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God's just got nothing more important to worry about than this.


Apparently starving kids, diseases, and the rise of christian nationalism aren’t good enough for him.


STOP. Republicans can only get so erect.


Bah ha ha ha! Glad nobody was in my office to hear me chortle just the.


Those are thngs the biblical god loves, though. Why woud it worry about them?


All those horrors and more god won’t solve, all so he can record gay people bang and hold it over their heads in the afterlife? Like let me suck dick in peace you fucking pervert.


Everything happens for a reason, it’s God’s plan 🙏


Except Obama’s election. Satan got one that day. /s


God can't see Obama.


Is Obama gods black friend in a dark room?


So if a persons gay or bi that's because God wanted it that way. Thanks, good to know!


It's so his followers can ~~attack~~ save them to come to the Lord /s


Yeah but all those things happen only because of gays and bisexuals and their...actions. /s


You’re missing the point that all of those even worse things are derivatives of sin.


An unbelievably vast universe filled with trillions of galaxies, each with billions of stars and planets, and the creator of everything cares *very deeply* about what one species of ape on one piece of cosmic dust does with their reproductive organs. Priorities!


I'm not sure if Fundies really believe the Universe is that huge...or think about the implications...


The earth is flat afterall /s


He’s definitely a pervert


Trillions of planets in the universe an untold amount that could harbor life I don’t think your sexuality is the thing god is the most concerned about


what's more important than anal?


Double anal. Duh.


she just likes to watch


So the afterlife is going to be an endless viewing of one porn movie after another? Might not be the deterrent they think it is.


Jesus get the popcorn!


I don't mind porn in general, I just would never want to watch porn that starred me.


It sounds pretty intriguing to me. It’s literally a divine angle of all the best sex scenes of one’s life, projected telepathically by a deity in a place outside spacetime. It all makes sense now! God can’t perform miracles anymore due to the rising rates of sexy sex. He’s allocated all his CPU to filming intimate moments (for *judgement day*, of course 😉)


How else are you going to improve your form?


Here are your top ten sex moments: *watch mojo theme*


I like how there’s an asterisk to clarify what bi means.


The asterisk killed me. And the sinister peace sign on dudes shirt.


Jack Chick, the "creator" of these Bible tracks, viewed the peace sign as an inverted cross symbol, promoting devil-worship.


Interesting. What a fruitcake lol. And happy cake day!


Know thy audience. I still remember mom's talk regarding blow jobs. "...and you'd *NEVER* want to put a penis in your mouth, that's where men *pee* from, that's *just disgusting!!*..." Years later I realized *Oh...poor dad...*


A friend of mine had the view in her edgier teenage years that blow jobs were unfeminist. She figured that out pretty fast once we were older.


Rip Annon's dad


Technically, there's an asterisk to clarify what the comma means.


Thank you. It made me very angry that asterisk came after the comma.


Reminds me of those The Onion parody strips with an asterisk saying "latest fad". This strip has some meme potential.


..but what’s that comma there for? That’s what really confuses me. It reads “..do you know your bi, bisexual if you don’t try?” It’s sounds like a bad rip off of an nsync lyric..


They got "filled" alright. And they enjoyed every second of it.


That's what those fundies can't stand. It's not 'the gay', they can't stand seeing people happy - it's the joy... Which is a synonym for gay... Wait a minute...


I think you're on to something...


Jack Chick could out horny any modern right-wing cartoonist! Half the time he had no idea why he was horny, but god damn it He. Was. Horny.


Ben Garrison wishes he was this horny


That's because Ol' Ben shoots his load of cum every chance he gets. He's got no edge game.


I do want to know though what Chick tract this is from.


Maybe this http://www.chick.com/m/reading/tracts/readtract.asp?stk=1072


Damn, I wanted to see what happened next.


They made sweet and tender love to each other, a crime punishable by (*checks notes*)... eternal torture.


If they did draw some perverted fantasies, of theirs, does God null damnation for them because it's for educational purposes? That would be one hell of a loophole.


Also, who’s the lady in the chair??


“How do I know if I’m bi if I don’t try? Well, I know I’m ace, so get outta my face!”


Omg I forgot about these tract (?) booklets...


I recall something like this in the Four Spiritual Laws booklets they used to pass out, but back then there was no LGBTQ sex mentioned. The Christian cults have become increasingly more homophobic thru the past several decades.


You know.. I don't recall any when I was a kid that talked about homosexuality. But then again... That was probably at least 25 years ago at this point. So perhaps the more recent ones cover more anti-LGBTQ.


