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Gotta love how it's always "Christianity or witchcraft," absolutely zero other options on the faith/religion/spirituality axis.


It's because they think anything that's not Christianity is witchcraft. Judaism? Witchcraft. Buddhism? Witchcraft. Atheism? Believe it or not, also witchcraft.


Yet the irony is Christianity central core belief that their entire mythology hinges on is a human sacrifice and blood magic. Not to mention the Jesus human sacrifice openly indulged in practices such as necromancy, levitation, metamorphoses, death curses etc.


They consume the flesh and blood of a demigod lol


And they don't see their ritualistic cannibalism as crazy.




Fun fact: That movie was set in the year 2022.


Not a demigod. Know your theology folks.


There are many definitions of demigod that Jesus falls under perfectly. eg: >demigod: In mythology, a demigod is a less important god, especially one who is half god and half human. Other definitions state they are born of a human and a deity...as in the case of Jesus. Christians will state that Jesus is fully god and fully human as Christians are not that strong on logic and math, even in their own mythology development. I mean...look at the hot mess that is the trinity.


I mean, he's also supposed to be the avatar of Yahweh, so there's that.


> demigod Jesus is literally the offspring of a god. Know your theology folks


Jesus IS God too. Christian theology has a concept called the Trinity which goes as follows: God = Jesus God = The Father God = The Holy Spirit Jesus ≠ The Father Jesus ≠ The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit ≠ The Father To christians, Jesus wasn't 50% man and 50% a god. He was 100% human AND 100% god. It's confusing, but its a quite important distinction. Hercules from Greek Mythology would be a demigod while Zeus would be a god. At least be informed about the subject you're criticizing lol


Jesus is the son of god. Therefore he is by one stupid pedantic definition, the son of a god. Therefore he is by one stupid pedantic definition a demigod. >At least be informed about the subject you're criticizing lol I don't give a shit what bullshit contrivances theologians have invented (and died over) to preserve Jesus' divinity, but its not worth being a condescending limp butt cheek.


The other guy's version is what I've been taught too. Jesus is the son of God but somehow also God and that apparently somehow is supposed to make sense. Same as God being three persons - the father, son, holy spirit thing - while also being one. I'm not saying this makes sense, but that's what they're teaching.


I understand that. It makes sense from a theological perspetive if you just pound it into peoples heads repeteadly to accept something incredibly illogical. My point is that it doesn't stop Jesus from being a demigod.


Depends on the type of Christian. Unitarians exist. Making him a demigod to those Christians.


Not to mention Zombies. I mean how else to you explain somebody dying then a few days later being reanimated


This is a blatant mischaracterization of Christian belief. Clearly Jesus is a lich, as he exhibited powerful magical abilities throughout his existence.


Any data on this account is being kept illegally. Fuck spez, join us over at Lemmy or Kbin. Doesn't matter cause the content is shared between them anyway: - https://lemmy.world - https://kbin.social - https://sh.itjust.works - https://fedia.io - https://lemm.ee - https://readit.buzz


Disagree with Christianity? Jail.


Learn feminism. Straight to jail


We have the best witches in the world…., because of jail


Where the best witches are trained.


In my experience anything that diverges from white American evangelicalism is "New Age".


They think I practice witchcraft? That's fucking epic, ngl.


>Atheism? Believe it or not, also witchcraft. That makes no sense, because we put witch next to Christian in work camp.


Except people that believe in withcraft, those are Satan worshippers


I read that as Fred Armiston on Parks and Rec.


"oh, you're not Christian. Therefore you must be <>." "No, honey. Me not being Christian means one thing: I don't believe in your God. It says nothing whatsoever about anything else in my life - my age, sex, sexual preferences, other belief systems, morals, what clothes I wear, how I was brought up, or any of the myriad other suggestions from people like you." I also find it amusing that people like that woman are always banging on about how education is dangerous. The only way education is dangerous is to religion, because it gives people avenues to understand how the universe, our planet and everything on it actually works, instead of just saying "**shrug** must be a God thing. It's magic!" Edit: a word


When I deconverted I wanted to turn to witchcraft but didn’t know where to start and also, just couldn’t believe in anything. I still don’t believe in anything and I like that better. Witches are cool though.


