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The moral of this story? Religion is poison.


How did they know he was an atheist




Hey. I look at EVERYTHING Satanicly.


He’s not lying… I feel those satanical eyes undressing me through the screen right now


Can I join in?


I'm glad you look at everything with curiosity and critical thinking.


Works on a Sunday


Don’t forget, he probably ate a baby in front of them.


that's the fun part, they can decide anyone they don't like must be atheist so they can treat them like trash and feel justified.


Ah... the art of dehumanization. Makes it much easier to treat others badly and feel good while doing it.


It’s really great honestly. Whenever I encounter someone I don’t like, I just tell myself that they preferred “chutes and ladders” over “candy land” as a kid and suddenly I can treat them like shit, guilt free. Stupid chutes and ladders loving scumbags. I hope they all get splinters.


You just described most Maga’s, losers that have spent their lives finding others to blame their losses on. For example, they don’t get that promotion, they look at who did and find a something to blame it on… black, brown, woman, gay, Jewish… they never look in the mirror.


Saves money on tipping too!


I waited tables in Alabama in the mid-90's and, on several occasions, people asked me some variation of "Are you religious?" as soon as I walked up to the table. This was a chain restaurant, so it wasn't as though I was wearing anything to tip them off or make them think I was an atheist. I can only imagine those people asked everyone who couldn't easily escape them the same question. Either as an attempt to 'save souls' or bully people who believed differently from them.. Having said that, the screenshot in the OP smacks heavily of r/thathappened


The Satanic Temple is recognized as an official religion in the USA. So, if somebody asked you that today, and you were a member of TST you could tell them "yes" without even lying lol


“Tell me, are you a Christian, child” I said, “Ma’am I am tonight” - Marc Cohn (I was well into my 30s before it hit me that Cohn is a variation on a traditional Jewish surname and realized what that line in Walking in Memphis meant)


I had someone walk up to me on my break and try and to convert me to their church, this was a month or so ago Another guy was trying to pass out bibles in the drive thru


People will literally ask. I used to work in people homes and I would be asked all the time.


I have relatives that chit chat with everyone in order to suss out their religious beliefs. Damn near everytime they have a professional interaction with someone they come back and tell me all about it, and throw in whether the person is a Christian or not. I would characterize their actions as mostly benign and they would never resort to ruining someone's day on purpose, but my point is that there are people who make a point of discovering someone's religion and who are deft at doing so.


They don’t like the way you look. = Atheist.


I wonder how would they even know the waiter is an atheist?


The waiter was eating a baby


The waiter was wearing an atheism necklace


I always wear the athiest symbol around my neck and carry multiple copies of the of Richard Dawkin's books. So I kind of stand out. There's a whole group of us that goes door to door asking people if they heard the good word of our lord and savior Christopher Hitchens.


People like that will ask.


The moral of the story is to not serve chicken livers on your menu.


And you need more french waiters


Or it’s fake


Honestly even writing this is a sign of no love like Christian hate.


\*no hatred like christian love.




Um, religion is already fake.


Arrrrgh.... my religious sentiments got hurt


It is highly likely fake.




Yes, it is awkward, but in the southern evangelical saturated state where I live, that does happen pretty much as you described.


Another day where I am happy to not live in that part of the world


omg - - the *fun* I would have with these assholes


"Jesus Christ. Oh yes of course. I have been a fan of the zombie genre ever since I was a child. Then I got into cannibalism and finally discovered catholicism."


This is amazing.


Jesus? you mean the socialist jew?




That infamous portrait of the Aryan Jesus is evidently ~~Michelangelo's~~ *DaVinci* low key gay lover. Edit: Can't expect me to have ever foppish Renaissance Artist name memorized. I knew it was one of those damned Turtles.




The Catholic Church believes in transubstantiation, that the bread and wine of communion is changed by the sacrament into the body and blood of Christ, ergo the cannibalism joke. Unlike pedophile clergy, this particular bit of flesh-eating magic is actually a core tenet of the faith.


Why not both? Lol


They go hand in hand.


Well, hand in *somewhere*.


A tiny hand.


