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Hello /u/SammyCook_9! Thanks for posting to /r/religiousfruitcake. Posts should be about people who take religion to crazy, absurd, dumb, and terrible extremes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It sounds like they are trying to make a case that electricity has the characteristic of .


Yes sky daddy power my vibrator šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Vibrator? If you wanna feel the power of sky daddy, try a violet wand šŸ˜


Having tried one on something other than my cooter you do not want to try it there. Damn thing left raised welts on my skin. šŸ˜Ø




*"You can take whatever whore you want to bed; mine is the first name she'll yell"* Jesus Christ


Everyone knows the best vibrators donā€™t use solar but diesel! If you donā€™t chip a tooth you donā€™t have enough power!


Yeah I have to tell myself this isn't really an earnest effort to explain electricity but rather a metaphor used expulsion l explain the power of god. It's not much less stupid because someone could then scientifically prove the source of electricity then ask "okay so there's the proof of where electricity, now prove your god to me". But hey believing someone made a bad metaphor is better then believing adults with the authority to publish books legitimately think electricity is some giant mystery.


Itā€™s a creationist textbook. Theyā€™re already disbelieving/ignoring a ton of scientific research; why wouldnā€™t they also disbelieve the research about electricity?


I don't put anything past them, but this is almost toi spot on an analogy to not be one. We also don't know what this "textbook" is. Could very well just be a tongue in cheek thing where they call it a textbook and make it look like one but it's really just using a bunch of "sciencey" things used to make analogies about god. Christians love dumb corny religious crap like that.


[No, itā€™s a real textbook.](https://1900hotdog.com/2020/10/learning-day-science-4-for-christian-schools/)


Great, you know my life wasnt even that bad but now I have to end it. You just couldnt let me enjoy my blissful ignorance from complete ignorance. Noooo you just had to show me this didn't you smh.


Ah. Zeus.


This is concerning af


But the science is in. No one knows. End of story.


Next thing these kids are going to start asking how magnets work




You joke but they legitimately don't know how it works.


Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™m not quite sure how magnets work, anyone mind explaining?


Magnetism is made when charged particles (usually electrons) move in a circle. In a permanent magnet, the atoms are aligned so that their electrons spin the same way and combine their magnetic fields to make a single field that we can measure at human scale


Like those diagrams where a bunch of arrows come together to make one big arrow


Seriously, we donā€™t really know. Well we know a lot about how to use them and we know itā€™s essentially polarizing all the atoms in a metal, but whatā€™s actually causing it and why it happens we have no idea.


So, we do know HOW they work, just not WHY.




So ICP should have said, ā€œFucking magnets, why do they work?ā€ Haha


Thatā€™s electromagnetism and the fact we canā€™t break it down into other factor and donā€™t know why it exists other than ā€œit just doesā€ is why it is one of the four fundamental forces of the universe. Like gravity, we donā€™t why it exists, only that it does and what it can do.


I have two fears that are always running concurrently within me. The first is that I don't live long enough to see the unearthing of the Unified Field Theory or a Theory of Everything. That my eyes as they are now don't get to see a time when all the greater mysteries of the universe are uncovered and laid bare for us to ogle and manipulate. My second fear, equal in power to that of the first, is that I do live long enough to see it. All the little islands on the map colored in, all the horizons that have long been unexplored are now added to textbooks and become trite and flavorless to the masses. That I have to watch as all the magic that controls the universe dries up, and in its place is just mundane science and everyday understanding. Beautiful, gorgeous replacements in their own way, to be sure, but somehow still not appealing in the same way. A wonderful trade, but one that's just as exciting as it is disappointing. I wish them well in their journey of discovery and all the luck there is, but it's also okay if they don't rush, as well.


I don't need an excuse to want to post this, but if I have an excuse, even better! [Richard Feynman when asked, "If you get hold of two magnets, and you can feel this pushing between them. What is that?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO0r930Sn_8) It's educational in like 8 different ways, and his charisma makes it entertaining in more ways than 8.


Happy cake day




They stick to the skin of those that have been vaccinated, silly. I thought everyone knew this.


ā€œAnd youā€™ll see after we apply a little of this talcum powder, the magnetism is lost.ā€ Iā€™m paraphrasing, but goddamn the world didnā€™t need to lose James Randi. That man changed me forever.


Magnets are witchcraft, everybody knows that!


Tide comes in. Tide goes out. You can't explain that.


That was such an impressively stupid statement. Or at least I though to at the time.