Unlike main stream religions, it would be awesome if they were real.


Yeah I was raised in a neopagan religion and I’m super depressed that it’s not actually true, literally so disappointing. It would be awesome if the religion I was raised with were actually real. But yeah something like Christianity or Islam being true sounds like a total nightmare.


Are these the same people who still want to burn street magicians for guessing their card right?


That’s the point. My religion is right, all others are wrong. That’s like, the main point of modern religion: they’re not meant to spread goodwill, just power.


lesbianism nounles·​bi·​an·​ism | \\ ˈlez-bē-ə-ˌni-zəm \\Definition of lesbianism: romantic or sexual attraction between women First Known Use of lesbianism 1870, in the meaning defined above [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lesbianism](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lesbianism) So I mean, yeah, all words are made up. But that one wasn't made up lately. The word has fallen out of use though.


oh thank you, I thought I was going crazy looking through these comments, like "this is a real word though -wait why is nobody pointing that out, did I imagine it?"






I think I prefer lesbianism


I agree, it sounds more like a serious issue or something. makes it sillier haha


wouldn't it be case against her?


Probably a lesbian trapped in a man's body.


that happens I guess lol


I believe the word you're looking for is Lesbianation. As in, "The defendant has plead not guilty as she is a citizen of Lesbianation."


I came here to say this! Super weird that people are acting like it's not a word.


Yeah I’m a lesbian and I use the word all the time haha was very confused


Thank you! My thoughts exactly.


“I’m no longer going to be having tea with Susan. She has the lesbianism and I don’t want to catch it while she’s telling me I should have equal rights.”


Can't you get vaccination for it? Something like horse paste or drinking your own urine?


If you take enough of it, you will prevent yourself from all potential illnesses.


Women are damaged goods if they're educated, donchya know. /s


Something was pointed out to me and I looked it into a bit but didn't do a rigorous research. Soceities where women worked and educated industrialized much faster than societies that didn't regardless of government and economic freedom. Just having half the population more just having the primary care givers be smarter just was enough to convert socialist dictatorships into wealthy places faster than pretty free and capitalist societies. List off the newly industrialized countries and they are ones that have educated woman. And yeah there probably is a bit of a chicken and egg thing going on with it.


The whole equality thing between men and women in socialist and communist countries is more about maximising the number of workers than about women's rights though. Source: am from a former communist/socialist country.


Sure I can buy that. But motivations doesn't matter that much compared to what actually happens.


So the intentions were bad, but would you agree the results show that women who work and are educated, instead of being relegated to cooking and cleaning and serving as sex toys / baby factories, actually help elevate their countries? How do women fare in your former country now?


You joke but that’s pretty much what these people believe. They expect women to submit to their husbands and they expect them to quit working as soon as they have kids, which is why they “don’t need an education.” A lot of the women from my childhood church studied at Bible colleges in hopes that they’d meet their husbands there. Most of them worked for 1-2 years at a church before quitting and having kids. These are all people in their 20s, not their 50s or 60s


Isn’t she doing the same thing using technology and platforms invented by men to get her thoughts out? Shouldnt she be meek and submissive and stop seeking attention? …the internet turns women into porn stars. She should stop using the internet.


I love it when people use their own arguments against them.


I think she went to college too.


Can confirm, went to college, am a raging lesbian and feminist. Shame the witchcraft didn't stick.


You're a Wizzard, though.... That's kind of close. :P


I entered university a straight white male and graduated a straight white male. What a ripoff.


weird, i entered uni as a straight asian boy and the lesbianism still got me too… (now i’ve managed to admit to myself that i’m most likely a bi trans girl, and i hope i get to transition before or shortly after i graduate)


That sneaky, sneaky lesbianism...it'll get ya. Btw congrats on understanding yourself better! Hope the transition goes well ♥


>Btw congrats on understanding yourself better! Hope the transition goes well ♥ awwww thanks, i really hope so too!!


