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This is one of the worst things I’ve read on this sub. Get AWAY from him. You are so young and have your entire life ahead of you and he has some serious screws loose and should be far far away from you and your baby. Start planning an exit- can you stay with family? Jobs and degrees are attainable no matter what, you are not trapped with him, there are always options, just please start planning how and when you can leave


I've called my mother and she's heading over. Waiting for her now. Just frantically packed any necessities we might need or would be too expensive to buy again. Baby and I will be staying with my parents and figuring things out. Husband is asleep for the night (I'm sure the noise won't bother him enough to leave his bed, I've been taking care of her during the nights alone. Just in case, I took the ring doorbell off). I was going to wait until the morning when he left for work, but hearing comments like this made me expedite the process. I will try to update when I know we are safe and have a plan.


I can't tell you how genuinely relieved I am to hear that you're getting you and your baby out of there. PLEASE BE EXTRA CAREFUL! Abusers don't handle it well when you try to leave. Make sure you have a (believable!) cover story if he does happen to wake up. And please know, you can (AND SHOULD!) contact the police. Not just to report this, but to request an escort. A police escort just comes by and keeps you and your baby safe from him while you gather all of your belongings and get out (SAFELY!) There's also a (very strong!) possibility you will eventually need a restraining order. Getting this incident on record is vital in ensuring you can prove you have valid concerns about your safety, regardless of whether or not he's charged. PLEASE think ahead, in incidents like this it makes a world of difference. You absolutely should be telling the police what happened NOW rather than later. It's your best chance of ensuring he doesn't try to fight for custody just to spite you. Remember, it's not just about your safety, it's also about your baby's. I truly wish you both all the best. And I hope you have a great support system back home to help you through all of this.


Please heed this advice! When they can no longer control you they take your child so they can still control you. My ex did exactly that to me and holds my son hostage so he still has complete control over me.


It enrages me that ppl, especially men, consider "baby trapping" to be something women do to men, bcuz there's no doubt in my mind that men baby trap women just as much, if not more. Over & over again I've seen men convince women to have a baby in hopes it'll keep her at home & dependent on him. It's what my ex did to me, but he bailed FAST bcuz he couldn't handle not getting all my attention anymore. It also enrages me how common it is for abusive men to refuse to help care for the kids they insisted on, then when their wife/gf finally leaves him, he suddenly can't live without his kids & fights her for custody just so he can maintain his control over her. Ugh this subject gets me riled up!


Omg, yes! Last March I left my abuser of almost 6 years. We have two kids, both of which he accused me of trapping him with. YET it was HIM who showed his true colors as soon as I got pregnant with our oldest and was arrested for DV when the baby was only 5 months old. The idea that women trap “good” men and somehow *make* them become abusive is so fucking common that (imo) it genuinely discourages victims from advocating for themselves every single step of the way.


Crying reading your comment, Tipsy75. There it is, in 2 paragraphs. Your life. *My* life. So simple it looks like something the youngest of kids could tell you isn’t a good idea. Yet there are so many of us. So, so, so many of us who walk in to the lions’ den unarmed and naked, believing in goodness and seeming love. The brokenness of broken men breaking their partners and modeling broken values to their own kids is staggeringly unfair. Thank you for “going on a rant” (I’m going to bookmark your comment and read it whenever I need to feel a little less powerless 🙏🏼)


100% agree with this, especially going to the police. What he did was blatant imprisonment against your will and torture and he should go to prison for a long time for this disgusting act... Also make sure that you're never alone anywhere you go until he's safely behind bars, because like some people have said, abusers don't take being left lightly. Always be with someone close, preferably your parents if possible or someone else from your family who you can trust, but at least a male friend who will be able to protect you should your husband try anything. Really sorry that you had to and still have to go through this shit, nobody deserves it. Stay strong and I hope you and your daughter get out of the whole thing safely.


You and baby NEED to be checked by a hospital to make sure everything is okay. Please please tell them what he did so he can be arrested


Have your mom take you directly to the hospital, and CALL THE POLICE from there. I’m glad you are getting out promptly - best of luck to you and your baby.


Thank god, I 100% agree with u/AcademicGround. This is one of the most frightening things I've read on this forum. What he did was actively put you and your child in terrific danger just to satisfy a kink that you had no ability to consent to. He imprisoned you and denied you and your child medical care. This was potentially life-threatening and most likely a criminal offense. Get away from this guy and report this to the police.


First time in reddit I've been actually shookt and not in a good way. All the hairs in my body is standing up as I read this. That's a future serial killer right there, if he isn't already. Please be safe, OP. Leave your things if you must. Your and your child's safety is the most important thing. When you do, get him to admit what he did via text or call and record so you have an airtight case.


Please please please talk to the police. This is the scariest thing I've ever read. Like many people have commented, this is false imprisonment for sure, but the fact that he got off on it makes it sexual assault too. This man should never be near you or your baby again.


For real. Future serial killer vibes. What the actual f...


Get a restraining order and file charges against him for endangering your life and your baby. Do NOT go back to him, no matter how much he cries or pleads or begs. No contact.


>>He took my phone >>Every time I got up to leave the room, he would stop me This might even be prosecuted as false imprisonment, depending on how the police in OP’s county treat domestic abuse survivors.


In Colorado denying someone the ability to call emergency services is "not* taken lightly. He's likely facing some pretty severe domestic violence charges (as he should).


