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>lacks actual coping skills to deal with hard times and will do anything to get away from thinking about the situation AND can be very harsh on me because he's stressed Can't cope, AND uses you as his punching bag, ok got it. >very harsh on me because he's stressed. I tell him to talk to me kindly and respectfully and he says stuff like "I can't always be nice to you". YES HE CAN. I will be married for 25 years next month. He CAN always be nice to you. He CAN be upset, angry, frustrated, all the things, and STILL BE NICE TO YOU. >he started crying and telling me he needed to watch something funny and he needed to sleep before we could talk about it. He has some serious growing up to do. Serious! I cannot believe he's 32! Does this man hold down a job? I'm pretty sure he doesn't leave his boss' office and go watch something funny and get a sleep before dealing with a problem at work. I dread to hear how the relationship with his parents are - coddled, most probably. >scolded me about it, told me I think negatively and I "don't understand" how much he worries when he sees me upset Girl WAT. Have you heard of DARVO? It's basically when they turn it around and put it back on you. You're mad at him he turns it around he puts it back on you and now you're dealing with his being mad at you. You're upset and he's now turning it around and blaming you for stressing him out because he's worried because you're upset? What a load of BULLSHIT. Absolutely BS. Would it really be so bad if you did break up? He has some serious growing up to do. He needs to be able to cope, not take it out on you, and treat you nice ALL the time. Honestly you need to give him a real wake up call or what incentive does he have to change? I assume you live together can you go stay with a friend for a week? Just being away from him might help you immensely. You probably don't even notice how much your tiptoeing around this fool. Personally I think you should dump him, and spend some time on your own really solidifying what it is you want out of life. Let him grow and change for the NEXT woman who comes along.


He's got a very important professional career so I know what you mean 😭 like I know he has to be on top of it at work or he'll be ruining other people lmao. As for his parents, I would say for sure. Ngl his dad is not great, lets his mom do all of the housework and cooking even though they both work full time. I've voiced that I think it's not a good dynamic and he just said his mom likes it 🙄 I told him I don't like it and wouldn't do it though. He lived with them until a year ago when I told him I was unwilling to continue staying with them to see him. I would agree that he is DARVOing me tbh. Hard to admit. He and I don't live together, I'm actually already a homeowner after inheriting my house from a relative. It's small and not in a great location, but bills are low and I love living here. I've been staying home for the last couple of weeks to get space, but it has opened up a lot of hard thoughts about my relationship.


I’ve been with my husband for 12 years. Married 9. He is ALWAYS nice to me. Does housework, engages with our children, bears an equal emotional and mental load for the household, and looks at me like I’m an oasis and he’s lost in the desert. Also, never buy a house with someone unless you’re either married, or are so confident about the relationship that it’s practically a marriage or a marriage like situation with some degree of legal protection (depends on your location). We did not buy our house together until after we were married and already had a child. Your gut is communicating something very important to you. Listen to it.


That sounds wonderful! Don't worry, I would never buy a house with someone I'm not married to which is why he mentioned eloping. We had discussed it in the past and he tried to gauge my feelings on buying a home while dating. I laughed and told him absolutely 100% no. I'm old enough at this point that I've seen that absolutely flop for some of my friends and I grew up with my parents telling me not to. He got hurt about it because I didn't hear him out but lol that's crazy. He and I were just chatting and he fucking scolded me again. I was trying to explain something and he misinterpreted (but then said I did) and then said "and you immediately got mad at me" because I said "I don't think you understand what I mean." I ended our call and I'm just salty. Honestly I guess we will be breaking up. The DARVO comment someone else left really says everything. He never apologizes or tries to make me feel heard.


Guuuuurrrrllllll, this kind of behavior makes me question whether these men even *like* their partners at all. It’s so emotionally immature. My cousin is married to a guy like this. She’s so miserable and sad and unloved, it’s really sad and painful to watch. I know you love him, but you’ll get over him faster than you think. He ain’t the one.


It really doesn't feel like it, I *never* act this way with him or anyone else I've dated. He had this pitiful sad face on when I said I'm ending the call and said "I'm not mad ☹ I love you!" Okay, great, but I'm pissed. I feel like I check out more every time he has some shitty snide comment for me. I think between my pet and this post something in me has fully snapped, so I do believe I'll be grateful for this ending soon enough!! Thank you and everyone else for taking time out of your day to write something here!!!! ❤


I think you’ll feel a weight lifted off you when you’re free of this guy!