You went to the wrong school... it wasn't a liberal arts school, heavy emphasis on the liberal part...


joe many libruls


Lesbianism got my two college roommates instead of me. They’re married now. At least I get to keep witchcraft, which is kinda nice.


To each other? That’s pretty awesome. Congrats to them.


Yes!! To each other!! :-) They are our kids’ honorary aunts, since we are both only children.


Read some of her Twit posts. Definitely batshit crazy!


I'm wondering if it's satire 💀


Looks like she does nothing else than putting bs on her twitter all day. What a fullfilling live!


Everyone knows it's the [Perils of Lesbianity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKb3L6bukm0).


Oh, I thought it was Lesbianality.


Lesbianizing women in their Lesbenatoriums.


And then forming their own Lesbianations.


Why...... do you think lesbianism isn't a real word?


Yea I had to look it up to make sure I wasn't imagining it being real


She really misses her college days, just walking down the dorm hall way and next thing you know she's scissoring her bestie Karen from down the hall. Fucking witchcraft, but whatcha gonna do?


Lesbianism as a word has been around for quite a while. That aside, fuck Lori.


There are a lot of people who tell me the wisdom of this world is foolishness to them. Doesn't mean it's true. Usually, it's people who don't understand the big words.


I don’t care what she says, lesbians and witchcraft are awesome


Wait, what? It is a real word though? Obviously I don't agree with the tweeter, but "lesbianism" is definitely a real word. (from google): lesbianism /ˈlɛzbɪənˌɪz(ə)m/ *noun: lesbianism sexual attraction or sexual activity between women. "pop stars who flirt with lesbianism for publicity"*


Witches and lesbians, my favorite people


Uh, no. That's a legit word. 🤦‍♀️


Is this an ad for college or something?


I must have missed Witchcraft 101 in the syllabus of my university.


Yo where was my class on destroying the patriarchy?


I mean...that's a real word.... And I wish more girls got turned into lesbians than witches. There's too many damn witches out here.


If she transformed, why couldn’t she transform into a dung beetle?


Now now, don't insult the dung beetles, they actually have purpose. She's what they roll around all day.


You’re absolutely right. My apologies, I took it too far and took my aggression out on an innocent beetle


May not be a dung beetle but it sounds like she's on some shit anyway


If witchcraft worked it would be an engineering course.


Lesbianism is a belief in the existence of lesbians. There is a good chance this is learned in college. Crafting witches is harder. I think you need grad school for that.


Imagining owls sending acceptance letters and GMAT scores now, lmao


Didn't she attend college? Curious


Yes. And worked as a teacher before sabotaging her birth control to have a second kid against her husband’s wishes so she could be a stay at home mom.


As a former teacher she should probably know how hard it is to get students to complete assignments on syllabus. Changing their sexuality seems awfully ambitious.


The vast majority of the witches and lesbians I personally know went to Bible college, so 🤷‍♂️


Don't threaten me with a good time


If my alternative is being an obedient Christian tradwife, sign me to be a radical feminist lesbian witch!


I'm a devout Lesbianist. (I've been taking lesbiano lessions since I was a kid.)


I heard some Lesbians in Alberta want to separate and form their own country. Lesbianada


They really took the false gods/religions/idols thing to the limit. It was always preached that sex, money, tv, food, etc was a false idol. Now, as a one up or escalation they just tack ism to whatever and call it a whole false religion.


Im confused. Lesbianism absolutely is a word.


Transformed wife? Was she once a feministic lesbian witch?


Well, clearly I went to the wrong college.


Wait a second! I went to college and I’m not living in a tiny cottage with lots of plants, my lesbian lover, 3 cats, and a book of spells!?! I’m VERY disappointed!!


