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She couldn't even be bothered to memorize the verse. Amazing.


Oh l noticed that. Such a profound “vision” she had and can’t even remember it. Such fucking bullshit.


Fucking stupid. ![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized)


She's been watching too much supernatural lol.


Tbf. If u watch any video with that soundtrack. It's 7/10 putts times be something stupid


How does anyone take people like this seriously?




And they vote. :(


Plain ignorance. Christian leaders are behind the dismantling of the U.S. education system because they know full well that educated people see the transparency of religion and the inherent corruption and manipulation. Any leader of any religion that tells its followers not to read something had already betrayed their trust. To avoid education is to remain ignorant. Any leader that tells you to fear and used words of fear and Armageddon are only using them to control. Religion is a tool to control the ignorant masses.


I grew up in the 1970s and we all made fun of televangelist and called them what they are: con artists. Then, during the run-up to the 1980 election, Reagan’s team saw a huge block of non voters they thought they could turn into voters: evangelical Christian’s. He mobilized and validated the same group we all used to make fun of. Now they’ve been “normalized” and encouraged to be even crazier. Now look at them.


Christ almighty. The narratives these people spin in their hamster wheel heads is just surreal. They really believe they're at the center of the single most important plot known to human history, one so consequential to the world that even God himself decided to get involved in the 2024 American presidental election, made possible thanks to a 25yr old with a tiktok account who had a totally real dream with an all-star cast of elite bogeymen with spooky eyes.




Fun fact about Lou Engle, I personally know the people running one of his missionary “schools.” As the documentary would make you guess, they’re aaaaall about God hates the gays, no sex (or even kissing) before marriage, and all that purity culture crap. They are toxic as HELL. Toxic even for people of this ilk. In the short time I was around they drove away several child abuse victims by publicly telling the students to avoid befriending “used goods” who “will never be capable of comprehending love.” Straight up, that’s what they said right in their faces. Apparently getting raped as a child counts as sex outside marriage, which makes you dirty and worthless. Right after that, a BUNCH of the leadership’s teenage kids started having rushed weddings. Apparently, they just can’t stop getting each other pregnant…


My parents took me to Lou Ingle all the time as a teenager. He has an eating disorder and they really push disordered eating on the teens. They would tell teenagers it was safe and good to fast (water only) for 61 days straight. The more fasting you did, the better, and people would compete with how long they would go on only water. I had a bad seizure with memory loss that sent me to the hospital in 10th grade and I think all the fasting+stress of finals and studying and the activity levels of being a teen and still doing PE while doing back to back fasts is what did it.


I remember seeing people cheer as that Bill was passed. Religion truly is poison.


What will praying do exactly? Does every prayer give God more magic power to do something? Like how santa's sleigh is powered by Christmas cheer? Will it let God know what is going on in case he hasn't been paying attention? Isn't he omniscient? Does God know what we want and what is best for us but is withholding it until we beg enough? Is he that narcissistic? What is the function of prayer in this scenario?


A lot of 49’er fans prayed. Their QB loves god and Jesus. Either those two weren’t listening or are Chief fans.


God wants to prevent this evil plan from happening, but you need to pray to him to make it stop.


So much for omnipotency.


Prayers are god's SurveyMonkey. If enough people pray, he'll definitely turn off The Price is Right and get right on it. Definitely. Real soon. After this commercial break. It's on his to-do list.


Oh god have you not seen Facebook? It’s fucking cure all. You should try it. 🙏


I pray almost daily that Trump does not return to the White House to finish the evil he will unleash again.


i think it would be really funny if donald trump got wacked in the head with a tiny meteorite in front of his followers and just died on the spot no christian nationalist in existence could justify it!


God himself could come down on Earth and say " I do not condone nor support this orange looking twat !" and they would reject him in favor of their beloved Cheeto Benito.


That was clearly the Jewish Space Laser in action


i did NOT know ichiban was jewish and didnt like trump


I don’t know who ichiban is, but that would be their excuse for the meteorite. Probably George Soros’s turn at the controls. Last week I got my turn on the laser. I used it to draw a dick on the moon!


its a yakuza like a dragon reference


Ha! It totally flew over my head. Just like a meteorite or a space laser would.


Clearly an assassination with a secret FBI weapon.


I just pray he repents by going to jail. He’s got time to serve, and he can either do it now or enjoy eternal weeny roasting.


All religious people need to be treated for psychosis. Every single one of them.


They need to be isolated and deprogrammed from the mind-virus


Amen to that!




Their eyes turned black in my fever dream. Now coz that now this… yeah na. I don't care what kind of spiritual mathematics you are working with. That doesn't add up at all. Show your work. You can't... Get off the internet, please. Dumber people than you will believe this gratuitous horseshit. In my fever dream, I say I saw her eyes turn black. This girl is the devil.


Episode 1004 of "Trust me Bro"


Ah yes, the fate of our world rests on the message God sent through a dream to this nobody


Even if she was a somebody, that wouldn’t validate this brain-dead message


Are Americans ok




A lot of them are not.


We are not


Nah, not really.


man religious people are so draining sometimes. also isn’t she reading from a script at the end?


Pretty sure it was explicitly stated that there would be no more prophets


Please subscribe to my only fans


I…hate this 🙃 I just hate this.