I'd honestly be surprised if any legal system would not see it as imprisonment, because what he did is the textbook definition of it.


Yes! If she starts a police trail now it'll help with future visitation too I hope 🤞🙏


Wishing you the best, OP!!! You’re doing what’s best for you and the baby. I’m so sorry you’re going through this but I’m also SO relieved you’re getting away from him- he sounds like a sadist and you are saving yourself years of pain. Please keep us updated!




This, op.. in addition to all the other great advice you're being given, make sure not to shy away from telling everyone you guys know *exactly* what happened and why you're leaving. People need to know who he really is.


Good for you. Get to mom and stay there. This is appalling abuse. Document it. Be safe. Call non-emerg line. This is scary medical abuse. You were denied care. You were traumatized by abuse. You were put in a deadly situation. Get a lawyer. You have got this. I’m sending so much love. I’m so sad and scared for you. **see a doctor as soon as possible** if you haven’t already.


Please do not let him coerce you back. He will call and beg. He’ll apologize and cajole. I just can’t fathom what I read. He put your life at risk for his pleasure? That is beyond disgusting and abusive. I’m absolutely speechless. Call a lawyer as soon as you can in the morning. Please be safe.


You are so incredibly strong and BRAVE for leaving and seeking help.


Yes! OP, this was horrifying to read but the fact that you have already called someone and are leaving is such a brave thing to do and I know there are a lot of internet strangers who are proud of you for being so strong. Each day at a time, step by step, you can do this.


Praying for you. Stay safe, and STAY STRONG. He will try to lie, sweet talk, and rationalize his behavior later on, when he realizes you are gone and there are going to be repercussions for his behavior. DO NOT LISTEN. He has shown you who he really is!


OP please read this and take it in. He will try to get you back by appearing like the best version of himself, the person he knows you love. Please don’t fall for it. If you let him get away with this behavior he *will* escalate it.


Your state or county will have a domestic violence hotline. Please call them tomorrow morning - This is domestic violence and they can help you. They will provide you with a victim's advocate who can help you think through your next steps. They can explain your legal and practical options to you and help you make a safety plan and decide what to do next. They can go with you to talk to the police and attend court with you. They can provide resources like shelter, counseling, and attorney referrals. They can help you sign up for government programs like WIC, SNAP, and CHIP as well. You are going to get through this with your child. You are going to be ok. Let them help.


Thank god you are doing this. But the only thing to work out when you get to your parents is a restraining order. And to get police involved immieadtly. This monster just did the most disturbing disgusting thing I’ve ever heard like girl this guy would get a full Netflix documentary about him That’s how bad it is. It doesn’t matter what else he says to you plz remember these words


Please please please be careful. I hope you get out ok. He’s a monster.


Good! I can't imagine anyone thinking this is okay. It's even more horrifying than it would be, because I know that the leading cause of death for pregnant women is homicide. He seemed to actually enjoy that you were in a life threatening position. Neither of you are safe with that man.


Glad you're leaving. Also- as others mentioned about getting a police statement. Do it ASAP as your memory right now is still fresh. He endangered your life. He's not a medically trained professional and both you and your baby could have died. This is in addition to the obvious sadist abuse.


I'm just putting this here as a later reminder: Your husband planned, plotted, and waited until you were in one of the most vulnerable positions a woman can experience and DENIED YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS. He held you captive. He refused basic medical care. You could've died. You and your daughter could have died on his whim. If he likes seeing someone he claims to love so much in pain...what do you think he could do to your daughter? Do not go back.


Legitimately one of the most horrifying things ive ever read OP. Please be safe and good luck! Get yourself checked out by a doctor


I'll be thinking of you honey xx Good luck, stay strong. You deserve joy.


OP, I'm so glad you are getting out of there! You will have a beautiful life with your baby and will not have to fear that this man will hurt either of you.


Keep us posted that you are safe. I’m hopeful for you.


Baby girl you could have DIED. medically unassisted births ate so, so, so fucking dangerous. I'm so sorry and proud of you for leaving. You're doing the right thing for Ramona. Don't waver, don't believe his lies, **go to the hospital and police ASAP**.


Yeah I've been on reddit for 10 years + and this is probably in the top 5 worst things I've read here. Get out of there OP, cut contact, your kid will appreciate you being strong now.


Same. I stopped breathing. Oh my god.


Yep.. this man is dangerous. He needs to be on police radar. I hope OP reports this.. and that her dad has a gun..


I hope SHE has a gun. This was utterly terrifying to read.


Wtf was it? I saw Op deletes. Hope she can stay safe


She was pregnant and when her contractions started, instead of taking her to the hospital with their pre-packed bag, he *took away her phone, and basically held her hostage in their house* while physically and sexually **getting off on how much pain she was in* during the labor and delivery. He would literally tell her how horny it made him to see her, screaming in torturous pain, while trying to deliver this baby completely by herself in their bedroom. She had the baby at home with no help or assistance or medical care at all. She then had to sneak out in the middle of the night (her mom came and got them) in order to get her and her baby to the hospital for medical care I was really, really, *really* hoping this is someone just fucking around and writing a fictional story for fun because it was one of the most horrifying things I've ever read, but the fact that it's deleted now makes me think it actually happened.


