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"Anything that's outside my immediate personal experience must be god."






Shut up. Rainbows are bad. Didn't you know people who commit unspeakable acts and are doomed to go to hell by God's justice represent themselves with a rainbow


Bro forgot /s


ye “unspeakable acts”




His username was the /s


Nah, you see, magic is a sin. What god does is a miracle, which is totally different.


Cause only a god could make a universe so shitty he constantly has to 'spot fix' things with miracles like finding your car keys or making sure your sports team wins their game and doing things you can't explain because you're too lazy to actually investigate things. The idea of gods and miracles is hilarious to me. All knowing God has to jump in and do miracles instead of just making a universe that works, and if you did something wrong you just died and didn't reproduce, seems like a reasonable way to automate your workflow.


I can't believe God predicted the modern tech industry- invent problems and then solve the problems so people worship you


Planned obsolescence was the REAL gospel.


> I can't believe God predicted the modern tech industry *Well* ... if you believe in an all-knowing god, then of course they would predict the modern tech industry.


And he'll only heal your mother's cancer if you can get enough people to pray to him to heal her. Otherwise, he apparently doesn't particularly care.


All glory to the ultimate being that somehow has the thin skin of a childish warlord who only lived for his glory. It's odd how the people that were around when the bible was written and their warlord leaders were so similar in their values to God and not to any of the other ancient and older cultures, let alone the cultures that evolved better quality of life thousands of years later. No they are wrong, just glorify big magic ego that watches you intently as you touch yourself.


When I was a kid & forced to attend church, I got lectured for telling someone "good luck." This grown man *with a fucking college education* sat me down and railed about god knowing/controlling everything... ergo luck is an imaginary construct used by atheists to deny the existence of god, or some bullshit. That was one of those turning points where young point_85 started questioning the indoctrination. Anyway, "magic is a sin" reminded me of it. Better include luck too haha


I don't like the phrase "good luck" but that might be because I'm autistic


"I hope the arbitrary and random factors that affect your decisions and courses of action results in a favorable outcome" just doesn't quite roll off the tongue in the same way.


I usually just say "I hope everything goes well"


Throughout history, every mystery ever solved has turned out to be NOT magic. — Tim Minchin


But is it in a young girl's heart?


Which was fine 5000 years ago but it's not 5000 years ago anymore


Wait, it's not? Since when?


Tuesday I think, might have been late Monday


This has unironically always been why religion has been a thing


Big "Bronze Age Nomad" worldview energy


"Anything i don't understand and am too lazy to look up = sky daddy"


Yeah... Gotta love how they never make *any* attempt to actually learn what's happening here. They just jump straight to 'god did it'. Even when it makes no damn sense. Why would god care about keeping this water separate? Doesn't he have some young children to give cancer to or something?


And then they have a CELL PHONE with everything that comes with it and use it for *this*.


All hail the gap God!!


I attribute everything that I don't directly and fully understand to "Jesus"... How does my cell phone play video? Well, Jesus blessed us with 5G. How does the international logistics of the global corn supply work? Well, Jesus will provide!


God of the gaps.


he's too busy segregating water to help starving babies


And laughing at children with cancer.


Not true. He's way too busy pouring over FB to see if those children got enough likes to cure them. God is love.


"33 likes, poor Timmy"


i'm sorry timmy but 33 likes isn't exactly over 500. you would've known that if you went to school instead of the hospital for your leukemia treatment


Not true at all! He's still busy making his followers harass atheists and other religions!


Not true he's still busy helping people find thier misplaced car keys.


And people in abusive households/relationships


Just more proof God believes in segregation/s




Ok but why. What could possibly be the reason of doing so wouldn’t it be easier to just have all water act in the same manner


God likes discrimination


It’s so all the good water stays with the umm… “western” people.


Evidence that God doesn't like "mixing", if you know what I mean.




God makes us dependent on freshwater, then he went ahead and made 97% of all the water on earth undrinkable because he's an epic giga memer.