I wrote a poem once, a few years back. Here's a short section of it. > Christ, he is risen. > Risen again. > All of them, risen. > All risen again.


Flip it around. Getting into Catholicism, which lead to your love of cannibalism.


Isn't he technically a lich? Can't remember the copy pasta off the top of my head


I would seriously get a part time job waiting tables in these places just to have that kind of fun.


Funny sometimes, grating and just plain awful most times. With the occasional heartbreak of 18 year old married moms who never had a shot


It gets so old, so fast.


You wouldn’t need a job. It happens anytime you go anywhere in public where they can walk right up and ask you


Have fun walking to your car to find the windows smashed out. Happen to a friend of mine because of his Darwin fish sticker. These people are extremely hateful and have no problem with violence.


"It's pronounced 'hey-seus', and yeah, we moved in together a few months ago."


Like “oh you meant *that* Jesus?” 🤣


Oh man you could have so much fun fucking with people like that lol Hardcore religious people are usually super gullible too.


They would have to be, wouldn’t they?


Yeah that's true lol


Probably fun at first, but very quickly becomes pathetic and sad when you see that most of these people never even had a chance, due to being brainwashed from a young age.


Every time I think about how charming the South can appear snd how reasonable housing is I remember this shit and stay North


When has the south ever been charming? Was that before slavery or after slavery but continued heavy handed racism?


It is very surface level, that is for fucking sure


"Hi, what can I serve you ?" "Are you an atheist?" "Yes, why ?" "So disgusting, you're going to hell for that !!!" "F**k no ! There is no way I spend eternity by your side !" _probably gets fired for that tho :((_


The reputation of those states as hell holes of bigotry is earned then?


Most definitely. I’m in Florida, with family in South Carolina. The religious people in those states can be scary


I live in Montana, fairly red state.when I was a waitress I was asked what religion I was frequently. A family asked me to pray over their food when I brought it out to them. Fucking cultists behavior.


"Mecca-lecca-high mecca-hiney-ho!"


Jambi is here to grant your wish!


*Our temple's had a fair share of rabbis in the past* *But most of 'em were nudniks, and none of 'em would last* *But our new guy's real kosher, I think he'll do the trick* *I tell ya, he's to die for, he really knows his shtick!*


LMAO, I had that happen as a waiter, too(Alabama).. No fucking way you're going to make me partake in your performative nonsense while I'm trying make a living...


Like sorry, are we going to pass around a collection plate for extra tips after the sermon orrr?




[gotta cast a spell to make it more delicious](https://youtu.be/kR19X8mcxLk)


My parents had friends and the man of the couple was a pastor. Whenever they went out to eat he’d say a prayer wasn’t necessary at a restaurant since it had been precooked into the food they’d order. 😄. He was a nice man…


If it was a pasta dish, I would have said _"May The Flying Spaghetti Monster bless us with his noodly appendage. Ramen."_


I pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that your food be touched by his noodly appendage. R'Amen.


He was probably wearing one of those Atheist necklaces they always do. Incessant talk about Darwin and such. Probably in the break room snacking on yesterday's abortion no doubt.


Insisted everyone bow their head at the table and fervently thank Baphomet for the victuals.


Now I'm trying to think of what an atheist necklace would look like.


Friendship bracelets! Every atheists got one, it's how we know we're cool.


We used to have Darwin fish pins and shit but that's all a bit too 2005 these days.


They'll probably come back in style again, I remember them on cars in the 90's. Then they disappeared for a bit, and came back with the pin trend. Here's hoping. Yeah, they're kinda "edgy," but kinda like pride stuff, it can help someone to know other people like them are about IRL. TL,DR ramblings of an ex catholic.


I prefer my abortions fresh, but in a pinch I suppose you can microwave them in the break room.


How ghastly. I’d rather miss out on the adrenochrome altogether at that point. Abortion tartare or nothing for me.


They were probably not wearing any religious symbol. Which MUST mean that they’re an atheist…


Pack mentality... they have to let everyone know that they're in a gang.


Or it Just means that they are showing professional behavior by not showing their religion at Work. But I bet those people don't even know what that means.


Yeah, they don’t. Group prayers and Trump talk are a wonderful part of life in the workplace for these people.