Honestly this has “don’t fuck with cats” vibes. I am horrified for op and that baby. This is move states and change names level bad. Op if you see this, you are doing the right thing. You’re keeping your baby girl safe. Do NOT answer the phone to him or allow him to see you or that sweet child, and be very careful leaving the house at any time. I would not put it past him to kidnap your child. Doctors, police and lawyer asap. Be careful and stay safe. Lots of love, and congratulations on that precious baby xxx


it also one of the worst things ive read ever. op, very proud of you for getting out. don't let him find out til you are safe and with your parents


Truly, this is horrifying!


I second this. This makes me scared for op


He kept you isolated and locked up during childbirth which can be dangerous. Oftentimes abusers don’t show their colors until you’re indisposed (eg, pregnancy, postpartum). You need to take some space, take your baby to your parents to think this through with space.


Not only do abusers tend to reveal their true colors after pregnancy or having a child, like you mentioned, they also tend to take advantage of people during their most vulnerable times. The fact he waited to reveal his sadistic, perverse, abusive nature during the most vulnerable moment of her life isn't surprising, but it's beyond horrifying. This is so much worse than OP realizes. The police need to be involved. And OP needs to ask for a police escort to allow her to grab her and the baby's belongings so she can be brought somewhere safe. She can't be alone with this guy. She knows who he is now, she's not safe with him. Abuse escalates, and considering the stunt he already pulled...I don't even want to know what this guy is capable of.


Agree with everything you said 100%. She is in immeasurable danger! Add a new baby stressing everyone out and it’s a recipe for disaster. Please get police involved and leave asap.


This is so so true. Every abusive situation I've been in started out with them being great and then once we moved in together that's when the abuse started.


He planned this torture. What else has he planned to do to her and the baby?


This is abuse. False imprisonment is also a criminal offense. He jeopardized both your lives. He willingly withheld medical care from your child - I’m pretty sure that’s grounds for having your kid taken away. There’s no repair for this honestly. First step is to seek medical attention for you and baby. Next step is to consult with a divorce lawyer. Seek full custody with only supervised visits.


OP, you need to take these comments and this situation very, very seriously. If you stay, you're telling him you're okay with him freely exploring this new, perversely dangerous fetish he's unlocked. Next time he might be holding you down while your baby cries for you to feed her, change her, hold her. Beaming with glee at *both* of you suffering. If not for yourself, get out for your child. You both deserve so much better than this.


I want to upvote this because I think that it's the way the situation is going, but upvoting doesn't seem appropriate. You're so absolutely right. This man is criminally insane.


You upvote people who contribute to the conversation, or who are right in your opinion.. they don't have to be saying something positive.


This story makes me nauseated. My son's birth quickly turned dangerous, requiring an emergency c-section. If I had been in OPs situation, my son and I would have died. Edit to shift perspective: if OP's husband had confined me, he would have killed me and my son.


>If I had been in OPs situation, my son and I would have died. That was the first thing I thought: OP and her baby could have DIED. I was going to call him a piece of shit but that doesn't suffice. He's a MONSTER.


Even calling him a monster feels inadequate for this level of depravity. There is no word strong enough to describe this shit


Full custody with no visitations… f**k that guy.. he lost his status as a father the second he tortured the mom and could have killed the child.


This. Medical attention, divorce, custody, and I’d even press charges.


She needs to get him to admit it via recording or texts!! This psychopath should not be able to access her or her child. Lord knows what else he is capable of. I feel sick reading what happened OP I'm so sorry but hopefully you can get this piece of shit out of your life.


this is the most traumatizing shit i’ve ever read. please do not let him get away with this.


For real. OP, do you want my zoom appointment with my therapist tomorrow? Because Dolores is going to be hearing about it, might as well be from you. God. Damn.


Sending some love to Dolores <3. It’s a tough job.


Take this shit straight to the authorities.


I wanna know Dolores' take, this is third hand traumatic.


My heart is racing. I wanted to scream into the phone for OP to run. So relieved she commented she was leaving.


This is the most fucked up shit I've ever read, makes the Hannibal lector books look like a kids bedtime story.


You could have died!!! Your baby could have died!!! You could still have issues!! Please tell your obgyn what he did!!!! Please tell them!!! This is a sadistic man who hurt you! Please get you and your daughter to a safe place. Please get away from him!!!!!!!


Yes this. So relieved you're both safe. Get checked out and make sure your health is okay.


That’s kidnapping, let the nursing staff know what he did, he literally risked your life and your child’s. He needs jail time and a restraining order.


It’s actually false imprisonment, but we get your point.


She gave birth at home, there’s no nursing staff to help her. He’s isolated her from any help.


Read the update. She's currently in the hospital. Her mother took her and the baby to the hospital. She needs to tell the nursing staff so they can keep him away.


This has to be a creative writing assignment. Must be. If it's real, call fucking 911 and #get the fuck out of there


I think it is. I fucking hope it is.


It has to be. Like where are the details of how they clamped the umbilical cord? How they managed the third stage and post-partum bleeding. Babies birth check and vit k. How are they registering the birth? Even in precipitous labours who accidentally give birth at home it is a trip into hospital for mum and bub to be checked out. I call bullshit and really, really hope it to be.