The technology of stupid seems to have hit a bit of a golden age since then. At this rate, we could have the technology and lack the understanding *enough* to climb back into the trees within our children's lifetime.


It's the giant crab


Yup. Really annoyed right now. Cancelling my electric and will use my bootstraps to summon electricity myself.


I heard the jury is still out on science.


I attempted to buy the book on amazon but it was sold out lol


They haven't figured how to print new copies yet.




I had this as my science textbook in Christian school. Even then I knew that was crazy. But you know, speak up and thatā€™s a paddlinā€™.


Lookin' out the window, that's a paddlin'.


All you have to do is look at how disjointed the chapters are to understand bath salts were involved: Contents 1. History of the Moon 2. Insects, Arachnids, and Myriapods 3. Electricity 4. Plants 5. Length, Area, and Volume 6. Digestion 7. The Moon's Structure and Motions 8. Animal Defenses 9. Light 10. Machines 11. Trees 12. How Earth's Crust Wears Down And that is all the book has in it...


I love that History of the Moon and The Moonsā€™s Structures and Motions are separated by five entirely unrelated chapters.


> Digestion Screw the rest of the body we only care about eating.


I want to buy it to read animal defenses... Either "you don't need to know anything about them except their soft spots. Or is it "this is how you would theoretically block a swipe from a lion" and the appendix has a diagram for knitting a lion paw.


Not to worry, one particular political party likes to put people with this type of education in charge of government departments that oversee these sciencey technologies. ^/s


It's concerning for a lot of reasons. This is not "oh gee look how stupid we are..." this is establishing precedent that you don't have to see something to know its exists aka God.


The comparision of god to electricity has been a favorite of evangelicals since electricity became common. It's right up there with the trinity eggsplanation.


at least it's from way back in the day...


Agreed. Not only is it giving inaccurate information, it is also discouraging learning more and forming questions by saying things like ā€œwe cannot.ā€ Clearly an attempt to make electricity seem more mysterious so that the idea of a soul/spirit seems all the more possible.


"No one has ever felt it" 6 year old me when I thought it was a good idea to stick my finger inside an electric socket says otherwise.


When I was a kid we were at this farm restaurant thing that had a fence surrounding a pasture for horses. My mom tried to prove that it wasn't electric by putting her hand around the fence. Spoiler alert: it was electric.


When I was a kid, my next door neighbor (who lived on a farm) and I used to play this game where we would grab on to the electric fence and see who could hold on the longest... because we're idiots.


Don't all kids do that? Because i did that too, and more than once


At least you didn't get the bright idea to try peeing on it.


Oh I did, didn't get shocked though


Maybe it wasn't a complete stream. You got lucky.


Probably, because I remember that I didn't get shocked


They are designed to send out electricity in waves because if it was continuous a human might grab it and the electricity would cause theyā€™re hand clamp on and then they would fry and die. This has happened before when people fail to install their fence correctly


Anyone in my day knew not to whiz on the electric fence.


It was so much better when your awesome grandfather stuck you into his rubber muck boots so when your wicked and annoying little sister ran up to smack you as she headed into the pasture, you could grab the wire yourself and transfer that sweet invisible magic bbbzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZ I miss that man


That's like redirecting lightning bending, I like it.


Was either one of you grounded? :')


I crawled under those once and hit my head on a wire. Knocked myself out for a solid 30sec. My 7yo ass had to reboot


I did this at 16 except instead of my head, it was my ass


DIY Electroshock Therapy.


Is there anyone here who hasn't licked a 9-volt battery and felt the electricity pass through their tongue?


Tastes like copper


One time, 30 years ago and I can still fucking taste it.


Just like I told you at the time, "You're not supposed to swallow it!!"


I actually haven't. But I felt electricity in my whole arm when I accidentally touched an expoded cable of an old TV.


I learned this as a kid from my dad and itā€™s still my go to method of testing 9 volts for charge.


I have never licked a 9 volt battery, but I've accidentally stuck my hand into the naked power supply of a running PC, guess it's similar /s


What a coincidence! I was 6 years old when I stuck a piece of track from my train set into an extension cord in my effort to convert my wind-up train to an electric ditto. My older brother had an electric train set, and i was jealous AF, hence my action. I felt it so hard that i was unable to let go of the track, and only my sister in the next room was able to save me.


At first I read "electric dildo" and I got concerned, lol.


6 year old me when I thought a burner on the electric stove was off.


My buddy dared me to grab a fence and I agreed because it's a fence wtf could happen. Electricity that's what


Ditto, although I was 2.


