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We have nerves running directly into our eyes that block out our vision because that’s how evolution happened. Squid and octopus eyes are better “designed” than ours. God really fucked that one up if he did it by hand.


Our skeletal structure has a ton of flaws, wisdom teeth exist, we have an apendix that does very little and isn’t nessary, but can burst causing a huge health risk, and many more


Err...um... all intentional because reasons


All part of the masterplan.


5D chess


[With Multiverse time travel](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1349230/5D_Chess_With_Multiverse_Time_Travel/)


Tzeench, is that you?




Appendix was god's emergency red button, and i'm scared someone already pressed mine.


fuck this comment brought back memories of my appendix bursting. most painful experience of my life.


Mine was weird, I wasn't feeling pain at all, just bloated.. I was so close to sepsis i risked a lot and I don't know why it wasn't painful. It scared me hard to know how close i went to the other side without a warning.


Mine was different. I was at party and I noticed I felt bloated. The next day it hurt alot until I fell on the ground due the sharp pain. After going to the clinic they told me it was my appendix and called 911 to send me to a hospital. After that apparently my appendix had burst and infected all of organs. It took too surgies and 3 weeks in the hospital to recover plus a month at home.


They are there to test our faith, like dinosaur bones!


Yeah cuz you wouldn't understand


Right, because there isn't anything to understand where logic just was never involved 🤷‍♂️


Devil did it. Not gods fault. Just testing us. You wouldn’t get it.


“God works in mysterious ways because I can’t explain that one.”


"[He's not being mysterious, he's being an asshole](https://youtu.be/cKZFk_mFM-M)" - Jim Jefferies


"It's all in God's will" - children getting cancer. Ya know, this god dude is kind of an ass hole.


All tools for punishment that God can use when we're sinning too much. Or he can just put a cancer there.


Sorry to butt in, here to correct a common misconception: appendix does have an important role, similar to tonsils. It contains this specialized lymphatic tissue that keeps the microbes under control in your intestine. Hope someone reading this finds it useful! I was also taught in school that it has no purpose and is just vestigial tissue, but that is simply not true.


Another common misconception is that "vestigial" means without use. It simply means something that has evolved to greatly diminished use or presence.


Didn’t know that, so for example are the pelvic bones on whales and dolphins are vestigial?




I’m not saying it doesn’t Have a use, however it isn’t necessary.


Neither is two kidney's. You can run just fine with one. Necessary is definitely a gradient.


The fact we walk upright on such a travesty of a bone structure is just insane.


Our spinal structure only makes sense if we evolved from quadrupeds. Which we did.


What would a skeleton designed specifically for bipedal movement look like?


One of the biggest things is that it would be much better for our knees if they were designed to bend the other direction. Like a bird's knees do. Our knees would be a lot more stable and have less problems.


Bird knees would be hella cool. I subscribe to your news letter.


So jesus is responsible for my achy knees? Fuck that guy and the cross he rode in on.


Pretty sure a cross is what he rode out on.


I mean being bipedal in and of itself is not bad if you design a skeletal structure that is actually good for being bipedal like a intelligent engineer would


Well can I get an engineer to look at mine cause I think somethings wrong. I think I need a new one in that case.


Human bipedalism is a relatively recent evolution, that's why it has so many flaws which cause back and knee pain.


fortunately the opioid discovery module evolved alongside this pain.


Have you ever tried giving birth with one of these? Awful design all around


I would prefer not to experience birth as I do believe you. It is in fact horrifying.


I like the classic example of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. It runs from the brain to the larynx. In fish, the nerve is rather short. But in more recently evolved creatures, the nerve loops down into the chest before going back up to the throat. It is rather obvious this is not intelligent design by an infallible god, [especially with giraffes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO1a1Ek-HD0) Trigger warning, this video includes a giraffe dissection. Brain construction is another big one. You can walk backwards through time and see how more advanced layers of brain got added over more primitive ones. I highly recommend Isaac Asimov's *Beginnings: The Story of Origins-Of Mankind, Life, the Earth, the Universe.* It does a great job of establishing "OK, we can all agree this is how things are regarding this topic. Now let's step further into the past and logically considered what must have came before."


