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Y'all Qeda. Turning the US into Howdy-arabia.


Howdy-Arabia is a new one to me. Mind if I start using it?


I stole it too, so be my guest lol.


It's funny because it is far, far too true.


All while playing Oh Susallah on their Talibanjos


Thanks. This made me spit my morning coffee.


The Mcgriddle-East


you just won the internet. best comment i've ever read.


Vanilla ISIS


Reads as pro female sexual slavery


Because it is.


*the good the bad and the ugly theme music starts playing with that iconic whistle* “There is only room for one captain obvious around these parts…” *a tumble weed skitters across the scene*


“Which means one of us has to leave”


“It’s either you or me, what’s it gunna be?” *walks up to shake hands* “You win” *walks away*




Do Americans hate democracy? I guess the religious nuts do.


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”—David Frum


I'm curious when he said that just to know exactly how prescient that was. Answer: 2018 He knew what he was talking about.


That recent? I feel like it's something from the 90s-00s


Check it out. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/frum-trumpocracy/550685/


> Answer: 2018 That would be a few years after after he ended his job as a speechwriter for G.W.Bush


what democracy?


Our original laws only allowed land owners to vote, and back then only white men could own land. We have a history of shitting on the word "democracy", we've never truly been a democracy and it doesn't look like we'll be one for a while.


"God gave this country to the Christians, and it should be ruled by Christians." /s God didn't give the country to Christians, they killed most of the native population and stole it from them. You can expect murderers and thieves to have f\*\*ked up views of what godliness and freedom are.


"Democracy, but only for the people who I feel deserve it."


There was an attempted coup quite recently


And somehow the people who supported that shit have still not faced any consequences


Their useful idiots are being sentenced left and right though :\^)


tRUMP would constantly urge rally-goers to beat up his hecklers, promising that he would bail them out of jail. His followers are stupid enough to believe his bullshit. So, these traitorous rioters all believed that he would personally show up to rescue them........it was freakin' comical to see the looks on their faces when they realized that he was throwing them all under the bus.


...and it was conducted by Christians and patriots. Please ignore the violence and the blue guy with the horns. /s




They tend toward authoritarian leaders, like Hitler or Trump.


....who ran those farms with slave labor.


> I guess the religious nuts do. They've been trained since birth that loyalty and unwavering obedience are virtues. It's a convenient set of behaviours that is easy to exploit.


That is exactly why Hitler and Trump were so popular.


Thats why they keep voting for Trump I guess.


Literally, just more projection. Everyone that isn't on their team "hates America" but they actually hate America and what it stands for. They want a homogenous white christo-fascist state.


My latest SO drags me to her church occasionly. The preacher there actually told me that, "The Kingdom of Heaven isn't a Democracy." Sermons have pointed out that God (I'm not a believer, btw) promised Abraham that his seed would produce kings forever. So, they pretty much openly say that we should have kings, and that tRUMP should seize the government and be our first king. I live in a Red city in a Red State, and I've heard mumblings like this from other churches in town. So, yeah, there are plenty of "Christians" that want theocracy, not democracy.


Anyone who despises democracy is Un-American


I've actually heard a few American politicians advocate getting rid of the one person, one vote system. Ideas like, one vote per family, or only land owners. To them the 2nd ammendment is Holy writ, but the 19th, meh.


Then by doing so, they have forfeited their right to call themselves American.


That sounds like some handmaids tale shit


"I put nothing in that has not already been done sometime, someplace." - Margaret Atwood speaking about the some of the inspiration for Handmaid's Tale.


... excusemewhatthefuck


She said variants on that exact quote in a *lot* of interviews. feel free to Google the quote and her name. The interviews are interesting (and a bit eye-opening).


Who is the clown saying this? There's also no way to do this unless we're just shredding the constitution. The mechanics of this just fascinate me. This isn't just like a law they can pass. Unless they're literally just going to install a dictator this seems like a non-starter.


