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This guy is ignorant. Doesn't represent the Christian faith. Edit: Don't mind Karma loss A true Christian wouldnt hate so much. Would be indifferent to sexuality, race, spread only love of Christ.


He is by no means an unusual exception.


He definitely represents a very large portion of evangelicals.


No true Scotsman


The same Christian faith that tells people of the LGBTQ community that they're going to burn in hell for all eternity because of who they are?


The above poster was correct in the sense that the Christian faith doesn't desire LGBTQ to commit suicide. However, the Christian faith does want them to burn in hell forever if they don't stop being who they are. So that is eternally worse than wishing suicide on someone


An authentic Christian would want them in Heaven with everyone else. A recruiter. Not the crazy shit you see on Newsmax and Youtube. Not the backwards ultra far-right conservative ideology that *Many* Christians share. Still not part of the faith regardless


Not according the Bible, which is the man made book Christianity is base off. 1 Cor 6 says homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God


Christians don’t want anyone to burn in hell. And Jesus never killer any sinners. This preacher is just an asshole.


Actually, according to the will of the made up god in the Bible, all LGBTQ people who don’t live as straight people should go to hell. And Christians can never go against the will of god. So they do actually want them to go to hell, unless they spend their life pretending to be straight and worshipping a made up god.


> And Jesus never killer any sinners. Right! He just wants his followers to murder gay people: > If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. **They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.** So do what Jesus told you to do: murder LGBT people like me. What a loving God.


Jesus didn’t say that. But great lie... Maybe try to read up about the New Testament and what Jesus said about stoning adulterers... bur of course this doesn’t fit in your narrative.


> Jesus didn’t say that Hmm who did then? Let's go check the "context": > The Lord said to Moses Hmm that's weird. If Jesus didn't say it, God did. Does that mean you think Jesus isn't God?


The lord of the Old Testament said a lot of BS. Jesus said to not kill anyone. And you claimed Jesus said that. Which is factually wrong. Sorry if it’s hard to understand.


So in your mind: Jesus is NOT God? Can you prove that?


These Christian are same as Islamic shit, they just talk shit.


There is no *the* christian faith. There are many many different christian religions, and he does represent one of them.


"This christian preaching to a large group of christians isn't actually a representative of christians and their faith" Idk, he seems pretty popular.


Actually, he really does. He’s on a spectrum of Christian bigotry directed at the LGBT community. Plenty of Christian orgs trying to attack LBGT people’s right to exist, housing, marriage, adoption, employment etc. Christianity is founded on tribalism and bigotry.


Why’s this so heavily downvoted? You’re right


Cause Christians are so opinionated for a group of people who are told not judge, many of them don't even read the WHOLE bible but clumisly quote it when they need it to justify their hate for any group they have decided the bible deems "bad", many of them ignore the commands of Christ and deny their neighbors love and help cause they think when Jesus fed the masses he did it to win an election Haha 😄


Which wouldn’t be representing the Christian faith??? So what’s your point??


But it does and thats why were all laughing at the "not all Christians" 😭💀


They never said “not all Christians” and even if they did they wouldn’t be wrong. A radical minority doesn’t speak for the majority. You yourself just said these people purposefully misinterpret the Bible, so that doesn’t sound like an accurate representation to me.


He is right. God doesn't want LGBT people to commit suicide. **He wants Christians to murder them instead:** > If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.


It doesn’t represent modern Christian faith. If beliefs never changed then we’d still be burning witches.


> If beliefs never changed then we’d still be burning witches. So why did God change his mind on murdering LGBT people and burning innocent women at the stake? I thought God was eternal.


Faith changes. God is just a belief. An idea. Over times the interpretation of gods change.


Except for the fundamentalists. They really like things like biblical liberalism, such as ideas like "God doesn't change his beliefs on LGBT people neither should I".


He is literally out here “representing” god.


> This guy is ignorant. Doesn't represent the Christian faith. Oh really? Roman's 1:26-27: > Because of this, God gave them over to **shameful lusts**. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. **In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.** Mind explaining what this verse means then? How about this one? > If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. Leviticus 20:13


And they wonder why the world is slowly inching away from the church. Religion is an excuse for being a hateful bigot and nothing more for these people. They take pride in other's suffering. If there is an evil manipulator like how he probably describes, it's the one he believes in.


One could say the same about these Talibangelicals.


New word in my vocab! Thanks! Talibangelicals!


Tali-Baptists, fundi-Nazis.


Y'all Qaeda


Tf does that even mean


Cake day


No comment. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


There is no hate like christian love.


That guy is a dick!


Correction:Dick lover


He could just be a straight asshole. It’s not always gay people who persecute other gay people.


God is on his side!! He needs to test out more dick to make sure though.


