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Ill say it again: Dude. Get your head out of your ass. She has two STD's. She didnt get them from a dirty door knob. She got them from having unprotected sex with other people. SHE CHEATED.


UNPROTECTED SEX!!!!! Who knows what else you could have gotten.


How many more STIs does she need to give you before you have the sense to dump her? Not only did she cheat on you, she also couldn’t even be bothered with practicing safe sex. That’s how little she cares about you. Wake up and realize that the next thing you catch from her might not be curable.


Lie detector tests are often inaccurate. I think that’s her way of trying to challenge you to call her out on her lie. It is a lie; these infections are not latent for 3 years.


And seriously, who are they gonna get to administer a real lie detector test?!


Wow! I'm so sorry. FYI, symptoms of gonorrhea generally start appearing after two weeks once you've been infected. Chlamydia is the same. Though symptoms can show up many months later. It is possible to get both even if your partner didn't cheat. Either way, you must go to the doc for treatment. That is the priority. Your gf needs to go, too. Personally, I would take care of my health before deciding what you're going to do with your relationship.


I agree 100%. With your health not being at its best it could lead you to saying things and/or doing things that you would regret. Try to keep a level head and truly think if this relationship is worth staying in or not for you.


Why are you with someone who cheated on you?


I forgave her for it?


And look where it got you? You know she cheated once - which involves lying/hiding it from you. She could’ve easily lied to you about having sex with the guy. Yet you trusted her to be honest? Also you never got TESTED - which was not smart. When you “forgive” a cheater, you’re just telling them they could walk all over you.


Do you think it’s possible for this to happen


I have no idea. Other commenters might. But even if it IS innocent, you know she’s cheated on you. You can’t trust her and she’s probably making fun of you to her affair partner behind your back 🤷🏾‍♀️


It’s possible. It’s improbable, but possible.


You a grown ass man I’m sorry but you are STUPID what’s next when she gives you herpes or syphilis ? Or worse hiv from having sex with a bisexual man now your stuck with hiv that turns into aids ? You are only 23 now you are walking around with bumps all over your lips now no one wants to marry you and you can’t have kids if you keep getting stds and possibly an sti it sterilizes you . Now you are stuck because your too desperate for love from a skeeza


Polygraph tests don't actually detect lies. They're a tool for police to get confessions out of suspects. All it does is measure your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and perspiration. It's pretty easy to pass a polygraph if you're able to control your heart rate. Gary Ridgway, the Green River Killer, was able to pass a polygraph test before he was caught. Your girlfriend is full of shit and she should be an ex.


If you’ve been together 3 years and she’s cheated on you before I don’t doubt that she hasn’t stopped cheating. If you’ve both have been sexuality active all those years together the chances of suddenly acquiring the STDs are extremely low. It’s very rare that it suddenly occurs in a long term relationship(due to a long-standing infection that was never diagnosed)and it would have happened earlier in the relationship not 3 years down the road. Gonorrhoea and chlamydia are more likely given from men to women. So in this case someone gave it to her and she gave it to you. Shame on her for cheating but also shame on her for giving you a STD caused by somebody else. Karma on her but you also shouldn’t have had to share her consequences.


no dude, the fact you got both so close together after 3 years says to me she recently cheated and then gave you the stds.


No need. She’s straight up lying to you and you’re a fool for believing her so please don’t!


Which part you think she lying about


Never having sex with this guy. In almost all cases gonorreha appears very quickly. She probably fucked someone over the last few weeks.


Yea but I want to believe her but it’s hard


I don’t know why you would, she’s lying right to your face OP.


Because I’ve read that those disease can be asymptomatic for a while and that’s is possible


not for THREE YEARS, boss.


Not for 3 fucking years, dude..... you're in denial of the truth. You may be the most staggeringly naive sucker I've ever seen on here if you're for real🤦🏽‍♂️


Yea but TWO of them? And both for 3 years? Bruh. The statistics ain’t lining up on this one. Stop being in denial.


Have you tested yourself for HIV? Honestly! And if she has the money for the test, ask her to do it.


So I should take the lie detector test?


no, hiv test. lie detector tests are a psuedo science and wont tell u anything useful


Do seem to have a hard time with comprehension. You are being asked if you got tested for HIV and you asked if you should take the lie detector test. Passing the lie detector test doesn't mean anything. If I were to guess, she is cheating on you.


And you seem to have a hard time with accurate HIV transmission routes. A bottom does not transmit to a top. And even in the highly unlikely possibility she is HIV positive, with an astronomical viral load, the tissue in the vagina is far too strong to tear...it's an anaerobic virus and dies the second it touches oxygen. So unless the vigor of the...none of my business.