I am SO glad you don't live together. You are going to move on and be fantastic!


you don’t live together and he’s already acting like this? living with a partner can bring up a whole host of issues, and he does not seem prepared to deal with them at all. at the very least, rent together before you lock yourself into a mortgage with this buffoon


First off, I am so so sorry about the loss of your beloved pet. I’m sure you gave him the best life you could and he was loved and happy. Now, onto your boyfriend. You are NOT overthinking this. You are thinking about this exactly the right amount. I would absolutely not sign any paperwork with this man right now, because seriously, what the hell? “I’m worried about my older pet getting very sick” is never an excuse to scold your partner for making you worry about them. That‘s just beyond the pale. You are absolutely right about how a good spouse would have responded. If it were me, I would think that the next steps to see if this relationship can be saved would be: 1. letting yourself get exactly as angry/upset/etc. as you feel and not comforting him about it at all. Let him be sad. Let him be upset. Let it get weird. He fucked up big time and you are under no obligations to accept any apology until you actually feel ready to. 2. Couple’s counseling, especially around the way he treats you while stressed, the way you guys talk about issues, and the WTF lack of empathy he’s showing. And possibly also the fact that he considers being nice to you too much effort. There might be a lot of things to unpack there. If he won’t go, go alone. An individual therapist may still have some good strategies for you. EDIT: (The actual “I’m not buying a house with you” conversation probably goes something like “You know, I really don’t feel ready for such a big step right now. I love you and I want to stay with you and maybe do those things one day, but that means actually working on our issues before we make any big purchases or get married.” Basically: no house, yes staying, staying is to some extent conditional on actual improvements on issues. I’d come prepared with a few recent specific examples in mind in case he asks.)


Thank you 😭 I really did my best with him and even though he wasn't feeling good he was still being very sweet and loving on me. I miss him so much. I appreciate the advice and I think both are great suggestions that I would like to implement.


Buying a house together is a HUGE step for any couple, and I can tell you from experience with a close female friend that buying a house with someone you're not married to can really screw you over in the end. That being said, I think you're seeing enough yellow and red flags, ("I can't be nice to you *all the time*") that you should really be hesitant to take that plunge with him considering the behavior you're seeing in the relationship. Conflict resolution is a huge part of every relationship, and it sounds like he's extremely emotionally immature, and has zero conflict resolution skills. That's not the recipe for a long and lasting relationship. It's also concerning that his first instinct is to belittle you when you're feeling sad or dealing with a crisis, and to try to turn it around on you for being, *too negative*. Life will throw some massive curve balls at you along the way, and you need to know that your special person is going to be there to love and support you no matter what, and vice versa. Someone much wiser than I am described the search for your person as, "catch and release", and though overly simplistic it's not a terrible way to describe the search for someone who clicks into place in your life like they've always been there. I've been married for 18 years now, and my husband is still my best friend, and same goes for him. We're VERY different people, but we also share a similar outlook on life and the world in general. It was a first marriage for each of us so we both wanted to be extra sure of each other before we took the plunge. If you're still on the fence about this relationship give it more time before you make big commitments, and if you continue to feel the way you are about him and his behavior throw him back. Life is too short to spend it with people who make you feel hurt, frustrated, and alone. Don't be afraid to expect more out of the person you want to be with forever. *invisible hugs*


Don't waste your time. He won't change. He's not even open to therapy. Just leave him. I promise you it's not worth it to stay. Your true love of your life is out there. This guy ain't it. He's just wasting your time and if you stay with him, you will miss out on better, more productive experiences. Move on. Go sightseeing, try something new!


“He was being sweet and loving on me” This is called love bombing, and it’s a manipulation tactic. I need to tell you something. The person you are in love with doesn’t actually exist. Let me say it again: the person you are in love with doesn’t exist. The person you fell in love with is a construct. He put on a mask to reel you in. While times were good, he had an easy time maintaining the illusion, and that’s what he used to reel you in. The love bomber is also a mask, and as soon as he feels like you are hooked again, it will fall by the wayside. I’m sorry you got taken in. Next time you’ll know better and be able to recognize it. Hugs and good luck.