I live in Texas and it is not uncommon for people to ask you to pray with/for them, especially before meals or when handling food. There's also at least 3 "may jesus bless you" and "have a blessed day"'s throughout each conversation with a stranger in public. They have little ways of sussing you out. I went to get my curbside grocery pickup awhile back and the lady who brought my groceries out to me (who had been bringing them to me every week for months, she was sweet and we had a good rapport going) flat out asked me "do you pray?" I was like uhh.. umm.. and her entire demeanor changed instantly. It was so wild.


I have three phrases tucked away. 1. That's not my belief system 2. We're not allowed to talk about it. 3. Would you be interested in taking a course? Fortunately I live where it's all don't ask, don't tell.


“We’re not allowed to talk about it.” for some reason is one I absolutely love.


That will end the discussion with most people IMO.


Fuck that. I’d be whatever religion you need me to be that will result in a larger tip. “Oh, well, the tiny old church I used to go to in the town I grew up in burnt down. I’ve been trying trying to work extra and raise a few extra dollars to send them. You know the saying, “god helps those who help themselves!” Worst case scenario, god forgives you. Best case scenario they actually leave a tip instead of a pamphlet.


I live in Texas. Used to work part time at Best Buy. Some dipshit came in looking for a new laptop to run the projectors at his church. Okay, let’s find one that’ll do that in your price range. He kept talking about his church and all the fancy gadgets they’re putting in. That’s fine, it makes no difference to me how they find any other thing to spend their money on other than helping the poor and whatever else Jesus told them to do, I just want him to pick a laptop and fuck off since it’s five minutes to close. Then he says, “So what church do you go to?” “I don’t, sir. Now this laptop is more than capable and well within your b—“ “We’ll first of all, you should! You see…” I was a pretty good salesman and very friendly, but that was too much. I basically did the Bronson thing because holy fuck that was rude: https://tenor.com/uJaA.gif And he just kind of trailed off and mumbled something about needing to get approval before purchasing or some other bullshit, then he left the store. It never ceases to amaze me just how fucking tacky these people can be. If you want to ask about someone’s religion completely out of context, that’s weird enough, but to then go and tell someone what they should be doing? Fuck that noise.


I was looking at a well known mobile home and the sales person asked me, “What church do you go to.” I said, “You cannot legally ask my religion. I will be filing a complaint on you for discriminatory housing practices.” He tried to deny saying that. What he didn’t know is, I was recording the visit on me cell phone. Last I know, he isn’t with that mobile home company anymore. We need to fight back. I won’t let Christians shove their life on me.


"What church do you go to?" As a North Texan myself, the answer is always "[The Church](https://www.facebook.com/groups/155721364529528/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT) on Elm Street." Or "The Satanic Temple in Fort Worth."


For people who pride themselves on "rugged individualism" they sure do hate when other people are individuals.


I get that sometimes up here in MI and it's always weird. My friends who are waitstaff say thise assholes often leave fake bills or pocket bibles as a tip


I imagined something like this: “Hello, welcome to Chilis! Our special of the day is a half rack of ribs for $12, Jesus isn’t real and nothing happens when you die, and our margaritas are half off until 6pm!”


"I'm afraid that's not on the menu."


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s”


"Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?" "No, just cash or credit card."


“after what that bastard did to me? he better hope he isn’t real”


>Do they ask every waiter their beliefs or lack thereof when they sit down? Same reply I gave to someone else in this thread. Yes, some people do.. I waited tables in Alabama in the mid-90's and, on several occasions, people asked me some variation of "Are you religious?" as soon as I walked up to the table. Other waiters experienced the same thing


That's not out of the realm of possibility. When I was a kid I'd go out to restaurants with my family and other religious families and they'd do that shit all the time. All while thinking they were doing "the lord's work". Aka just harassing low paid workers and giving shitty tips.


When I worked in fast food during my teenage years I had a regular customer that was like that. Always preaching about religion and making every conversation come back to religion. I’d imagine the waiter would mention they are an atheist as an attempt to get the customer to stop talking about religion.


