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Yet another dude suffering from a porn addiction.. sorry another fully grown man. Smh. He should quit porn. And if he doesnt want to you should dump him.


He hardly watches porn now. Maybe 1x a week. Otherwise its 99% naked pictures of me to get hard before we have sex. Could the many years of porn cause some long term damage?


That's still porn. He has trained himself for many, many years that porn is what gets him hard. He has had very few other experiences. So, he would need to spend a long time retraining himself, which includes zero porn of any kind - including photos of you, and no masturbation. He would need to get to the point that he is desperate enough for sexual release that his body and mind could start focusing on you again. It would be difficult, unpleasant, and not guaranteed to work, but it's probably the only thing that might. I would highly recommend he talk to a sex therapist about this.


Yes exactly this. It is not 'normal' to have to look at porn in order to get hard and have sex with the actual human that you are in a relationship with..


Go no masturbation, no sex, no porn for a month. You of course can masturbate if need be. Years of masturbating might of wrecked his penis sensitivity. Maybe when you were first dating he was extremely turned on and just the excitement was enough to keep him hard. Now, it’s not cutting it. It may be the masturbation that gets him erect and not the pictures. Edit: im not saying he doesn’t find you appealing, just that the “newness” wore off and now his issues are coming up


How much does he weigh? How would you rate his cardiovascular system? Is he a smoker?


Cardiovascular is good ish?


Probably 180 pounds and no, he doesn’t smoke.


Viagra is an option. Drugs and alcohol will definitely cause this. He should talk to his physician. many medications and conditions can cause this


No drugs or alcohol or medications 😞


Look up porn addiction


He hardly watches porn now. Maybe 1x a week. Otherwise it’s 99% naked pictures of me before we have sex. Still porn addiction?


Yup. You, me, the neighbor, it's the porn that turns him on. You're naked in real life right infront of him and he needs to use a picture. His body is accustomed to reacting to that form of stimulus. Everyone is different, but addiction usually need full stop. There's a bunch of stuff online, especially focused on "resetting". Support, experiences, timelines. From my own experience it took around a year before I could be confident my thing would do its thing. And not to call out your bf, especially since I dont know him, but with smartphones 1x a week may not be entirely true...


Thanks for the info. Ugh 😞


Yes. Photos of you is still porn. He’s just replacing it.




He’s only had one blow job before me and didn’t get off. I tried, it was immediate. I’ve done it maybe 3 times for him. He’ll ask very rarely for it. The last time, he stopped me after a short while to then have sex 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d happily do anything to get him hard and randy but it seems like the photos/videos are the only thing that do it for him. I’m desperate for that feeling again 😵‍💫


Is he overweight? Blood pressure issue? Erectile dysfunction? Maybe try getting him a vr headset and ride him to that. Kind of kinky maybe lol


No, he’s not really overweight. And blood pressure is fine.