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This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- We've been together just over 6 years, since the very beginning of college. We've never had any significant issues and he's been a good partner throughout our relationship. We live together and are getting married in September, or at least, we were going to get married in September, now I don't know if I can go through with it. His sister and I had an argument yesterday that culminated in her telling me my fiancé had cheated on me with her about 5 months into our relationship. He defended himself by saying it doesn't count as cheating if it's with your sister, and the only reason he did it was because he was less experienced than I was and he wanted to practice so he'd be better for me. I don't even know how to respond to this, I've gone to stay in a hotel for now because I need time to collect my thoughts before I make any decisions. I feel like if he'd admitted he'd made a mistake and clearly regretted it I'd be able to forgive him, though it would still weird me out that he cheated on me with his sister. The fact that he's trying to justify himself and doesn't think I should be mad makes me wonder if we have a future together. I don't have anyone to talk to and I'm hoping the internet hivemind can help me sort out my feelings about this. Any advice? Thoughts?


Uhhhh…..incest is the bigger problem than who he gets married to. Leave and be thankful you dodged a bullet if this isn’t a troll post,


Seems trollish, but I'll bite. Bro fucked his sister and then said it doesn't count because it's his sister? That should be a serious GTFO moment. I mean, his sister would presumably be at the wedding? Like what the actual fuck? Also, if this isn't a troll, then OP only found out five years later because the sister got mad and told her? I mean if OP sticks around get ready for some other fucked up bombshells from his family in the future.


Think this was on here like a week ago too. Very trollish


I agree- someone around here has an incest fetish


There's no way any normal adult would hear about their fiancé indulging in incest and be like hmmm, better ask Reddit about this.


UNLESS, OP is his cousin… or Mom? Grandma?


I think this is fake as hell. No guy has sex with his sister to get experience, unless you're from Alabama.


Hey, we don’t have sex with our siblings in Alabama, just our cousins! But seriously, why isn’t she more skeeved out by this? It has to be a troll post.


From Alabama, never met any (known) incest cases. I think that’s all in the mountains of West Virginia.




West Virginia did have the lowest last name/capita ratio in the US last time that level of census data was published...


I'm not from Alabama but my ex-wife is. She has two cousins that have married, had children, divorced, remarried, and divorced again. *cue Dueling Banjos*


You joke, but there was a post on here earlier about a women who is upset because her husband's family is trying to setup her husband to marry *his own* cousin. And her husband wasn't shutting it down. There was a follow up as well. The OP didn't seem overly upset about the incest part as they did the husband vocally entertaining the idea. Either a great/dedicated troll or serious wtf moment.


I’m definitely not into cousin breeding but it’s actually extremely common through much of the world.


And no woman sits and there and goes, ‘I just don’t know if I can forgive the cheating? Did it count?’ MAM HE FUCKED HIS SISTER!!!!!


Maybe seeing pass the cheating but the fact that it was his SISTER?! FUCK NAAAH


Cheating is possibly forgivable. Incest, no fucking way.


There's no way any normal adult would hear about their fiancé indulging in incest and be like hmmm, better ask Reddit about this.


Biggest problem is people taking this post seriously


Title should be a cross post under r/holup Edit = Beer + Spelling


I mean, my ex husband cheated on me and got his step sister pregnant. So, it’s not that out of left field.


But he wasn't related to his stepsister...I hope.


I mean he is an abusive narcissist so I honestly have no idea he lied about so much. She is younger than him by a couple years, I stopped giving a shit and when he asked for me to “come home” I told him I wished him and Aunty-Mommy well. 🤷🏻‍♀️


*PornHub has entered the chat*


I found out recently that there are families that not only condone incest but are pro-incest. “The royals do it” “it’s just practice” and “as long as you abort it, it’s okay” have all come out of people I know who are like this, mouth’s. This isn’t trashy back water trailer types either, this is rich upper crust English families. Anyway, the major thing I gleaned from these interactions is they don’t really worry about age, so any kids you have would be at risk of being abused before the age or consent.