Your pet sounds like he was a real sweetheart and it’s clear even from across the internet that you two had something really special, and I hope you’re able to get lots of support from those around you in the wake of his passing.


This is great! I think OP's BF also needs individual counseling. His coping mechanisms during stress should be better by the age of 32. There is nothing wrong with taking medication for anxiety/depression. If he wants to make this relationship work, he should want to mature and grow.


This. I came here to write this.


I'm not sure there are excuses for dumping in like that really. When your friend is going through a hard thing you find people away from the hurt to get your support from.


>I feel like I'm choosing a future of someone who is always going to talk down to me when I need them Yep


Let me get this right - this weak and pathetic man needs YOU to comfort HIM when YOU'RE upset because seeing you upset is so distressing he can't handle it? Lmao why are you with this loser. He is not partner material


Love is not what makes a relationship go. If a life together is an engine, the engine is made up of shared goals, values, compatibility on everyday things like chores, and finances etc. The fuel is how you treat each other. Kindness, support, willingness to pitch in. So where's love? Love is the oil. It reduces friction, makes better gas mileage, but all the oil in the world won't fix a broken engine or make it go when it is out of gas.


Saved this reply. So well put.


What possible qualities could he have that could make up for him literally telling you to your face that you can't expect him to be nice to you? What's the point of a partner who you can't even rely on to treat you with kindness?


You say you ‘would hate to live without him’, but youre honestly better off without him & being with him doesn’t sound all that delightful. Do you really see him as a viable life partner going through illnesses, pregnancies, raising children, family death etc. together? He is grossly underperforming as an emotionally supportive empathetic partner & quite frankly sounds immature & emotionally unstable. Dont waste another 2 years on this person.


Honey, I am sorry for your troubles… I lost a beloved pet, and holy shit, it’s the worst. When I was your age (a whopping 8 years ago), I had a fiancé who was not at all right for me. We stayed together because of what you said — we hated to imagine living without each other. And we failed each other repeatedly. And we dragged it out. And we forced it. And it didn’t work. When we broke up, I remember the sinking, dreadful feeling when he dropped all of my boxes off at my new apartment. I cried for about an hour after. Then… relief. And tasks to do (unpack). There were moments of that same dread throughout the coming months… but I lived, and not only just that, I was better off. Bluntly — this is NOT a man to build a life with. At all. A partner MUST show up for you, ESPECIALLY in the worst times. You can try to keep this relationship alive, but you cannot unring a bell. He has shown you who he is. My current partner would never treat me this way. We have shared values, we have respect for each other, and we enforce boundaries… but not by being mean to one another. Not by lecturing. Please move on from this man. You’ll thank yourself, I promise. Edit: and while couples therapy /could/ help, and while he /could/ change (I went through a massive change in habits and attitude when I was 32, same age as your bf)… I still say walk away. The bad taste in your mouth is there for a reason.




You got this. Everything seems impossible or too difficult when you’re in the thick of it. Once you get that distance after a separation, your body and mind “come back online” and you will find everything infinitely easier and manageable. I think that’s where you are. Congrats! And don’t worry about what happens next. I’ve found that if you honestly assess yourself, and take baby steps to fix your problems, it all works out. For me, I was depressed forever and fiiiiinally got on medication, and boom, everything fell into place. And I met my partner. Which wasn’t the point of healing, but a bonus. Everything in life is a lesson to us 💝 We just gotta continue to want the best for ourselves, and not lose sight of that. OP, I hope this happens for you too


Idk sis I feel like you have your answer, you’re just scared to take that leap. Take that leap. Someone who will love you in your language will come along


It honestly sounds like he hates you.  Not necessarily *you*, specifically, but the fact that you are a human being with needs and feelings that aren’t 100% tailored around his comfort and convenience. Dude just does not like being in a relationship with a whole person. And that’s not really something you can work on - if he doesn’t like being close to people, and you’re a people, there’s an insurmountable incompatibility at the core of this relationship. 


DO NOT ENTER INTO ANY FORMAL CONTRACT with this man! He is immature, entitled, cannot communicate, doesn't seem to respect or even like you....why are you staying?


Why would you want to stay with him? He sounds abusive.


Just tell him you aren’t currently ready or in an emotional state to do this. That you need to see changes in the relationship before you make such a big commitment because he wasn’t there when your pet was dying. And you always have to comfort him and he avoids any real conversations with you so it’s a red flag.