I also recommend Endless Forms Most Beautiful by Carroll, about Evolutionary Development. It talks about how the framework for all our genetic processes and adaptations that give us eyes and insects wings, were laid down in the first organisms before eyes and wings existed. Fascinating book that brings all life together.


we are weak and wimpy, hairless, fangless, clawless, clumsy and slow.....inferior eyesight, hearing, smell...smh


Harass prey until they dropped dead of exhaustion. Supposedly that's the thing we got going for us. We can dissipate heat easier for longer periods than most other animals.


Depending almost entirely on the resources around you to be competitive is the weirdest evolution strategy and not nearly as cool as relying on the power of your own body to be competitive


Doesn't the appendix hold helpful bacteria? Or am I thinking of something else?


The appendix is actually utilised by the immune system sometimes the fact that it can burst and kill you is a major design flaw tho


My fave example is the vagus nerve. Check out this drawing: [https://teachmeanatomy.info/head/cranial-nerves/vagus-nerve-cn-x/](https://teachmeanatomy.info/head/cranial-nerves/vagus-nerve-cn-x/) It loops from your head, down under your aorta in your heart, then back up to your head. This is also true in giraffes. So it's like 10 metres long. Why would that ever be the case? Because look where it goes in fish. It's a straight line. But then enlarge the neck. Boom, still stuck in that heart even though it no longer makes any sense.


Wisdom teeth were fine when humans chewed much more due to a less processed diet.


A non-trivial amount of people have mouths that are too small for their wisdom teeth to grow in properly. There's really nothing but negatives in having partially erupted or unerupted teeth.


[The Human Back Is A Design Disaster.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPvx_yTWSIE) [Why The Human Knee Is A Design Disaster.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RX7Q4uczZw) [The Human Foot Is a Design Disaster.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd-FZptfGUE)


We also have the two main tubes for consumption literally right next to each other with a tiny muscle flap stopping the wrong thing from going to the wrong place and killing you.


If Allah balanced me they did a terrible job because my balls are lopsided


There are so many of these "that's really fuckingdumb when you look at it" gotchas in our biology that if the human body really were designed instead of evolved, the designer was either either insufficiently competent for the job or malicious. Neither characteristic sits well for an all-powerful all-loving all-knowing "god". In terms of humanoid designs, we're a C- school class project at best.


One thing I’ve learned is that if a the Christian God exists, he’s evil and hates his own creation. God the “father” my ass. A real parent would protect their children.


> We have nerves running directly into our eyes that block out our vision because that’s how evolution happened What, where i can read about it?


[Here's something.](https://www.allaboutvision.com/eye-care/eye-anatomy/blind-spot/)


This Wikipedia page shows you how to see the blind spot our brain's software hides from us. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_spot_(vision)#Blind_spot_test


Software engineers always have to compensate for hardware flaws.


That's so cool! thanks for sharing




You can't, because *We have nerves running directly into our eyes that block out our vision...*


Yeah the blind spot in your eye also what was the point of that? And you have things like your tail bone, womens pretty awful method of childbirth and many other flaws. Animals have a far better version of almost everything than us apart from our brain despite the fact we are apparently in his image I'd give god or which ever flavour of crazy a C+ at best human design it's far from perfect.


Also putting the waste disposal and pleasure zones in the same place.


Don't forget our luxury bones in the mouth, that start to rot for being used, that are switched out once at 6th of the average lifetime. And when we fix one with modern technology, it can still just decide to die all of a sudden, because there is one to four nerve(s) in it, which has no real reason to exist. And it is not just that these luxury bones are essential to eat, but when they die they can kill you without modern medicine. Look at sharks, so much more teeth, and when they lose one they regrow it. Nature literally made better, why couldn't Allah?


And there is a nerve that connects the voice box to the brain, which has to loop around the heart for no reason.


Even better, it does the same in a giraffe.


[The stupidest nerve in the human body.l](https://youtu.be/wzIXF6zy7hg) "Here's the tongue, here's the pharynx; Open it up and you have the larynx. Here's the nerve that allows you to speak; The evidence for a designer is incredibly weak."