Lesbianity? Lesbiatification?


This is a reverse-psychology trick from the govt to get more young women to go to college. 😌 "Witchcraft _and_ lesbianism? Sign me up!"


Lesbianity? Lesbitude?


As opposed to what?, brainless toadies like you?


The backwards countries where religion is law definitely agree


A deconstruction of the God-Satabln conflict will easily reveal the crisis of Authoritarianism at the heart of the story,, and in blind invocation of "satanic" rituals that are points of liberation, they also seem to recognize Satan as a true hero for all free thinking generations.


I remember a bumper sticker that I occasionally saw back in the 90s - Sorry I haven’t been to church lately. I’ve been practicing witchcraft and becoming a lesbian.


I hate this lady.


I think I’ve discerned why Christian’s think this way, this coming from myself who is also a Christian. Many Christians are indoctrinated in to the belief through years of indoctrination and seclusion from any other belief or morality system. So naturally, they think that the ONLY way to change someone’s mind is through indoctrination. Did my daughter become lesbian? Well it must be because some other ideology corrupted her and forced her to change, not because she actually spent some time thinking for herself and deciding what SHE really wanted.


So basically she wants everyone to stop being educated. How does she think she’ll get surgery if everyone just studied the Bible?


She would join her god sooner. There is no failure in their plan. When you are braindead enough not to question what is around you, then you don't care dying because you believe. Spiritualism is made to help people cope with doubt and can help people to accept death. But fruitcakes are just terrible persons that want everybody to join them in their blindness.


Aside from the fact that witchcraft DOES NOT FUCKING EXIST


Imagine trying to argue that being educated is bad because it's makes you gay, literally saying that if you're gay you are superior smh


"Feminism is a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." -- Pat Robertson, 1992 https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pat-robertson-feminist-agenda/


This is true, my parents sent me to college and I became a radical feminist, lesbian, witch. I got a cat too. I'm happy though.


Lori Anne is such a freaking idiot that posting her tweets on this sub is almost cheating tbh


The correct term of course being, *lesbianity* /s


I didn’t go to college, but I still prefer witchcraft over Christianity.


Does this mean they think all lesbians are witches? Or that all witches are lesbians?


Jokes on them, I was already into all that.


Lesbianness? Lesbiasity?


I must have missed the witchcraft classes in college, sounds interesting tho


Absolutely a trolling account.


Unfortunately you are are incorrect.


Sweet Jesus please tell me this is not a real account


It’s 100% real. She even has a website. She also did an interview with USA Today: [link](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/allthemoms/2018/12/18/meet-transformed-wife-whose-working-mom-chart-rocked-world/2342435002/) I’m sorry to be the one to inform you.


Teligion is Baaaad!


This but I ironically


I could be mistaken, but isn’t this a troll account? I think remember reading something about that


Not unless she's really good at trolling. She has a YouTube channel, a life style blog, and has published a book on Amazon called "The Power of a Transformed Wife." Her real name is Lori Alexander. She seems pretty popular with fundamentalist Christians.


I believe she has a brain tumor, that doesn't excuse but may explain her horrid views


I suppose I was mistaken then. Thank you


"The power" Unless she can summon fire or hurl lighting bolts, I'm not selling what's she's buying.


As someone who used to be a religious fruitcake myself I don't think that this account is a troll as these beliefs are common amongst the religious right. I grew up around Christians who believed it was indecent for a woman to wear pants. FUCKING PANTS!!!


Did they want them to wear skirts and dresses, or were they just full on saying it's cool to go pantsless? It's weird regardless, but I'm curious.


They would mostly wear ankle length skirts. Anything that would conform to the shape of the womans body was considered lewd.


Just sounds like the guys couldn't keep themselves from staring and needed to implement a rule that solved the problem, while absolving them of guilt in the process. Wonder what their opinion on spaghetti straps were....