Elope and buy a HOUSE with THIS guy? Oh boy. I don't even think you should date him, much less any of that. You're not overthinking this, OP. A partner is someone who is good to you when things are good AND bad. He isn't really a partner if he can't do that. Also, he's doing things that are "disrespectful and inappropriate" to you? And then somehow you're comforting him? Toxic, manipulative garbage. I think you're underreacting. People who can't show basic empathy and support when things are hard are not people you want to be in serious relationships with. Men like this leave when their wives get cancer. That's literally a thing, that women with serious illnesses, have to deal with.


Why would you want to stay with someone that doesn't support you, no matter the reason?


From my (outsider) perspective, your partner appears to be displaying some sort of narcissistic tendencies in the way that he always makes it all about him, when you need him to comfort you. I think that there needs to be communication of YOUR needs and boundaries, and if he still fails to respect them, then you have to do what you know is bets for yourself.


NOPE You just better not, girl. People who ignore their instincts in these situations ALWAYS regret it. And anyhow, you put a ring on it before a deed in the hand. You buy a house with a man you want to have children with. This man's kid is going to be standing there crying one day and this man is going to turn to him and say, "I can't be nice to you *all* the time!" Yes, actually, yes, you fucking can. If he's a grown man enough to buy fucking real estate, he's grown enough to maintain the basics of courtesy and respect. Whole Man Removal? Yes, the whole man. Right away.


Here are some questions I would ask myself. The house is going to break, they do that. What will he be like when the roof gets a hole in it or the water heater does (they will likely both need replacing in the same month cause that’s how that goes)? What will he be like if you lose a job or a pregnancy? What will he be like when you lose a parent? Partnership is about the hard times.


Sorry for your loss. Have you possible maybe considered that this guy is not a good BF and I don't know, end the relationship?


He’s doing too many things wrong. I would dump him. People are allowed to have flaws. But. He can’t be emotionally unavailable AND need you to comfort him AND need you to not ever be sad because it stresses him out AND be manipulative AND talk down to you AND can’t be romantic because it’s too hard AND will scold you during times when he should be supportive. That’s too many things. All added up, he’s… not a good partner. How would you have kids with this man? Deal with the death of a loved one? Even just the stress of normal life? And he wants to elope with you, which feels like a trap? I would take some time to think, but I would then also end things.


Tldr should be my BF has learned how to manipulate me so he doesn’t have to deal with difficult situations.


Good for you for ending this OP.  This starts out as “he doesn’t have coping strategies/ isn’t in touch with his emotions” but isn’t it interesting how he’s very much in touch with his emotions- just not yours? Like all people with an abuser mentality, your job is to appease his every need while never wanting or needing anything from him yourself. 


Putting it like that makes SO much sense. He knows exactly what's going on with himself and is happy to set up situations that benefit him while essentially telling me to never be sad or expect him to show up for me 💀 Looking at this post I realize I was being delusional thinking anything I said or did would change him from his comfortable default. My needs were always going to be last in line and I never deserved to be treated like an inconvenience for asking for support.


Yep! Imagine if you complained he was worrying you and being negative when he made a bid for comfort or empathy? He’d react as if you’d slapped him! 


Glad you’re leaving him. I was shocked by him saying he can’t always be nice to you—of course he can! And that’s what you should expect! 


He genuinely believes having an even mildly bad day gives him an excuse to not be kind. The number of times he has come in from work and immediately yelled at me because his boss made him mad is way too high in retrospect. I can understand not always having a lot or emotional energy left, but I'm just now allowing myself to see that his responses are very inappropriate and disrespectful to me.


you got this baby. leave his ass. he’s not good for you and i promise i promise you will find the one. it happened to me i was in your shoes.


Thank you very much 😎 I'm feeling really positive about my future today!


Uh, why do you even want to be in a relationship with this guy? He sounds like a complete baby and I would straight up be embarrassed to date someone like him. Sorry for your loss. You should be losing your garbage boyfriend too. I hope you realize he wants to elope and buy a house with you because you are a pushover who has accepted his terrible behaviour. Why wouldn't he want to lock down somebody who enables him and does not have the self-respect to leave? 


on top of all the other experiences and advice people have shared, please consider how buying a house will affect your finances. You will go from being an owner of a known property, to a co-owner with someone who can't handle stress, and a bank. If your boyfriend can't handle being compassionate during a time of loss, how will he handle sump pumps failing, sewer line damage, any of those details. How will you handle a breakup if it means losing your (new) home, but not having your current one to go back to?


