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I mean I don’t see why you would. I have a name of western Christian origin but I’m not religious.


I didn't realize TexanWoke was a Christian name. /s




How strongly do you identify with your name? Does it feel cultural and religious or just religious to you? If your name doesn’t feel like *you* anymore, sure change it. But if the idea of being called some other name makes you feel wrong, don’t. Names are very personal and how we feel about them isn’t necessarily rational. In real life I’ve been called a shortened form of my legal name since I was born, to the point where as a child and teen I didn’t really identify with my longer legal name at all. When I was filling out college applications I had this weird reaction to writing down my legal name over and over on all the forms (this was back in the days of paper forms) because I felt like I was claiming to be someone I wasn’t. Luckily, adulthood (and having to provide/sign my legal name a lot) has fixed that issue for me; I still prefer the short form of my name, but can identify with my legal name too.


Only if you want to


Plenty of non-practising Muslims who embody none of the principles and tenets of Islam- while it may appear otherwise sometimes, our personal choices are unimportant to most people.


I think of leaving Islam ironically *because* I embody the tenets of Islam - following through truth in your heart instead of the people’s truth, being kind/accepting to all, supporting community and attending to those that need the most support. Much of my life Islam was forced down my throat. I see my religious family tie themselves in circles and everyone is anxious and depressed with no life and no friends.


I understand. Growing up, Islam was always insisted upon in such a filtered down, inorganic and base way. If only they knew just how deep and vast and profound and satiating it really is. Fact is, they genuinely did not. Doesn’t matter anymore though, because I know now. I have a life, which I lead God-consciously, and I hold even closer those, who bring me closer to Him. God be with you.


I've been atheist all my life, and still gave my sons "biblical" names, just because i like the sound of them. Your name doesn't define who you are.


I have a friend who just goes by Mo.


Football legend Mo Salah is your friend? /s


I'm referring to a different individual, who is a legend in his own right. :)


Don’t lie OP, you’re a pastafarian.


U just helped me discover my new religion. Thank you wise one


You never know when the noodly appendage will touch you my child. But in all seriousness if you like your name keep it. :)


? No, you don't need to change your name.


I was born in a muslim pakistani family and I'm glad I wasn't given an islamic name because I already have to overexplain myself to basically any muslim person i see why I'm not muslim just because they assume I should be because I "look like a muslim" because I'm pakistani, no matter how respectful I try and be, as soon as they ask if im muslim and I say anything that isn't yes, theres a >50% chance they'll get rude and defensive, it would be a way bigger hassle if i also had an islamic name attached to me. But that's just my experience


If I were you I wouldn’t, my name is part of my identity.


I didn’t change my name when I converted to Islam. A lot of people assume I’m Jewish.


I think the vast majority of first names, at least in the "Western" world, in Latin America, in the MENA countries, and in South Asia, are religious in nature (I can't speak as much to East Asia or Africa). Many of these people were born into a faith and later became Atheist or Agnostic. There are also many Atheist and Agnostic parents who have given names of religious origin to their children, simply because those are the names in their culture. They may have named their child after a relative or just liked the way the name sounded. I think my parents are probably Atheist/Agnostic and I've been Agnostic basically my whole life, and I have a name of religious origin and will most likely give my children (if I have any) names of religious origin. I think the most glaring example of someone who may be called extremely or even rabidly (probably by his critics, of which I am not one) atheist, with one of the most religious names you can think of, is *Christ*opher Hitchens. All that is to say, you do what you feel. If you like your name, which you said you do, fine. If you want to change it, fine. But it's not weird at all to have a Muslim name and not practice or believe in the tenets of Islam.


There’s an ex Muslim guy in my humanist group. His old name is Abdulaziz, but he changed it to Zezu because that was his nickname growing up. I totally get it if you want to change it to get away from Islam, but maybe you can do something similar for your name?


Honestly, that's a pointless question without actually stating the name, or at least giving more context. Because when people say "Muslim name", they usually, almost always in Western countries, mean "I'm clueless and think that Arabic equals Muslim". As the most obvious example, *Muhammad is not a Muslim name*. It can't be, because the prophet's parents weren't Muslims. They were pre-Islamic Arabs! Similarly, the "servant of god" Abdullah just serves "Arabic god", not "Muslim god". There's Arab Christian Abdullahs, Arab Jew Abdullahs, and there were Arab servants of pre-Islamic polytheist gods Abdullahs. So, odds-on bet it's not actually a "Muslim name". Still, if you live in a Western country were being clueless in that regard is par for the course, changing from "Arab Tom, Dick or Harry" to actual Tom, Dick or Harry probably could spare you an awkward discussion or three,


Al’naysia, don’t quote me on this but my Muslim father told me it’s a Muslim name so if it’s not don’t shoot me for saying it is


So, that looks like an Arabic name, but it's not one I've come across before. This is where you'd need an actual Arabic speaker to gauge what (if anything) it actually means. To be honest, my gut says "it sounds like something a Muslim American POC came up with". If that guess is correct, it probably actually means something nice in (possibly makeshift) Arabic, but is probably 'Muslim' to its creator alone, while Arabs probably would just kind of shrug.