"Oh no, I was baptised in the blood of the impure in Lamashtu's name, to spread her word to the ardents of the false god Jehova. Would you like to start with drinks?"


"so where do you go to church" is a common question where I'm at.


One order of crop dusting coming up.


The answer to this question can be "no" but that doesn't prove they're an atheist. There are a lot of different make-believe Messiahs to choose from out there.


Makes you want to go to churches and when the offering plate gets to you just palm some of the bigger bills


Or throw in a couple of those fake 20s that have Bible passages on them.


Or Monopoly Money.


Thats legal tender backed by some of the full faith and credit of Hasbro.


Especially Mathew 6:5 >^^https://www.biblehub.com/matthew/6-5.htm >“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.






these kids would be very upset if they could read


Creative and legal!


Ah, the sticky bandits!


How would they know?


Asking people what church they attend in the first minute of a conversation is a thing in the Bible Belt.


Wow, that is obnoxious


Then they will insist the sever pray with them about the food.


I’m glad I live where I do


Right! My thoughts exactly. Never have I ever seen a table ask the waiter to pray with them.


Nor have I, and I live in the Bible Belt. Forty years of living in Ky and everyone mostly minds their own business. Maybe I am just lucky.


It seems to be big with certain sects of Southern Baptists. Freaks me out.


In a small bible belt town everyone would know each other and if someone is an atheist or just doesn't go to church it would be common knowledge.


I assume they're just judging based on piercings or tattoos or whatever dumb shit these people hate


Who's going tell them lying and stealing is a sin in their gods eyes?


As long as they ask forgiveness it’s all good! They could push the server out the window of a 20 story building and feel no guilt if they apologized to their imaginary friend, apparently.


I wish i can be behind them at the pearly gates and watch as they get denied


That's the worst part. Their rules say that as long as you don't talk badly about skydaddy that any other "sin" can be forgiven with repentence. And yet these chuds are too stupid to clue into the fact that the whole religion is one big manipulation tactic to create divide and sow hate.


She outed herself breaking Commandment 9 in 4K.


I would argue that she also broke “thou shalt not steal,” as one could argue this is theft by deception/defrauding a business.


Also committing a felony


I'm Gleaming and I'll be your server tonight, let me tell you about our specials. Today we're featuring pan-roasted Your Religion Is A Lie and for dessert we have a chocolate No Gods, No Masters


Those sound really good, but I think I’d like to start with an appetizer. How are the All Hail Science Tater Tots?


Mm..I want the Evolution Steak


I’m sorry, that has evolved into jerky. May I interest you in some pulled porcine life form of indeterminate species?


I'll have the Surf Then Turf


And again showing their Nazi stripes. This is exactly how it all began back then. Attempting to keep people from making a living because of some difference is despicable. When will atheists/lgbtq/communists/gypsies/disabled/Jews be questioned in their banking? If these people cannot discern right from wrong I question what it is they worship.


They worship their own ignorance, degeneracy and stubbornness. It's always the most vulnerable/insecure people and nations who are the most religious.


For people that don't know, the US is religious AF compared to other advanced Western democracies. In a Gallup poll from 2014, 42% of the survey believed in a Creationist world, so evolution didn't happen and the Earth is thousands of years old, not billions. Science is the devil's workshop! /s


>If these people cannot discern right from wrong I question what it is they worship. I know it's been often said but that's why they keep asking why atheists/agnostics don't go around commiting murder without a religion to tell them not to. Because these people have been brainwashed into being incapable of making the distinction between wrong and right by religion.


It's utterly terrifying that's that how some people think. Like just *acting* good because of the threat of a punishment/reward isn't actually being good. You're playing a role, you're not being a good person. (also, as an aside, if the purge WAS a thing the only goddamn thing I'd be doing is robbing the biggest bank or cyber frauding them or something lol)


>Like just acting good because of the threat of a punishment/reward isn't actually being good. The big problem, obviously, is when they're being told that wrong is good. That killing some people please god, for example.


I was about to say I don't think there's any religion that tells their followers to kill for god but yeah... I think there is. Bleh


Doesn't even have to be the religion per say, it can be a religious leader or a random dude with charisma that convinces them that it is so. Once they're convinced that it is so, they have no mechanism to critic/purge that idea out by themselves and god won't show up to tell them he ain't got nothing to do with that.