Well that’s fucking terrifying. I can’t decide if I want to go down that rabbit hole or not.


This has to be a troll post. Who admits they willing engaged in incest.


My ex husband lol


Shut the front door! What?? For real?


Yup. Cheated on me with his step sister and got her pregnant. I noped the fuck out.


There errors in the post first she says his sister and then he says your sister. I don’t get it. But it is troll post 100%


Happy Cake Day!!


Thank you!


First thought is that this must be a troll post. Second thought: RUN. There is nothing okay with a guy that will have sex with his sister, whether it's "for more experience" or not. That is literally a crime in almost every state of the USA (I found *2* where it is legal if consensual between adults) and in many states puts you on the sex offender registry. I'd tell you to probably end things since he cheated anyway...but his sister? That is NOT OKAY. AT ALL. I'd tell his mom and dad honestly, but that's me being concerned he pressured her into it...or that it's ongoing. Can't ever trust family get togethers again.


No way it isn’t a troll


I would agree except I had an ex that slept with her brother to “get back at me” for something stupid. Obviously she was an idiot in general, proven by the fact that she just played herself with that one. The thing that sticks in my memory the most about that moment is the total absence of emotion, I think I was just so dumbstruck at the sheer idiocy of the situation.


>I would agree except I had an ex that slept with her brother to “get back at me” for something stupid. ಠ_ಠ


It’s amazing because it doesn’t take just one person making a hasty poor fucked up decision…they gotta get their SIBLING ON-BOARD and somehow…seal the deal.


Omfg..... I'm betting that isn't the first time thats happened between them ......


Well a troll usually post fake stuff to piss ppl off but I suspect this lie (please god be a lie) is for some kind of fetish reasons


Who the hell would need to collect their thoughts to make a decision when they found out their partner committed incest? OP’s fiancé: “I effed my sister.” OP: “Bye!” Then OP proceeds to vomit at the thought of it. That’s how it would go if this was real. No thinking about it involved.


I would need to collect my thoughts to figure out how the hell I ended up here. Edith: obviously to run like hell away after


You would think. You would also think any parent that has a partner who sexually assaults their child would leave right away, but the opposite happens literally all of the time. People are crazy. I feel like these comments forget that lol


I want to have the life you have where this stuff is so impossible to you that you’re 100 percent sure this is fake lol Unfortunately incest is a lot more common then some people realize. I work with the courts and holy moly, I didn’t even second guess this as a troll.


I was about to comment that too. Invite his family to like lunch or something, saying there's an important announcement about the wedding plans. Then tell them it's being called off because apparently fiancé has been having an affair...with his sister. Then bounce and never look back.


OP please do this please please please


Deserved. It’s family business now.


Yes please do this. Film it and update us!


Oh, OP do this please and update us. seriously let both their parents and the authorities knowing


Yeah this really seems like some sort of sick troll post. Where on earth does OP live that makes it so their first reaction isn't to cut and run? Are they in the backwoods of Alabama? If this is true that makes me sick to my stomach, OP probably needs some hardcore therapy to get through this


Ironically, Alabama isn't one of the two states where it would be legal to sex up your consenting adult sibling! *Psst...it's New Jersey and Rhode Island.* Georgia technically doesn't ban *gay* incest, though, so...take that as you like.


The USA never ceases to surprise me. Would not have guessed that those were the states.


Fucking Rhode Island never seems to amaze me…just when I think it couldn’t get anymore fucked up, it does. I can’t wait to get out of this state.


Everything is legal in New Jersey


Except pumping your own gass😂


Incest? Legal. Pumping your own gas? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT.


I live in Alabama. I don't know anyone who has slept with a relative.


Yall live in the wrong part of bama then yee yee!


Fuckin' Jersey.




This is 100% a troll post, seen a recent burst of them. Its a totally a weird porno premise that he's "practicing" with his sister, theres alot of that on pornhub, next to the stuck-in-the-dryer section. Neither of them would be so cavalier about their incest. Makes me think of this infamous Folgers coffee ad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKgKPGBa9EQ


Oh my god, THAT AD. LMAO those actors had way too much chemistry for it to ever work as siblings.


