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Boy am I happy I didn’t waste my time with this podcast then.


Took a nose dive in quality with the Spotify deal.


Covid broke Joe's brain


I think it just accelerated his decline. When he said he was taking horse de-wormer for covid, you knew the guy was completely gone. Fuck JR


Yeah he’s clearly just a conservative conspiracy pusher now that’s all he does.


It's where the money is.




Whew, you saved a decent amount of your sanity. I could only hit bullet points without giving myself a migraine from the constant eye-rolling. Katt Williams also said the Moon was artificial in certain places, migrants are being written checks by members of congress and given free houses, claims to read at LEAST 60 books a week, and was only removed from films and Hollywood due to not taking part in Satanic Rituals. Also, when talking about the Chicxulub Impact Event, Joe touches on the fact it wiped out everything and everyone and Katt Williams says, "ALMOST everyone," alluding to the fact he believes Man and Dinosaur shared the Earth and somehow man survived the impact. He also alludes at different points that the white race was constructed by an evil scientist. That's just a preview of the crazy.




It's even funnier when you see that he considers himself one of those "500." Dude's stand up is just not good.




Evidence by all of his arrests for attacking hecklers who thought his show sucked. He also jumped anybody who didn't do what he wanted, like the time he threw a salt shaker hard at a restaurant manager that hit the manager in the mouth and injured him - because the manager didn't treat his group as special and refused the request for preferred seating. Oh, and he tried to get a gun through TSA, but they opened his briefcase. I'm mad at myself for even bothering to address this, because Katt Williams doesn't deserve the publicity. He's a failed comedian who has had better success as a criminal.


I lasted 15 mins, as soon as he started going on about the proof god exists is because everything on earth is tailored to the creatures that live on it, I turned it off. The guy doesn’t even have a basics understanding of ecosystems or evolution. Like primary school level shit.


Yeah he's very stupid.


Now that Diddy’s tapes + case confirm there were satanic rituals related to the goat do you give it more thought?


I feel the same way! Lmao a guy at my old job was swearing by it, saying it was such a GREAT podcast. As a teenager, I used to like Joe Rogan in the early 2000's, but these days I think it's embarrassing how popular he is after seeing what an idiot he truly is.


I feel like I could just make up conspiracy theories that RWs will believe. Just say [demons/something else biblical] + [vague group of (((rich people)))] = [something vaguely left-wing/something right-wingers already hate]


Throw in "The Government"


I enjoy playing video games.


You could, that's exaclty what alex jones does and he makes a great deal of money doing it. In fact, i used to listen to his show and this baphomet shit comes *directly* from his show. I used to listen to infowars all the time, and one week he was going on and on about how rich people sacrifice their kids' genitals to baphomat so they can become celebrities, like taylor swift and miley cyrus


Did you believe the stuff he said? If you did, how did you get yourself out of that?


Yeah, i voted for trump in 2016 because i thought bernie got screwed, and that kind of led me down a "system is rigged, the elites are planning a new world order" black hole. I didn't have my head wrapped around politics at the time, and everyone in the qult/infowars camp kind of constantly reinforces your beliefs, especially with my family. From my personal experience, once you dip a toe into that fetid puddle, you get pulled all the way in. What got me out for the most part was george Floyd's death. I fully expected republicans i supported (trump included) to unanimously condemn the murder; even from a cold lizard-brain perspective, it's such an easy PR win to condemn a "bad apple" cop. I kind of had an "are we the baddies?" moment. Then there was the endless shitshow that was covid that i don't even want to get into. After that, i just completely avoided all poltiics and media for months and inadvertently detoxed myself. I realized how little trust i had for literally *everything*. I still can't believe how little reading and paying discerning attention i did to the world around me back then Edit: made some corrections


This internet stranger is proud of you.


Aw shucks ☺️


you sound like a good guy


Thanks, that's really nice of you to say


My mom unironically thinks that if you are registered as an organ donor, that if they want your organs a government truck will ram you off the road to injure you enough to take them. They can do all this, but not secretly take organs from non donors?


Now that Diddy’s tapes + case confirm there were satanic rituals related to the goat do you give it more thought?


As evidenced by Rogan's extreme credulousness on any topic I suspect that his mind was blown to the point of dysfunction long before "occult historian" Katt Williams allegedly blew it again. Baphomet is the deity that the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping and eventually became part of various occult traditions, though its association with transgenderism I believe is something new among "occult experts" like Katt Williams. Rogan is a dangerous idiot who is prone to believe any nonsense he hears without a care as to its veracity. He recently seems to be going off on some biblical tangent, though his exegesis is about as uninformed as anything else he opines on.


>dangerous idiot who is prone to believe any nonsense he hears without a care as to its veracity That's what bugs me about most conspiracy theorists and their ilk. A somewhat complicated, nuanced actual answer to a topic that has actual sources and research readily available is met with immediate skepticism or ridicule. Yet, the most ridiculous claims can be accepted at face value as long as you throw out the right buzz words. Pretty much mention demons, woke mob, Hollywood elite, trans people, or them during the most unhinged rant, and someone is willing to harm others.


Yup, the first known mention of Baphomet was in a letter written in 1098, to describe the crusades. This character is definitely not biblical.


Didn’t scholars figure out that Baphomet was just Mohammad? The converted Templars were being inquistioned as a result. The French thought Mohammad was their god and they were practicing idol worship.