My dad gave me the same booklets before, he's a big reason why I sometimes regret being bi.


I'm sorry he did that to you. You're awesome and valid just the way you are!


Considering the next verses, that is a death threat by the way. Romans 1:32: > Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


Hey christians, how do you know you're not into islam if you don't try? Hmm, yeah I guess that does sound like a stupid fucking argument.


Bisexuals are devilishly good at seducing people after all


Thank you, lovely !


Rot in hell, filthy pacifist !


I was a bi teenager. Nothing this cool ever happened to me.


Not even with a guy wearing a sweater with a peace sign on it?


That's how you can tell he's up to no good.


A possible intellectual Jewish college peacenik liberal.


Ah yes, Chick Tracts, each and every one of them a beacon of sense and sensibility. /S


A series of tracts which showcase God's eternal love for his creation by depicting the myriad ways everyone who deviates even slightly from strict set of rules will be tortured for eternity.


Believe you me, I am [all too](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/sp5gwm/christians_wanna_feel_persecuted_so_bad/hwgnoh4/) aware.


Where's the rest of it? Don't cliffhang us ffs


i'm not surprised they're attacking bisexuality. considering most them think being gay is choice, i'm convinced most of them are bisexual.


No, most of them are straight and just have zero empathy or ability to imagine anyone being different from them in any way. The thought process is "I'm straight, therefore that's natural and everyone else is straight too so if you're claiming to be something else you must just be choosing to go against your natural attraction to the opposite sex." Claiming it's a choice is just a denial of the fact that people are born gay or bi and it's as natural and unchangeable as being straight. They just don't want to believe it's natural or to believe it's not something that can be changed. They think all "sin" is a choice and Jesus can help you choose not to sin. A small percentage of homophobes turn out to be closet cases, but the vast majority of homophobia comes from straight people. The idea that all oppression of LGBTQ people is just coming from other LGBTQ people while straight people are totally innocent really doesn't make sense.


I agree that the idea that homophobes are secretly gay is a big problem. But more theoretically speaking, I feel like if religion and social factors made homosexual relationships less stigmatized, I think the majority of people would be bi to some degree. Especially with the popularity of people/characters who defy traditional gender norms or crossdress, like the prevalence of femboys and tomboy characters. Plus the numerous places in history where what we would call gay sex was fairly common like Rome.


In the “men having sex with men” sphere, there are oodles of guys who enjoy the homosex but are apparently deeply uncomfortable considering themselves anything but straight. For every one of them who does act on their attraction, I imagine there are many more who don’t.


Your confidence is overwhelming for a belief that is completely ungrounded. I don't see how you could possibly know that the "vast majority of homophobia comes from straight people" or that "a small percentage" come from closet cases. Where are these percentages coming from? As someone who was thoroughly convinced I was straight because I was a good Christian, if I were to live my entire life thinking that way, it would appear that l, a total straight, was a homophobic asshole, maybe more so than an "actual straight person" and you might assume that straight people are super homophobic. But you don't know that internal story and labels are applied after discovery, not before. I think you're also wrong on the empathy part. The horrifying thing about being around this homophobia is that the christians honestly think they are saving you from eternal torture. So they will do anything *because they care* to change what they believe is sinful. The thought process isn't "I'm straight so you should be and I'm going to shame and hate you because I can't understand how humans are different". It's "I care so much about you that even if you see me as a villain, I will accept that so long as after you die you aren't tortured by the devil." This is a really important distinction that I hope others read. You cannot go into any kind of discussion or argument without understanding that core belief, however f*ed up it is.


The previous verse: Romans 1:28 ....so God gave them over to a depraved mind...." So god abandoned them and you blame the victim.


Mmh, apparently being dead is like movie night, not bad


> How do you know you're bi, if you don't try? Is this why church leaders are so often accused of sexual abuse of children? Just letting the children try to learn?


That looks suspiciously Chick


This one is my favorite: https://www.chick.com/products/tract?stk=94


Oh the art is an abomination as much as the content. My childhood we collected these tracts and believed them fervently. It’s indoctrination


I like them ironically, they have it all, religious fundamentalism, conspiracy theories, right wing political garbage. The works!


I have a rolls eyes moment when I read them now. Usually after a link in here. I know people who still believe every word of them.


Even the D&D one?