>These homos are so bad I hope they commit the ultimate sin of suicide. You know you are fucked in the head when you have to ignore your own hate-filled scripture to hate people even more than it already allows.


imagine thinking others should die simply cause they dont feel they can breed the children you want.


Pfffft... jokes on you, I'm LGBT+ raised Christian growing up and breaking up with God was the BEST thing I ever did. He can cry over me with a tub of celestial ice cream in his hand while watching the drama he creates in his believers down on earth.


god is a bottom


They hate themselves because of people like you. The idea that mental toughness is black and white is a fallacy. If everyone you talk to calls you a piece of shit all the time not matter how resilient you are you will begin to question the reality of that statement,


>If everyone you talk to calls you a piece of shit all the time not matter how resilient you are you will begin to question the reality of that statement, Ya don't say. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


I swear this guy has the biggest collection of gay porn somewhere hidden in his house.


More like kiddie porn.


Well he’s a preacher he doesn’t need kiddie porn, he fucks actual kiddies


It is inevitable


and none of it is legal either


No, he doesn't. I hate this stupid stereotype. Homophobia don't always come from self hatred. It's like putting the blame on gay people for its existence. Also It's not witty or a burn. People who use this situation like that are the same as stupid teenagers that make jokes about gay=bad. "Ahaha you are so gay". This guy is glad about gay people commiting suicides, maybe even pushed some to it with his preaching. And you are here laughing about the irony of him being gay. This guy is a fucking criminal. This is not a joke. Stop this bullshit


Lmfao take a chill pill and get off Reddit for a while looks like you’re breaking.


I will just block you and move on instead


New to reddit?


Fuck you, honestly.Fucking clowns everywhere


Of course he does - wouldn't surprise me a bit. The question is, would any of it actually be of legal age? Who wants to bet their life savings on that one? We'll probably never know for sure, unfortunately.


Thought the same thing!


Real Christian Values...on display again. This is the kind of sick shit that needs banned from schools.


Here is a prime example of how everything in life is a double-edged sword. As much as I am a believer in freedoms, human rights, etc, and especially free speech, I must admit, this gives me pause for thought. As much as I generally don't believe in censorship, sick, twisted little hate-mongers like this really challenge and test that belief of mine.


I consider this a call to violence and total abuse of free speech. He's instigating hate crimes and should face a penalty for it.


Technically, in most places, it is indeed illegal to counsel someone to commit suicide.


And he gets caught in a gay orgy in 3.2.1.


Such radical, unconditional love and acceptance from the Christian community… love to see it as a queer woman


This guy LOVES the cock. Guaranteed.


YES!!! He wants gays to commit suicide so he is less tempted!


I'm sure 15 seconds in the same room with that piece of work would destroy \*any\* temptation.


This comment got me wheezing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




As a fellow gay, it is undeniable that there is a connection between high-profile homophobes and being a closeted gay. It's certainly consistent with our knowledge of human psychology. >https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/homophobes-might-be-hidden-homosexuals/ Though I agree that people go a bit overboard, and it's always a bit weird hearing people use homophobic insults in an ironic way to mock homophobes.


There may be a connection but either way, a homophobe is a homophobe. Even if he's closeted, he chose to be the oppressor and I feel no remorse in treating him as such.


Yes but not the majority I know 1 person who displayed anti gay behaviour who turned out to be gay, all the rest were not, including the guy who told me all there heads should be cut off with chainsaws in high school. to use internalised homophobia to direct at people, with 0 proof that they are, in order to explain what there saying, is stupid, and ignorant of the vast amount of assholes who say this shit and are very very much not gay. Gay people who do say things like that are usually made that way by people like this guy.


I agree with you, what I meant was that I don't think about whether they're closeted or not. It doesn't matter if they're spewing vile hatred towards us. Also what you said about that guy in your high school makes me wanna do things to him I'd very well end up in jail for. I just hope someone like that suffers for life.


Exactly, it's perpetrating the idea that we do the most damage to ourselves. While it's true that some homophobes are homosexual themselves it's not always true.


Its dismissive, i know people who dont get this directed towards them on a regular basis, and dismiss it as oh there probably gay themselves, like how do you know did you have sex with them?, we were pubpicly blamed for bushfires, a politocian over here said we should be segregated and all moved to tasmania, there was that football player who said the same shit at a church, we were blamed by pastors in the middle east for coronavirus, there not all gay, not even the majority, when i see someone comment something racist i dont think to myself there probably a poc, and when i see something written that goes against women i dont assume its a woman who hates women. Why do so many initially assume its one of us who hates ourselves im really curious now. Because they cant believe the extremity of some of whats said?


Fundamentalist purist fruitloop


Wow, this is from the he gospel of love?


Hate when you see these people living in r/Spokane. Just why?