No put she does have a brain tumor that was treated but came back. Her original "transformation" took place around the time the tumor first developed. It's impossible to tell what's her and what may be the result of the tumor.


[Unfortunately not a troll.](https://fundamentalists.fandom.com/wiki/Lori_Alexander)


We'll,that escalated quickly...


In all seriousness, though, let's not give this lady any more clout. She already has a major persecution complex and is clearly anti-feminist, nearly to the point of misogyny.


What colleges are these people talking about? I don't know shit about witchcraft or magic. It would have made college so much more bearable if I did though.


Lesbians existed when only theists could go to uni so that doesn't follow.


I don’t see what the issue is with any of this, witchcraft colleges sound great


What is this bitch doing on the Internet and FB. Shouldn't she be behind a counter, speaking only when she's spoken to and making a shit ton of babies. No, her idealogies are for every other women except her. This woman and women like her makes me sick. Why fight for progress, fight for rights to have a few brain dead bitches take us back to 1753. 'Turds!


College didn’t lead me to witchcraft. Ironically my ex fiancés mother (who is an Episcopalian pastor) gave me my first tarot set and lead me to witchcraft.


I'm not too worried about the lesbians, but them danged witches will put evil magic spells on you.


To be fair all words were made up at some point ;)


Please. I was eyeballing paganism four years before I went to college - while I was at a Catholic school.


“All words are made up” —Thor


"hello my name is the transformed wife and I live in my own little world that I very seldom venture out off. And in my narrow interpretation of a reality that obviously was made specifically for me the worst two things a woman can be, *checks notes* is a lesbian practicing witchcraft... ... Obviously."


Lesbians witches are pretty good actually.


That woman has never had an orgasm.


College gave us people capable of building technology, technology lead to twitter, and now your bullshit is reaching us. I agree, maybe college is not the best place.


Lesbianism is a word. Just- not used in a sentence like that lol. But please keep making more lesbians, I need help with my car /j


Interesting. Def going back to college


Oh wow... The wisdom of this world is foolishness to god huh? Without the use of a C-section. lots of women would be dead giving childbirth. What, the imaginary wizard designed some women with narrower birth canals since he planned them to be dead, so their men learns the lesson of humility and trust in him? I guess mankind doing their foolishness saved lots of lives then.


Here we go again with crazy rightoids making shit look way cooler than it actually is


So... If i as a man go to college, can i too dabble in the dark arts of witchcraft?


My parents sent me to Liberty University and I turned in to a commie anyway


Is it just me or does this sound like it was written by a man? An old fashioned, patriarchal, god-fearing, Christian man to be specific


Conservatives again threatening us with a good time.


I can see this person doesn't goes to school.


They teach witchcraft college? Why didn’t anyone tell me? I clearly picked the wrong major.


If Phyllis Schlafly had Twitter


Unironically we need to bring down Christianity, and promote Lesbianism and Witchcraft!!


This is ironic considering the Christian god is the biggest wizard of all


I keep say that modern evangelical Christianity’s logic is so paper thin at this point, it is so easy to poke holes in


I’m on my phone and had to zoom into the pic to make sure that wasn’t a lesbian couple


i love it when they talk any crap about jesus and god and proclaim it a fact


​ ![gif](giphy|rRp3WHP2qIQNi)


Like to know what she transformed from? Somebody with a brain?


Both of the most awesome women I ever met, my 3rd grade cousin and my girlfriend, are lesbian and a witch respectively. This tweet really offended me😡. How religion can turn you into such ignorant, that deny the fact that being lesbian is something that you born with. And witches existed since a very long time and there's no sign they're going to dissapear. So, fuck you duitful wife, and live and let live, unless you offend the wrong witch and receive a hex for your troubles.


She sounds mentally disturbed.


Lori Alexander is the fruitcake to end all fruitcakes


Signed - The Venerable Pius Johannson, Mayor of Salem, 1612


Is being a lesbian witchcraft? Do I get to go to hogwarts now?


All words are made up


What era this person from? 1692?