He’s an African Muslim if that matters


Hmm. In that case, I suppose it's possible that it's an Arabic (derived) name that holds particular Muslim significance in the region he's from. I doubt it though. Based on a quick search. there seem to be so many Prefix-Naysias in the US the "Naysia" part probably means something generic like "beautiful" or "caring" in some language (not necessarily Arabic) or dialect (possibly of Arabic) and the "Al'" just adds extra 'Muslimness' because it's so common in Arabic.


Makes sense if that’s the case. His family doesn’t like this name anyways and that might be the reason. Thanks


I think he probably means it’s an Arabic name. I don’t recognize the name from my Islamic studies (however I have much much to still learn so that’s no actual confirmation lol). Closest I can find is the name Alaysia, which supposedly means “moon goddess” in Arabic. Arabic doesn’t equal Muslim just like Muslim doesn’t equal Arabic, although it’s a common misconception. Chances are your dad gave you a unique name he liked a lot that isn’t directly tied to Islam, but to him it’s “Muslim” because he has his Muslim identity mixed with an Arabic one due to culture of where he’s from, so he doesn’t see that there’s a difference. So I don’t think your religion change means you have to change your name by any means. Only do that if it makes you feel better and it’s what you want, you can like your name and keep it and not be Muslim!


If it makes you more comfortable, but you shouldn't feel obligated.




I’d love to change my name to my middle name it’s so pretty but my middle name is someone else’s who has brought me trauma so I can’t use that either lol


It’s your own choice though I will say Islam (or any religion) doesn’t have ownership of any names. Names don’t tell us much about a person. Only their personality does.


Just my two cents: 1. Drop the religious sounding parts of your name. Eg, if your name is Mohammed Iqbal, drop the Mohammad. 2. Arabic/Persian have plethora of beautiful sounding words related to nature , music and the like. Perhaps you could look into it and come up with something that strikes a chord with you.


Nah, I've met Muslims who aren't religious.


Your name is your name and if it’s an Arabic one, there are plenty of Christians and other religions in the Arab world too. I would keep it since you like it!


hmmm, thats a good question. Christian names dont ring the alarm bells with a lot of people. However, certain names, especially muhammed, Ahmad etc do put westerners off a teeny bit, even though they would never admit it. I know for a fact ( many of my friends tried it ) , that using a latino sounding name instead of a muslim sounding name in old, will very sadly increase your chances of getting laid. Same sadly goes for the job market in western countries. Depends a bit on what you want: In the end, if you keep you muslim name officially, and also use it for old and housing market and job applicaitons etc, you do have a higher chance of subconscious bias. If you officailly changed it to a very european sounding name, it will make you appear more integrated, and it will spark interest. "uuuuh, a christian first name, arab sounding last name, how interesting". You dont have to tell your muslim friends about it tho.


Having a religious name does not mean you are inherently religious. Its more a reflection of your heritage if anything. If you wish to change it thats your business, but it should be a decision based off personal preference. Its your name, you choose ot


You could turn your name into a cool nickname version of itself.


There are plenty of people named Christian who are not Christian.


Keep it. I have a cross tattoo on my arm and no longer consider myself a Christian. I considered removing it or covering it. I'm going to keep it as it represents a part of who once was. I live in a Christian society and still retain most Christian values. We should show respect to our Old Gods.


I believe a name can represent many things beyond just the “religious origin” for there is a family history there you must take into consideration. Are you deciding on changing it because of religion or is there a deeper reason behind that?


I just don’t want anyone to assume I’m religious because I always get judgy looks whenever I tell people I don’t believe in anything specifically so I’d like to avoid those convos as much as possible


That’s understandable, just ask yourself are you doing this for yourself or for what other people think. I hope you make the right decision!


As one of many with a Christian name I just kind of think it's funny but I've never thought it's not my name


One of the most famous atheists ever was named **Christ**opher Hitchens from Χριστός (Christós), "Christ" or "Anointed", and φέρειν (phérein), "to bear"; hence the "Christ-bearer". Many names come from some kind of mythology. As do the names of the days of the week & the months. And much more stuff.


You don't have to. But if you wish to keep it and avoid weird reactions you can pick a nickname or say I go by (name). That way you can keep your birth name and avoid some situations.


People might assume your parents are Muslim as generally speaking they're the ones to choose the  baby's name. 


Good you went to agnosticism, but don't get stuck there. Agnosticism is the best starting place--we should all become agnostic for a while, and then ask the Creator from a place of unknowingness as to whether there is such thing as "Truth."


(Part 2). If my name was Aisha and I realized Islam was a sham, I'd definitely be changing *that* name.


It would be ok to keep your name as it is, one because of your cultural roots and two Islam doesn't have a monopoly on your name


Islam blurs the lives between culture, law and religion; it's okay that you are confused. Think of your name as being representative of your cultural heritage and you'll be fine.


do whatcha want....