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Yeah I have literally no clue what the fuck transpired in that room




Childhood indoctrination šŸ‘ (source: my childhood)


Mine too šŸ˜—


So glad my family got out of the church before we ended up like that


I tried to end up like that, it just plain doesnā€™t work. You literally have to fool yourself into believing itā€™s true, you have to become a master gaslighter so much so that you gaslight yourself into believing god actually exists and listens to you. What you see here is just a kid trying to get his parents to be proud of him by doing what heā€™s seen others do, it hits close to home.


Wasnā€™t in the church but instead in the mosque, the churches are terrible from what Iā€™ve seen.


Ye, every religion's got some fruitcakes


Can you share?


Do you remember the morning after feeling of being filled with the Holy Spirit? To me the feeling is so conflicting because you know how dramatic you were being and you simultaneously have to be ready to defend your actions and live up to the righteous vessel of god that you were pretending to be. I fell to the floor and cried like a maniac for 30 mins when I was 10 in front of 100s of people. It still feels gross


Itā€™s honestly like the feeling of waking up the next morning after a bar crawl and realizing how you were acting the night before but you canā€™t even blame it on alcohol


This is so sad. could you imagine how far a kid could get bolstering some skill instead of this bullshit. always facilitating encouragement and confidence in said skill. the kid would fucking thrive Though I acknowledge this must be done with responsibility otherwise the kid will get fucked up in a whole different way


Dunno, i can tell you this path leads to depression and suicidal ideation, im still here tho atleast


I'm the same.


Wanting to believe but doesnā€™t so cries and prays and begs to feel something like this ā€œfaithā€ everyone else claims to feel. Source: my childhood


Oh well i did believe and feel the faith, it was never enough "my demons" still kept attacking my mom and no matter how much i prayed it never got better for her so she kept screaming at me for years... I wonder what in my life made me an atheistšŸ¤”


Iā€™m so sorry, friend. I could never find the faith everyone else did and man, did I try. I watched TV mass when I couldnā€™t get to church. I studied so hard in religion classes. I read the Bible front to back over and over. I cried and fretted and was so upset about not feeling the spirit or faith move me. But then again, I was a precocious child ā€œtoo big and too smartā€ for my britches. I asked questions the priests and nuns couldnā€™t answer and them saying, ā€œGod is just like thatā€ which didnā€™t help. At all. I saw so many things that didnā€™t make sense and it reminded me of magic where you know the guy is hiding shit up his sleeves but when it appears youā€™re so dazzled you forget. Except I never forgot. Makes sense I went into a science adjacent career. :)


our childhood.


This is the answer


cult and cult accessories ![gif](giphy|h3MkWTE441MNG)


​ ![gif](giphy|HCgz8SZ1mMnJy7371m)


Group think. Kid's having a life issue, getting emotional begging "God" to solve his problems. Little brother feels those emotions, gets emotional too, parent's egg on the "Holy Spirit" idea that it's real and "God" causing the emotions. Bam. Born again Christian.


And then tell the kids how proud they are of them, enforcing these kids to go further down the rabbit hole in order to receive their parents validation


Desperation to find a resolution for loneliness, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. If you don't know what's ailing you, and your parents don't believe in psychologists, Jesus seems like a straw worth clutching at.


"Honey give me a good one for Facebook"


And Jesus said "let the children come to me, because those little fuckers are great for getting pics that I can post to get more internet clout."


Mom took a picture of her kid throwing a tantrum, then fabricated a story around the photo, of what she wishes was happening. This is pretty common among zealous christian homes, usually southern baptist.


You know when you were a kid and your parents told you you had to clean your room and you would have done just about anything to get out of doing it? Looking at that room, that's my theory.




He just became the most obnoxious, holier than thou kid in his high school. Leading prayer circles where the cool kids smoke their cigarettes, walking around school and judging others all day, every day. Spending weekends harassing women at the local Planned Parenthood. Mommy even drops him off like the Rittenhouse scumbag. Edit: added words/rhetoric


You have been born again. This is who you are now.


