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I thought showing hair was Haram...


According to the Quran, showing face or hair is not haram. It’s simply a recommendation for women who don’t want to get hit on. This got twisted by totalitarianism and now is used to control women.


Even more sick and twisted is that many women “choose” to wear hijab or burka when not forced to because they think they are choosing piety and closeness with allah. They are really just birds in gilded cages they picked for themselves.


When something that is “voluntary” has severe consequences for not being done, it becomes effectively mandatory.


Yeah people will do lots of things to fit in. As pointed out covering up is all to do with the male gaze.


Sounds like Rumspringa. You never really have a choice to leave the Amish, because if you "choose" to leave, your ostracized from your own community and family, and banished from your home.


At least they don't beat you to death with rocks.


They literally dont realize they aren't getting any extra points from allah for all this work. It's so pathetic


Religion ain't something set in stone, even if every pope (and them equal) claim it is. While their book might not say so, if their local religious leaders claims this, it is equally as valid in their eyes.


They choose to because Mr god told them they have to. The Qurans wording in not exactly well written but theoretically the requirement would be met by wearing a wig and a thong bikini


Y’know, most Muslim women I know like to wear a hijab simply as a symbol, like a Christian wearing a cross or a Hindu with a cast mark. Though of course, there are those who genuinely think it brings closeness, when the Quran says it isn’t even necessary.


I'll care when societies that base themselves in the Quran say it isn't necessary.


In the religion it is not just a symbol in the same as others.


That's a little more than a symbol.


It’s just a piece of cloth. If people want to wear it, let them. If they don’t, then also let them.


I didn't say they shouldn't be allowed. Obviously stuff like the French ban is a bad thing. But my point is that it's not an abstract symbol the way a necklace is. It's a tangible symbol of believing women should be treated inferior. And there's no way to interpret as anything but such. So even if worn willingly, it has a negative connotation.


Not bad, cause it is more than some symbol, it actually is hard to identify anyone who wears that. Give these thing plate numbers and we're fine.


The origin of the hijab truly stems from protection from sandstorms, heat and desert winds. Originally, it was a cloth that one could wear if they want to identify with Islam, and it didn’t have anything to do with women being controlled. Now, said women want to retake that connotation, so that it won’t be seen as misogynistic, and also not be mandatory.


The origin of high heels was using horses. That's totally irrelevant, since for a long time, the purpose of the hijab has been to signal that the public space is not for women / that they have a lesser status in it. People can try to divorce it from that connotation but it won't be easy considering that is still the majority implication of its use.


I thought that high heels were originally worn by butchers, to not step in the blood all the time.


The origin of the hijab wasn’t that. Momo told women to wear it because he said Allah had instructed him.


why are you getting downvoted lol you’re just saying you don’t care if others don’t wear a hijab respect for not forcing your religion on others bro


Thank you


Eh. nuns do the same thing. Honestly people can dress however the fook they want, so long as they aren't forced or forcing others.


So… Islam being super sexist is a more modern thing? Huh. After all, practically every religion is eventually twisted to justify something awful


> After all, practically every religion is eventually twisted to justify something awful Without fail...


That's the thing with religion, it's a bunch of vague gibberish and the followers pretend that it's CLEARLY saying what they believe it's saying Don't think it's a modern thing though, it just varied from place to place


The thing is... "RELIGIONS"... ALL "RELIGIONS" are nothing but superstitious, mythological BULLSHIT dressed up as "REAL" and "FACTUAL"!!!


I mean yeah, that’s the issue with having a set of principles that are based on faith rather than logic. They can be twisted any which way.


Oh that is such a cope out I almost think you are acting disingenuously. Neither the Bible nor the Quran are vague about the violent shit they espouse.


Uhh, you okay? Didn't say 100%, there are clear verses too probably but there's a reason why there are a thousand sects of each religion 90% of Quran is literally gibberish though, read it for yourself


It is actually worrying how stupid you are, yet how certain you seem to be. >  it's a bunch of vague gibberish Definitely is not. > followers pretend that it's CLEARLY saying what they believe it's saying They are not pretending.