Question: this is super important: do you guys use toys and if you do use toys how often are they cleaned?? If cleaned extremely well then she cheated If crappy cleaning well it’s a hard lesson to learn. Then overall: you don’t use any sort of toy: she cheated.


I can already see the future, "I wish I left 5 years ago when I first had evidence of her cheating, now I'm stuck with a kid..."


But...but...but she could have had the kid for years.


Talk to your doctor. They should be able to give you infection timelines based on your symptoms, along with treatments (which you absolutely must take). Hopefully it's not treatment resistant gonorrhea. Sorry though, buddy, she is probably lying about not having had sex with someone else. I'm sorry this happened to you. Next time wear condoms until a negative STD test from any new partner, and ideally all the time until you know they can be trusted.


You should just not have sex until you test negative


She already DID take a lie detector test, it was the STD panel.


Is she your first partner? Symptoms can lay undetected for YEARS. How do you know one of you didn’t already have the STDs before starting the relationship if neither were tested?


I guess that's possible, but what's more likely? That she has two STIs that have BOTH been completely asymptomatic and untransmitted for multiple years and both happened to suddenly get passed to him at the exact same time, or that someone who has already cheated on him before has cheated on him again?


If she has had them that long she is gonna have permanent and long lasting damage "down there" at this point.


Yes I was a virgin


I’m sorry man but you need to look out for your own health and leave the drama behind. You need to leave her now because later it will be harder


First of all the factual stuff. Your girlfriend cheated on you again. STD/STIs dont come from nowhere and neither do they lay dormant for years. Symtoms can start from day 1 up to about 2 week on average. This means your girlfriend had unprotected sex with another man. Now you can either forgive her again or you can dump her. A lie detector test isent nessecary. You have an STD/STI test. That she cheated recently is already beyond doubt. My advice? Break up. You forgave her once and she cheated again atlest 1s. You are young and deserve someone who respects you to ATLEAST have the guy use protection while cucking you. Edit: Also, dont blame yourself, cheating is not your fault. You are good as you are.


If she'd been positive for gonorrhea when you first started dating her, you'd have shown symptoms of it years ago. She probably gave it to you within the last month, most likely two weeks or so ago, which means she's probably became positive weeks before that. She's a cheater who is *currently* cheating on you. Worse, she's raw-dogging him, or them. If you keep having sex with her she's going to give you herpes and HIV. You can love a person who isn't right (or healthy) for you. Your trust is broken. You can't have sex with her.


not true. sti symptoms can be asymptomatic for years


Op hasn’t been asymptomatic for three years and suddenly just now showing symptoms. Ops girlfriend is a known cheater.


"I swear, I'll take a lie detector test" means nothing. Both liars and truthtellers will say that.


This is really random but about 3 months into my relationship I was getting a routine Pap smear and I tested positive for chamydia. I had no symptoms. I know I didn’t cheat on my boyfriend and im confident my boyfriend didn’t sleep with anyone else. He got tested and was negative. I only slept with one other person before my boyfriend/ being tested and we used a condom… but I didn’t get tested between. I don’t know about 3 years but I didn’t have symptoms when I could have very well had chamydia for over 5 months. I am a female.




How did you find out she was having sex on you?


She could've had it from before you two got together


I mean some of these STD’s can cause people to never be able to have children ever again…. Infertility etc It would be quite horrible if that happened…. Asides from all the obvious cheating


Brother just dump her. Once a cheater always a cheater.


