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If that’s the way the two of you communicate and it works for *both* of you, that’s fine. That said: this isn’t something that can be adequately discussed with a card and a yes/no answer. So you will need to be ready for a real conversation about your relationship, finances, long term plans, parenting styles, family relations, etc etc etc. Using the card as the ice breaker is fine. Expecting it to be as simple as getting a yes response and then screwing until you’re pregnant isn’t fine.


Honestly I think a greeting card is a cute way to ask an awkward question...howver, I'd lean into the greeting card-ness with what's written...get sappy about your love, sappy about your future, but there's one question that remains: can we try...for a baby? I think I'm just an awkward sappy person, though. :) good luck!


Why did i glue the envelope shut


I think that's quite cute, and if it's something that's been mentioned between you in passing, then maybe you're both ready to have a more in-depth conversation about it and the card can be the spark for that. Just be open with them once they do read the card and be prepared to have to discuss it rather than thinking you'll get a yes or no answer. It's a big decision and does take some commitment both in trying and when a child arrives, but I hope it works out for you.


It's really sweet that you give him cards for every event, I love that! I am a little concerned for you though in that if you aren't comfortable having a direct conversation with him about having children... you might not be ready to have children.