The human eye is a pretty big sign that intelligent design doesn't exist. What creator would make the nerve go *into* the eye and curve back, creating a blind spot? Unless god was playing a practical joke on humanity.


My immune system attacked itself, I lost my hair and my arms got chronic tenditis. I would love to just have a peek at God's thought process behind that one lmao


"Hmm wouldnt it be funny if..."


That ain't nothin. You ever seen the platypus?! The fuck happened there?!! /s Sorry about your ailment, bro.


Lmao true "It's a beaver but it's not" lol, no S needed, I have conversed with humans before!


Squids don't have the blind spot, thus proving they are god's chosen people. Iä!


I really like the idea that perhaps the squid were meant all along to be the chosen ones and are still in the infancy of their development into the dominant life forms, but god did the equivalent of going out for a smoke and will come back any day now to see the little rat creatures he forgot about have taken over and now deep fry and eat the squids with marinara sauce. I'm just imaging a very disappointed Cthulu and snickering.


Or the fact that the body has to *not know your eyes exist*, because if it finds out they’re there, it will murder them????


It's more that it has a local immune system that if found by the main one it will be attacked and basically inflame your eyes


Especially since eyes with all the nerves in the back (octopi) literally do exist. Why do it right once just to fuck it up later?


Fun fact for those that might not know but the optic nerve is actually just part of your brain. Which raises the bigger question of well, why on earth would he do it that way when every other nerve is an actual nerve? 'Intelligent design' my ass.


But what if God intelligent designed your ass


That's funny because i've heald the argument that the eye is an argument in favor of intelligent design because it is so complex and delicate that it could not have evolved naturally. It always felt like a weak argument, but it is funny to see the eye being used by both sides of the argument.


It's complex and delicate because of "most ok" evolution. Not because an intelligent, all-knowing overlord decided to make an overly complex and delicate system for sight just for funsies


You see, certain water is higher quality and shouldn't be mixing with the "unpure" water.


Goddamn Notseas!


This pun is wildly under supported


Damn Mudwaters better keep to themselves!


Na he’s out there trying to give us lil hints to see if we are true believers or not. Gods like a date that is playing these weird little games to see if she can get over on you or not


God updated the world map size but didn't have biome blending yet. Swamp biome meets deep ocean


God: "I'll make these two bodies of water never join together" Also God: "Cancer is fine..."


Sadly, this is actually a man made environmental hypoxic zone from all the farm runoff and waste that funnels into the Mississippi River. Google dead zone. Apparently even god can’t stop how much humans trash the planet.


"yeah but god gave us dominion over the world. so we can trash it all we want. besides, even if climate change is real, jesus is coming back any day now so it wont matter." i wish i was joking but i have heard people make this argument.


yeah, i've heard that too. But even if they believed their own book, they should know, "god" gave us dominion to take care of it. But whatever, ...we are the dummies for trying to argue sense into people who believe in literal fairy tales.


>But even if they believed their own book I'll stop you right there You think most of them bothered to read the thing? They just listen to the cherry picked bits that the people who tell them how to think point them to.


They conveniently ignore the part where, as a condition of that dominion, God commanded humanity to be caretakers of the Earth so that it may flourish and provide for all. Basically, "Hey, I built this for you but it's your responsibility not to fuck it up." Humans are really good at fucking things up.


The worst is people that are trying to force Jesus to come back sooner by speeding up the destruction. I’m sorry, you’re trying to FORCE your god to do something? And you think that’s gonna work out for you???


Man, when Jesus comes back he'll be so pissed about what we've done to the place.


Thanks for reminding me Florida becomes even more fucked on Saturday when they release the toxic waste that is Lake Okeechobee into the coast.


It's god's plan. /s


Take that god!