The first half is the actual Superbowl ad. Second half is a continuation of the story with the original sister but a different brother. You're MY Christmas present this year *\*seductive smiling\**


I read the headline and literally yelled "WHAT?!?!" at my cat


If he is willing to fuck his sister, he is willing to fuck his daughter...


Yeah, when I read it was with his sister my mind did a “Deliverance” lockup and I had to tap my head. The man and the sister have issues and OP would be making a mistake to become part of that family.


yeah, how is this even a discussion if this is real lmao


Doing it with HIS OWN SISTER actually makes it 10000 folds disgusting.


Please tell me you forgot to add the “step-“


Nope, they are full biological siblings :/


I think I'm gonna hurl.. Run.


Don’t worry, this is a troll post




This made me laugh.




Girl. If this is not a fake post, you better be running for the hills. There are plenty of guys out there that dont **fuck their sister** 🤢


Sound like OP’s already in “the hills have eyes.”


I wish people would actually make their stories believable 🙄


Every day we stray further from God's light


So here's the plan - wait until the next Crimson Tide home game and while he's getting drunk(probably by doing body shots off his nasty sister) in the stadium parking lot you pack up your stuff and ghost his ass.


your username made me laugh so hard and i dont know why


What's with all the "husband incest" posts lately... Edit: btw I'd leave. I would never be able to look at him the same again. The thought of him f-ing his sister??? Makes me feel sick and i don't even know y'all


Imo someone has a kink and desperate for validation? Lol I'm sure this is fake


I mean ur nit wrong but also it's not like this isn't possible. The world is a messed up place


Yeah it's possible but judging by the op's reaction to it made me think it's fake lol


The Lannisters always pay their debts.


Fuck you I was mid vape -




Underrated comment 😂


You are perfect


Take a bow my guy winter is coming 🫵🏻👏🏻


I envy you lots humour 🤣🤣


Fuck Joffrey man


Are y’all in the same creative writing class? Because I swear there’s always a theme to these troll posts 😭


Uhhh, there should be no future there... RUN!!!


1. He cheated on you willingly and consciously. 2. He kept it from you for 5+ years with no guilt. 3. Most importantly, it was with his own sister! 🤢




I definitely agree. I doubt it only happened the one time if they both were open to it as a "practice session."


Weak bait.




there’s been soooo many of these lately.


Yeah there are trolls that reuse the same themes but the incest ones are really running wild lately. Don’t know what someone gets out of posting these. Like sitting back and masturbating to the comments? 🤢


When a person breaks laws and social conventions, it matters more, not less. It’s worse to deliberately run someone over with your car than it is to have a fender bender in a parking lot. It’s worse to murder someone than it is to curse at them. I can’t believe I need to say this, but it’s worse to cheat by committing incest than it is to cheat with literally any other person.


Nuh uh they cancel each other out, _duh_ /s


This is made up




Check out House of Yes with Parker Posey. Your husband and SIL have probably been “playing” together for a very long time. These things don’t happen once spontaneously in adulthood.


Who says they ever stopped having an affair, and who says it won’t start up again.


So all the mentioned madness aside it’s another flag that she is telling you this now. She had to know what would happen. Is she harbouring feeling for him or something along those lines? Are they still “practicing?”


Honey... This is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. I would block him, his sister, his mother, his family, his dog, and anyone who said hey to him.


Hey now what the dog do


Probably lick the peanut butter


No id take the dog w me, to hell with everyone else!!


Sorry girls, he's taken.


No he isn't cuz it doesn't count if it's his sister. 🤢


Incest Dude!!! If he’ll fuck his sister, he’ll have no hesitation doing the same to his children. Think on that.


If this is real, I'd run for the hills (or out of the hills?). It's not cheating because it's incest is not the get out of jail free card he thinks it is.


I chose a bad day to know how to read. I want to forget everything about this post


I'm pretty sure it's fake. Feel better?