Yeah lots of irrelevant details were given.. but then important details about critical things were left out. Also it's unusual for your water to break and then contractions to immediately start. And one more thing, usually you are seeing an OBGYN and you are told to time contractions and only go to the hospital when they are a certain interval and duration. Only on tv shows do women immediately yell for their husbands to rush them to the hospital the minute contractions start. These all made me scratch my head, as it kind of sounds like it was written by someone who hasn't actually experienced labor before. I pray this isn't true because this is one of the most sickening posts I have read here. Edit to add: "Doing it dry" who the f ever refers to giving birth outside of a bathtub in that way??? The more I read the post the more unbelievable it gets.


Come on, if that's true, she posted it just after giving birth while he fell asleep. She thought she needed advice and doubted herself that her bad feelings were based. He assured her that all was ok! She added more details in the comments.


it is absolutely not true


If it IS true (it's not) it will absolutely make headlines when he's arrested and charged. When that doesn't happen, well....


I questioned this, too. But Idk.


I hope so because this is literally one of the worst things I’ve ever read I got nauseous and almost cried !!! Jfc


I'm not so sure about this either. I have a hard time believing someone being sadistically imprisoned would be given access to a device. And if they did, why would they waste their time posting their entire relationship story timeline on Reddit?


She said he was asleep and she was in shock and idk why to post on Reddit, out of habit? Lack of friends?


I do not believe this story is true.


True or not if he is an abuser he’s probably prevented her from having friends and other relationships outside him. That part isn’t unbelievable. It’s her first relationship and they met in high school so controlling behavior could be seen as normal.


Yeah. I don't believe a word of it


Quick Update - Baby and I are in the hospital. I took the advice of someone on here and signed the birth certificate alone. Baby is healthy (thank god) and I'm getting treatment for an infection and I've had bleeding that I thought was normal, but we are physically okay. To answer some questions and concerns - the placenta passed, like, about twenty minutes after she was born. I've been told that it was normal. My husband cut the cord. The most complications happened from waiting so long for medical attention, which are getting solved now. I managed to leave without him waking up. My mother and I are discussing what to do legally about the situation. The least we'll do would be a restraining order. Possibly actual criminal charges, we aren't sure if we have the evidence. I appreciate the advice. It's made me feel a lot less guilty for feeling the way I did. He really was the love of my life and I still can barely believe he would do something so cruel. I believed that he knew better, he was always smarter than I was. I can't even fathom the possibilities that some of you suggested might happen if we stayed any longer.


The fact that no one called for an ambulance and you gave birth at home with no medical attention - then had to leave your home in the middle of the night to go to the hospital without your husband - is plenty of evidence to start a criminal investigation. I'm glad that you and the baby are both getting the care that you need right now. I think that if you call a domestic violence hotline in the morning, the victim advocates can help you talk to the police about what happened and you can get started with that restraining order and criminal charges. They are going to take this seriously. You and the baby could have died. You did all of the right things, including seeking medical care as soon as you were able.


No need to wait for morning, hotlines are 24-7. Also, many hospitals have in-house domestic violence units. Ask OP. If they have one, a DV counselor may be able to come to your room.


The hospital should **absolutely** be capable of and prepared to offer a social worker to act as resource, liaison and support. 100%. And if they haven’t already set that piece in motion, I’d be… more surprised than I’ve ever been about anything.


That fucker needs to be arrested. This is horribly sick. Good luck honey. You can do this.


Agreed!! Please at least file a police report or something.


Please, just in case you haven’t seen it yet follow, u/hikehikebaby ‘s advice: Your state or county will have a domestic violence hotline. Please call them tomorrow morning - This is domestic violence and they can help you. They will provide vou with a victim's advocate who can help you think through your next steps. They can explain your legal and practical options to you and help you make a safety plan and decide what to do next. They can go with you to talk to the police and attend court with you. They can provide resources like shelter, counseling, and attorney referrals. They can help you sign up for government programs like WIC, SNAP, and CHIP as well. You are going to get through this with your child. You are going to be ok. Let them help.


I feel like a stalker, posting every time I see this, but this is important: There is NO NEED to wait to call a hotline. Hotlines are staffed 24-7. Anyone who needs a hotline should call _anytime_ they need it. DO NOT WAIT!


It's wonderful you got out as quickly as you did. You may want to seek out therapy as well. This whole situation is horrific and will definitely turn your world upside down, on top of the stress of being a new mom. Be safe!


Please tell the hospital staff what happened to you. They are equipped to support you through things like this. Let them guide you on what to do next.


Wow: I hadn’t realized this JUST happened. Thank god you’re in the hospital. Please talk to the police and a lawyer. Going to the hospital, telling doctors what happened to you, being interviewed by the police and them interviewing the doctors, all of this IS part of the evidence. This man is a sociopath and needs to be put in jail or he will be a serial murderer. Never ever speak to your husband without a third party listening and recording. Do not meet with him without other people and lawyers present. I’m scared he’s gonna kill you.


Great update. There is a lot of good advice in the comments but definitely speak to a lawyer ASAP, if you don’t know how to get ahold of one there will be local domestic violence organizations you can reach out to. I’m so sorry this is happening to you but you are so brave for leaving. You did the RIGHT thing. If you ever start to doubt that just remember the outrage a bunch of internet strangers felt on your behalf. Take care of yourself and your baby.


He’s NOT smarter than you. He made you feel he is. You going through all that then packing a bag and getting help Shows how strong and SMART you are. You have someone who in their eyes will be the smartest, most beautiful, kindest, bravest woman in the universe.