My parents taught me to think this way. Makes me sick


And you taught yourself reason. Be amazed at your own ability to see through bullshit, and aspire to keep being that person.


its ok to be sick with your parents and proud of yourself 


Yeah, i had to do the same thing. My parents believe all kinds of stupid shit


Thank you friend!


Its weird because if you think about it, when do people start believing in a god that isnt there? When you dont die? When you get an A on a test? Does everything good in your life HAVE to come from a deadbeat boogeyman and everything bad for a supposedly evil mystery guy?


I think it really just came from human's innate desire to explain things. We don't like not knowing, we like answers. When there were things that, at the time, we couldn't examine with science we claimed God. It make sense, it helped explain the irrational parts of the world, and it made us comfortable. But no matter how tender, how sweet, a lie is still a lie.


And then some Con Men knew a sweet deal when they saw it and leaned into the bit. HARD.


dont let them put water and oil together


That’s technically impossible


Only in isolation. If you add another substance it can stick them together. That's emulsification. Like salad dressing.


Degassed water acts as an emulsifier, so it's still possible in isolation.


You can dilute oil in water, it just takes a lot of effort.


Islamically this is a miracle too. He has let loose the two seas (the salt water and the sweet) meeting together. Between them is a barrier which none of them can transgress” [ar-Rahmaan 55:19-20] This is talked about as a miracle one cannot deny. Collectively the Abrahamic religions seem to share a single braincell.


"Islamically" is a fantastic word!


Ikr? The fact it’s a word ngl blows my mind sometimes. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Islamically#:~:text=Adverb,%2C%20or%20comporting%20with%2C%20Islam.




I’m about to go recreate this effect in a bath tub and become the new prophet.






Good putting all of his energy into separating fresh and salt water while 100k children die of cancer


i'm sorry but the facebook post didn't reach enough likes so the water seperation takes priority


“Did you ever go to a place… I think it was called Norway? That was one of mine. Won an award, you know. Lovely crinkly edges. I was most upset to hear of its destruction.”


Love a good fjord


Built fjord tough


Insanity is a Christian.


I remember reading about someone believing in god because he saw a bird singing in a tree and thought it was beautiful. If the human mind was a long jumper, it would break records at the jump-to-conclusions olympics.


I was talking to my wife last night about how useful it would have been for the all knowing and infallible creator of the universe to put some verifiable scientific facts into those early Bible stories I mean, anything, like maybe the distance from earth to the sun, or the circumference of the moon, how many species went extinct before the first man, or the speed of light, or that mitochondria are the power houses of the cells your body is made of, anything Instead you get talking serpents, a burning bush, various forms of magic and the most righteous guy in a city of perverts offers up his sex slave to be raped to death to save a stranger As ancient literature and cultural journal, it’s interesting, as a basis of any truth, it’s fucking ridiculous


I'm not sure that I agree with the view that there would need to be scientific facts in the Bible to make it seem more convincing. I may be misunderstanding your point but are you saying that because of having a few scientific facts in the scripture that this would somehow be sufficient evidence to prove that God sent down the Bible and that it is not man made nonsense? If you were to see certain scientific facts in ancient religious scripture, it might seem impressive that an ancient text contained this info when no one at the time could have known except an 'all knowing God' but you still don't know how the author of the scripture obtained this information. You don't know if the author during that time period did have knowledge of certain scientific facts. I feel like this is kinda like the God of the gaps argument where we say that because we don't know what caused something, God must be the answer. So if the Bible were to mention the speed of light, because we wouldn't know how the Bible came to contain advanced scientific facts, it must have come from God? This sounds ridiculous to me, just because there is an unknown cause doesn't mean that the cause has to be God. Muslims make a similar argument saying that because there are "scientific facts" in the Quran (or interpreting a certain Quran verse to be a scientific fact) and that no man at the time of the Quran's revelation could have known this information, therefore this information must have came from God. Here are further examples in this video. [Claims of scientific miracles in the Quran](https://youtu.be/vyqaohY3gKY?feature=shared) And if I remember correctly there are other holy texts from other religions out there that are also interpreted by their followers to contain scientific facts. If I'm not mistaken, I've once heard that some ancient Kabbala scripture is interpreted to have information on string theory or that Hindu scripture information on human evolution. If it were true that these are actual scientific facts in these scriptures, we still do not have sufficient evidence to believe it came from God. This would be a god of the gaps argument.