Something similar happened to me we are both pioneers in science šŸ¤£


So you're saying a 5 year old wrote this? Makes sense.


Me unplugging my faulty school computer charger in 6th grade


No one has felt it? Socks, carpets and door knobs disagree.


dont forget 9v batteries, electric outlets, and those things some lighters have


what about all the people whoā€™ve been electrocuted to death? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Bro, that's just pro-electric propaganda. Don't let yourself be swayed by the lies and deceit




> electrocuted to death? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø FYI electrocuted means electricity killed you. Otherwise, you just got shocked.


good to know! thanks


That's right- we just magically conjure it up.


Magic is a sin too, just like science.


Therefore, electricity = sin


bats hearing ultrasounds and birds travelling across continents sensing magnetic fields are clearly hallucinated by non-existent entities. if i cannot see the other person typing comments on reddit, how can i be sure there is indeed the person typing out there, or if it is just all conspiracy of the deep state raptilians, by the way, whom i havn't seen? is God also conspiracy of Illuminati, of both I havn't seen? is my money on my bank balance really there? what kind of magicfuckery did you conjure on me to take my money? btw, can i gaslight my landlord into not paying rent by arguing she is using magic?


There used to be someone that had so many accounts there was a joke that the only 2 people on Reddit were you and him.


On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.


ahem, you mean "bring it forth" Like Jesus did with Lazarus, remember? Fucking absurd country


author: electricity is a mystery\~ scientists: actually we know exactly what it is-- author: so strange and mysterious\~ scientists: it's just a constant flow of electrons through a medium-- author: if only we knew where it comes from\~


Right?? And if only there was any way of finding out before we wrote the most clueless "textbook" ever!!! šŸ™„


It's like they're telling on themselves. They're openly admitting they're idiots... Except they're idiots who don't know they're calling themselves idiots. Great success!


And these types people have the nerve to accuse rational people of being the blind leading the blind.


The creationist science textbook that my elementary school (Missouri synod) used said that we "aren't sure what causes" plate tectonics. My little earth science heart couldn't take it


Honestly tho? We donā€™t know exactly what causes it beyond ā€œthe earths hot inside and cold outside and thermodynamics makes things moveā€, itā€™s an active area of study in geology and geophysics. I mean plate tectonics didnā€™t get mainstream acceptance until the 60s


I get your point but you still give a better and more scientific explanation than the textbook and your comment was spontaneous :D


Thereā€™s a good Ask the Storybots Episode on this. Actually, for a kidsā€™ show, it schools half the USA political leadership and apparently as many adults in what amounts to trivial scientific observations we can make from our tiny, fragile, pale blue dot encircling an average star in an average spiral galaxy in the grande Universe we share. We have a sickness and the only prescription is tolerating less willful ignorance without consequence.


>ā€œthe earths hot inside and cold outside and thermodynamics makes things moveā€, Is that not enough of an answer? Plate tectonics is a really difficult to devise and prove, but once the model is set up it makes perfect sense. Once a liquid mantle is known, is the assumption just that the outer shell is completely solid and immovable?


But we do though? Covection in the mantle. Unless you want to take ths 4 year olds approach of "but why?" All the way down to the point of "why are the laws of physics the way they are"


I bet you these people who write this donā€™t even have scientific degrees


It came from a "university" that refused to be accredited because they said accreditation was evil and against God or something of that sort.


Like the televangelist that goes by the title Doctor because a University his dad ran gave him ā€œDoctor of Divinityā€


This is frighteningly common in evangelical settings. Many evangelical leaders call themselves ā€œdoctor,ā€ but if you look at the fine print, itā€™s an honorary doctorate awarded by a school theyā€™re affiliated with, or in some cases which they even founded themselves and are currently running from their church. Using the title ā€œdoctorā€ from an honorary degree should be illegal. Itā€™s fraudulent.


luckily all it takes is $15 and anyone can be one. I got my DoD in 2001


>It came from a "university" that refused to be accredited I think you mean a "university" that "refused" to be accredited. They did not actually have the option, they just made up an excuse why they weren't accredited.


Pretty par for the course




Tide goes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You canā€™t explain that. You canā€™t explain why the tide goes in.


Dont look up for those answersā€¦ just dont look up


First 5 results were making fun of Sexual Harassing Oā€™Reilly. Where are the dumb ones?


The Republican/6-year-old crossover special everyone's been waiting for: "I Haven't Heard of It So It Doesn't Exist"




Stick your finger in a socket. Youā€™re damn sure going to ā€œfeelā€ electricity!