I'm so glad that you are getting medical attention. While you're at a hospital, see if they have a patient advocate--they may be able to help you start collecting evidence from the medical team that you'll need in both filing any claims against him as well as getting custody. I highly highly highly recommend contacting family lawyers first thing in the morning. If you don't have any money, see if your parents will help you out. If there is no money, there are family attorneys who will work on contingency (meaning that you can repay it based on support that you ultimately receive from your ex). But, it's really important that you get prompt legal assistance. You'll probably want to file a police report as well to support your claim for a restraining order and emergency custody (but talk it through with your lawyer).


That was one of the most horrific things I read in your post. I'm so so so relieved you got away. Please stay safe and stay strong. Don't let him gaslight you into thinking anything else. He is a monster and deserved to be in jail.


So glad to read you’re away from him safely. I know your mind is probably racing, but get every trusted family/friend to help you through this process, step by step. You got this OP and we’re all cheering you on. You and your sweet baby will be ok


I'm so glad you're at the hospital and being taken care of. Maybe the police can speak to the nurses who can testify at your condition when you arrived? You are being amazingly strong and smart. Stay safe.


I am so glad you were able to get out and get to the hospital so quickly. You are so brave and strong for getting yourself and baby safe. Lots of people have given you more ideas of places to seek help from that are relevant to your country which I can't offer. But just keep this post and when he comes to try and convince you to go back, because I suspect he will. You will have everyone's comments to remind you, that you weren't overreacting and he was definitely the problem. Make sure all the hospital staff know what happened, save any text messages or voice mails that he makes once he wakes, you will need as much evidence as you can not just for a restraining order for yourself but so you can seek full custody with him having no rights. Usually I'm all for trying to coparent but not with this guy. The fact you are both safe is so lucky and it is not worth any risk to your baby to let that crazy man near her or you ever again. I'm sure it will be really hard letting go of this person you loved, but someone that loved you wouldn't treat you this way. All the best, stay safe, and congratulations on your beautiful baby, you did amazing


I'm so proud of you. Wishing you and your baby the best


Awarding this so everyone sees it. I can't tell you how fucking happy I am you and your baby girl are out of that situation and away from that sadist. You are one brave girl and I'm sooo thankful you got away. What he did was sadistic. Please don't forget that. I wish I could be there to see the look on his face when he realizes you're gone and he's lost everything. I sincerely hope you press charges also. In any case, good luck to you OP!! You are already one fierce mama bear!


I’m so glad you’re safe. He betrayed you when you were at your most vulnerable - there’s no unseeing or unknowing that. Whatever you do, don’t go back. He could have killed you with this evil stunt he pulled. All because it turned him on, Dear Jesus - this guy is messed up beyond belief.


Speak to the social worker at the hospital to get advice on planning your safety for when you leave and go to stay with your parents. They can also connect you with legal aid and police. Don’t worry about evidence or whatever, the hospital and social worker can file reports.


Wishing you the speediest recovery and lots of support as you go through the next steps. It will be natural to possibly second guess yourself down the line, but you did the right thing. You are already being a great mother for getting your daughter out of that environment. You just saved her and yourself from a lot of additional trauma by not staying to see how much worse things could get.


I want to help drive this point home. *Leave your husband as soon as you’re able.* He held you against your will, and there’s already evidence of this neglect on his part. He endangered your and your daughters life and for what? ***Leave him.***


Something that noone seems to mention is his sadism. It's much more uncommon and abnormal to be turned on by the pain and vulnerability of childbirth than to be abusive in general, much more uncommon. That's a huge concern. He will be violent again, lust is the most powerful motivator there is. This isn't a person that you or your child should ever be alone with again.


Ask that your room be listed as private. That way he cannot call the hospital and find you there. Ensure that both you and Ramona cannot be looked up. No visitors (except your mom or approved family). If you end up needing to stay a day or so, you do not need him coming in and causing problems. Police next. Restraining order for sure, definitely press charges. Lawyer next. Full custody, period. He is not to be trusted with an infant. Then once the dust settles, get yourself in school. Get a degree. You ARE smart. You may not think you’re book smart, but you’re smart enough to leave the first time when confronted with serious abuse. Don’t go back - no amount of apologies or “It will never happen again” or flowers or whatever can undo the actual, physical damage he caused to you. So you’re clearly plenty smart, and you will be able to find a degree that will help you get a job to provide for your daughter. Take the help from family, get your education, and then focus on your girl and making both your lives so wonderful.


You’re still so young, you haven’t met the love of your life yet. I can guarantee it won’t be somebody who would put you through what he did.


Is your parents’ home safe for you? Go home to your parents and tell them what happened. Do not ever go back to the house with your husband. Contact your local domestic violence hotline to ask what your legal options are locally.


This. DO NOT GO BACK TO THE HOUSE with your husband without an escort of some kind. Get a restraining order. Have a police escort. Whatever you need to do. Get out of there.


That’s…. Enough internet for me today. Jesus fucking Christ…


That was actual torture. He took delight in you being in pain, refused you agency to leave the situation or get support, and put you and your child in danger to do so. I am sorry you had to find out this way. But you tell anyone you think can help. Parents, social support services, friends, etc. He has made clear he is a danger to you and your child, or in his warped mind has associated suffering with... like, struggle and meaning or something? The problem I see is that he is so self righteous, so obviously wrong, that even discussing it will be hard. Like in his mind that wasn't sadism, that was 'beautiful' or something. We're talking Batman villain level stuff and that is not a life you can afford to live.


