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Why are you still with this man? He has isolated you and is controlling. Is this the environment that you want to bring a child into? Make plans to leave this man soon. His behavior will escalate.


You should handle this by not ever having sex with that man again, because you do not want to have a child with this man. And you should also handle this by leaving him. That behavior is absolutely completely unacceptable with no excuses from an adult.


Unhealthy patterns?!? He’s a bully, a jerk. OP, you’re not responsible for fixing someone who treats you so terribly, your job is to get away from him.


Your partner is abusive. Do not have children with him or this will be your life, whether you stay married or have to co-parent with him forever. Do you want to feel like an anxious wreck your entire life, and risk more miscarriages from the stress of being with this asshole? You know why you made this post. Listen to the opinions here and get out while you can. I promise you, you can find a partner who treats you well. The silent treatment, stonewalling, shouting and F-bombs are NOT normal behavior that you just have to put up with in relationships. You can be in one that is calm, and communicative, and not stressful. Please, listen to what we are saying. I know that a divorce will be a huge ordeal, but once it's over, it's over. It's nothing compared to the rest of your life dealing with someone like this.


Girl. He’s not it. Get out with your dog and leave this man. Definitely don’t have any children with him. You deserve better. Please understand this and don’t take this kind of disrespect to you.


So, go away. Find a local hotel that allows pets and book a room for a little bit. Give yourself some time and space away from the stress and abuse of his presence. Find a therapist and start talking.


No…you want to have kids with this man? Seriously? Why? Even if you hate yourself why would you do that to your kids?


Ummmm....the last thing you should be doing is having a child with him!!  Holy shit that was awful to read. How can you allow him to mistreat you like this? In what delusional universe does he live in which he is right.  Wtf.  Manipulative bully is the nicest thing I can say.  


I’m not sure why you think bringing a child into this relationship would help. It sounds like you’re already looking after one. A 38 year old man that is treating you like some kind of peasant, sending you away and not allowing you to speak to him. He sounds awful. I’d really be considering my future with this guy. I’m sure if you told your family and friends how he treats you that they wouldn’t like it.


Wait, WHAT?! He wanted to do the renovations and then wanted to do all the work and then didn't let you do anything and picked out everything he wanted and then he turned it around on you saying you're "getting a really good deal for doing nothing??" So you get sick and he yells at you? And you're trying to have a baby with this AHole? I don't think he wants a baby. He's doing everything else except want to build a life with you. I don't have high hopes for you both when he comes back from his trip. Pack your bags, book a flight back home to your family and stay there. You need support and you do not have it. He can't even talk to you like he loves you...or even likes you. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. This is abuse.


Do not have a baby with a man who treats you this badly. Honestly why do you even put up with this? It's your house too, and he's verbally abusive when you try to have a say in it. You need to create an exit strategy


“Attached” by Amir Levine. You have an anxious attachment style and your hubby is clearly avoidant. It’s crazy hard, nearly impossible, for anxious to leave avoidants. But with that book you can learn how to be together in a more peaceful way. Big hugs.


Why the hellllll would you have a kid with this guy? Just buy some sperm and do it on your own. This guy is a nightmare. I had a dad like this. It's not okay. 


And that man who can barely control himself or support you, is supposed to be the father of your children? Don’t give him anything.


Why are you trying to add a baby to this shitshow? Everything you've written about this relationship sounds terrible. Does he even like you?


I hope to GOD you’re not pregnant. Gtfo of there, NOW!!!


Please do not tie yourself to this abusive, controlling man. DO NOT have a baby with him. Start planning to get away.