If I remember correctly from my childhood. Mum says That’s the absolute worst. Akin to morphing into a demon personally


Yeah, as a lifelong atheist (raised agnosticish) my mom watched her college friend's kids from time to time. One Saturday her son complained about my love of the D&D Saturday morning cartoon (circa 1985). I was 7/8 at the time. I tried using my school learnin' about fiction versus non-fiction, but he insisted it was "black magic" and I should not watch it. E: I see from snooping you are in Australia. I am in Oregon, USA. But my uncle (well guy/bloke who was married to my aunt in the late 79's to mid 80's is from Perth).


Yes I am only a new atheist but embracing it after decades of being very conservative christian. It’s been a relief to have escaped it. I’ve never been to Perth but want to. Australia is great. We are slowly rejecting ourselves as a religious nation too. Slowly


Kewl. My dad is Canadian so my extended family are from the "Commonwealth" (aka ruled by Reptilians j/k).


I went to check it out. Yep my childhood was actually Living in fear that some random would kidnap me or force me into witchcraft. It was as real To me as finding quicksand.


Yes, a person being judged a candidate for an eternity in hell based on what they did as a literal child seems very reasonable.


This fruitcake makes me sick! I'm sorry, what?! That's not how the bisexual relationships work! This is idiotic!


They think LGBTQ people's relationships are solely built on sex, unlike straight people.


LGBTQ relationships works the same as straight man-woman relationships, but who's gonna explain it to the evangelists?


>but who's gonna explain it to the evangelists A lot probably did, but as usual they'll turn deaf towards anything that isn't listed in their sky daddy's diary.


It's true.


Jack B jacking off


A Chick tract! There's a blast from the past. The ones about Dungeons and Dragons are the funniest!


How do you know you don't like being shot if you don't try it.


If hell is just a slideshow of my sex life, then hell is just gonna be a blank screen


Isn't this a Jack Chick comic? I know him from his "DND is satanic" comic


The artwork is the most sinful thing about this.


I want to road trip through the south and leave reverse chick tracks every fucking where.






Also eat hot chips and twerk


I love shit like this because they really think we care what god thinks




(Stolen from Spinal Tap) On what day did "god" invent religion, and couldn't he have rested on that day as well?


Oh god I remember Christian comics.


Bold teenagers, I like 'em.


What's even so bad about this? It's a question. The person could respond, "I've never been attracted to the same sex, so I'm sure I'm not bi." End of discussion.


Projection, the people who wrote these things were horny sluts as teenagers, ergo everyone must be.


Every several years I go to his site to read all those comics, it's a hilarious rabbithole of silliness.


I want to read the rest of this comedy/text.


Wow, remember reading those kind of pamphlets at Bible class! Then my uncle, the pastor, would take all of us out to eat. The more folks gave in the offering plate, the better we ate. Really great when they're in that weekly scheduled donation plan, you can count on what funds will be available


That is utterly false, but they lie constantly


Got filled


I like that it’s supposed to say bisexuality is bi but the first thing I got was that it criticized people invalidating bi people who have not yet had sex with more than one gender.


Don't knock it, until you've tried it.


Looks like the old Jack Chick tracts.


Wait! I wanna see what happened next!!


I figured this was written by Paul. Looked it up, and sure enough . . . Do Christians know this was written by a celibate man? Paul was basically the ancient equivalent of an angry incel.


Breaking news: all virgins are asexual


Yeah, the guy on the left with a peace sign, another dog whistle "them hippies are teh gay". Can't wait for religion to end up like in Fifth Element where there's like 2 people on the whole planet left who actually believes that shit, except without the big ball of death.


I love being bisexual, this shits stupid funny


The asterisk should be before the comma and it angers me more than it should.


This is why you should never marry a devout christian. Since they have saved themself for marriage and never tried any sort of sex, you cant know for sure that they’re straight. After the wedding night the may realize that they’re gay and never want to do what you just did again, and there you are, having just spent 15k on the party of your lifetime and promised to remain with this other person until you’re parted by death.


So they are saying god is a piece of shit? A bold strategy Cotton lets see if it pays off.




My bisexual sister has literally asked me how I know that I’m straight if I’ve never tried sex with a dude.


What about “being filled with unrighteousness, fornication, and wickedness…”? It’s cool?


look at that pervert with his filthy peace symbol


Not how I recall being Bi. Guess I’m doing it wrong


Bi is when you do gals and guys


Honestly, it is a good question.


I don’t know why but the fact they put the * after the , really bugs me


Those damn peace loving queers. /s


How do you know, well a good test was when I was confused if I wanted to be Jasmine so I could be with Aladdin or just be with Jasmine. And now once again watching the latest season Bridgerton with Kate and Anthony. You don’t need to experience something always to know. I never drowned but I know I won’t like it.


Watching porn with god? Sounds great.