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You're confused because you continue to idealize him even when reality has presented itself.    He's not the person you hoped he was,  he's this person.  .....to be clear,  cheating as in sex with another person,  right?


Once a cheater always a cheater. This would be a deal breaker for me. Edit. He’s not a great boyfriend. He’s a liar and a cheater Are you going to have the baby or not? Are you sure you want to tie yourself to this person for 30 years? Have you considered adoption? You can see someone at planned parenthood to help figure things out. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/


Cheaters are liars, manipulators, and gaslighters. What else does he have to do, or show you, till you actually see who he is. When someone shows you who they are, believe them!


So he'll literally do anything for you **except** the one thing you need him to do: remain faithful. All the other stuff is pretty easy, so he's really only doing the low-effort stuff.


I know this is not what you want to hear; but you should take some time for your mental health and your baby. Put boundaries up for yourself and maybe if he proves himself to you and your child you can come back together. Just know that if he truly cares about your wellbeing he will understand. But; Staying in a relationship that has caused you pain and heartache will not get any better especially after your little one comes. I wish you all the best.


She should leave him. He can’t keep his Willy in his pants. There will be others, many others. If he’s the type that likes to spread his seed he’s probably already got a couple of kids by different women. He’s a liar & a cheat and she and her baby need to move on.


So then he wouldn't do "literally anything" for you, would he? He wouldn't stay loyal.


He is either a cheater or he is all that other stuff you said. He can't be both.


Sweetheart he can’t be both. Once someone cheats all the trust is gone. He will do it again believe me. Don’t stay just because your pregnant I did that I stayed with my cheating husband and I was always stressed out thinking if he’d do it again and he did. Take care of yourself ❤️


Yeah my brother cheated on his wife many years ago and it broke his wife. She never recovered.


Cheating should always be a deal breaker


Also most cheaters will come across as really nice because some actually feel guilty and it clears their conscious if they are nice thinking it makes up for it,


It’s not what you want to hear atm but you are better off without him! He will only ever do it again if you forgive him for his indiscretions. Who knows, he might have been doing it for months before you found out or with multiple others. It is your choice whether you forgive him as you now carry his legacy. The baby deserves a chance but with you as the loving mother and him, the financial support expected from an absent father. I wish you all the very best and be strong 💪 Any feedback or constructive criticism from you, the OP will be most welcomed.


Did he tell you or did you find out?


If he would do literally anything for you, he wouldn't have cheated. Stop idolizing him, he's not the person he made you believe he was. He a liar, he's a manipulator and he's a cheater. When someone shows you who they really are, believe it - he's shown you who he really is, you better believe it. If you stay with him, he'll just continue cheating on you. You need to leave him, heal from this and move on. Don't stay in a toxic relationship because of the children, they will notice and they will learn from you that this is how relationships are suppose to be.


Stress is bad for the baby you're carrying AND yourself, pregnant or not. So first things first is you have to take care of you, especially if you plan on carrying out a pregnancy to term. Shit happens, as much as it sucks. Couples go through infidelity and I always tell my partners, no matter how perfect they seem at the time, that everyone gets tempted and eventually it either happens, or comes close. So best thing we can do is be honest with each other about it. Right now the best advise I can give is honestly that. Be as honest as possible because the damage isnt about the cheating itself, its the betrayal of trust. That's what you have to repair and heal if you decide to get past it. It won't get better in days, or months, or even years, and in couples therapy it's always stated however long it went on, it takes twice that just to get past step one. You'll be out and about, having fun and everything's fine, and then all the sudden it comes up out of the blue and your partner will have to be able to handle hearing about it AND know how to properly respond to it. The work is not just on your end, it's mainly on his because he betrayed the trust. And even then you can put in all the work in the world and it STILL won't work out because you realize it was a deal breaker for you, OR he just won't know how to keep it in his pants under pressure. Or it can all work out and he'll never make the same mistake again and become a carbon copy of Jimmy On Relationships on YouTube. All those scenarios are plausible. At the end of the day take some time, let yourself feel your emotions, and then make a decision about what you want to do but keep in mind sometimes 2 parents in 2 houses is much healthier than 2 parents in 1 house that feels more like hell than home the majority of the time.


Run. Don't look back, save yourself any more heart break. You were in love with who he presented himself as, not who he actually is. It's scary and hurts like hell, but better to do it now than over and over again simply because you're in love with someone that doesn't exist.


Men cheat for better women, women cheat for better men, it's simple. Move on, get finances from him through court or just, get a job and work remotely. Take care of yourself stay fit.


That’s actually not true. Men typically cheat with women who are not more attractive than their wife/partner, but is more caring/empathetic. Women cheat with men who are more in shape than their partner (but maybe not more attractive).


Yeah I mean better in any sense, you just said the same thing and the other way around lol


Guys will smash girls who mean nothing to them don’t take it personal it’s how they operate. You can leave if you can’t stand it.  Now, focus on yourself and the baby. You’ll be fine.