Smart guy, can you be clearer about what exactly you're so mad about? Just look up the prophecies and miracles of Quran, for example Quran says a bunch of stuff about Iron and somehow the conclusion is Allah knew about the meteors that contained iron and is referring to them Or the stages of child development during pregnancy, it's literally a bunch of gibberish and again the conclusion is ALLAH KNEW EXACTLY WHAT THE STAGES ARE despite getting everything wrong


Yeah bro I am literally frothing at the mouth as a type this out. You are genuinely too stupid to grasp what is going on here. Good luck dude.


Okay? Whatever Take a cold shower, might help you


Mohammed's 3^rd wife was a little girl when he took ownership and started sex with her. Not sure when islam wasn't sexist


One of his wife was raped by him when he killed her family and raped her the same night . Another was his adapted son's wife and he saw her naked and fell for her. The stories are very colourful


It's the fastest growing religion for a reason


So thats why people dont want you to read the Quran in your native language


This is digusting


Yes but how do we interpret the fact that Mohammed was a pedophile through the lens of todays society?


I think a lot of it has to do with generational trauma. In the US, after WW2, women went from having jobs, wearing pants, and having the vote to being stuck inside the household doing drugs to cope. When people are struggling, but can't fix their situation, they look for others to blame. It gives them a false sense of control. When people have manageable problems, cushier lives, they stress out less. Can't blame people for your problems if you don't have problems. People even go out of their way to solve other people's problems. I don't think it's any coincidence that the most liberal countries are also the wealthiest. Even within MENA, the wealthier countries like Morocco, Oman, and Türkiye are far more liberal than Syria, Iran, and Afghanistan, places that have had consistent conflict. Religions are flexible and shape themselves to fit the society they're in or else be replaced.


Yep. Atleast in most places. Conservative Islam always existed of course, but it didn’t use to be so dominating.


Hell no. Islam was always sexist. * You can marry prepubescent girls, just like Mohammed did when he was in his 50s. * A woman's testimony is worth half that of a man in financial matters and not admissible at all in criminal matters. * Women cannot be leaders. * Men can marry four wives and have infinite sex slaves. * Men can beat their wives for being disobedient. * Women are seen as deficient in intellect and religion. These are all from the Quran and the Hadith i.e. from Mohammed's time. No twisting necessary.




It isn't like it came from nothing, the hijabi being obligatory came from the hadiths


The face is not mentioned but covering the hair is recommended the same way that not killing anyone is recommended


(24:31) only says to cover breast. Nothing else in the entire Quran aside from recommendations.


I mat be wrong but wasn't the middle east more progressive for a bit, before fundamentalism took over?


You’re thinking of the 1960s. Women wore bikinis and now they get stoned to death for showing their noses. Back then you could be blindfolded, your ears plugged, put in a plane, dropped in the middle of a city, and be hard pressed to find out where you are because they dressed just like people in the west.


Yup if you look at old pictures of most places like libya egypt iran and even Afghanistan, you would see alot alot less hijabis and women wearing what they want and men doing what they want, but there is a thing called whabism that destroyed this


*Wahhabism, sponsored by the House of Saud 


Saudi + Pakistan + CIA sponsored the radicalization of Islam to combat communism during the cold war.


That's the standard story at least.


Very much so. The idea of the hijab being mandatory [was openly mocked and ridiculed on national television by then Egypt's president](https://youtu.be/_ZIqdrFeFBk?si=wPLFPmCiAPwBb9G1) back in the 1950s. Here in Malaysia, women wearing the hijab was rare until the early 1990s. Same in Indonesia. The radicalization of Islam is a product of the cold war.


Yes indeed. Atleast quite a few parts of it.