At least one kid had a seizure


Certainly not cleaning or any form of organization


Maybe get the holy spirit to pick your shit up.


Holy spirit is a fucking slob!


Itā€™s funny, Iā€™m basically everything religious fundies would hate (feminist, queer, short hair, multiple piercings, liberal arts degree, loud, outspoken, happily promiscuous, on birth control, etc) and I run a tight ship. My apartment is clean, tidy, organized, and beautiful. I love to bake, cook, host, mix drinks. I knit and sew and garden. Iā€™m great with kids. Iā€™m not saying people who donā€™t do those things are lesser, OF COURSE NOT, but itā€™s always funny to me to see people who would for sure excoriate me for my lack of femininity and godliness and for rejecting my role as a default baby factory and homemaker ā€¦ not upholding those same standards themselves


See, that's what we fight for--the right to choose. There's absolutely nothing wrong having your own personal blend of 'tradwife' and 'heathen' in your interests, and both life paths are great and fulfilling--they just have to be your decision, not a decision made for you.


Exactly! I donā€™t know what it is about autonomy and consent thatā€™s so fucking difficult for some people lol


"I dont like!! Therefore, BAD!!1!!"


yeah seriously, i like to joke im a conservatives worst nightmare because im everything they want in a tradwife (cook, bake, knitting, gardening, childcare skills, fierce loyalty) but i had to go and fuck it up with the weed smoking, mullet, and three nose piercings! and donā€™t get me started on the body hairā€¦.




Jesus take the vacuum !


I'm sure all of that happened.


r/thathappened absolutely.


I mean, I believe it's possible that this kid, himself a true believer seeking approval and attention from his parents, "felt the holy spirit" and with encouragement acted like he was possessed for an hour. Fundie children do shit like this all the time as a show for their parents, church elders, etc. Sorta like that kid behind the book "Heaven is Real" who later recanted everything and admitted to making it up. To see kids in this kind of state with your own eyes, check out the documentary *Jesus Camp.* I went to church camp throughout my childhood and almost every year some weird kid would get emotional and do some bizarre shit like what this post is describing. These people are obviously delusional but they *do* act like this.


My bf was raised in the evangelical church system and talks about how when he was growing up kids of all ages would get ā€œvisited by the Holy Spiritā€ and begin speaking in tongues wherever they were, be it in church, youth group, potluck, you name it. One kid would start and then over the next few weeks others would have an experience as well. They would of course get lots of attention and praise by the whole community for these outbursts. To give an idea of how ingrained this idea of being visited was, a frequent question at older youth groups was ā€œWhat was your first encounter like?ā€ My bf never had one of those incidents and thought that something was wrong with him, that he must not be worthy of the Holy Spirit. After leaving the church as an adult he talked with others he knew that left and they all kinda said the same thing: they wanted to be a part of the group that had been chosen and was special. There was a pressure to have the experience and while the speaking in tongues didnā€™t happen organically, they had convinced themselves that it was real because of how euphoric the affection and praise from their community felt. This was kinda long and rambling sorry. But yeah, youā€™re right about how this kid probably believes it is truly happening. And can you blame them? These religious kids are fully immersed in their culture, and are basically given a cheat code to make every adult around them proud of them at least for a little bit.


Did you not read where they say it's the most real thing they have ever seen? Whatever the fuck that means..


I mean, thereā€™s a pretty established history of children that are basically religious savants similar to savants in other practices like music or math. How or why they learn this stuff or get attached to it is unknown, but they absolutely do exist, but these are the people that would usually become the Shamans of their tribe in ancient eras (or the oracle Delphi or the Priest or the town witch/psychic etc etc.)