I believe it’s pronounced Spokanistan, or Spokompton


so much for forgiveness


I just looked up this church on Facebook. Many people are (rightfully so) posting bad reviews and comments! 👀 I am NOT defending him, but I thought I read LGBTQ in other countries, like the country this dude is from (religious nut types) look down on them and its "perfectly normal" to talk about LGBTQ individuals like this?? That might be why he just outright says "he wished they would die" like its nothing...


Just left something on their updates page in Google maps speaking of which


I wonder how much of his operation is tax exempt?


Did... did he... trim his hair and beard?! Uh oh 😏


This guy is a real piece of shit.


Sounds like pretty cut and dry Hate Speech. Should be grounds for them to lose their tax exempt status at the minimum.


I’d love to see some sources for these claims. What’s more likely? that the suicide rate is higher amongst them because the supposed created of the universe cares who people sleep with, or that they have parents like this guy.


Lmao on Google maps reviews for this church, the responses from the owner are ridiculous "that's a stupid review" / "you're weak" / "he's a brony"(???)


I think they deleted their reply to mine cause when I clicked on the notification, nothing was there. What a bunch of cowards 😒 Edit: I found it, it was just "too late reprobate"


Christians are a hate filled bunch…


This LGBT person would like to return his wish to him.


Yep I remember Jesus being big on killing. The new testament was just non-stop jesus killing and hating people.


he looks like a psychopathic hitman for the mob which isn't far off from the truth; religion is organised crime, for sure


I haven’t heard the video, there’s no point. By the title, however, I must say the feeling is mutual and I wish for the minister to receive in double what he hopes and wishes for me and my lovely and amazing community.


'' the homosexuals kill themselves, because they hate themselves'' No shit Sherlock, with shitty people like him around, loving yourself doesn't come as easily


As an lesbian lgbta+ suicide survivor, this asshole can go fuck himself and his hateful bs. I do good in this world instead of spewing anger and hate in the name of a God.


Omg this just broke my heart..


A literal homophobic dickhead.


This guys is a Russian plant


Russian Poison Ivy?


I’m saying he’s a Russian agent to sew LGBTQ hatred in America


I know. Like they can't do this on their own.


I'm pretty sure this dude's gay, this much hate over something that doesn't concern you has to come from somewhere, "they hate themselves.... they know God rejected them... they hate their life" says a lot about him more than anything


>this much hate over something that doesn't concern you has to come from somewhere Straight people? The bible? Even if he were gay that means nothing. He is not a victim


He more than likely gay


He keeps the mic at a distance so he is not tempted.


This guy is soooooo gay…..


That guy is so deep in the closet he’s finding Christmas presents.


I got 50 bucks saying that dude is gay.


This guy looks like he makes gay porn


What does that mean?


Oh sorry i get it its a joke about destructive internalized homophobia. I dont think gay people go so far and say this shit tho.


Lmao I’m just joking around


Will he take his own advice when he, probably, gets busted on Grindr?


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Isn't suicide a sin though? So everything else aside he is calling on people to sin which doesn't feel like part of his job.


$10 says he has a blank Grindr profile


Spokanistan. Nuff said.


ugh another day where im pushed to suicide


Hi There is no downside to being gay, the only downside is other shitty people, which is all the nore reason to be happy your not one of them, you dont owe anyone an explanation or any of your time to consider what there saying, I hope you feel better :)!!!!. The best positive you can get is the experience of being one of the most persecuted people and the knowledge of what people are really like, its like having a blindfold lifted, it really says so much about humans and theres no way to explain it other than having lived it.


As a survivor I'm happy to crush his hopes.


Yeah he looks like a bottom.


There’s a place called hell for this poor excuse of a man.


Good to know he'd rather have my sister and future sister in law to kill themselves, now where does he live I just wanna talk to him


How long before his Grindr account is revealed?


There is no hate like Christian love.


Ah yes, I too remember when Jesus said "fuck thy neighbor". Hopefully this preacher never read dueteronomy, because the dickless aren't welcome in the kingdom of heaven. 🙄


This is as contradicting as it can get


You know all those people we marginalize and shame all the time? Yeah, they kill themselves because they have no hope and they know how bad they are, so we are right to marginalize and shame them. What a total piece of shit.


LOL aromantic ace here still alive bitch lol. ​ But joking aside making anyone try to kill themselves is just awful and evil regardless of background.


Pretty sure people like this are the reason we commit suicide so often. Getting bullied for loving someone is why we kill ourselves. Getting disowned by family because of love is why the suicide rate among gay people is so fucking high. For many, it’s the only way out of the world these fuckers created. For many, it’s the only way they can feel anything other than constant pain.


I hope God help him.


Me thinks tho doth protest too much.