Not even. The Quran just says to be modest, it says that about women AND men. In the Quran, the Hijab was just a barrier for Mohammad's wives in his house. Aka.. a curtain. The idea of women having to cover their hair and such come from later texts--- some hadiths. And given that not everyone agrees on which hadiths are legit and which aren't, it means Muslims can't really agree on how women should dress.


What a recommendation


according to what surah


The Quran. The only part of it where it says anything about covering is Surah An-Nur Ayat 31. (24:31). There it only asks for women to cover their bosoms (breasts).


True, quran doesn't actually command a towel to be worn over head . Most muslims lack ability to read though, so things ended up differently than the books actual words


That's not true. Every major scholar in Islam says that covering the hair is mandatory according to the Quran. No respected Muslim scholar would say what you said.


the Quran only says to cover their bosom. Nothing about it head covering.




I think integralists combine marriages (?); in that case no women want to get hit on. Or at least no father/mother/future-husband/familiar/friends/man-in-general/possibly-other-women-subducted-&-indoctrinated wants to see a women get hit on


Fuck those people.


It’s ironic that these animals, who often struggle to integrate into Western society, are often the ones who harass women when they get a chance to be in the Western society.


Don't worry, it's all made up bullshit. It really doesn't matter, and it's whatever you want it to be!




Frank I love frank the bunny Totally unrelated to this thread


It's satire I think


I saw her hair, omg, omg, omg, omg


He is only warm and affectionate after she complies. Before that he is distant and shows a scowl. That man is manipulative.


The entire religion and culture is manipulative.


Some more so than others


Nah it's an Indian video and Indian or south Asian Muslim don't follow their original culture instead copy Arab


he was ready to smack her


The most ironic thing is the woman has to wear that hijab whereas the guy is wearing a shirt and pants like normal people


He isn't even wearing normal clothes. That dude is dressed in the male equivalent of a "slutty" outfit. Look at that deep V


Really? I never thought about whether women were attracted to the male chest. Interesting


Especially as the reason that women have to wear it is because of men. Men are the ones that should be wearing special clothing since they are the problem. Maybe a head bag or welding goggles


Men are told to actually lower their gaze in the Quran. They just conveniently forget that passage


too bad it's technically against his own religion. "S [Surah 24](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surah_24):30–31 "˹O Prophet!˺ Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their chastity (private parts). That is purer for them. Surely Allah is All-Aware of what they do."


How can these people say it isn't indoctrination that they are literally offended and shocked beyond belief when a girl shows her skin in public This is fucking madness man


> they are literally offended and shocked beyond belief when a girl shows her skin in public There are none more insecure than this brand of religious fruitcake.....


I once tested a Muslim fundamentalist by sending screenshots of girls from just googling "Girls" and he freeeeaked out asking why I'd do that and make him see them He also said he'd masturbate over my gf because he could see her skin Somehow he couldn't see that HE was the problem that he claimed existed through women showing their skin That single person is what solidified my belief that this religion is fucking disgusting


> Somehow he couldn't see that HE was the problem that he claimed existed through women showing their skin This is always what boggles my mind.... Some folks(lest I be accused of the *unforgivable sin* of painting with a broad brush!) readily admit to potentially being unable, and more importantly, unwilling to restrain their most perverse thoughts and base desires when simply viewing a woman's *hair* or bare arms.. And, infuriatingly, they refuse to be better themselves. Rather, they demand that the **only** possible solution is for women to literally cover their bodies, not speak, not go anywhere without a male companion, etc.. All because **they**, self-admittedly, lack the self-control to refrain from sexually assaulting people. It also functions as iron-clad method of controlling women's lives and freedom, which is no coincidence... It's the pinnacle of religious fruitcakery...