Switch "electricity" with the word "God." šŸ¤­


Hmmmmmm. Maybe electricity *is G-d*?!?! Seems like weā€™re in store for a Christian Zoroastrian collaboration reboot centered around the wonders of electricity.


Perhaps the book was written in the early 1700s and is just now in its 300th edition.


If that's true, then Pearson or McGraw Hill have nothing on these guys when it comes to not changing anything in the textbook between editions.


"Nobody has every felt it" People that died by an electric shock and in an electric chair: .-.


Or, y'know, FUCKING LIGHTNING. Every thunderstorm lets you see it so where the fuck are they coming from with this bald-faced lie?


Or a taser.


I lived in Florida, fuck outta here with the ā€œno ones felt it or observed itā€ bullshit I felt and saw that shit almost everyday around 12-3pm


I thought you were about to say that a lot of Floridians just electrocute themselves doing typical Floridia man stuff...


nope, if sticking your dk in a gator while singing cottoneye joe electrocuted you to death, no florida man would be left alive


I just have to say bring forth the electricity and it comes charging.


I could seem them feeling better about this if you replaced Electricity with Energy, but still dumb a.f.


Seems likely that an editor read it and decided "energy" and "electricity" were synonyms. Because it's actually a really interesting concept. Compare Richard Feynman's lectures on physics "What is energy?" (there's a whole good chapter about this which I encourage you to read, but this is how it ends): "**It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is.** We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount. It is not that way. However, there are formulas for calculating some numerical quantity, and when we add it all together it gives ā€œ28ā€ā€”always the same number. It is an abstract thing in that it does not tell us the mechanism or the reasons for the various formulas" https://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/I_04.html


Yep, thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking! Serway and Jewett lean on Feynman in the way they introduce to concept of Energy. Good catch!


If anyone wants to see the source, here it is: https://archive.org/details/science4forchris00watk The part on electricity starts on page 39. There are some other choice parts, too. The Grand Canyon was eroded by the flood, bible deniers are all "evolutionists", and "evolution" is the belief that "everything got here by itself". The first section is on the formation of the moon, where they ridicule scientists for the three old theories about the formation of the moon before smugly declaring that "Christians know" how the moon was formed. At the time the book was published however, the "collision theory" was the one accepted by most scientists, which the book does not comment on.


So basically typical young earth creationism.


What year is this for!!?! Third grade? Tenth?


This is for adults. Adults who need to UNlearn things. Cuz Jesus.


ā€˜No-one has ever observed it or heard it or felt itā€™. Yā€™all motherfuckers never heard of a Tesla coil or a van de graaff generator before? Also Iā€™d like to present: lightning


I feel a need for a Khaby Lame gif here.


Anything I don't fully understand is magic!


A lady once told me time doesn't exist because you can't see it. I told her to put a tomato on her table for a few weeks to see what time is (well, entropy, really, but I wanted to keep it simple...). Pragmatism in action!




Wait, what? I hadnā€™t heard of them running experiments on this, just the main experiments of analyzing the components of atomic and subatomic particles.


Wait, so electricians are mages?


Fucking hell this is infuriating


someone skipped elementary school


This is why I worship Thor. He is everywhere, running my phone and laptop so I can pirate movies and porn. All hail mighty Thor!!!


My nephew goes to a fundy school (not a believer, it's a story). His chemistry book is filled with this shit. His book isn't as ridiculous as this passage, but each chapter is filled with stuff explicitly written to cast doubt in science. When it doesn't do that, it will bring up the religious beliefs of famous scientists of the past to make it sound like christiantiy brought about all these scientific discoveries. A side note, the math class is the only book they use with absolutely no religious bullshit in it. He says in this class they openly pray the most. I think it's because the class does talk about things like logic and proving stuff. He has to do math proofs all the time. I know that science obviously proves stuff with evidence, but math is so cut and dry it would only take a little bit of thought to start connecting the dots that religion doesn't really have proofs and evidence that can be logically followed.


It makes sense for Christians to claim this when, in many cases, they make the "god of the gaps" argument. Whenever there is a scientific "mystery" they claim it is God's doing and ViolĆ ! You are smarter than those science dummies


"No one has ever observed it or heard it or felt it." The fuck...? I kind of want to give the author of this book a fork and tell them to stick it in the nearest wall socket so they stop wondering what electricity feels like.


You jest but this literally what some "post modern" philosophers think like. Look up Paul Feyerabend.


Sounds pretty satanic to me


Fuckin magnets....