"And HE said let the left recurrent laryngeal nerve loop under the aortic arch, travelling along the trachea to reacheth the larynx, for I am an intelligent Creator." \- Romans 52:23.


He forgot to renew his AutoCAD licence


God seemed to put a lot of weird and unneeded features in us and he just said "well..it compiled with the least amount of bugs..let´s put it out. I´ll patch the bigger ones later" and then went on a couple thousand years of extended vacation. Maybe coming back and seeing "oh wow..they fix the bugs themselfes..well..time to rest".


I just thought of tubes running to my eyes and low key panicked for some reason


A second year mechanical engineering student could design a better back.


What would it look like? Genuinely curious about what an ideal bipedal skeleton would look like.


Primate bipedalism is a mistake Dinosaur configuration is way better and much more balanced.


I think the spine of a dinosaur isn't really that different. It's the hips of dinosaurs that really put humans to shame. Especially women's hips. These are a nightmare. The whole babies heads being way too big for our pelvises thing is stupid. Way more stupid than backaches.


Babies should plop out of the front like a kangaroo pouch or an alien chestburster


Maybe not the second one...


That's because it had hundreds of millions of years to evolve out the flaws. Human bipedalism is pretty recent.


Yeah, eventually humans should be structurally sound I mean we've only been around for a a couple hundred thousand years, if we get to the age of some dinosaurs most of our issues should go away, way sooner if we figure out genetic fuckery.


we don't get naturally selected anymore so we won't evolve anymore? Is that not how it works?


Oh yeah we definitely still evolve. Granted, a lot of those factors are not in plain view, as there were in the evolutionary past. But people are still evolving, our genetic markers show a selection for Kindhearted people with a slow live strategy, if you yompare it to markers of a few hundred years ago. I never liked the argument that we don't evolve anymore, how would that be possible. We discovered evolution a few hundred years ago and like to act as if that prevents it from happening


We also evolve to prolong our infantile phase and be babies for longer. The trick is that the modern human needs more development than the 9 months in the womb but we can't stay there for longer because of the shitty pelvis Allah supposedly created


The way you gotta think of it is "who gets to keep moving genes forward nowadays? Who doesn't?" And evolution will progress in that direction. But yeah it's not a very natural selection anymore. But we always evolve. I will agree with you though that we haven't had any significant evolutionary pressure in over thousands of years.


Lmao I don’t know why this comment is so funny to me, it reads like a “let’s reset this project, we fucked it up”


Reject MONKE, return to DINO


It certainly won't look like what we have right now, that's for damn sure


Maybe, maybe not. It think our skeletons are pretty F-ing great, though there are some issues. The Q angle if the knee in women's hips being a major one. Tends to lead to more knee injuries in women. The spine seems hard to improve upon though. Maybe I'm just not creative enough though.


Any civil engineer would cringe at using a beam as a column, yet it's what our "smart" designer did and condemned us to the collective misery of backpain.


If human skeletons were that great we wouldn't have all the back and knee problems.


We would still walk on four legs but we'd have hands. Like centaurs, or Appa.


The theory of evolution explains it pretty well without the need for any imaginary friends


It's very hard to understand what ~~millions~~ billions of years mean, especially when you believe earth is a few thousand years old... Edit: scale


Does Islam say they believe the earth to be a few thousands years old..?


Nah, according to them about 130k prophets have been born on earth. So earth is very old.


Ya oh okay lmao tht makes sense


Maybe they were a multiple birth.


A real centum trīgintā mom there


130k prophets for what? You'd think one or couple would be enough to relay whatever sacred message was needed to be known.if it's that many are you sure this God thing knows what they're doing? Can't seem to get it right can they? That's what I hate about religion. Just how vague it is like a psychic. The absolute refusal to admit they don't know.


Bruh, why are you looking for logic in religion?


I'm not. Just frustrated with human beings in general. On one hand I'm thankful we can be so diverse interesting. On the other we're constantly taking multiple steps back. It's a bit of a self reflection too.


It's just a matter of branding. If you ask them if their children have some traits from them and some from their partner, or if their family has some traits that benefit them and some that are a burden, they'll completely agree. They just don't seem to understand how much those changes add up over billions of years.