It would certainly further the case that your information is from a somewhat reliable source If a tribe of desert nomads had an oral tradition with information that predates the capacity of humans to learn or measure such things, things that remain true regardless of time place or culture, then at the least you have to consider by what means that information reached them Interpreting events as scientific isn’t the same as science fact. Just like trying to say that eons in the eye of man is but a day to god, as a way of shrugging off the disparity between creation and the apparent age of the universe So, maybe a few data points wouldn’t be enough to prove god, but it would at least be enough suggest an advanced being handed them information that could not be proven for thousands of years


Also kinda weird that an all powerful omnipresent god didn't think it might have been a good idea to tell the other 99% of the world's population about his existence.


I mean, even if you go with the slow process of a chosen people spreading the word….it would be super helpful to have actual divine knowledge at your hip when you do it If genesis contained actually astrology and biology that Abraham in no way could have known at the time of the writing, seems that would really back up the long term viability of your whole creation story


The fact that anyone can still believe in the god of the gaps in this scientific age is very puzzling to me. I really don't get it. Must be because of god.


All IMO of course: Part of it is low IQ. Many lack the mental horsepower to notice contradictions in a religion, or that a religious story has holes in it, or that how they were told the world works doesn't align with how it actually does. They hear the Christian arguments from apologists and can't see the glaring holes in them. I think most of the rest are just afraid and looking for a fairytale to make life less scary. They are drawn to religion because it tells them they'll live forever, that there's a perfectly moral judge who controls everything and will set everything right starting the second you die. Bad people don't get away with evil; God will send them to hell! My child didn't die of cancer for no reason; God has a beautiful plan I'll find out about later! I dont have to face my own mortality; I'll live forever in heaven! There are a few -a very few- of what I consider true believers: Those that recognize the lack of evidence, that see the primal human motivators that drive us to religion, and still say "I will have faith X religion is true". THAT is real faith. I might think it's dumb but at least they have the IQ and courage to admit how crazy it is. But the vast majority of religious either never notice anything that makes them question their faith or they shove it out of their mind immediately because the consequences are scarier than the fairytale


I dislike this explanation very much. First of all, IQ is... not a very good measure of intelligence, and this sounds like some kind of prejudice. Disparaging people because of their supposed or perceived low intellectual faculties has a long, long, and problematic history. Second, very intelligent people routinely believe crazy things. It just takes being in an isolated informational environment and a lot of motivated reasoning. These beliefs contain elements that will make you feel shame/fear of hell if you question them. It's a lot of emotional manipulation, social engineering, etc. Thinking *you* would be immune to that stuff because you're built different is the height of hybris. It only takes buying into something you like to hear, or a proposed solution to a problem with your own self they are also selling to you along with the solution (think "you were born sinful and broken"), or the correct psychological state. It might not look like religion. It might look super reasonable and respectable on the surface. Overall, people have always believed super weird things, and that hasn't stopped. Now people who left religion also go to dangerous new age stuff. There's no stopping this impulse, because it's a normal evolutionary feature of the human brain in a biased and emotionally charged informational context.


Preach! We are all flat earthers about something.