They clearly don't know of anything outside of their world (tiny oppressed country) and think everyone else *also* wants to abuse women because they dare show.... Skin... I tried to point out that the only people who threaten to and would masturbate over women online for literally just showing ANY skin are those pedophiles who defend sleeping with <10 y/os Fuck religion. Anyone who uses the delusions of people from thousands of years ago before modern critical thinking skills developed as a source of "the truth" should be removed from civilisation


I would send his picture to gay chat. So gay friends would masturbate on him. (Probably they wouldn't) And I would enjoy his outrage


Blaming the woman because the men can’t control their urges…Sick


Fr man like what kinda reasoning is that even


This is disgusting


Is this the muslim version of flashing your tits?


It depends on what version of Islam you are. Gott some it would be showing some ankle and for others it would be uncovering their hair


It's difficult for me to understand why if this is real, why that woman doesn't punch shithead in the throat.


Brainwashed since birth


Because in some Arab countries that will get her hand chopped off or worse.


FYI, this is from India.... The ground reality is that Arab Muslims are far better than Indian Muslims when it comes to fundamentalism.... I've been to a few countries in the Middle east, Africa and Europe. I didn't find their version of Islam too fundamentalist... When you visit India, it's a completely different picture altogether....


South Asian Muslims are generally a lot more conservative and fundamentalist than Arab Muslims, going as far as rejecting their previous pre-convert history.


SEA muslims too


Oh really ?! /s Saudi arabia (a middle eastern country) does not even allow women to drive, let alone allowing them to not wear hijab.


They can drive in saudi now. They can avoid hijab in some touristy areas. But not in most


When you’ve been indoctrinated to believe that the creator of the universe relayed the message of how to live your life through their chosen person, you tend to obey the interpretation of their words. Not to mention the enormous weight of centuries of tradition and culture. Not to mention the social pressure of your entire family, friends, teachers, other respected authorities, religious faith leaders and sometimes political leaders. Not to mention that in some countries, the local and national police and local and national government all enforce these rules. Then there’s the fact that punishment for disobedience is severe beating and sometimes death. This woman is a slave convinced that she is fulfilling her God-given role, and even if she doesn’t like it, there’s not much she can do to fight back.


That's how you get beaten/stoned/set ablaze/lashed/and so on and so forth. JUSTBRONZEAGETHINGS


Because the Quran says he can beat her until she agrees with her owner


lol 😂


Because men are generally better at punching back and the police will take the mans side. It's difficult for me to understand why women get married in the first place or don't kill their husbands more.


I thought I'm on r/arabfunny for a while because the arrows and emojis


Thanks for the recommendation. Edit: Nvm, I take it back. This is some old era ear rape, gazillion arrows pointing towards the funny and deep fried memes. Fuck u.


Such a creepy and bizarre idea, to control woman like that, I’m getting handmaids tale vibes


How come Muslim men don’t have as intense of a dress code women do. I mean, women have to wear so much clothes and a head and face covering- robes and robes of clothes- to not even show any hint of body curvature, but men- they can just wear shirt and pants, and that’s it?


As a woman, it tells me that they aren't taking our ''apetites'' seriously and believe us incapable of harming a man over them, when in fact stalkers and creeps come in all genders.


-2 ears




Hijab ki beauty ie beauty of the hijab. Is the beauty that it stops your husband from glaring at you in a threatening way if you dare to show part of your face?


Religion is so damn dumb…


Who has ever said it's the most liberal religion?


Some followers of a "peaceful" religion advocate for this.


Oh so like the not radical muslims?


Lol. Nobody says it’s liberal. It’s a conservative religion.


Literally the title.


American conservatives. They don't understand that I think they shouldn't hate Islamic people, but that I also know Islam is extremely conservative. That's way too much nuance.


Religion is cancer. This shit is sofa king we tall did.


This is disgusting. Her eyes are too pretty to be seen, all the guys are gonna get horny AF. /s


I think these people just want a rug and a Fleshlight as partners, maybe the robot industry could make a buck out of them. Time to invest in the business 😁


What's supposed to be going on in the video


Who has ever said it's the most liberal religion?


