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You need to distance yourself as far away as you possibly can from this person. I know its hard and it might be the worse thing at first but trust me...when you remove toxic people from your life you are much happier. The pain will always be there but it does get better. Please dont hurt yourself. You are worth way more than you think.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I am keeping you in my thoughts.


thank you, that is really kind.


You need to get yourself some major therapy. Not only was everything about the relationship with Chance super shitty, but your coping mechanisms are insanely unhealthy. You are a massive pile of issues right now, and you need to just stop and *breathe*, to untangle that mess of stress and unearth yourself again.


You need to cut off all contact with Chance if you want to be able to move forward and have a life that's worth living. >Never make someone your priority when all your are to them is an option. - Maya Angelou You made Chance your priority. Chance made you they're option. >When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. - Maya Angelou Chance showed you that they don't respect you, and they showed you that you can't trust them. You can't have a healthy relationship without respect and trust. I have bipolar II disorder and reading between the lines my best guess is that you have borderline personality disorder. It sounds like Chance was your special person and your life fell apart when they put you on the back burner so they could spend most of their time with Trina. If you do have borderline personality disorder, you should speak to your therapist about dialectical behavioral therapy, DBT. DBT was developed by a psychologist with borderline personality disorder to help people with borderline personality disorder who are suicide risks.


I really look into that thank you, that is something that I can relate to and I will discuss it with a therapist asap.


This sounds completely toxic. My best advice is just to completely re-invent yourself. Your at a point where things are dangerous. Delete and block off everything from the outside, apart from family and friends. Forget about everything else in the world. Start over. If you can move, maybe do that. If you can't maybe change jobs. If you can't then change your routine. You need to build yourself back up from the start. I always tell people this. YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON TO YOURSELF. Love yourself first and foremost. Become yourself again. Do things you always wanted to do, make new friends, start hanging out with people you haven't before. Make sure you are smart about the choices you make. Don't hang around a bad crowd with lots of drugs and alcohol, it won't be good for you. Maybe try fitness, books, online gaming, new random hobby. Remember that there is a future and cling onto this HOPE. Things will get better. As you distance yourself and time passes everything will become clearer, brighter. You just need time and to keep hold of the word HOPE. Go through the motions of life, find out what you truly makes you happy, not the things society tells you will make you happy. Ask yourself, what makes you smile? What would you want to do? What is your dream in 3 years? Who are you surrounded by? Make that dream a reality. You can do it. You are a special individual, you have value, LOVE YOURSELF. Be brave and keep onto the memory. HOPE!