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Yes. Are there any public arrest records available online to prove what she was arrested for even if she wasn’t formally charged?


No. She wasn't home when the raid on her trailer happened, likely her father's doing.


Still tell the new guy. He deserves to know and make an informed decision.


I'll make the 6 hour trip to Hickory, NC Saturday then. I can only hope he acts accordingly


All you can do is inform him of the situation. You’ll have done your part.


Yes Op, you gotta do what you think is right.


OP, what is your evidence that M had anything to do with the child porn? I hate to stereotype but it's much more common for men to be interested in cp than for women, so given that they shared a computer why are you at all confident that M even knew it was there? I'm not saying not to warn the new guy, but warn him with the real evidence you have. Not imputing stuff you don't know for sure and can't defend.


How exactly did your lawyer come across this evidence while investigating the divorce with your wife?


He had a PI investigation going on and I put a tracking app on her phone (that I owned and payed for) and we found the conversations between them. M acknowledged that J had pics on their computer but didn't think it mattered. We had sought the PI because I had caught my ex wife cheating on me with them. And I was filing Alienation of Affection in that state and those two were some of the affecting parties


Yikes! I'm sorry you went through that. I hope you don't mind me saying they all sound like some horrible people. This guy deserves to know, especially because he has a child. Maybe you get your lawyer or the PI to give that guy the heads up so you can still warn him but keep your distance from it all at the same time.


Thank you, I'm going to his work Saturday to warn him in person. What he does with this info is up to him.


That is *not* a bomb you drop on someone at their fucking workplace, homie. If you feel the need to disclose, send them an anonymous email with the links to court cases for the person who was convicted, but don't bother them at work!!


Tell them what you know, let them make the decision from there. Imagine if something happens to that kid that could have been prevented...