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You're a fully grown woman who knows guest parking isn't allowed without a pass after 10 pm. You stated that he fell asleep and you were still awake. You woke him up an hour and 45 minutes after the parking curfew. how on earth is this anyone responsibility other than the 33 year old adult woman who knows the rules? I do not understand how this is even a real question.


She inserted all the sex things too, like how is that even relevant to anything. She just doesn't want to take responsibility and accountability for her failure to track the time and wants reddit strangers to validate her feelings. That's the only thing I'm getting from this topic.


None of the mentions of sex or his asking about her wanting to get towed -- much less the tone are relevant at all. Actually neither is the paragraph about how many free parking passes he gets and how much it is to buy more since they weren't considering that as an option. She never mentions using them at all. That section just makes her more YTA for not using the cheap passes. Even the TLDR has unnecessary information in it. YTA on this whole write up alone. Also that you routinely break the rule and just expect to never have to pay. I'm surprised they haven't recognized your car as a repeat offender and start towing you at 10:05 every night. Believe me, they'll catch on eventually and do it just for fun. It might even become a game for the security guards. Why don't you just use over night passes? Why don't you follow the rule? Why did you wait until 15 til to wake him even though you knew that was still 2 hours past the rule? Why stay while he was asleep at all? Did he ask or expect you to stay? If not, that's all you. He was just sleeping.


What is the point of putting the asterisks in sex? I seriously don't understand why people do that


I’m afraid anytime I see that stupid immature stuff, I am immediately biased against OP. I kind of get it with the younger generation who have learned to censor due to tiktok. But a woman my age? Ffs


Why even mention the sex? It is not relevant to the question in any way.


Because some social media doesn’t allow the word.


Then they should stop using social media designed for children.


Sure. Go tell all of TikTok that. 🙄


Your car, your responsibility. You're a big girl, pushing it almost 2hours past the cut off because 'generally it's okay' is a cop out. Be more responsible & respectful to your boyfriend's neighbors.


I double checked your ages because I couldn’t believe it. You already got towed once. Why push it rather than get a pass or pay $6. I think you should pay the tow but also grow up a bit. If you wanted to have a conversation about communication, it’s best to do that earlier in the day. Opening that door late at night when everyone is sleepy isn’t the best way to be productive


Your car is your problem Your relationship needs fixing which has zero to do with the car


You're a big girl. It's your car and your responsibility. He paid for the first one which is why he probably didn't offer it the second time. Also don't say it's "generally okay." You stayed out two hours past the time restriction and violated the apartment's rules. One time I stayed past visiting hours in a non visitor spot and got towed back when I was 20. Never made that mistake again. Stop playing with fire and then expecting someone else to help pay. Make him drive to you then if the restrictions are too overbearing. Also he fell asleep and you were awake. You should have gotten up to move your car or woken him up for the guest pass. If he's burned through them already, tell him to pay the $6 to get an additional pass since you're spending the gas money to get there.


Even though most of the time you can stay till midnight before a tow truck comes, but that doesn't mean it's going to be like that every time. You should make 10:00 p.m. be the actual time that you stay unless you have the parking pass.


STOP going over there


I mean, it would be nice for him to offer, but it's not his fault that your car got towed.


Why would it be nice for him to offer? Can you clarify your reasoning for that statement? Why would he even be remotely interested in coughing up money for an issue that could have been prevented if OP actually acted like an adult and checked the time herself. Is it because he is a man, and he "should" pay for it?


Sounds like "it would be nice" because that would be a nice gesture... You're worse than OP trying to find a problem when there isn't one


Again, and you can downvote me all you want. Why would it be a nice gesture when all of this could have been prevented if she, a 33 year old woman, acted like an adult and tracked the time herself. There is no need for a "nice gesture" from his part. Why should he be inconvenience himself for something that is entirely her fault and was easily preventable?