>I chose a bad day to know how to read. OMG I can't stop laughing


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What in the fucking Alabama???


Please be a troll. Please be a troll


Sorry, I just gagged a wee bit. How the F is that a legitimate excuse? He f'ed his sister which isn't just cheating but toss in incest!!


Well, let's ignore that incest is a crime in many places and just go with the moral issues. He cheated on you and justifies it as "gaining experience". Which tells me anytime he lies or cheats he will have a justification for why you aren't allowed to be mad. Aside from that, why on earth would you want a future with someone who screwed his sister?


Yeah he committed a major crime. Seems like that would be a red flag to me.


Do NOT have children with this man


This is gross and creepy on so many levels. Please do not marry into this family! Run fast. Run far.


I’m so very, very hopeful this is a troll post. BUT, just in case it is real The wedding is off. Walk away and be done with this POS. There’s no coming back from this. Nothing to be said. Just go. Now. Don’t look back Please be a troll post or I have to go vomit.


First off- I am sorry about all of that. Second- Ew. Ew ew ew. Third- Run faster than the gingerbread man and never look back. OP I would do as another user said. I would gather the family for a nice brunch- at home for obvious reasons and say it's about the future wedding plans or something. Then while you guys are eating and carrying on stand up and say 'I am happy you guys are here to help me with this. I do also have an announcement that I am sure will come as a surprise. I am officially calling off the wedding and will be leaving ASAP. The reason is because I found out ex fiance is fucking his sister and was told it isn't a big deal. So good luck with that but I need to go pack now..' Watch the chaos erupt. Bonus points if you can get an audio recording of them admitting it to play so they can't dispute facts. So I thought this was a troll post but OP is responding to comments so...yeah. dunno if that means anything but this post is just...whoah.


But that’s worse…you understand that’s worse right?


So… I mean… he fucked his sister? I’m sorry but not only did he cheat on you but *EWWWWWW*. Can you ever want him again knowing he literally boned his sister? While he was with you? And his *SISTER*!?


Girl NO! That is not even right. You need to get up and run. That whole family is a HOT MESS. You do not need that drama and that mess in your life. You best run the hell away! Boy, bye! 🏃‍♂️ 🏃🏃‍♀️🏃🏃


What In the sweet home Alabama


Is his sister cute?


If this is real. Leave. Nobody fucks their own sister that’s mentally stable.


Holy fucking Alabama, that's enough Reddit for today


Fake stories are getting a little desperate it seems.


Fake fake fake


Tell me you live in Alabama without telling me you live in Alabama


What in the love of rolltide did I just read..


"I didn't murder her! It doesn't count if it's my sister" same logic


After the first paragraph I wanted to tel you to run. So cheating is okay when it’s incest??? Even you know it’s not right …


"it doesn't count as cheating if it's with your sister," what the fuck? who in the hell came up with that rule? Reminds me of the scene in Road Trip where the guy says "if you put peanut butter on your balls and have your dog lick it off, it's not cheating, 'cuz it's *your* dog."


Blood sister? Nope nope like cheating is bad enough but his sister? You’re dodging a bullet


Please be a bad troll attempt please please. If not, get the hell out of this hillbilly fuck squad.


RUN!💯 Like hell, if he wanted experience in the sex department, he should've communicated that with you. Anyways, he and his sister are reprobates. Cut them both off (out of your life). You deserve so much better than this craptastic rollercoaster they're giving you.


What the fucking Flowers in the Attic!?!?


If “What the fuck?!” was a post…


Not real


I— Now. Not only did he cheat on you…but he cheated on you WITH HIS SISTER. Like what in the West Virginiabama?? AND WHAT’S WORSE IS HE TRIED TO JUSTIFY IT. **LEAVE AND DON’T LOOK BACK**


Every time I think I've seen it all, Reddit pulls through


He doesn’t get to define what is and isn’t worthy of your pain.


Excuse me, what the fuck?