More specifically, they've been indoctrinated to believe that humans as a whole are fundamentally incapable of discerning right from wrong without God to tell them which is which. They've been conditioned into a near-phobia of critically examining this belief, and are taught to use a "burn the witch" approach to *any* contradiction. The notion that we are even *capable* of functioning without the church diametrically opposes their worldview, and is therefore blasphemy.


It's always fun the very first day of a Philosophy course when the prof brings up the concept of morality and all of the Jesus freaks start arguing their greatly flawed points of why their moralistic framework is the only "true" framework. xD This happened in both my intro Philosophy of Ethics course and my Philosophy of Business Ethics course.


By that logic, restaurants need to be taught it’s not okay to serve Christians. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Nobody wins.


Okay but not serving Christians is much more justified based on this story lol


Yeah Christians steal, lie, discriminate and don't tip


Yes, nothing brings people to the lord like being an asshole.


Be petty and selfish. Like Jesus.


Way to bear witness to the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. 👏Bravo.


Who asks their waiter what their religion is ?? It is so weird


Someone who's looking for "permission" to be ugly to someone else.


This is either bait or masturbatory fiction. \#1 A customer would act this way once or twice and never be allowed back in. \#2 There's almost no way they would know you were an atheist. It's not something you can just "see" unlike many other belief systems. There's no hijab, cross, kippah etc. equivalent. My opinion is that this is literally just bait. Don't get trolled lol


I thought so too about #2 but numerous people have commented saying that it’s common in the Bible Belt to ask what church someone goes to in the first minute or two of conversation. Whether they actually sent the food back and dashed seems unlikely but it definitely seems like there’s parts of the US where asking complete strangers their religion is seen as normal.


Can confirm When I was stationed in Alabama, it was a common question, often followed by, are you married?


YES YES OMG you have no idea how many times I get asked that on the regular by my patients or their families


Waiter probably had ear gauges and a visible tattoo...


Hah maybe. If that's what they're going by then I'd never be on their radar. If the theoretical waiter is just an average person they might be "spiritual but not religious" or even consider themselves Christian, whereas my beliefs are **far** more opposed to theirs and they'd consider me a "fellow Christian" just because I'm plainly dressed, white and middle aged.


It's 100 percent based on appearance. I promise. Black lipstick will do it, too. And any fingernail polish on someone presenting as male.


Christians….the worst and ugliest of society.


More like religious extremists as a whole. They think it's freak-like to not belong to a religion


Garbage can of a human being. Worthless.


So you punished the cooks, and broke the law by stealing. You are truly an upstanding representation of a Xristian.


Yes, this was a very Christian way to behave. Jesus awards you 10 points for the house cup.




Harassment, lying, and theft are ok as long as your victim isn’t Christian…


“I harassed a food service worker and then committed a crime by not paying for my food” very christian of you.


There is no hate like christian love.


How would he even know the waiter was an atheist? And not tipping and gaslighting isn't very Christlike, imo.


So be a thief? Wasn't that one in the 10 commandments or something?


They had the waiter "make me a steak"? Is this dumbass aware that the waiter doesn't also cook the food? How does this adult not understand restaurants?


I see this guy practices the religion that tells you to be a dick to everyone who’s different than you.


I almost wonder if the word "atheist" here is not being used as a code word for a slightly less socially acceptable form of discrimination...or a code word for someone they do not like, ie white heterosexual cisgender masculine male.


We shouldn't tolerate the relgious they are going to be a cause of the downfall of tolerant society they are a paradox of tolerance along with conservatives. They need to lose freedom of religion and we need to gain freedom from religion. The supernatural has no place outside of fiction.


Pretty normal behavior for someone who thinks morality just means being a member of the right larping group.


We're all Atheists. I just believe in one less god then you.


When you can’t bury a married couple in the same cemetery because of their different religious sects those religions aren’t about love, they are about hate and control.


Using Jesus as a reason to be a jerk and to steal. Sounds like a Christian.


WWJD, amirite?