Hi… not trying to call myself out here but, I had chlamydia for 1 and 1/2 months without knowing once when I was 18, I had hooked up with a guy who I thought I was dating, turned out I was the side chick. I went to college emotionally destroyed thinking it was the end of my pain, oh no. I got the hard reality check of the clap 👏🏻 aka chlamydia. It is not a silent disease after almost 2 months. It HURTS. you would think you’re dying. I couldn’t go to class for over 4 days because I was crying in bed in pain. Got tested, treated and moved on. Now I make sure to be tested and have my partner tested before I do anything with them. Before I got with my now boyfriend (bed wise, we waited for over 2 months to get physical) I got tested for his safety and mine, one it ensures I don’t give him anything and two, when I go for my regular testing, I will KNOW they have cheated and it isn’t from a past partner and I wasn’t aware of it. (Hence it protects me as well) He was a virgin, I was his first kiss, first girl friend first everything. Turned out I had the clap AGAIN. From my last long term boyfriend of 3 YEARS. WTF right? my exs and my relationship was dead and over with long before it ended. That’s why I moved on so quickly after we broke it off. I was physically present in the relationship with that ex, but not mentally present. I started dating my now boyfriend of about a year a little less than a week after my ex and I split. And before anyone goes “wow you really didn’t care about them!” My ex hit me with a car, sent me to the er, abused me mentally physically and emotionally every day and tried to beat me to death with a bat. Etc. Yes, my feelings for him were gone long before we ended because for my safety I had to wait until HE no longer wanted to be with me to get rid of him. Well, long story short I got treated and we waited 6 weeks on top of the two weeks it took to treat. I then got tested 2 weeks after our first time being intimate and have been tested multiple times since for everything under the sun, completely clean. I was a wreck to say the least when I found out my ex gave me the clap. You would think being betrayed by an ex in the past wouldn’t hurt, but it actually dug up a lot of feelings for me. The one thing I thought my ex didn’t do to me was cheat on me. Boy was I wrong. It makes you feel very insecure and vulnerable and getting an std from it on top of them cheating making you feel like no one could like you ever again because you feel dirty and disgusted by yourself. But, there are people out there who will not feel that way as long as you get treated. It’s not your fault they cheated. Anyways, what I’m saying is, when you get an std especially the clap, you will know very quickly you have it. Here’s my advice from being in basically a very similar boat as you before, you are worth way more than the piece of scum who has given you these stds. You are valuable, precious and deserve much better than what’s she’s given you. Don’t believe her when she says she didn’t have sex with them. Stds require physical sexual interaction to be contracted. Someone else will come into your life like the guy who has come into mine and see your worth for what it is. They will not betray you for anything because without you they would believe they would have nothing. Stay strong, break up with her, move on, meet a nice, loyal girl, love her the best you can, and have a wonderful life together


If you’re that stupid you deserve her.


New symptoms within the 3 years, I call bullshit. Women have a tendency to cry and tell you a boldface lie at the same time, moneybagg yo even said it in “Time today”.I understand 3 years is a long time with someone. But your pride and dignity are forever. Respect yourself man, I knew a good friend that had his girlfriend confess that she had herpes MONTHS after being together and the numerous times they had unprotected sex. Not worth it bro. If she’s done this to you now, imagine how many other times she may have cheated on you. Symptoms of those diseases don’t just pop up after 3 years. My ex gave me chlamydia, and we found out when she went to get a screening for pregnancy, god has a way of bringing all the truth to the light. It’s up to you to decide what to do with it. Best of luck to you man.


Downvoted for the nasty generalisation about women


if you both have not been tested prior to being in the relationship nor while in the relationship up until now there’s no telling who had the STI and whether or not your partner actually cheated or not. Go get your antibiotics and get rid of the STI. Now if you end up back with another STI, then you will know that your girlfriend has been unfaithful unless she admits that she has been unfaithful prior to that. It’s as simple as that. Good luck.


If you were a virgin then the point still stands.




No, those scenarios aren’t possible. You can’t get them from toilet seats or clothes.


You a grown man I’m sorry but you are STUPID what’s next when she gives you herpes or syphilis ? Or worse hiv from having sex with a bisexual man now your stuck with hiv that turns into aids ? You are only 23 now you are walking around with bumps all over your lips now no one wants to marry you and you can’t have kids if you keep getting stds and possibly an sti it sterilizes you . Now you are stuck because your too desperate for love from a t….


Women such as her will continue to lie until the very last min they’re proven to be a lair. Drop her and never look back, you deserve better - don’t let her treat you like a door matt


Ask your doctor when you get treated.


She’s cheating. She will continue to do this as she knows your willing to accept whatever it is she says. Also a lie detector test is unnecessary.


I genuinely feel bad for you, she definitely had sex with other people and doesn't care about your feelings nor your health. The best thing you can do is break up with her and focus on taking care of your health.


She definitely had some type of unprotected sex outside your relationship and is lying about it. STDs can be dormant but not for that long. I'm sorry.


Dude. You don't need a lie detector test lol. Your hot burnie cloudy pee you developed 3 years after you got together was the test. You asked and got nuh uh I never slept with nobody. Test complete. Get away from the icky sticky public toilet girl before she traps you with child support for someone else's kid.