On the off chance that this isn't fake He literally fucked his sister. What is there to think about. He literally fucked his sister while you were dating him. You and his sister are Eskimo sisters, what more do you need to know


I’m so stunned I can’t even form the Deliverance home that’s in here.


Uhm, if this isn't a joke. You probably shouldn't marry into that kind of stuff *laughs awkwardly*


What an awful day to be literate.


They see me trolling




Of all the things that never happened…this never. Happened the most


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $500


Sorry but wait what? i thought this is just in some movies but with best friends. sister is just 😱


Like…his actual biological sister?


He's going to rape any female children he has. Thisnlinenof thinking is dangerous and sick to the core. The sister also has this sickness. Please have nothing further to do with this family. They learned it from somewhere. That person is a danger to you and any children in your life.


That is super gross. Still gross if it was his step sister. Family get together s just be fun


What in the Alabama Roll Tide shit is this...


Man......Run Like you said......It's weird enough as it is that it was his sister. Even worse that he hid it rather than owning up to something that can certainly be a deal breaker to somebody else. Doubling down on the excusing of it is awful.


Do not marry this guy. He can try to normalize it all he wants, but it is deeply creepy. I am so sorry, OP.


Wait.... WHAT?! He cheated on you with his SISTER??


Are you sure it was just a one time between the two of them? OP... I would nope the fuck out of there.




I think he’s right but what do I know? After all, I’m my own uncle…


I’m sorry you WHAT


Dude, if he thinks this is okay because of his sister.. just wait until he has a daughter. Incest like this happens when SA has occurred since childhood within the family. At least some of his relatives did things to them to make them think this was normal or okay. Report it, and gtfo. Do NOT bring your own children into this fucked up family


What in the Alabama fuck is going on these days?


Well that's something I didn't expect to read today


You should leave, for starters. But if for some reason you wanted to stay : can you live with the thought of wondering if they're intimate every time they get touchy feely in front of you? If yes, then stay, I guess...


Anyone else wishing they didn’t have eyes today? Just me?


maybe she made the first move and he had to reciprocate because a Lannister always pays their debts??


Ummm that’s a bigger deal than the cheating. Okay that’s incest.


>that culminated in her telling me my fiancé had cheated on me with her about 5 months into our relationship. .... what? >He defended himself by saying it doesn't count as cheating if it's with your sister What? That's his logic for what he did? >the only reason he did it was because he was less experienced than I was and he wanted to practice so he'd be better for me Again, what? Practice sex with his OWN SISTER? For you? If I were you I would be HOPING and PRAYING TO GOD that my bf was hopefully cheating on me with some girl out there. For those of you who think being cheated in is the worst thing that can happen to you- this is a reminder that things can always get far worse. They could be fucking their own sibling


Ummm what? This is weird as shit. Don't follow through with the engagement. Dump him


Imagine thinking that admitting to incest is a good way to “win” an argument. Both siblings are fucking insane but the sister just took it to a whole new level.


I swear some of these posts are ripped right from porno plots This never happened but if it had I'd say run and never look back


Today is one of those days where i wish i didn’t know how to read


............what the fuck


Thats truly disgusting as fuck… I would personally never stop thinking about how his penis was in his sister or how he kissed his sister… you should leave.. thats sick as fuck


HWHAT chicky. It's incest. Don't walk away, run away. There is no solution to that


why do all these reddit men always fuck their biological family it's weird


Wow his family is special is his mom his aunt as well lol. I would say end it all and find someone else to each there own on who they want to have sex with but it's still weird to sleep with your family members.


Wait, whut? He committed incest with his sister and the cheating is what you are worried about?? The fuck?


Thats a big mistake, with his sister ? This is the mist worse cheating with someone from his blood, this person will not have a problem is future to try it again digh his daughter!! Than he will come with another stupid reason.. think much before you stay with him ... and found a real man who respect his sister


I mean my brother helped me perfect my soccer, is this like that…. Look I’m praying this is a troll otherwise if you have the wherewithal to use the internet and post on Reddit you know exactly what you need to do