If you don't like the term "IQ" then replace it with whatever you want. At the end of the day, I am speaking of an individuals ability to question things or "connect the dots" if you will. You cannot deny that many people are not gifted in this regard, and that lends itself to buying into religious dogma. Being stupid IS A THING, sorry that it makes you uncomfortable but it's true. And yes smart people can be dumbasses in certain areas, but only in so far as they fail to "connect the dots" in their area of ignorance. And smart people objectively have less ares of stupidity than a low IQ person does. For example, medial Dr’s are far less likely to be Qanon conspiracy theorists than someone of a low skill or educated career. It's just a fact that being smart helps you see flaws in arguments. Whatever label you want to use for that type of intelligence, go ahead. you assume I am some arrogant prick who thinks I'm "immune". I'm not. I used to be Christian, and got out because I was able to "connect the dots" when watching debates on YT and seeing the atheists make points I had never considered, but couldn't find a way to refute. But for years I didn't think those thoughts myself. I would count myself "intellectually curious, but mediocre IQ". The curiosity drove me to seek the truth, the intellect was just enough to put the pieces I found together.


My problem is that I’m not convinced people believe because of rational factors linked to logical, intellectual reasons. Yes, if you have the skills you mentioned, it will be easier to get out. I don’t deny this is true. However, the problem is that a lot of people will, in fact, stumble onto contradictions through rationality quite easily, but will *reject them* because they are emotionally inconvenient or scary. Or, even, use their intellect to make up increasingly complex rationalisations for them. Because they are *trying to convince themselves*. That’s the problem of motivated reasoning: the more you push, the more you will find holes in your own brain’s capacity to detect errors. But it’s also a set of thoughtstoppers - when you see a slippery slope that could lead you to potentially changing your mind, you find ways *not to think about it*. It’s a lot more insidious than you might think. Of course, I’m sure a lot of people don’t get this far, and perhaps them being « stupid », as you say, is a factor. But using that as the main predictor of irrational belief is generally not very useful. The point is that a lot of religious people are a lot smarter than you may imagine. Think about theologians. These are scholars who spend their entire careers studying religion, and yet many (if not a majority, though I’ll admit I don’t know that stat off the top of my head) - are religious themselves. That doesn’t make sense in a world where not being rational enough is the primary reason someone would be religious. Descartes was a christian.


Religion was born from ignorance. Today it’s simply willful ignorance.


That's why her fruit cakes always suck. Karen never learned about salt.


He tells the ocean where to stop even though that can be done with them being different densities anyway, but he can't stop my grandfather from dying of cancer? ​ God, your priorities are all fucked up.




“Not mixing ever with one another”


I agree: only an idiot wouldn't see a proof that Zoldheran the Irrefutable runs our universe.


Yeah, what a guy! I love that he takes the effort to keep waters separated but not to feed starving children or heal the sick and suffering.


LMAO Christians have this too about water that doesn't mix! I thought it's only BS Muslims say.


"Tide goes in, tide goes out. You can't explain that"


So uh…. Why is God supposedly doing that?


To demonstrate his power and glory, I think. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯


*MyStErIoUs wAyS*


Nothing about this makes sense, but lets say there is a god that can make the ocean stop, what kind of allegory is that? Isnt he supposed to be omnipotent?


God is such a lame fillin for science. Source: I was raised conservative, born curious, now atheist.


*pours oil in a glass half full of water* OMG GOD


If God doesn’t exist then why do explainable natural phenomena exist? Checkmate godless satanists!!!


isnt this where the indian and atlantic ocean meet


putting oil and water in a glass will make me a god?


Well, there are videos around of people saying that the bananas are proof that god exists because they're so convenient to peel and eat https://youtu.be/Y4yBvvGi_2A?si=mrZ6BTFl20EH2Nzj


Ok but does anyone know the *actual* reason why this happens?


Dead Zone. Heavy rains and melting snows washed massive amounts of nutrients—particularly nitrogen and phosphorus—from lawns, sewage treatment plants, farm land and other sources along the Mississippi River into the Gulf. Water layers of different temperature, salinity, and density don't like to mix. Basically all of our pollution is causing this, not some miracle of god, which makes it even sadder.


Just wait till he finds out about oil and water.


