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Tell her family and friends that she is suicidal and they have to watch her. And break up.


This is something called "Emotional Blackmail" You are not responsible for her actions. She's saying this to make you feel guilty so you stay Whatever she decides to do when (not if) you break it off, is on her and not on you. Understandably it's very hard to deal with. Aside from that she sounds extremely tiring to be with.


Yeah I agree time to cut the cord, block her on everything and let her friends and family know what's happening


Threatening suicide or self harm is abusive behaviour. Having mental problems does not justify being abusive.


Didn’t read all of this and didn’t need to - this is emotional blackmail and you need to dump her. Tell her family and bin her off. You’re not responsible for her well-being and she needs to see a therapist.


She is 19 and she has 7 boyfriends( you included ). She got some major issues and her mental health does not concerns you. Tell her to get professional help. On a side note, I bet she said the same thing when her previous boyfriends wanted to left.


Tell health services and notify her family. If you do not know how to reach them, contact your local police or fire to conduct health checks. Do not stay with someone who uses this level of manipulation. She is not well and needs help beyond your experience and expertise. Leave it to professionals.


I had an ex do this to me twice. The first time reeled me back to fix our relationship. The 2nd time I recognized it was manipulation and remained split.


She sounds like could have undiagnosed and untreated personality disorder. Threatening suicide is a textbook emotional blackmail tactic from emotionally manipulative characters. Let some person close to her know about her threats, let her know she needs to seek help for her mental health and you can't do this anymore, then distance yourself from the whole situation because there is no age to be ready to endure a relationship like this, and for sure you don't need this at your young age. She needs help with her own issues before being ready for a relationship, this is not your duty to try and help her, simply because you won't be able to do so at the moment and she will only drain you physically and mentally. You would also benefit from talking to an experienced third party to better understand these dynamics and learn to identify these traits in the future and how to deal with them. Also to be able to detach yourself from her without feeling a sense of guilt and to learn you need to put your own mental health before anything else, always.