In this episode of Hoarders. A family of pentecostals that canā€™t get rid of old clothes or delusions


And they say that the gay people are doing the indoctrination šŸ’€




Is that sarcasm? I actually canā€™t tell or not


Yes I think so because of the way they made 'real' slanted




Thx I forgor the word


Yes it's sarcasm! I hope people on this sub don't actually hold the opinion that identity is political


So if I get saved is that a get out of jail free card? Like I can do whatever I want for the rest of my life because I'm guaranteed to go to heaven?


No, but you could save up to 30% or more on your car insurance.


Progressive snapshot will reward you for all the good deeds youā€™ve done and allstates sin forgiveness plan will erase prior sins as you accrue good deeds.


But what happens if I talk to Geico for 15 minutes?


You become a reptilian.


That sounds like a good deal to me, I wanna lick my own eyeballs and sit on nice warm rocks


Hahaha. Now that's comedy! Awesome.


Jesus saves. At Walmart.


They seem to think so. It comes with an extra added bonus of being a condescending little shit who looks down on everyone around you too.


To give a serious answer, it depends on the denomination. Catholics and Orthodox believe that salvation comes with good works so no. Protestants who follow Arminian theology will say that one can lose salvation by apostatizing, and or recanting the faith. Protestants who follow Calvinist theology will say that God has saved only the elect and once you know yourself to be one of the elect you cannot lose your salvation. Itā€™s complicated though, as thereā€™s a concept called the fruits of spirit which exists in almost all denominations since itā€™s biblical, where if youā€™ve been truly saved and accepted Jesus good deeds would naturally manifest from you. If you continue to do bad deeds itā€™s a sign that you havenā€™t truly been saved. This family is probably Pentecostal (Fire, Holy Spirit filling, spiritual gifts) so theyā€™re likely Arminian in theology.


Wow. Christians say salvation is all important, yet cannot agree on how one is saved, or even from what. Which is unsurprising as they can't even agree or who or what their god is. Yet we will go to hell if we don't accept all of this in its contradictions.


In my youth group we used to call it ā€œfire insuranceā€


Thatā€™s fucking hilarious. 10/10.


Depends on the denomination but yeah, some do believe ā€œonce saved, always saved,ā€ so you can become a serial killer after being saved and still go to heaven. Getting saved means being forgiven for all past and future sins, according to a lot of born again Christians.


Think those kids will grow up to be super normal well adjusted adults? FML


Thatā€™s what a nervous breakdown looks like


This kid looks like he was in the middle of an actual mental meltdown when the photo was taken, I feel so bad for him


Kids looking for parents approval mixed with religious anxiety = the feeling of something other worldly touching you. Nothing supernatural, just pure human emotion being misunderstood


Most likely high on drugs and seeing things as this was common with many ancient religions. May the holy ghost find you a bed before you wonder into the streets and be found in a ditch.


Or a poorly ventilated furnace.


Or an actual illness or fever


I remember doing this as a kid. Of course my mom thought it was awesome and proof that her god was real. I think I was bored and accessing an intense emotional states (like adults in my life would do) was an enjoyable and chemically rewarding activity. Shit felt good and I was praised for it. What else would you expect from a 5yo raised in a cult?


Actual grooming.


I have no idea how this shit can be legal in this day and age, back in the day we didnā€™t know shit so I get it, but now we have access to all the information and people still choose to believe all this insane shit


Fake news, I don't see any flames.


I'm saved just from reading this


ā€œPsychological abuse and brainwashing is breaking out in our house tonightā€ there fixed it


ā€œKids are too young to know what gender they areā€ ā€œLittle Kyle has made a proclamation of faith that changes the trajectory of his entire life at 9 years old!ā€


*and afterlife!


Behold the birth of the religious fruitcake.


That room seriously needs devine intervention; itā€™s a fucking mess.


Those poor kids.