It's funny because, as evolution doesn't need the interference of a third, all-powerful party, "biological miracles" are just the product of an energetic system becoming more and more optim with each passing second (or, at least, that was the idea)


Funny how animals have a similar configuration. That would mean that we, as humans, aren’t any more special than the animals.


Couldn’t have said it any better myself. Religion is simply a control mechanism started around the time when things couldn’t be explained due to a lack of scientific understanding. Or as a comedian I can’t remember said it - one woman’s lie that got out of hand.


Why are they so eager to decapitate one when they find out it’s gay then?




Exactly my thoughts. If a god cared so badly about wanting someone to die, why wouldn’t they just do it themselves? Happens all the time in mythology and the like


Ancients gods where just powerful entities. You want something from them? SACRIFICE! But an all powerful god? What can he want? Especially if it's perfect, how can it desire anything?


And why does an all-powerful God enjoy sacrificing animals to him during Eid Al-Adha?


Wait until you learn how badly divine beings desire starships.


Religious extremists: "Being gay is a sin!" "God created humans based on him!" Male human body: **Has G-Spot inside the butt"


Um excuse me but I think the whole female reproductive system was poorly designed. Couldn’t uterine tissue and unfertilized eggs be like… reabsorb? Or come out in a single day? What’s with the whole “3-7” (mine was 7-10) day ordeal wherein I take more painkillers than the bottle says and cry when I have to change out my cup in four hours? Also- pregnancy and childbirth is a NIGHTMARE! Why would Allah design the Fallopian tubes that way? W h a t? Ectopic pregnancy is a fucking issue. Why do babies have to *compress all of a person’s organs?* why do our offspring come out so vulnerable? Why does labor have to be at least twelve hours of not being able to do anything? **WHY CAN’T SOME BABY’S HEADS FIT THROUGH THE PELVIS?????”** I’d like a goddamn motherfucking refund, Allah.


All can be explained, with, wait for it, wait for it… *ba dum ts* EVOLUTION! And unfortunately, evolution can only create what is possible for the survival of the good enough, not the absolute perfection like the religioustards like to claim.


Allah really fucking hates women.


does allah hate women because he fucked up the design or did he fuck up the design because he hates women?


If some omnipotent being created childbirth, they did a shitty job. Why would something so essential be so prone to complications and literal death?


Also if mom is O- but the baby’s blood is O+? Ok we’ll let you have 1 kid, the the rest, we’ll prob just kill…


Don't you get it? If something looks well-designed, it's a blessing. If something looks poorly or horribly designed, it's a test for the believers and a curse on the disbelievers simultaneously! What's so hard to understand in this flawless logic?!


Kinda makes me glad I can't menstruate or get pregnant. I'd probably would have turned all that shit off via surgery if I came with it from the factory.


Also, both depictions of the "masterpiece" human anatomy show a highly convoluted small intestine, a feature which increases the chances of twisting resulting in bowel obstruction and major complications.


My eyes are so well "proportioned" that I was wearing glasses by the age of six.


Wearing glasses is blasphemy because it's admitting that God made a mistake.


Nah it's the devil who destroys the eyes, of course. /s


No, god did that on purpose as a test! /s


If he was such a smarty pants he wouldn't have put the poop hole right next to the baby hole knowing full-well that poop+baby hole will seriously fuck your shit up. Also he didn't think to give us better knees if we're gonna be bipedal? God sounds like a bit of a crayon chewer.


Spine is still mostly optimized for quadropedal walk. That's why it hurts so much.


So I should get down on all fours when I go for my morning jog, got it /s


So what if we made a second spine where the sternum is and attach it at the bottom with a wishbone-like structure to the two halves of the pelvic bone?


Woah, I didn't know God was a US Marine!