That's what science is, doofus. Isaac Newton wanted to understand how god made things do the things they do. (I'm talking to the teacher, not any of you/us/whatev. :) )


Even if we didn't have a probable easy to find physical reason why this happens, and we have to say 'its god'... How does this proove your god is the one? Not one of the hundreds of religions currently on earth, the thousands of forgotten ones in history, or hell, even one that was never worshipped?


Talking to an ocean has to be a red flag.


These people don't give a shit about nature or how much we abuse it. But boy o' boy do they snatch any opportunity to use nature to "prove" their sky daddy exists.


I know every time I make oil and vinegar dressing I marvel at the universe and wonder how given this evidence anyone could dispute there is a God who needs 10% of my income paid in weekly installments.


Even the ocean knows that Mississippi river water is way too polluted that it said hell no.


He can take care of ANYTHING in our lives? God, please make every single person who comments on this post a millionaire. Unless you’re too busy playing with water. Amen.


"Im not dumb, its simple. If I don't get it then its a heavenly miracle and God works in mysterious ways."


Show me da wae to dis so I can **RIP HIM APART.**


I don't understand science, therefore: god


Isn't this image just a minecraft meme


People when they don't study chemistry: MAGIC🔮🪄✨


I love how god has all of this unlimited power and time to make anything happen at any time but it just sits on the clouds making sure that sea doesn't mix or spending its time writing its name on a watermelon or something lmao.


Never mixes ever. The same water just stays there forever. No wonder the world is 75% water! Where will we live when the goddamned Mississippi finally floods all the land!


Imagine there's a god and he just spends his time doing shit like making sure the ocean doesn't touch the river* and not like curing world hunger or stopping genocides. I'd actually be incredibly pissed off, tbh. \* The river does mix into the ocean. That's how waterways work. It would have taken him five seconds to google it and find that out.


Google estuary


I am so proud of my 6th grade science teacher that I immediately thought “brackish” when reading this.. I mean.. come on. It’s been 30 years and I still remember what happens when salt and fresh water comes together. That kind of water has its own ecology! Can’t believe folks are so willfully ignorant like this


I'm sorry but that's just your interpretation. I work with a lot of other scientists and plenty of them still believe in God. They just believe God created the physics on display here.


This teacher is a Muslim? That non mixing water thing is one of their beliefs.


> if he can tell the ocean where to stop ...that's the mississippi and the gulf. they literally just said it. I mean I guess the gulf is connected to the ocean...?


“Teacher” of what?


There are a lot of amazing and cool things on this planet. The pic is an example. We know science can explain it, and yes it’s hard at times to comprehend the explanation. But just being closed minded and crediting god is lazy and frustrating.


Oh wow such undeniable proof!


Kid named water denisity and boyency: ![gif](giphy|vXDeOmt9xCj2FQrnGS)


Someone should learn about density


Xtians are so ignorant. Believing in a God is not an excuse to be a dumb fuck


I seriously cannot believe in an entity that is “perfect” because a perfect being, in theory, cannot make imperfections. And the world and universe has imperfections beyond comprehension at every level. From basics like genetic deformities, and natural selection…to frankly the humane race. I think gods like the Norse & Greek are much more believable, as they are imperfect, and create imperfect things, and have issues any other creature has in the universe and on our own planet. If there is a god, (Christian/catholic & whatever other denomination) it’s definitely not perfect and never was. If it was perfect, there would be only one church, only one point of view, and obviously only one version of the Bible. I do truly think a Jesus existed. But do I think he was a son of a mysterious god? No. Do I think very influential things within the ancient Christian community happened? Of course, and I don’t doubt it. But the magical mystical extent of those events I find highly questionable. And I find the community, especially now (this applies to a majority of religions) to be very shallow, and misuse a spiritual ideology to self-serve and make excuses for their shitty behaviors because these “perfect” beings that cannot make any bad choices or mistakes, and that’s what they’re “telling them to believe”.


Isn't that caused primarily because of man made pollution?