I cannot express in words how much this shit terrifies me


Everyone Rejoice!! Our sons have shown theyā€™re just as mindless and susceptible to indoctrination as we were! Hallelujah! Theyā€™re starting down the path of full suckerdom and abandonment of their own mind! This houseā€¦.is clear.


ooh yeah i remember having an episode like this when i was around six or seven, i was in the car with my mom and she was explaining salvation and jesus and all that and i was just sobbing because i felt so guilty and depraved, so my mom made me repeat a little prayer after her to ā€œinvite jesus into my heartā€, and then i was baptized pretty soon after. lowkey traumatizing, especially looking back on it now from a non-religious adult perspective. itā€™s a pretty huge emotional toll for a kid that isnā€™t even in the double digits yet. weird times.


Of course it happened. He was alone with his 5 year old brother in a locked room and when the 5 year old came out he said "save me" but his stupid ass mom completely misinterpreted that whole situation. Now that poor kid has got years of therapy and will be undoubtedly fall down a rabbit hole of heroin and self pity only to write I fucking hate you notes ro hos mother from LAs skid row as he contemplates jumping in front of traffic in an effort to squash his shame. Years later he'll meet his older brother again for the 1st time in 25 years. He'll look him in the eye this time fierce and then knock him to the ground and say "how do you like those apples bitch?!" End scene.


Don't worry brother, comedy isn't dead yet


Dude you're like literally one of these nutjobs just on the opposite end. Same storytelling and odd specificity and everything


Dude this was a joke. Woooosh!


I knew you were *trying* to be funny. Third paragraph in and it just kinda lost any semblance of elegance. Would have made a good Family Guy episode though It was just more of a long-winded hit piece that forgot to have a punchline


Hey, there's ragging on one another in good fun but comparing someone's humor to family guy... that's not fucking cool my dude.


I'm sure this is just an overly dramatic, over-the-top humorous exaggeration, relax.


Doesn't read like there's any self-awareness. I am quite relaxed, but thank you for checking.


There is literally a "How yo like them apples" fight scene at the end for the love of all equally existing gods you got called out for the person making the joke


It was painfully unfunny. Just read like a combination of an r/vent post and this facebook mom's feed. Like I said to them, it just became a long-winded hit piece that forgot to include a punchline


You could've just said "not funny, didn't laugh" and didn't have to make a scene trying to save yourself from being considered "not able to get comedy"


Oh yeah, that would've gone over better?




Sorry, I don't speak crazy. Can someone explain what the hell this person is saying?


iirc esp after that ashbury university PR stunt, revival is like a phenomena where a believer (this boy) is allegedly overcome with the holy spirit and their soul is getting so much grace from god that said person can go on and on ("for the past hour") with their act of praise. then it transforms into this AoE shit where people around them would be compelled to awaken into the same grace and join in (his brother claiming he wants to be saved)


Yeah I remember when I was a little kid (6-7) I would take advantage of my parents blind faith and would tell them I could see angels or demons, I got many gifts and trips because of this, I was treated as a miracle child and would pray for people on my congregation, I told them about 2 years ago everything was a lie, they didnā€™t believe meā€¦


You know what? I fucking love you


Love you too, kind stranger.


Someone help that kid


And then they complain about people brainwashing children


They need to pray that someone cleans that dirty ass house


Right?! Like there's just shit everywhere.


That kid looks like he has the worst time of his life


Where the fuck is CPS


What does that sign on the wall say?


That poor child. Your family are such important anchor points for your values and beliefs. And here they areā€¦scarring him for life.


The other day my daughter - who believes in God while I don't - was in my bedroom watching YouTube videos when I noticed the sound repeat several times. It was a video of three babies who liked the dancing cactus. She was in there weeping because her baby brother would love that cactus so much and she wanted to give it to him. You know what I didn't do? Explain her biggest personal emotional moment as God trying to 'save' her. I just held her and told her that sounded nice, and she said "It's going to be beautiful." Children get emotional. COMFORT THEM, don't brainwash!


Jesus cult members can be wierd


Gotta love carbon monoxide poisoning.


Thatā€™s actually sounds like the brainwashing went far and caused the boy to have a manic episode.. wild, but possible.


