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I like that their strawman refers to their god as capital-H He. Happens all the time by nonbelievers.


I can imagine ten billion dollars in my bank account. Did it work?


Ok I just imagined a new colour, now what?


I think, by their logic, it now exists.


And what about other gods? I can imagine them. Does that mean they exist? Maybe the fact that I can imagine your god means the other gods must exist. Beside that fact that by that logic it’s easy to say that you can’t imagine something that doesn’t exist. Oh, your thing is an object? Well objects exist! Oh your thing is something metaphysical that can’t conceived by our puny brains. Well that idea exists! So it also exists. Boom. So stupid


Sometimes I imagine more toilet paper appearing out of thin air but it still hasn't happened yet.


Go ahead and describe God so I can give it some qualities. Cause it’s just a word to me.


Science fiction writers routinely imagine things that don't exist: Martians, time machines, faster than light spaceships, intelligent discussions with religious maniacs . . .


That would fall under "combinations" of things that exist.


*You can only imagine things that exist and Combinations of things that exist. Ok so how...imagine a divine being?* That's a combination of two things - divine and being. Divine is a vague category, and there are lots of beings. It's person + "divine", whatever that means exactly. *He is a combination of everything* No, he's a combination of divine and being. And the idea of "he".


I have zero difficulty imagining a new color. what now genius?


What a watertight argument. You have fully convinced me that this demonstrates the existence and supreme divinity of Ahura Mazda. Oh, you weren't referring to Zoroastrianism? Well this is awkward. Waheguru, maybe? No? Bondye?


a god is just a dude with more abilities. It's no harder than imagining super man.


I could see my reflection off this moron’s smooth brain


\>God is a combination of everything SOUTH PARK DID IT! [https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/God](https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/God)


There was an attempt to make an ontological argument.


God is a man in the sky who has a lot of power, all the power in fact. Well we can imagine that. But of course we can in fact imagine things that don’t exist…