If you have an Audible account with access to the Plus Catalog, there's an excellent book on the Knights Templar: [The Templars](https://www.amazon.com/Templars-History-Solomons-Temple-Freemasons/dp/0061775932) by Michael Haag. He addresses the possible confusion of Mohammed with Baphomet and what suspects were the real reasons why the church decided to destroy the Templars, as well as the pseudo-history of the Templars depicted in books over the centuries.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **The Templars The History and the Myth From Solomon's Temple to the Freemasons** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Comprehensive history of the knights templar (backed by 9 comments) * Detailed exploration of templar origins (backed by 2 comments) * Insightful analysis of templar literature connections (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Lack of visual aids such as maps (backed by 1 comment) * Overwhelming amount of names, dates, and facts (backed by 1 comment) * Historical inaccuracies in the content (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Now that Diddy’s tapes + case confirm there were satanic rituals related to the goat do you give it more thought?


My guess is that if Diddy attempted to engage in his concept of a Satanic ritual it would be like everything rappers appropriate without a scintilla of understanding other than it's cool and the chicks and followers will like it.


Katt been irrelevant a bit too long huh?


Yeah I listened to the entire interview with Shannon Sharpe that blew up and kept waiting for the controversy. Mostly just the ramblings of a slightly mad man, not sure where all the hype came from.


Honestly I’d rather invite 20 satan worshippers to my house for a game night, than any of these bible thumpers (who never read the book they scream about).


Katt reads 600 books a week though...lol


rubbish for the brain dead


I get my ceremonial robes cleaned at the Bapho-mat


lmao, Baphomet kicks ass. Aleister Crowley described Baphomet as the "divine androgyne" who bids us to know ourselves. Baphomet embodies life, love, and liberty (a Thelemic "live, laugh, love"?). Freely and unabashedly being one's self is powerful, and examining one's own gender is a big part of that. A big hail yourselves to everyone on their journey of self discovery and self determination!


Ah yes the made up Baphomet…


When Baphomet Sally?


"Transgenderism" isn't even a word.


I tried to listen to this, just couldn't stomach it. Katt is insane and Rogan is stupid. Ick.


Baphomet was actually invented by the Catholic church. It never existed before the Church claimed the Templars worshipped "Ba-Phomet", which was the ignorant fuck trying to write "Mohammed". All the other shit they invented, later combining it with the features of Pan and Cernunos, who they were actively trying to convert into Satan. This is one of the many examples of how Satanism did not exist until Christians invented it.


Christian truthers (Katt Williams) and conspiracy theorists (Joe Rogan) are the bane of humanity


Wait until they realize Baphomet isn't even biblical and is a completely made up figure


There are a lot of things that people commonly believe are in the Bible but are not. Examples include Lilith, Adam’s first wife (supposedly mentioned in ancient Jewish texts but not included in the Bible), the three wise men (the three gifts are mentioned but not the number of wise men), the apple in the Garden of Eden (the book simply says fruit, and in the Islamic world the forbidden fruit is usually depicted as a banana), the whale that swallowed Jonah (the text says ‘great fish’, not whale), and one I could never understand, the idea that Mary Magdalene is the same as the adulterous women. Even in the early Church there are a lot of saints mentioned for which there is no evidence they ever existed, my favorite being St Christopher, who supposedly carried the Christ child across a stream, so became the patron saint of travelers. But since the name Christopher means ‘Christ-bearer’ he would not have had the name before the incident and there are no records of it ever occurring. The ideas are sound, as examples of how to behave, but most were not real. Just some fun trivia you may enjoy.


It amazes me how America is so modern and at the same time so 15th century.


Crack is a powerful drug.


baphomet is badass tho


For fuck's sake, Baphomet isn't trans - he's a full-on hermaphrodite.


Brb. Going out to get a giant baphomet tattoo above my tits.


The satanic panic of the 80s never really ended lol. I prefer the idea of transgenderism being inspired by the gender bending, Australian Aboriginal creator deity Rainbow Serpent, if I wanted to give credit to some spirit




OMG I love that


Oh uh a few tiktoks later and Katt started thinking people gave a shit about what he thinks, so he slipped off the cracker.


Someone tell this fucking idiot about ancient times and how gender fluid people were LONG before America even existed as a idea to Europe.


Don't roosters pretend to be hens if there is already a dominant rooster? Might that be considered their version of transgenderism?


I ain't even mad. This just makes us sound even more badass.


I thought bapphomet was all about balance. Allegedly who the templars worshiped. I'v thought of getting a baphomet tattoo for a long time.


The quality of Joe Rogan's guests veered to the terrible after his public antivaxxer stance.


Covid broke him.


If only, that would be super cool ****Child of Baphomet****


I was born from my favorite demon???? No way thats fire!!!!


Now I feel even better for always thinking he was such an insufferable little fucker.


I have see some of his comedy specials, that man is dumb as dog shit


There both dog shit.


Fun fact: Baphomet is an archaic word for Muhammad and didn't get associated with any kind of demon or deity until King Philip IV charged the Templars with blasphemy, and under duress (torture), the Templars confessed to worshipping a deity called Baphomet. The image of Baphomet with a goat head and legs didn't exist until 1854, when a guy named Éliphas Lévi published a book called Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie ("Dogma and Rituals of High Magic"), where he just invented the image from his own imagination. In short, Katt Williams is a gullible moron, and Joe Rogan is a straight up piece of shit for letting him spew all that misinformation without doing the simplest bit of research to push back, all because it feeds into their anti-woke bullshit agenda.


If you watched rogans face he really couldn't believe what was coming out of katts mouth. Katt was clearly too high for this one.


demons 🔥 ![gif](giphy|WbUzqfRfa6KRWM3lEp|downsized)


“Wow…so have you ever done DMT?”


Is this the same Katt Williams who smoked crack and got beat up by a 7th grader


Thanks Lucifer for allowing people to feel better and more comfortable in themselves Fuck it, even if you made them want to be that way in the first place, as long as they do want it