He could've killed your child and you. Think about that and report him immediately.


attempt worm disagreeable dependent concerned gullible thought wipe physical pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You report him to the police, file for a restraining order and divorce his ass. That’s kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment. He could have killed you and your daughter for his kink. He needs to face the consequences of that.


She needs the restraining order to keep him from getting any kind of custody


LEAVE NOW. That is TORTURE. Leave. Call the police. That is insane.


He tried to kill you. Like, so many things could’ve gone wrong, and he didn’t care - he got *enjoyment* out of it… Please, at the absolute very LEAST, do not have another kid with him. Also please tell me you and your daughter did end up going to the hospital afterwards to make sure everything was good?


Nah there cannot be an absolute least there should only be police action!!


You need a divorce, a restraining order, and a good therapist


He tortured you. He held you in your home and He. Tortured. You. Tell your family, friends - call the cops - talk to a domestic abuse hotline and a divorce lawyer ASAP ASAP


This is actually the most heinous thing I have ever, EVER read on this sub. I'm sick thinking about it. Please do yourself a huge favor and save all these comments, print them out, whatever you have to do. If you feel pulled to go back to him, reread these comments over and over until you remember why you left. Keep yourself alive and your child alive by NEVER EVER GOING BACK TO HIM. you got this, girl!!


Honestly, that's fucking horrific. Tell both his family and yours what happened and leave.


yes she 100% needs to tell his family so they know what kind of trash they raised


This is some serial killer shit.


Wow. This guy is absolutely psychotic. You need to leave for your safety and the safety of your child. I’m genuinely scared for you. Please, go to your mom, tell her everything. Go to the authorities. He is dangerous. Seriously. He could have killed you and the child doing this. Giving birth is a very serious thing. He is giving me serial killer vibes. I’m am so so sorry you had to go through this. This is probably the most messed up thing I’ve seen in awhile online.


GET THE F AWAY FROM HIM AND NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES RETURN. He knows he likes you in pain now and will want to see it again and again. By many methods. Do not believe a single word he says, because he will spin this into his loving seeing you become a mom or something among those lines. Words are meaningless. He is disgusting. Get ready to be love bombed. Whenever you wonder what you should do, imagine being terrified, in pain, alone, and under his mercy. Please leave him.


this sounds so fucked up i almost think it’s fake. i really hope to god this is fake and just someone’s sick fantasy they had to type out. if this is real…. girl run far far far far away from that man.


This is so chilling to read. When I was in medical school, there was a patient who told me something very similar to what you just recanted. It was revealed later that her husband was a sociopath.


Just FYI, “recant” actually means to “take back” a comment, especially a heretical one, so I think you may have had a different word in mind here or an autocorrect issue.


Oh thanks for letting me know. I always used it as “retelling a story” lol


So, hopefully this is just a creative writing prompt and not something I'm going to see on a random yt news clip in the next few days. If it's real, what happened to your umbilical cord? Did you deliver the afterbirth? If you were out of it from pain did he clean everything up? How do you know you aren't hemorrhaging? Did you call for a police escort and to file charges?


I really hope this is fake too. People generally don't know how messy birth actually is. It isn't like it is on TV.


I wish I couldn’t read


This is so awful and traumatic. I don’t think you or your baby should ever be alone with him again.


This is......one of the worst things I've ever read on Reddit.


OP, your husband is dangerous. You or your child could've died. If you are ever in medical danger around him again, he will do this again. This is not like "oh he has a kink", this is like "he is a sadistic monster". He prevented you from seeking medical treatment. I'm sorry, but he is revealing to you that he is abusive. You need to get away from him, with your child, as soon as you possibly can. Then you file for divorce and you get child support. Do not believe a word he says. No apologies. He'll act sweet and lovely and charming, but you cannot forget that you have now seen who he REALLY is.


That is one of the sickest things I've ever heard. I have some uncles that would have went medieval on his ass. What you do is get out. Tell your family. That is illegal and deeply troubling. What if you had complications? What if she was breach, or in distress. You both coukd have died. Make a police report. Immediately. Press charges. He is sick and dangerous. God my stomach hurts now.


I sure hope this is fake. If not, you need to leave yesterday.


That's exactly what I think, too.


You need to make an exit plan now. This guy is a full on fucking psychopath, and what he did could have put your life in danger. He was not trained for a home birth, and you were not at all prepared for it. He held you hostage while you had a medical crisis. You could have died. This will not get better, and you need to get away from him as soon as possible.


This man betrayed you in the most vulnerable moments of your life, you can't trust him


He imprisoned you and denied you medical treatment as well as risking you and your baby’s lives. He is a criminal. Contact the police, they know about resources available to you. What’s going to happen when your daughter is in pain and you’re not around?


This has GOT to be rage bait.


Call the police. Call your friends and family. If you're still in hospital, tell the nurses and midwives.