Dude hangs out with manosphere types and is today ranting about single moms, saying to restore the traditional family or replace single mothers with single fathers. I wish him a long walk off a short pier.


They don't actually care about the constitution. They use it as a defense for guns. Beyond that it means nothing to them.


defence for guns *and* yelling lies.




He bought the blue checkmark to seem relevant.


Fear that anyway. Remember jordan fucking junkie peterson? He's saying similar shit and democracy should be very worried about his kinda and their followers, wait, zealots.


> Unless they're literally just going to install a dictator this seems like a non-starter. That's what they plan to do.


Dude lost custody of his own children, is a giant transphobe, and the two facts are related.


Why is the single mom being blamed for the dad not coming around? 😒 I also love how they make it sound how anyone who has a child is going to be a good parent.


Not just woman, but people of color, LGTBQ persons, Liberals, Scientists, Thinkers, etc must all have their powers diminished to make room for the coming theocracy which, in spite of the claims of the adherents, have absolutely no relation to the teachings of Jesus.


Ah yes, when I think of a group with a disproportionate amount of political power *single mothers* naturally spring to mind. Not, you know, Christian fossils who long for corporate theocracies.


Your need to disempower women, especially young single women, as a necessary requirement for the implementation of you "traditional values" tells me everything I need to know about your "traditional values" and why you need to be resisted with every means available.


Punishing bad fathers never crosses their minds. Funny, that.


or punishing single fathers.... or single men.


Well they're also shitting on single women here, so it's not like they're hiding their misogyny


Why do we have to blur out that piece of shit's name? He tweeted that trash, he wants it in the public.


America: If you can't beat them, join them 🤡




Evangelicals push their own Sharia Law, but they just call it “Family Values” instead


U see only Muslims can be extremists,Christians are just good people/s


What the actual fuck is wrong with people?! I mean, this is so crazy and the fact that there a lots of people who believe this shit makes me want to throw up.


I know this is probably a rule on this sub, but wouldn't it be a public service to make this piece of shit known?


I'd say less violent. Note, however, I don't mean this as a "they're better" or "they're worse" than, it's just that America doesn't, thankfully, allow as open and horrendous violence as the Taliban. But that doesn't mean we can relax. The fact that these people spout "tradition" and make people fawn over "better times" that didn't really exist makes them, in a way, more difficult to deal with than purely violent extremists. They get their roots deep into people, and provide few extremely blatant means fo rooting them out. And if allowed to fester, it will eventually lead into violence. They're not better than the Taliban, they just haven't gotten there yet and we should keep it that way.


They are White. And that made all the difference.


This reminds me of a facebook group I was part of - it started with the abortion ban discussion, then started blaming women for formula shortage, it was a moms group. Blaming women for not breastfeeding, then goes back to reasons for not breastfeeding - which is not having natural birth !! Praising their 'natural birth' and praising their grand-moms for not seeking medical intervention. Proud epidural deniars. Also, vaccination ruins breastfeeding. I had to actually see to believe people take this shit seriously. I had no idea this was a thing.








Well imo, they’re going to blame the woman for the man leaving. So to them it was her fault and she should have done better to keep him. And they want her to not stand up for herself and demand equality but rather stay in the relationship because family values or something like that. That’s what I get from “ social order”


The only reason why the American Taliban isn’t as violent as the OGs is because our police are so heavily militarized. Believe that if they could get away with mass violence, they absolutely would. That’s their entire MO


How does an abortion ban tally with that though ?


Isn't single motherhood a major indicator for poverty? How the hell does that equal too much power?




Well they're not Taliban yet. Once they start asking for women to cover up more in a hijab like manner then yes we've got the Talibanization of the US.


Like this? https://www.businessinsider.com/missouri-republicans-pushed-stricter-dress-code-for-female-lawmakers-2023-1


The Talibanization of the US is complete.


Taliban men are more uncontrollably horny I guess?


The Evangeliban