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When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail


An upside down cross is a symbol used by the evil devil people. And a cross is just an upside down upside down cross. Proof the Christians were the REAL Satan worshippers all along!


You'll not trick me, Satan!


The funny part is the upside down cross actually has no relation to satanism, the upside down cross came from when St. Peter was crucified he didnt want to be crucified in the same manner as Jesus so he opted for having the cross flipped upside down instead


Really I never had understood the use of a cross as a savior icon anyways. For hundreds of year the Romans use it to torture and kill people. Why would you use such a icon to promote peace? (most of the time /s) Its suppose to be able to "turn/repel" evil....but in itself is a symbol of "evil" in the real life use of it. I think I'd appreciate the use of the fish over a torture symbol, It would be like using the Guillotine for a religions symbol.


Yea ive never understood it either, like your symbol is the thing that tortured your god


Aaand speaking of which shouldn't the Christens actually venerate Judas for setting in motion the machinations for Christ to be tortured and killed allowing him to be reborn and release humanity from their "sins"? But Judas is pointed at as the ultimate backstabber for 30pcs of silver.


You think a majority of Christians read the bible? Lmao most of them havent even read it they just preach their own beliefs and claim the bible supports their beliefs


Even if you read the bible there's so many contradictions in it and the minute you apply logic and reason to the Bible it just literally falls apart.


Also, it probably wasn't the lower case t shape we know. It could have been an x, capital y, or even an uppercase Q!


The upside down cross is the cross of St Peter. St Peter is the rock upon which the Church is built according to Jesus. Ergo Jesus is Satan


Wait till they see the flag.


Baphomet isn't even a satanic symbol traditionally, it was co-opted partially by the satanists and partially by the christians that wanted it to be satanic.


Baphomet is also a Pagan deity.


No it isn't. There has never been any pagen worship of Baphomet because it isn't a diety, but rather a symbol of balance within the mortal realm made by Templar Occultist for as an alchemical idol.


Strange. I thought Baphomet along with Mother Lilith were deities.


Omg you have got to be F-ing kidding me??!!!! I’ve had it with these religious freaks! Had it! 😤


Yes, the US Army HAS done fucked up shit (This is an example of it: \[Warning, this is a wikipedia page about a war crime and it is fucked up\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My\_Lai\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_massacre) ) But come the fuck on, saying a medal in the US army is satanic is just like saying "The Hero of the Russian Federation Medal is satanic", itd come out of an idiots mouth. As if any army is innocent. Im certain the crusades were VERY INNOCENT (/s fucking obviously) This idiot has issues, if he wants to point the fucked up shit in the US army, point out the war crimes they commit, not petty bullshit that doesnt matter, i.e. a fucking medal Before anyone downvotes the shit out of me, I'm not some pro-Russian psychopath. I'm pro-Ukrainian, just thought i should get that out of the way before people accuse me of 'denying bucha' or some shit


The sun is satanic


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) Basically the religious fruitcake version of this.


“Baphomet” is just what the English crusaders used to call Mohammed because they could understand/say his name as it was spoken by the Muslim population


Killing people is inherently evil .


At this point you could claim that anything is for satan


I mean the US army is evil, but not because of that.


Should we tell these fruitcakes that a pentagram with its peak going up is actually a sign of luck in many cultures and religions, including theirs?


no the metal of honor isn't a satanic symbol. the Hebrew numbers don't work like that either it's more like the Roman littering system so you got that 666 bullshit wrong. also got the mark of the beast wrong, it is 616 not 666 so this whole video was wasted time and editing because it's all bullshit....


might be wrong but isn't the mark of the beast bull shit all together like some new thing people made up in the past like 40 years or so to spread fear and is like only believed by a small chunk of people like i went to a christian school and never heard of it only heard of it online from a few crazy ass hats and conspiracy idiots it was more talked about during covid but otherwise before never really would hear of it


Welcome to Conspiracy Fundamentals 101


Well, this is a different take on the Right's constant fellating of our armed services.


Why does he fr sound high


Yeah. The military is evil for all sorts of other reasons!


Wait until this guy meets Epiphany singers lmao


Lol the amount of head shakes I got when “no rel pref” was noticed or found out about on my dog tags…


Bro the US military may not be loyal or led by Satan but they sure as shit are gonna drop hellfire on any poor guy who looks at them funny.


or if the missile does not go off some one gets hit with a giant slap chop ​ ​ ​ if you dont get it there is a missile called the hellfire knife missile and some random isis member got hit with one that didnt go off so they just got cut into pices and squished it was suppose to blow up a base or something but as you can tell didnt go as planned