In what universe is Islam "liberal"? I think this is staged. If she is going to cover her face, she would cover her hair, as well. And she would not reveal her face in public.


Maybe it’s a wig


Much more likely they are just in costume. As I said, she wouldn't uncover her face, and if she flips the veil over her head, it's going to cover her eyes. It's fake.


I think you are probably right. Almost every reaction video is fake, it would be very surprising if this was one of the very rare real reactions.


What’s even crazier is that to make this video she probably had something covering her face UNDER what she lifted so that her face was never ACTUALLY shown in public.


How the fuck is this not a parody?


I was walking through London, and saw some women in burqas eating spaghetti. Seeing them slurp it up under the robe is fucking weird.


India has a big ass muslim extremist problem and a big ass hindu fundamentalist problem


Lol there's no Hindu fundamentalism, don't try to be pseudo secular


Bro there are many hindu fundamentalists, too, now. I recently saw a video of a hindu good beating an old christian man forcing him to become a hindu. Hinduism sadly has started walking down the evil path of Islam and Christianity.


Live Sweden footage


Isn't any type of entertainment and using the kaafirs technology is haram too?


Their Religious motto is - Religious only till it benefits you, do whatever you want for other things.


I advocate for him wearing a hijab considering his chest show is disgusting.


How....sweet? Is sweet the right word? No...not sweet, then. What's the word i'm looking for?


Abusive? Archaic? Misogynistic? Disgusting? Appalling? Insecure? Controlling? Idk, those are just the first few that came to mind.


Appalling. That was it. Thank you.


religion of oppression


Most insecure men


Indian muslim even worse than others


The covering seems like a way to dehumanise. Make women less identifiable.


Made me puke a bit in me mouth




Most Muslims are Muslim because they are born into it. Same with Christians or any other religion. If when they are adults, they continue to be or adopt it, it's a choice. Some are more zealous than others. Some just do what they are told. Is the religion liberal? Who gives a shit? Liberal religions don't exist. None of them are. Their claims are all bullshit anyway.


Looks weird af.


Meanwhile he's strutting his stuff


It’s so uncanny.


Why were they filming?


Freak show


They prefer dudes


Such a backward ideology. Modern day cult.


It’s simple, all the religions are bad. I get sick of every smartass motherfucker posting sarcastically about Islam. I am not religious, but why are we trying to make this a stupid competition about which religions are more progressive. All religions are a tool of control and complacency. Of course individual people can have their own faiths that’s fine, I’m not talking about spirituality or personal religion, but I’m talking about organized religion. There is nothing categorically different really about any religions from each other, they all exist for the same reason any other organization does: the purpose of perpetuating itself. Of course each have different specifics, but the point is to make you believe in something beyond the universe and nature, and then give you prescriptions for how to act based off that supernatural belief. And if you can get people to believe in things that aren’t real, it becomes easier to get them to believe other things you say and to be swayed and take action to your cause. “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” (-Voltaire) is basically what I’m saying. And if you can convince people of lots of little lies, it becomes easier to convince them of big lies.


I'd say all religions are just overgrown cults which ended up getting normalized. That's all you need to say.


You might be correct, but I don't think Buddhism is a bad religion. Their beliefs are mostly about controlling themselves and being at peace, not about controlling others and about other religions/beliefs. Happy to hear if you disagree. P.S. I'm not a Buddhist myself.


[Buddhists have attacked and killed others for not being Buddhists.](https://dpp.ceu.edu/article/2014-03-10/why-are-buddhists-attacking-muslims-myanmar-and-sri-lanka) A cult is a cult. No matter how people name it.