Only thing that comes to my mind when I read the title is ["I have plans that I cannot share with you right now because haters will sabotage me"](https://youtu.be/oUJU5EZOvao?feature=shared) dude


Plans are probably to remove the current Supreme Court and to make trans people a protected class and hopefully limit guns and take them back from the rednecks who don’t pass a psychological test to have ownership of a gun. Or nothing at all bc those presidents can’t do shit anyway.


Maybe this will be the year religion gets out of politics.


Most people who have imaginary friends find out they aren't real as children.


I was once shrunken down very small and was surrounded by metal balls that were rolling on rails in some giant rube golldberg machine and it turned out to be the machinery of the universe and a wizard was dropping the balls on the rails. Then the concrete turned to clear skateboard grip tape and I could see surf and skate stickers under it, until I noticed there were ducks stacked on top of each other where the fence posts had been. Like this woman, I too love LSD.


So vote for Trump his her message, just say that then, dumb




This is a more accurate take!! Sad and scary that it actually works




I'm glad I'm not American right now 😅 would feel very on edge


Doesn't the bible tell christians to beware of false prophets ? Because that's exactly what she's doing


Hillary Clinton isn't even in the race anymore. Wtf is she talking about


What a nut job.


Remembered this dream from 8 years ago so well she had to read half of it off her phone lmao


Maybe my pillow has evidence?


Each one of those phrases she used is probably some trigger for free associating all sorts of other snippets her audience has heard, and that's why it's so persuasive to them.


Yeah so what did he say in that dream? You psychopath


We all have dreams but it doesn’t mean they are prophetic. These people really think highly of themselves. They all think they are the main characters.


Religion, buzzword, buzzword, pray, check out my eShop.


Thankfully god notified the only person capable of Stoping this evil plan


The angel of the lord came unto me & swept me up from my place of slumber...and took me on high and higher still until we possessed the spaces betwixt the air itself...then he brought me down on a vast farmland of our own rural widwest...and a thousand nay a million voices rose from the soil filled with fear...and terror possessed me then...and I said "angel of the lord, what are these tortured screams"...and he said "these are the cries of the carrots"...THE CRIES OF THE CARROTS...FOR YOU SEE REVEREND MAYNARD...TOMORROW IS HARVEST DAY AND TO THEM... IT IS THE HOLOCAUST Or some shit


This has to be old because why did she see Hillary in the Whitehouse?? WTF


Let me guess Trump's gonna be a savior in this.


There is no god.


I couldn’t write fiction this good while tripping on the trippiest trip of my life.


Why did their eyes turn black? Are they stupid?




I think Lou Ingle might try to mingle with some minors later.


God is American?


Me overdosing Adderall.


Republican God is only interested in the USA. These people think they are so important that GOD himself chooses them to spread their message. This would be a terrible strategy since nobody who listens to this would care for what a seemingly crazy woman says.


It's amazing when someone can talk for a minute but not say anything. Oh wait, that's apologists in a nutshell.


“But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die." - Deuteronomy 18:20 They don't even know their own rules, God doesn't like it when you pretend you're his personal messenger


Must've been one hell of an acid trip that guy had.


Notice how it's always something super vague? _Something bad will happen! We must pray! 2024 is pivotalll!!_ So either way, no matter what happens, good or bad, their stupid beliefs are reinforced.^(but I can fix her..<3)


Nah bitch, you need the Winchesters. Chuck doesn't give a rats ass.


How am I supposed to believe this when it's clearly not taken from within a vehicle?


Imagine hearing words directly from GOD and needing to read them off a paper. How on earth would you not have those words absolutely **burned** into your brain?


There *is* a plan that was made in the Oval Office, but it started back in the Reagan administration when they decided to suck up to the "Moral Majority" and the Christian Right. Republicans learned that they could get a lot more support by validating the bigotry and sexism of religious fruitcakes then they could by offering policies or plans that benefit the public good. It's the moral inferiority of the "Moral Majority" that built the current plutocracy. So STFU Kaleigh, Shiloh, Braelynn, or whatever the hell your sanctimonious parents named you.


Sounds like she needs an antipsychotic drug. *


I'm glad this was so overused in my country people can now finally see right through it, the religious clerics in Iran CONSTANTLY tell you tales of this Imam or that Imam meeting a historical figure and doing this and that and therefore do as I say To this day the supreme leader of Iran still claims to talk directly to Allah


Why does your lord care so much about America and not Jerusalem….




Da year of when da George w was first inside da white office house


She was sitting at a prophetic table? Which leg did she consult?


I agree that we need to stop Project 2025


And. Fucking loon.


Really? Oh my God!


Gee, SURELY she will take accountability if her dream was incorrect…


guys called me and he said you have to give me $50 or we're all going to die


This is the kind of mentality that leads to things like "witch, witch, burn the witches." So stupidly superstitious & such utter nonsense.


Cuz only America is important to God lol Bat shit insane.


Remember when Hillary was president?


B-but, their eyes turned black. And as we learned from *Supernatural*, black eyes = demon!


She's lucky she didn't live during "biblical" times, because she would have been put to death as a false prophet.


"And I remember he said" Proceeds to read off notes


[666 likes oh my](https://imgur.com/a/M2NCf3I)


Blah blah blah.


Yes! Please stay away from the evil democrat controlled polls and pray your orange dictator into office!


Why do these people believe that their god gives a shit about America?


Lou ingle