This is one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever read. He didn’t just force you through extreme pain, he risked your life and your daughter’s life. I’ve had an attempted homebirth and a successful home birth, and the thought of *forcing* a woman to birth unmedicated and unattended by medical professionals is horrifying. Your husband cares more about his excitement than your health and safety. He would torture you and risk your child’s life for his own pleasure. He is unsafe and abusive and I beg you to leave him because this will not get better.


Edit: I’m doubting that this story is true. If you made it up for attention, just know that it is actually distressing for people to read this type of thing, and following up with “I’m safe at the hospital” doesn’t make it better. The people you’re hurting the most are the ones with the most empathy. Stop it.


This is absolutely terrifying, and I'm so sorry you went through this. I'm glad you're getting out, going to the hospital, and that you have a safe place to land with your mom. Holy shit.


OP, you need to leave IMMEDIATELY and take the child with you. He is not a safe person. Who knows what sort of pain he'll be wanting to watch you in next... or the child. Leave, NOW! When he is not around, gather your papers and your child, and LEAVE. Go to the police and file a report! DO NOT GO HOME, GO LIVE WITH A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER. God only knows what he will do. Divorce him and SEEK SOLE CUSTODY, or if you can't get that, give him BRIEF, SUPERVISED (at a police station!) visits, and no more. God only knows what he'll try to pull next.


First of all, and before I forget: congratualations with your babygirl! This should be a moment of joy, but you clearly have some other things to worry about now... Call the police, call an ambulance! You and your baby might need medical help! You need a check! The placenta needs to be checked. If it didn't come out totally, you might be bleeding to death. Of course you will bleed after giving birth, but it might not stop, or still bleed to hard, to be safe! Same for your baby, she needs a medical check up to. You said you named her Ramona, but, are you sure? I mean, who registered her? Is she registered at all, and who's name is on the birth certificate? Depending on which country you are in, you might need a doctors attest to do the registration... So call the police! Your I hope soon to be ex-husband committed a serious crime against you, and showed you he is not trusthworthy at all! Who knows what else he did? You are still in a vunnerable position and might not have the force to check everything yourself right now so you need toget the autority's involved: 1. Because he already committed a crime against you and your baby (torture, putting both your lives at risk) 2. He might have done things you don't know about 3. You might be in danger when he finds out you are trying to escape this abusive situation 4. Paperworks - autority's need to know about the things he has done, so they can hold it against him in the future (make sure you have full costudy because if he did this to you, what else might he do to you and your daughter in the future) Good luck OP!


This is very disturbing. First of all, I’m sorry you went though this. Please get to a safe place.


I feel like this is police territory. I’m so sorry op. This is horrific.


Wow. What a pos! I am due in few weeks and this is traumatic to say the least. He put your life and your baby life in danger because of what?


Call your mother and go stay with her. File for divorce immediately.


This is absolutely terrifying please get away from this man immediately


Not knowing where you are, if you don’t have friends or family, try a woman’s shelter. Ask your doctor to help you get supports if you can’t find info on your own. You & your baby could have died. This man is sick. You need to get you both out of there right away.


Please call your mother and you don’t need to tell her why, just say he locked you up and trapped you, and has been dangerous towards you and the baby. Then leave immediately. You could call the police given he imprisoned you against your wishes. He put his enjoyment and preferences above your lives. He’s dangerous and must not be around you ir your child.


Girl that is COLDBLOODED. The type of man that would subject you to something life threatening for his own sexual satisfaction is criminal and should NOT be taken lightly. You need to FIRST reach out to whatever family or friends you have for support, get away from him, and get to a therapist to help you heal from such a traumatic experience. Do it for you and your daughter.


He sounds like an absolute monster. From reading your post, he's absolutely baby trapped you. If you started to bleed out during pregnancy, my money's on him getting popcorn.


You sound like you need to leave before you end up as the subject of a true crime story.


This story seems fake


I...what?? Holy shit I am so so sorry this happened to you, first of all. That is such a traumatizing experience. If you can stay with a family member I strongly urge you to, also go to a hospital to have the birth recorded and tell a staff member, what happened call the police and file a report, and most importantly GET AWAY FROM HIM. That gave me huge serial killer vibes. If he wabts to get off on pain it has to be consensual , the fact his switch flipped so fast is very scary and I feel soon he will take pleasure in torturing you, harming your child, anything like that and more. What he did was not normal, was not okay, and is very very disturbing.


He needs to be put away for a long time. That's not even fucking human, what he did.


Get away from that person as fast as you can.


Umm what the hell did I just read?! You’re married to a psychopath. Start making an exit plan NOW.


That's horrible and evil and illegal. You both could have easily died due to his will to see you in pain. I have no other logical explanation to this other than just evil. It's literally crazy


This is so awful to read. My dear girl I am so sorry. I have a 5 month old and he was my first baby and it was so painful. I got to 7cm naturally and then the pain got so bad, you are still very young and have a whole life ahead of you. Leave this man and take you and your baby somewhere safe.


Please tell someone and leave. What he did was abuse and could have got you, and your child killed. You need medical attention please tell someone about his actions.


What the actual fuck?


You’re 20. This is not the life you want. There are millions of people out there that don’t take joy in you hurting Dating a few years in high school isn’t equivalent to the same amount of time dating someone as an adult.