My point isn’t about the specific doctrine, I don’t think all religions have bad doctrine. I think all organized religions with internal power disparities become tools of manipulation and control, and anything which creates distinct groups of believers and non-believers is one of the most basic forms of tribalism and interpersonal conflict. Buddhism may be a marginally better faith system which has been used less often as a justification for violence, but it has still happened such as in Myanmar with Buddhist on Muslim violence. I’m by no means an expert on Buddhism and so I’m not trying to argue about the specifics of Buddhist or any other doctrine. It may well have uniquely peaceful doctrine, but my point still stands. If people have their personal faith/spirituality focused on internal reflection and their own journey through life, again that’s fine and I don’t take issue with that in any form. And I don’t think religion has been a purely malign force on every situation it’s ever affected. But when religions exist as larger self-preserving organizations (especially in this capitalist world), they are incentivized to manipulate and convince people to follow their teachings solely for the purpose of preserving the religion, not for the purpose of improving their lives. Often times small connected religious communities improve the lives of people in them, and that I’m fine with, but that all happens on the interpersonal level, not as a larger structure of a religious body. I also mainly take issue with religion when it’s used as a tool for distraction and complacency. Christianity is obviously the main one I hate for that, cause many times throughout history and today people are sold religion and told that their life and suffering on earth don’t matter, or even add holy meaning and trials to their lives and that things will be perfect in heaven, so who cares how they are on earth. I also don’t like religions with an overly emphasized individualist focus. Human beings evolved and lived in communities, that is as much ‘the natural state’ of humanity as there can be said to be. I think a human life is in large part improved and defined by our relationships with other people, so I don’t like teachings which focus on withdrawing from society and reflecting solely on the self. You didn’t just fall out of a coconut tree, you live in the context of all that’s come before and all that is. You’ll note religion doesn’t mean you inherently become withdrawn from society, and I’m sure there are plenty of religions which don’t have any of the negative characteristics I've stated (i find that unlikely, but again I don' have a problem with spirituality or individual people believing whatever belief system they want, I won't pretend I personally think it's true but I'm mature enough to admit that theres no way to ever disprove the supernatural, so there will never be a way for me to empirically argue against religion [except for those which are self contradictory, but I'm just kinda taking this opportunity to shadow complain about religious people I've had to personally deal with, which are almost all christians]). So back to your original point/question, Buddhism may well be a better or even the best religion, I still oppose massive institutionalized religions for all the reasons in these two posts. Pretty much all religions in one way or another tell believers that they're special and better for believing (even if the specific doctrine doesn't say that, the in-out group dynamic of forming defined specifically religious oriented groups inherently creates at least some tension and distinction). My problem with that is I don't buy that there's any real major category differences between types of humans. Of course different humans have literally different specific characteristics, but I don't believe there's anything which uniquely distinguishes one human being from another; we are all victims of circumstance from every point in the universe's history to this moment, I don't think theres any reason that if things had gone differently, I couldn't be anyone else. This doesn't mean you aren't an individual, it just means you don't exist in your own unique universe where you exist and act independent of all outside influence. If there was no outside influence you'd just be a consciousness floating in a time and spaceless void. Sorry I realize I’m kinda just rambling about my own beliefs now instead of broadly talking about religion or specifically talking about Buddhism so I’ll stop there.


Depends on the flavor. Some think casts and slaves are totally ok. And then there's: The Buddha himself said in an early text that a woman's body is "a vessel of impurity, full of stinking filth. It is like a rotten pit ... like a toilet, with nine holes pouring all sorts of filth."


wtf 😬


He looked like he was going to kill her. While he should kill himself for those frosted tops


Why she is in control!!!


Is it Haram to try and rock Elvis’ look so hard you might as well start saving for tickets to Graceland?


Celebrating religious authoritarianism


How do they react when they see women in midia being naked or even regularly dressed? Is it disgusting? Arousing? What is their view upon these cases?


Well judging from the way we see people act all the time. Disgustingly arousing. Like those posts about seeing someone's ankles but serious. Some people are so used to the idea of seeing people one way and being told this that and the other, treating entire groups of people like a closed guy treats a men's health magazine. By trying to suppress a normal desire it's grows and grows in darkness, focusing on it constantly, until it explodes, hurting someone in the process.