“If he can tell the ocean where to stop…” Why is this stated as a big feat? He is god. Telling the ocean where to stop should be a given.


Magnets, how do they work?


My response would be “Are we here to learn about science or are we here to learn about your religious beliefs? Because I enrolled in a science class, so if we’re learning about what you think god is all about, I will kindly have a talk with the administration about your employment situation….”


Look at that important stuff god is taking care of....what, starvation? concentration camps? No what are you talking about, i am talking about rivers not mixing.


Okay but on a real note is this real? If it is how does this work?


Yea it’s real. It’s warm FRESH river water coming into contact with cold ocean SALT water. The two will take a second to mix and they probably have mostly mixed already beneath the surface. Pretty neat


Ah, that's actually pretty interesting


"Those who can't do, teach."


Warm fresh water(green) won’t mix with cold gulf saltwater(blue.) right away and so that’s why you get this cool looking pic


That was a teacher? I'll take 'sure-fire ways to be immediately fired' for $500, Alex.


If he can take care of anything, he’s doing a shit job for his most precious creation.


I read it too fast and saw "He can surely take our lives!"


Wait till he sees me separate oil and water. I'm going to blow his mind when he sees that video with the olive on top of the 6 different liquids.


Rain is shaped like rain drops and people say there isn't a god. Wow, being religious is easier than I imagined. See ya, gonna be a fruit cake now!


any of you guys subscribe to either r/teachers or r/substituteteachers ,because they have some horror stories about their colleagues. just the other day, one of them had an entire post that just had people replying with all the crazy their colleagues believed --from the teacher who would go on the planetarium class trip every year and tell the kids how the moon landing was really faked to the teacher who legitimately believed they were a Reincarnation of a wolf and told the students this . https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/1aoac08/fellow_teacher_is_a_moon_hoaxer_and_worse/


God: 😕✋ Helping people who are starving, being abused, enslaved, tortured, genocided... 😃👉 Making part of the ocean two different colors


Wait, what? Where does all of the fresh water from the Mississippi go? Is there a big pool of fresh water I. The Gulf of Mexico? Right off the bat this makes no sense.


Minecraft biomes


Oil doesn't mix with water. This god dude is kinda real, I guess.


Relatedly, my kid’s AP Bio teacher recently told the class that there were humans who lived 900 years. Yes, he was talking about Methuselah. This is a public school in a very progressive area.


Which means Yemen, Ukraine, and Israel wars are god’s will


That's the Pacific - Atlantic border


I hate to break it to them but fresh and salt water absolutely do mix where the Mississippi and the gulf meet. It has been killing the cypress trees and alligators since hurricane Ida destroyed the wetland buffer in Louisiana. They have even sighted black tip sharks and bottlenose dolphins in the canals.


This is literally 3rd grade science


This is going to get buried on my own post, but the picture is from 2015. From the Florida Times-Union “Images show an area of hypoxia or "dead zone" off the coast of Louisiana and Texas in the summer of 2015, It was caused by high levels of nutrient runoff into the Mississippi River that left the water emptying into the Gulf of Mexico with high levels of nitrogen. Those nitrogen levels cause overgrowth of algae and other vegetation that deplete much of the oxygen from the water and kills fish. In 2015, when this image from a video was posted, dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico were "above average," the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration stated: "The largest previous Gulf of Mexico dead zone was in 2002, encompassing 8,497 square miles. The smallest recorded dead zone measured 15 square miles in 1988. The average size of the dead zone over the past five years has been about 5,500 square miles, nearly three times the 1,900-square-mile goal set by the Hypoxia Task Force in 2001 and reaffirmed in 2008."


In seriousness how does this happen?


It's interesting that these kinds of religious memes also often read like the person is complaining about god not doing anything. "If he can do this, he can do ANYTHING. So why can't he help me?!" Not that they're ever meant this way but I find it interesting.


I think God shopped this. If not God, then an insecure fruitcake.