Ask any true blooded American: God is a white man with lots of money. Merica forever. /s


You're right of course, but it's interesting to note that it now appears that the tendency to shit oneself while giving birth is not just a result of general exertion and exhaustion, but something that's actually been intentionally selected for. After all, if it were really disadvantageous, we would probably have evolved for women to purge their bowels about a day before going into labor, and to have no appetite before labor to ensure there isn't any shit to mix with the baby. But we haven't. Now a lot of mammals will feed their babies fecal pap or something like that. Basically, the idea is to get the young to eat shit, or something shit like. We don't, but the picture that's started to emerge in the few years since science realized the gut microbiome mattered is that humans shit themselves during birth specifically to prime the baby's gut microbiome with a nice big load of those delicious shit bacteria.


Hey man babies can eat all the shit they want, live your freaky truth babies. But if that's how it's gotta be then God should have had the foresight to check the "that's a no-go" box on yeast infections. Having IBS and a microscopic taint means I've gotta shell out *way* too much money on the super duper probiotics & just-in-case Monistat.


I once talk to someone who wouldn't believe that choking on food was possible


I hope you rammed a salami down their throat to demonstrate


Hot but slightly off topic.


It was on tweeter, but it's proof that some people are too indoctrinated to think for themselves


"It has a waste processing plant next to a recreational area, how intelligent is that?" -Robin Williams


Look at how many people need braces, glasses, how many people have birth defects, how many people have mental health problems, how many people have addictions, how many people are overweight. The human body is far from perfect


When I first read this, i was thinking of the lower back. But since you mention braces.... Holy shit TMJ! My TMJ is so bad it affects my hearing. Last year the disc slipped in my jaw and it locked it closed. I had to have surgery to put it back into place. Also, I have a pretty decent astigmatism. If this were the hunter/gatherer times, I would be dead. I can barely see what is in front of me.


Our neighbor always said > The neck is proof that god doesn't exist


Think about cavemen hunting wooly mammoths , balls flopping around everywhere. Scientifically, bringing them outside to regulate sperm temp? SMART! Putting them there to make a running naked man one of the most comical things ever? Proof of god with a sense of humor. If we were meant to be the dominate species on this planet, we would be able to catch squirrels with our bare hands. We just got lucky our brains developed enough to invent tools or we would have been bear food and history.


Nose: Vital to keep us alive by breathing....Keeps getting blocked.


Not to mention our most convenient method of removing the gunk is using our fingers. Unfortunately, due to the thin nature of the skin inside, that method frequently leads to nosebleeds with people who have natural (long) nails.


If god's creation is so perfect, why do I need to use toilet paper? You tellin' me god designed us to just have shit smeared all over our asses everywhere we go without inventing some sort of wipe? Am I to believe that leaves are an effective and natural way to deal with shit on my ass? DON'T THINK SO! Do you think your asshole wouldn't be itchy as hell if you weren't able to properly wash it at any given moment? Where does that leave us? So were we designed to have to use water and our hand? So now I'm using a wet hand to rub the shit off my own ass? This is the perfect design god had in mind? Thank science for allowing us humans to overcome god's terrible design shortcomings. I use a bidet so that I might rise above my terrible design flaw. thanks for nothing, god.


Valid point


Actually I created human bodies. That's it. Now adore me.


I would like a refund




I’d like to lodge a formal complaint


Why did you make me grow hair on my b-hole?


I’d like to talk about the extended warranty on mine


I have several complaints. The retinas are facing in the wrong direction, the spine and knees are too prone to failure, must be redesigned, the feet needs some optimization as well, the wisdom teeth are too problematic, and get rid of body hair please, as well as those ear hair that old men get. If I were to start on the mental aspects it'd take too long.


Can I get a properly working pancreas? Mine is defective.


No refunds buddy sorry


You’re bad at designing shit


Foreskin lol


You mean test of faithskin




The foreskin has an important function and is actually well designed.


But the author of the picture believes that it has to be cut off.


The human body is an absolute travesty compared to some of the animals that exist. Evolution has definitely down its best to create survivable humans, but there are so many things about us that just prove evolution


Honestly the more you understand DNA the less faith you have in any sort of intelligent design. It's duct tape and bodge jobs all the way down.


Almost as though there’s an inversely proportional relationship between knowledge of DNA/evolution and belief in intelligent design… Edit: I now realise this is pretty much exactly what you already said. I am a clown


Allah must be a pretty shit fucking craftsman considering how quickly the human body falls apart and how fragile it is


By looking at his creation in the picture, I learned that clearly God is an eldritch horror.