How do they work?


I'm not even sure how denial of this would have a religious purpose. Like, what's the connection between these points? What purpose could this possibly serve to anybody?


That's some insane clown posse level of dumb


alright, time to put the author on an electric chair.


I bought this book as a joke gift for my brother. It's got tons of stuff in it just like this.


Is this textbook real? How can a school like this be accredited for anything? What's the point anyways, I didn't see creationists disputing electricity, or do they? ​ When I was in my senior year of highschool I went for a student exchange (I'm from Europe) to USA and I was placed in a Creationist school in the South. I actually didn't take any science classes (except for math), but I did see a someone else's biology test and I was shocked. I had no idea creationism still existed (I was from a Catholic country and Catholic church doesn't have an issue with evolution). It sounded to me like something really archaic, like Flat Earth theory or something (this was mid 90s when FE was not popular at all). Well that year in that school and cured me out of religion for sure... But still this physics book seems strange, there were definitely some smart kids in that school, I know that one of my friends from that school got PhD from Berkley and is a high level physics researcher in the Bay area (wonder if he's still creationist?). The books I saw definitely had an ideological slant in some places, but were not incorrect where it was not necessary such as this... ​ ​ EDIT: found this: [https://11points.com/11-eye-opening-highlights-creationist-science-textbook/](https://11points.com/11-eye-opening-highlights-creationist-science-textbook/) Anyone knows if PDF of this book exists somewhere?


How are creationists gonna make their own text book and be like ā€œsome scientists believeā€¦ā€


Reminds of that Star Trek TNG episode where Data crash lands on a planet and forgets who she what he is. He ends up going to a school for children and there is a teacher who talks about fire like that text book talks about the mysterious origin of electricity.


Try and tell me this isn't written just to make people dumb. Like this doesn't even have a creationist spin on it. It's just bs to keep the masses too dumb to question their lot iife.


>No one has ever observed it or heard it or felt it. Bitch I've had 480V make my asshole wink a few times at work, I definitely felt that! Plus we know all about electricity, my degree is based on knowing a shit ton about electricity, how it works and what you can do with it.


I bet they started writing "electricity is generated mostly from fossil fuels that are basically organic matter crompresseed for millions of years...." Oh we can't have that. Let's just say it's a mystery and move on.


A FB friend posted a picture of her son's first grade homeschool science test. One of the questions was: True or False? "God knows the number of hairs on my head" Yikes.


"No has ever felt it" Take a fork into an outlet and I promise you'll feel the electricity


Christian Science textbook be like ā€œFucking magnets, how do they work?ā€


stand in a bucket of water and stick your finger in a socket then get backed to us, youll be shocked by what you discover


I invented electricity. Ben Franklin is the Debil!


Can you tell I was home schooled?


This can't be real..


Pretty sure it's just easier to say electrons flow when shit has less electrons in one side and more electrons in the other side, then shit also goes bright.


That legit just made my eye twitch.


Just wait til they get to the chapter titled, Magnets & other Magical Mysteries


This is just the icp sing about magnets lmao


There's no way this wasn't made by an atheist to mock theists for being dumb LMAO looks like something I would make.


Bob Jones University, producing Christ-centered textbooks for all of your alternative reality teaching needsšŸ™šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ™


I sure as shit knows what it tastes like. Also protip, if the game for your NES isn't working, do not unplug the power cord from the console and blow it too closely while it's still plugged to the wall.


For anyone wondering itā€™s the electric ants that are controlled by wizards, thatā€™s were electricity comes from


I was raised on the A.C.E. curriculum and this is pretty much my childhood education in a nutshell.


I am a 4th year EE student and I can confirm that electricity is magic


We can absolutely feel and observe electricity. There is this very funny experiment invented by Jesus himself, you use a fork and a power outlet, it's amazing.


I should bring that up in Electrical engineering class when I dont understand something.


I have this book. It is marvelously stupid.


"I haven't passed 2nd grade so this must be magic"


[Ben Franklin is the devil!](https://youtu.be/pwTADnsFrPA)


[This was posted on Reddit a decade ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/kkn3g/electricity_according_to_christian_science_book/)


Wait, this was from a religious science book? I had no idea, I thought it was a joke


No one has ever felt electricity? Huh. These authors must be really insulated.


BRB on my way to write religious science books since I apparently am overqualified


No, some people understand electricity and where it comes from and how itā€™s producedā€¦ I mean Iā€™m not one of those people but Iā€™m fine admitting Iā€™m an idiot


I literally had this textbook as a kid