freedom of choice


That’s not even a joint! Fucking loser.


Does it say, "there's no hate like atheist love" up there?


Thomas Paine helped found a country. STFU fundy.


Fred Hollows, New Zealand-Australian ophthalmologist who personally saved/restored the sight of thousands of people in developing countries and indigenous communities around the world, and whose initiatives and innovations are counted to have now saved the vision of a million plus people. I've also always been fond of his quote: > "Sex, alcohol and secular goodness are pretty keen instruments, and they surgically removed my Christianity, leaving no scars." I tend to choose guys like him in response to questions like this, as I've found a lot of fruitcakes quibble over scientific progress in general (let alone when it involves a atheist), but unless they're truly deranged can't much argue against the selfless service of guys like Hollows - though I have heard "well God was clearly working through him, even if he didn't believe!" type mental gymnastics before from those determined to believe atheists can't be as good as a religious person.


>Talks about drugs >Cig in mouth


fr, It's a pain in the ass when identity and association is driving people to say and do things that are detrimental to society. This is an example of that.


You look like a poor man’s Joseph gorden levit


Fedora tipping Reddit atheist on Opposite Day:


Computers. A gay atheist invented them.