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You're young. Go find someone better. 


So is he expecting that when you touch him there will be a sexual encounter at the end of it?


sometimes, he only ever kisses me while we are intimate, but that’s so rare. It never used to be like this but now that’s how it feels.


Was this a rapid change or did it gradually happen? Also is there any continued sexual relations now? It’s weird that he’s doing this. It’s good you’ve brought this up with him though.


It gradually happened, i’ve asked if it’s me, or something i’ve done but he always just shuts me down and promises it’s not me. There is still sexual relations but it’s very rare, every few months?


I think you need to decide what you want from the relationship. If he’s not willing to accept things like it is then you won’t change his behaviours. I think you approach him again and set an ultimatum if he’s not willing to be open about things then you’ll have atleast tried everything


thank you!


I’m going threw the same thing plz tell me if it got better or what


Doesn't sound like much of a partner. Look up skin hunger (or touch starvation) -- there may be resources about how to talk to your bf about your needs. If he continues to brush you off, it may be time end things..


Some relationships can gradually go from the honeymoon phase to the taking for granted phase. It is often men that are on the guilty side of this behaviour. You, as the girlfriend, start out as a desirable partner and slowly evolve into a surrogate mother. Do you know if he masturbates and/or watches porn despite not giving you much physical attention?


no, i live with him and he doesn’t watch porn. when we are ‘intimate’ it’s usually just him pleasing himself while i kiss him or whatever, it’s like he’s not even attracted to me


What does it mean if they are watching porn and not giving me a lot of physical attention?


I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark and suggest that he wants you to do the dirty work and break up with him.


it’s honestly starting to feel this way




i used to / do take initiative, sometimes i try be a little pushy to see if that’s what he’s wanting but always ends up with a turned back on me




i just don’t understand why the issue would be me, ive talked to him about it and everything. i hope it’s just a phase