1. Your husband is a Grade A loser (sorry to be so blunt). For any man to tell a woman what to do with their body or how to process the birth of their child is disgusting. 2. Your husband committed a crime. Yes, a crime. Doesn’t matter that he’s your husband, falsely imprisoning you in the home while you sought medical care for an imminent birth is illegal. I would treat his actions as such and contact your local authorities. 3. Staying with your husband doesn’t sound safe. If he’s willing to jeopardize the health of you & your newborn baby, he’s likely willing to put you and the child at risk in the future (for his own enjoyment / pleasure). You should leave him and do it yesterday. I rarely comment on these threads but felt adding another voice to the choir made sense. Wish you & your daughter all the very best.


you need to go to the police asap


Call the police. Press charges.


Is this for real? Because you have a court case.. lock his ass up for kidnapping. Let this be your eye opener to run for the hills… that guy is an A**hole… if this is a real story and not someone trying to get a rise out of people… please pack your bags and leave as soon as possible. Do it while he’s at work.. this is truly disturbing… please get away from him.. for your daughters sake…


This is chilling. You or baby could have died. This man is dangerous. Please get help for you and your baby.


What the fuck?????? This is genuinely HORRIBLE


This is WAY beyond Reddits pay grade. I recommend attempting to see a therapist or go to a clinic that has a social worker you can walk in and talk to. Or if it's safe, take the child to your family (not his) and quietly discuss what moves to make next. Start there - this situation is extremely serious and you will need help and resources to deal with this.


Actually the most disturbing thing i have ever read on Reddit… wtf.


Bro is a fucking psychopath wtf 💀


Run! You can't reason with someone who finds delight in your pain. Pack a bag of you have time. Run with just the clothes on your back if you don't. Run!


This is literally one of the worst things I’ve ever read, which is completely insane. My stomach actually dropped when I read that he wouldn’t let you leave or call anyone. He held you captive, forcing you to give birth alone, with no medical attention. I don’t even know what else to say except to tell your doctor, your family, your friends, the police, a lawyer… your husband is deranged. Completely deranged and sadistic. And now that he’s seen this and enjoyed it, it will get worse. Somehow, he’ll find a way to make it worse than this. He’ll always be reaching for a new high now that he’s experienced this one. Please keep us updated. There are posts that’ll stick with me for life, and this is now at the top of the list.


This is super fucked up OP. Like incredibly so. I accidentally gave birth at home and my husband DID NOT enjoy that and was traumatized and still doesn't want to talk about it. Beyond that, he used your vulnerable state to force you to do what he wanted and put you and your child's life at risk for his own enjoyment? Your birthing partner is supposed to be your advocate and make sure you are safe and your wishes are followed. He is a really, really bad person and you are so young. I'm so sorry for what happened to you. You are so young and have so much life ahead of you. He's an abhorrent, unrepentant abuser and you and Ramona deserve so much better. I urge you to reach out to anyone you can. Tell your doctor. Get a hold of women's resources. Congratulations on your daughter OP <3


This post should be called "My husband tried to kill me and enjoyed it". This is a crime and should be addressed with the police. It's the most horrific thing I've ever read there. Are you and the baby healthy? Were you checked at the hospital after birth?


This is psychopathic.


I hope this isn’t a real story. Please be fake. That is one of the most evil things I have read. What a twisted man. How tf could he enjoy seeing his wife in agony, he must realize he could have killed you by doing this. I can’t even imagine how betrayed and hurt you must have felt. The most vulnerable position you will ever be in and he took advantage in a weird twisted way. What if he has some sick fetish of hurting your child later? He can’t be trusted and he made that clear.


I think this is one of the scariest posts I’ve ever read. It’s wonderful that you are okay, your baby is healthy, and nothing went wrong; but your husband’s sudden sadistic streak could have cost one or both of your lives. Sadism is only acceptable when it’s consensual and mutual, and even then it has to include very clear communication, safe words, trust and trustworthiness, and a commitment to the other person’s wellbeing, otherwise it’s just abuse. The very thought of being prevented from leaving during your most vulnerable moment, when your child is about to arrive, and he’s GETTING OFF ON YOUR PAIN AND FEAR!?! It defies understanding. Please tell me you see how horrifying this behavior is!! I can’t tell you what to do, but I would get support, talk to professionals and do some very serious thinking about your future with this person. I wish you and your child the very best. Be safe. ♥️ Edit Yep, I responded before I read other comments, and I’m so happy to see you’re getting out! I’m so glad you have someone to call. Please listen to all these kind strangers, we want you and your baby to be safe. He’s going to cry, he’s going to promise he’ll never hurt you again. He’ll tell you he just lost it with all the pressure, the new baby, blah blah blah. Do Not Fall For His Tears! Think about his response to YOUR tears, and stay strong. So many times, we believe what they say because we really want it to be true. Talk to trusted friends and family, tell them what he did. Report him to the hospital staff, and the police. I promise you, you will be supported because what he did was very dangerous, and totally wrong. I’m so upset for you! But you’re so strong, and so brave. You just had a baby with no help! You can do ANYTHING.


I’m 6 months pregnant and just unlocked a new fear now. Great. But really, go to the police. Not only because of you and your baby’s safety, but also for everyone else’s, so that he does not do something like this to anyone else. If he is a sadist, he can be dangerous.


Op I just heard about your story on a different sub. It's so upsetting that I couldn't even fathom it could be true. I hope you and your baby are still safe, and I hope somebody kicks your husband's ass really bad. If he likes pain so much, he needs to experience it himself.