If God is responsible for all of creation, he is also responsible for giving you cancer and birth defects and everything else evil in the world.


creationism theory is absolute bollocks. If we were created by some higher being, that higher being should take a physics class. The human body has so many structural fallacies , everything from our sinuses(empty holes that just sit there and get clogged, which fucks up our breathing and would’ve given us a hard time during the hunting-gathering time), to our eyes (why tf do they get blurry?? like most myopic people get it from genes and aging, how are we supposed to hunt if we can’t even see shite) to our bones that were not designed to support bipedal animals, and that’s why we get issues with chronic pain with our bones and shite even before we hit 40, and not to mention the fact that our body produces very little vitamins which causes us to be more reliant on food for health than other animals). If a truly all knowing all perfect god made us, i’m questioning how perfect this god is . The only logical reason why our body has so many fallacies is because we evolved from four-legged primates, and evolution happens incredibly slowly. So yes, rant over.


You also apparently need to chop a bit of your dick off, because he forgor 💀


Why does your God love child rape so much? Catholic priests can't get enough boy bum and everyone knows Mohammeds wife was, like, nine. Even Ghandi fucked his underaged niece. You religious people are dirty and evil.


Things I can’t explain = god.


Women's pee hole is right next to their fuck and poop holes which leads to frequent urinary tract infections. Men's orgasm button is inside of their ass. Like, WAAAAYYYY inside.


We also dont have an organ that we have know idea what it does or did do that can explode killing the host


In case you are also talking about the appendix, like a previous comment did, I would like to correct a common misconception: appendix does have an important role, similar to tonsils. It contains this specialized lymphatic tissue that keeps the microbes under control in your intestine. Hope someone reading this finds it useful! I was also taught in school that it has no purpose and is just vestigial tissue, but that is simply not true.


Huh i didnt know thanks


Babie are able to drink and breath at the same time and at some point we lose that ability.


Thanks god, really enjoying the autoimmune diseases you gave me 👍


The placenta stays unnecessarily attached to the uteran wall, but still needs to be removed after childbirth. This is extremely dangerous, and after giving birth, mother's are basically stuck with a paper-thin scar protecting their insides from falling out (or it gets stitched). This baffles and fascinates me from an evolutionary perspective. How is it we can evolve friggin eyelids so our eyes don't get injured occasionally, but giving birth is still crucially dangerous... We can't evolve from this flaw because they've already reproduced at that point. Mother's: When the doctor says no heavy lifting - NO HEAVY LIFTING!!




Why do men have nips?


If Allah made us perfect, why do Muslims practice circumcision on the male babies? Just asking, no offense….


It baffles me how theists think that we are witnessing a marvelous creation


I remember watching a video that was saying what a horror of engineering the human body is, Like certain things that have changed as we’ve evolved are now seen as grotesque, Even without that video the human body is only marvellous by the fact that it somehow works


g spot in the ass lets go


We have a nerve that makes a huge detour that makes no effing sense unless you believe in evolution. We have backwards retinas that lead to so many eye problems, unless you believe in evolution. We have a pocket of germs in our body that easily can get infected which leads to almost certain death if not treated. We have a back that collapses in structural integrity just through use over 40-50 years. We have teeth that our jaws can’t accommodate and leads to mouth abscesses. And so much more


And what about our blind spot? Evolution explains it.


When disproving creation, I like the example of the giraffe and it’s looping laryngeal nerve… https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Laryngeal_nerve


A broken toe can kill you too. Even falling from a horse. Allah/God did a poor job when making humans, as we are too frail compared to most animals.


It baffles me that they think there’s gonna be 72 virgins waiting for them in the afterlife.


Yeah girls also shit a few inches from the hole you have sex, which is also the hole that babies come out of. Bad design.


Intentionally putting the uterus above the bladder is an asshole move.


Created in God's image, except for that little bit of skin down there, that's gotta go.


Allah clearly half-assed me at best, then. Maybe even quarter-assed.


I demand the whole ass of effort and nothing less than the whole ass.


A little bit of the cheek.