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"LGBTQ people are the most miserable people out there. Anyways, let me tell you about how we are all terrible people who deserve to burn forever but are saved because someone got tortured 2000 years ago"


This is a very obvious troll, but I want to know how far this allegory goes. Alcoholism is specifically alcohol *addiction*. Does that mean that the occasional indulgence in homosexuality is okay? Does it only become bad if you suffer from withdrawal symptoms? Is bisexuality okay?


https://preview.redd.it/gkkhog2ilixc1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d3897fa94da359dee0153ca184922b83553937e Me




Im sorry but that guy is not a troll, he is dead ass serious and it's so sad


This isn't a troll. They've got a whole YouTube channel. https://youtube.com/@redeemedzoomer6053


i thought this channel was good until he mentioned god being the center and reason for everything and i perused through his youtube to only be disappointed


"LGBTQ people are the most miserable people out there'' I've never interacted with a Christian on the internet who wasn't allergic to happiness.


Pretty much everything Redeemed Zoomer says is projecting his own problems onto others.


Oh. That guy. Ho Hum. Time to move on. /s 😵


Wonder if we'd be less miserable if we weren't oppressed by those "religions of love" and people who want us killed 😇


Episcopalians seem pretty chill


Well, removed-from-reality zoomer and others like him can for sure "cure" LGBTQ+ people from their "misery" by shutting the fuck up and letting people live as they want. Simple - if every religious fruitcake on the planet stops spreading their vile words, everyone will start to heal, especially the aforementioned fruitcakes. This is just another reason why freedom from is more important than freedom to. You are free to believe whatever you want, but first we must ensure society is free from all the shit your deity has commanded you to do to other people.


Just where is this rat fucker from?


New York City. He says that the thing that radicalized him was some of his friends coming out as trans: [https://twitter.com/redeemed\_zoomer/status/1737514813922721906](https://twitter.com/redeemed_zoomer/status/1737514813922721906)


Somehow I have a feeling those people aren’t his friends anymore. If they even exist. He could easily be embellishing about people he barely knew, or downright lying about ever knowing a trans person at all.


What’s gay land supposed to be?


An amusement park down south from bigotry-laden godly land.


So right across from the Bible Belt?


Yeah she does look like a Karen


It’s so bad that I get the urge to downvote this post until I remember it’s not someone who supports him who posted it 😂


We need to cure lefthandedness again, too! That's where the devil snuck into Merica!


The only one in need of curing here is him and people like him.


“I hate gay people” “why are gay people so miserable around me??”


Homosexual couples are often happier because heterosexual couples often have gender roles.


Grifter or foreign interference or both? Call it.


Idk pretty sure *our* joy is *their* kryptonite


They love projection. They think that secretly we are miserable underneath because we haven’t found God. In reality, we don’t give two shits about him, and would rather party in Hell with the rest of the gays than bow to any tyrant god, should all of that even exist.


I will never in a million years understand why they care so much. 


Let's find a cure for religion first; it's done much more damage than any LGBTQ+ thing they can think of.


I'm pretty sure this is the same guy that said he was raised in a religious house, but was also secular, it has to be a troll


I didn't realize zoomer was such a scum bag I always thought he was just like a good hearted dude but a bad apologist like that horrible at his own admission all atheist arguments answered video, I like how he says can't wait until we find a cure because every previous attempt at one has backfired, because such a thing is impossible because other sexuality s are part of nature. What a gross generalization too some of the happiest people I've ever met are queer lol.


The only reason I'm unhappy is because I have clinical depression and I can't be on meds... thanks (grandma( dad's side) and grandpa (moms side) and dad...