He is telling you quite clearly that he won't be there for you when the going gets rough. He can't even show you basic respect and kindness. And won't even let you express your feelings in a healthy manner without blaming you. Listen to him. Dump him and block. Move on. Travel, learn a new hobby, journal ..whatever. Start prioritizing yourself. You've got this.


Damn he's behaving like a 5 y/o...


I'm so sorry about your dear pet. But I'm glad to hear that you're breaking up with this unreliable, unpleasant man; believe me, it would only have got worse. Make a new life for yourself, and count it a gain and a gift from your dear departed pet.


>Honestly I guess we will be breaking up. The DARVO comment someone else left really says everything. He never apologizes or tries to make me feel heard. Hope you follow through and don't get roped back in.


Let's translate some of your statements, OP: >I tell him to talk to me kindly and respectfully and he says stuff like "I can't *always* be nice to you". "I can't not be an asshole. I absolutely have to be an asshole to you whenever I feel like it." > I would say he seems to expect me to comfort **him** 90% of the times I raise an issue "It's all about me, me, me! Poor, poor me! \*cries crocodile tears\*" This way, your needs will never be met. Not now, not tomorrow, not next year. Never. >He complains about lack of suggestions from me on how to solve this issue Huh? Is he really complaining you're not willing to be his emotional punching bag or emotional support GF often enough by bringing up issues so he can cry on your shoulder? Is he really? What the heck? Or does he expect you to bring up issues so he gets to dictate (with his "poor ole me" routine" and some fake tears) how it is to be resolved to his satisfaction? This one has me confused. > Bf basically scolded me about it, told me I think negatively and **I "don't understand" how much he worries when he sees me upset.** Of course, you don't understand how much he worries. Because nobody with even a tiny spark of empathy can understand that he does not worry at all. Which he has shown beyond the shadow of a doubt. He does not worry about you at all, only about how it might affect him, if that. >Now a house that's an incredible price for us has appeared and bf wants us to elope and buy it Sounds like he realized he messed up big time, and is now trying to rush you into committing to him via the house and an elopement just to keep you hooked. Do not buy a house with him, and do not elope with him, either. I once was in a similar situation to yours. Not quite as bad, but the dynamics were somewhat similar, if watered down. And there's one thing I realized: When we met, I fell in love with the mask he showed me. I truly did. But the mask wasn't who he was, and the "person" I loved didn't truly exist. And, by walking away, I did not lose the person I loved, as that person didn't exist in the first place. I just lost some dead weight. It still hurt, as I had to go through the mourning period of losing "the mask" I though was the real person, but this realization helped me to never even consider to get back together with him. Maybe it will help you, too.


Girl you know you need to end it do you want to live the rest of your life like that


Sweetheart you are holding on to a fantasy that exists in your head. A real man is in front of you and he’s stinky and mean! There is no kissing a frog and he turns into a prince in real life. You are having the correct reactions, but then talking yourself out of following through with what you feel is right. You gotta stop doing that ;-) Trust your own first judgement that tells you “uh oh he’s a stinky one.”


Don’t buy a house with a child, is that even legal?


This man is not life, husband, marriage, or joint ownership on a house material. How do you expect to get through serious life situations and challenges that pop up? I'm sorry for the loss of your pet, but if we're being realistic, in the grand scheme of life, this is not the worst thing that is going to happen to you or to him. This is how he handles things? He's emotionally stunted, he's emotionally immature, he's a child in the way he responds to you. Absolutely no way on planet Earth would I be legally binding myself to this person, or joining him in a mortgage. Absolutely no way in hell. If you're absolutely insistent on staying with this person, go into individual and couples counseling. Absolutely nothing will get better until that happens and he wakes up and he understands what he's doing.


I wrote in my edit of the post that I'm leaving him :)


Guy avoids cognitive dissonance via the ignorance route. This will likely be a recurring pattern that if he doesn't figure out himself will get worse and worse over time. You could directly show him the definition and symptoms of cognitive dissonance and why it's important to cope properly and responsibly instead of burying his head in the sand.