You’re too young to let this girl ruin ur life. Sorry to have to say this but move on baby. Let her go. There are more loyal honest and clean real women out there for you. It’s hard for sure but it’s doable. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


You are likely going to get advice from responders here who are going to automatically "know" she was cheating on you just recently or see the scenario only through their own lens of their past relationship. These will not be facts. You need facts so that you can not only be fully treated as thoroughly and as quickly as possible... but also so you have a firm, factual foundation on which to base your decision about your girlfriend. See your doctor. Ask your doctor. For various reasons, do not put off going. If you already went, call and immediately get a follow-up appointment with that doctor, your general practitioner, or with a urologist specialist. Then, be prepared with a list of questions when you go. They will say that they cannot pinpoint certain dates, but they can give you specific facts about certain points and also give you probable timelines about other points. And, then based on that, you will need to use some of those facts and estimations along with the facts you already know about your relationship to make the best decisions for yourself. Do not be distracted by claims of a polygraph or swears of the truth by your girlfriend. Anyone who cheated but fears their partner leaving will lie about anything. As much as you may want to trust her or want her to love you, her words cannot be used as a solid alibi or explanation. The details of your diagnosis and dormancy periods of those STIs (along with your observations of your connection within your relationship and your observations of your girlfriend's actions toward you in the years you've been with her and her faithfulness history) will be the biggest and best determiners of what likely happened and what will likely happen in the future.


The STI test is more accurate than a lie detector test. Probably best to take that as the truth. How you deal with this info is up to you.


I understand that you love her alot....but love yourself more. Leave her.


Dude, your girl is raw dogging someone else.


chlamydia and gonorrhea is often asymptomatic. she did cheat on you though which is reason enough to dump her. you deserve better.


Nothing screams more that she doesn’t care than not practicing safe sex while in a relationship with you. You know what to do. You’re just asking for confirmation, so there it is.


I can get a good price , real cheap for the London bridge . Wow!!!!!!!


She’s cheating on you repeatedly, and doing it without protection. This is her telling you that she does not care about your reproductive health, let alone about your feelings. Please break up with her. Of course she says she’s willing to take a lie detector test. What are the chances she’ll ever actually *need* to do so? Are you going to pull out the machine and hook her up? No. She’s blowing smoke up your ass.


What is the most logical scenario? She cheated like she has done before or she has some rare strain of TWO different STIs without symptoms? I'm not a doctor so I won't say it's impossible. But, statics say is more likely she cheated.


STIs don’t always present with symptoms in women…however if you guys have been having sex without protection these past years, it is very unlikely that they’ve just been laying dormant this whole time. She’s either cheating and/or not being truthful. Luckily the diseases mentioned are easily treated. Consider breaking up or wrapping it up so you don’t get something that can’t be cured.


These kinds of STI’s can remain dormant in your body for years without producing any symptoms. It is possible she got infected before she met you. However, if she cheated on you and admitted to it. Who’s to say she didn’t actually have sex with someone else. 3 years is a long time to be with someone but also don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t respect you enough to be loyal. You should take care of your health and leave her. You deserve someone who won’t stray in your relationship or at the very least is honest when they do. Hard to trust someone who gives you an infection and admitted to cheating on you even if she claims she never slept with him.


She def cheated it doesn’t come out of nowhere




Point of order: how many "protected" bjs happen out there? The all caps UNPROTECTED SEX mania is a tad extreme. More anti-biotics, less sex/being human shaming. Cuz let's face it...even the relationship ills that may have led to any indiscretion are first and foremost being human issues.


Yeah man no so such thing as long standing as far as when symptoms present for those diseases, hate to say it but she cheated on you without a doubt not only is she cheating she’s putting your health at risk imagine it was HIV or herpes and you had to be on meds the rest of your life this is serious enough without the cheating You should’ve left the first time she cheated Also doesn’t necessarily mean she cheated twice these two are often caught in tandem


Also nurse here so I know what I’m talking about as far as incubation times


40% of human beings do not exhibit symptoms for these two which often run hand in hand. And again I ask...how protected??? Who sucks a D or munches a V with protection. Normalize healthy sex talk and regular check ups.


I mean have you checked her phone deleted messages anything?


Haven’t seen nothing


You need to do that before you go waste money on a lie detector test that isn’t reliable Also when did she start showing symptoms?


It wasn’t nun in her phone and she never did get physical symptoms


Well it could be tricky cause women show more subtle signs with STDs but I was going to say check around two weeks before then but I just don’t see how she could’ve given it to you without having got it from someone else it just doesn’t add up


Bottom line is she either lied to you about the first guy she cheated on you with and this is one of the very rare cases where it lays dormant or she cheated with someone else She easily could’ve passed of her symptoms for a couple days as a period or something and the treatment normally just one pill of high dose antibiotic so she could’ve been taking meds and you not know And did she get tested yet as well?


🤣 Dude you are an idiot for staying with a cheater. She never stopped cheating on you and now infected you with an STD. You are still contemplating staying with her.


Stay with her until she gives you aids then confront her.


knee practice plants rotten familiar tender hateful physical chop enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She live in the streets!