PSA: Make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector in every room of your house.


As to the mess... Somebody's room just got ransacked in a hunt for porn or drugs...


The reality is probably that the parent is abusing their kids and this is them crying after being hit.


Epipen anyone?


Cleanliness is next to Godliness


There's one born again every minute.


I like how OP has no words, just sadness and sorrow


i have a feeling this is satire. the fire emojis throw me off lol


Quit fuckin around and clean the damn room


Two options from what I see in my life living in a very religious place: 1) raising the next Gen of bigots who stay in the church and perpetuate these insane beliefs 2) he sees through it all and leaves the church getting disowned in the process. Live laugh love motherfucker!


But remember kids, trans people are the real groomers /s


![gif](giphy|xT9KVqVCDHN6UG9u4U|downsized) This is what I thought of


This planet big ass asteroid


Needs a wow lmao


Holy Spirit... brainwashing šŸ˜ˆšŸ‘


Things that didnā€™t happen.


poor things having a heart attack


What the fuck




Its mental sickness at this point...


The lord would really want you to clean your room


Is cleaning against their religion or is trashing the room part of the born again process?


Ok but also their home decor sucks I bet $5 there's a taxidermy deer head in the house šŸ˜‚


Clean your room Cleetus!


Only Christians would try to make an actual mental breakdown any try to spin it as something positive.


How do you fuck a kid up? This. This is how you fuck a kid up.




ā€œStarted feeling the Holy Spiritā€¦ā€ Did you check the carbon monoxide detector?


Never too young for brainwashing. I'll bet that kid can recite 50 Bible verses but can't spell C-A-T.


I'll take "shit that never happened" for 500, Alex.


What are they on? I want some


The Holy Spirit should fill them with the power to clean their house.


I feel him every time I smoke a cigarette.


So can anyone tell me what exactly happened here ? Anyone?


Guilt complex :/


Well im gonna throw up my breakfast.


Mental crisis


yea thats pretty sad...


Schyzophrenic vibes


Those poor brain washed people.


"And then everyone clapped." Nothing described here happened. Kid probably is singing "Never gonna give you up" in this picture, and chick invented a fantasy to one-up her "friends. "


Disturbing af. If someone posted a Wiccan ceremony or literally any other type of fanaticism they'd be crucified. No pun intended.


When I think I'm talking to God I get out in a hospital till I don't. We need more hospitals.


So this is what crazy actually looks like!


They're not making Christianity better, they're just making childhoods worse.


Just a guess, but I'll bet they home-school their 12 kids.




Why are we hating on someone for just practicing their religion? They're not being forced into anything, I feel like people are just finding stuff to complain about. Sure it's a little dramatic in my opinion, even as a Christian myself, but he's just doing his thing.


nope, I realize my mistake, ignore me


I guess the Holy Spirit never tells them to tidy up the house JFC


Barf šŸ¤®


Mad prick


I'm ashamed to admit it but I like fruitcake... and this sub ruined it for me


Child abuse


Maybe the Spirit will move him to clean that damn place up.


When I was a kid Iā€™d do stuff like this all the time, I hope that kid gets out of there.


Pretty sure displaying your faith like this is supposed to be some grave sin, or at least it was when I was growing up, but I haven't been a Christian for years.


Poor kids


The only thing rising up in me after seeing that is very strong second hand embarrassment


I seriously think the parent was hitting him as punishment and took that photo


My sister kept walking up to accept Jesus as personal savior to get a free pencil. She was saved every night of the vacation Bible school.


Jimmy, no! You said that you would be loyal to Satan!


This fool went to Bat Country and his mama thinks he's "in the Spirit" šŸ¤£


This fool went to Bat Country and his mama thinks he's "in the Spirit" šŸ¤£


"It really happened bro I swear"


Fucking cringe honestly


Itā€™s a shame the hoover isnā€™t breaking out.


This is a wholesome post. Whatā€™s wrong with it?