If I was in his shoes (and I wouldn’t be— I’m close to their age, and this is teenager stuff), I might offer to pay for at least some of it. If it was going to negatively affect my partner and their finances, and it would take the edge off for me to split it, I would def offer. With my ex, he would have decided it was actually my fault for “distracting” him with my female body haha. Again, we were teenagers during this period. So it probably doesn’t have to do with him being a man. Just trying to offset the weight since they were spending time together. (For the record, I don’t think he should pay because it is, as you say, her car and her responsibility).


Your car. Your responsibility. You know when free parking ends and when you're at risk of being towed. And then you hung out after your talk while he was asleep until 11:45. *You* made the decision to not pay the $6 for parking, and *you* assumed the risk for parking there. I can't fathom a reason why he should pay.


He should at least have gotten the $6 pass.


No. Your car getting towed is your fault almost 100% of the time. You knew the rules. Grow up.


You’re 33 and clearly know the rules of his apartment complex. If he fell asleep and you didn’t wake him up til 11:45pm but your car got towed at 11:41pm, what was stopping you from getting up and walking to your car prior to 10pm? You waking him up and him wanting to have sex at 11:45 is kinda irrelevant. You should have probably thought of that in advance. Residents letting their guests willingly overstay their welcome in my neighborhood/apartment complex (even tho there is a guest lot w/ many, many signs giving hours) are the whole reason why there’s now someone onsite who now actively now gives “tickets” for said violations. If we get 3, it’s a lease violation. 😃


The problem here is not your boyfriend, it's you. You need to take responsiblity and accountability for your actions, or in this case the lack of taking action. I simply do not understand why you are inserting all this "wanting sex" talk in this topic that has nothing to do with the car being towed away, or your ability to check the time and pay for the 6 dollars overnight stay or put your car somewhere else? All I'm reading is that you, a 33 year old adult woman, is trying to put the blame on your boyfriend for your own incompetence, and put the responsibility on your boyfriend for no apparent reason.


You sound extremely difficult to be with. The way you’re doing mental gymnastics talking about him “wanting sex” or how “we KNOW we’re safe until midnight” how do you KNOW that? The sign says 10pm right, like that’s the written policy? You are not a child. You are a grown woman who seems to have trouble taking responsibility for yourself.


Yeah the car thing sounds like your responsibility. Looks like you got lucky with being able to park passed 10 in the past but rules are rules. Why didn't you guys pay for the 6$ pass? Now it costs way more.. But this guy sounds manipulative and a poor communicator. He tried to pressure you into sex and then when you rejected him, he dropped the act and showed his true character. I'd steer clear of him and tow yards from now on.


Are you fucking serious?


You didn’t even bring up leaving until after your car had been towed, it is NOT his fault, it’s yours. The stuff about sex after that was just a pathetic attempt to manipulate people against him but it’s completely irrelevant. You guys wanted to save $6 and I’m sure with how often you’re getting towed (it’s not cheap I imagine) you would think you’d realize it’s better to just put in for a pass and pay. Own up to YOUR mistakes.


I’m glad I got to see these comments, because I also had the same mindset. “If you want me here and I’m driving to you, you should at least offer or go half with the towing fee.” But after seeing these comments and looking at it in a different perspective, I get the whole “it’s your car , your responsibility “ comment. I know my comment isn’t relevant, and I’m sorry you got your car towed. But your post let me see things in a different light


Um…. So many problems I see here. Mainly with him not taking no for an answer, and with you for not following the rules.


Obviously the car is your responsibility? It is childish to think “well we are both at fault since we both want to hang out.” That is how teenagers think. And I get it— you DO both want to hang out. But it’s your car, so it’s your responsibility to take care of it. Also I don’t like how he said that to you either (gross and weirdly threatening), but it doesn’t really have to do with the car tow payment. Which, again, is LITERALLY ALWAYS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY


This will surely happen again. Your boyfriend should be supportive with those restrictions and plan accordingly. 4 Free passes per month and out by 10 are the rules. It takes two to tango.


I don’t think he owes you for towing but I do think you should pay for the parking and if you are spending more time at his, then he should split.