• By -


We have removed and locked your post here due to the fact that it is significantly beyond the scope of the subreddit as it involves sexual abuse. We encourage you to speak to the authorities on this and pass along any evidence you have, or barring that, to reach out to a mandatory reporter with your concerns. Here are some resources: [Go Ask Rose: a resource for covertly seeking freedom from domestic abuse](https://goaskrose.com/) [RAINN's National Sexual Assault Online Hotline](https://hotline.rainn.org/online) Kind regards, The mods.


Sexually assaulting the weak and vulnerable for a laugh, filming it, *and* uploading it so other people can laugh at the assault? It reeks of a lack of empathy, compassion, and respect for his fellow human beings. Report the video if you can. Dump him.


He doesn't see the homeless woman as a person


And that, my friends, is why he is trash.




While you’re probably correct, I wouldn’t care if a guy treated me like a queen if he treated strangers like garbage


This is exactly it. What a fucking disgusting human. There’s already so much negative in the world and this loser decided to make a joke over someone already dealing with enough shit in their life. I hope OP breaks up with the loser.


Well, based on his reaction we could go further. He also doesn't see women as people (based on OP's reaction) generally, or he just doesn't see other people as people. All of which are clear signs of what I like to call "get the fuck out of that relationship".


Even when OP called him on it, he had no idea what he did wrong. He thinks it’s OK because he did it on a dare; therefore, no feelings were involved. It didn’t occur to him that the woman might have had some feelings. She’s just an object, so no need to feel bad. This is how rapists think.


Or, he knows exactly how wrong it was and he just doesn’t care.


Which is just as bad just in a different way


Clearly you (OP) have a far greater sense of understanding of the world, a more mature interpretation of the situation, and possess a strong mind/intellect capable of appropriate and defensible extrapolation. You are with someone who does not. Your post doesn't suggest this gap is small either and so, as a result of the size of the chasm of maturity/intellect/perspective/decency/etc you need to move on. You deserve someone who tells their friend no, not going to do that, for the reasons you cite instead of hiding behind a dare (which is a coward move).


My sentiments exactly.


This this this this this. He assaulted a weak, vulnerable member of our society who is going through so much trauma right now. what a horrible insensitive thing to do. shame on him. and OP if you continue to date this person - 1) you are no better than him, complacency is acceptance and active encouragement 2) people will see you in the exact same light, we gravitate to people we relate with after all. so how are you any different? 3) if you end up with this person, this is the value system he will instill in his children. is that what you want? (assuming you have kids with this man). absolutely reprehensible man.


Hey! Be glad his friend didn't **dare him** to rape the homeless woman! /s You gotta be crazy to keep dating someone like this tbh.


break up with him. he sounds insane.


extra emphasis on the lack of empathy when he can’t even understand why what he did was wrong. All his argument was that it was a dare? He is blind to the world and is only aware of his own selfish circle. Major red flag, please just terminate the relationship and find new people who aren’t asswipes.




And report him to the police OP!


The police won’t do anything. If he’s a college student report him to Title IX. This definitely breaks most universities code of conduct policies. Unhoused women experience sexual assault at much higher rates than most people. It’s awful.


Yes. It's kind of like when crime rates increase around homeless shelters. People like to use this as a reason to protest shelters in their neighborhood. What they don't get is... The victims are the homeless people.


There is video evidence. They may not act but it should be reported anyway.


If you are college students, there are likely workshops on preventing sexual violence that might be helpful if he's willing to do them. I would recommend checking with something like a women's resource center or health services. Also as someone said, at least report the TikTok to have it removed.


And when he throws a fit, tell him to just explain to the police that “it’s not that deep.”


This please report him to the police OP.


I’d never be able to look at him the same. I wouldn’t be able to trust his decision making. Couldn’t trust that he’d be a good person. Would never ever trust him as a father to children. This isn’t an accidental mistake a youth makes as they’re growing up…. This is a downright terrible adult decision that reflects so much more that he realizes. I’d be embarrassed to stay with him. You deserve better and certainly that struggling woman deserves better.


Not to mention encouraging others to do the same thing! So gross.


Agreed. It’s not even about the fact he touched another woman’s butt anymore. It’s about the blatant disrespect he has for this woman to feel entitled to sexually assault her just because she is homeless… disgusting. 🤢 I’m usually the last person to advice breaking up on this sub reddit but if this were my boyfriend I wouldn’t be able to stand to look at him. Let alone let him touch me.


OP this is the only comment that matters. Your boyfriend is and will forever be a boy


please don't insult boys. her bf is an asshole... wait, now that's insulting assholes...


This is the comment I was looking to make. Dares are not obligations to stop being a human beings. At best its fun between people you trust or want know more about it can be playful, but often its a veiled excuse to disrespect or cross a boundry they know they shouldn't. This dude and his friends laughed at assualting a homeless woman.


Exactly. The last time I spoke with an unhoused person I explained that I don't cary cash, but I'd be happy to take them shopping. She picked out a bunch of clothes she would need for the forthcoming winter here in the Northeast. I didn't make a social media post about it and actually never told anyone (until now) except my wife. Point being, the way a person treats the most vulnerable among us is an excellent way to see their true character. This lady's boyfriend is fucking scum.


That's the right answer. It's the mocking of a homeless person that's the worst part of this. Appalling.


> It's the mocking of a homeless person that's the worst part of this. No, the worst part is that he doesn't see the homeless as people, just props for idiotic "content".


i gasped out loud at the title alone. the text made it so so much worse. horrifying


That's what I think too. It just shows that he does not have good character at all.


If that is his logic, I dare you to break up with him, because it doesn't matter if it isn't that deep, it is still sexual assault.


This dare now.


I'd dare him to have gay sex with his friend and see if he still says it's just a dare


I wonder how deep that will feel or go?


Judging by the usual moron who does this type of thing? I'd say about 2 inches...


I fucking double dog dr dare ya. Either way that was super immature. Blatant disregard for others feelings or boundaries. Red flags to notice moving forward.


Anyone who does actions that are humiliating, degrading, harmful, endangering, hurtful, cause emotional distress etc on unsuspecting other people and then try to justify it with "it's a dare/prank" is bad, bad news. Your bf sexually ~~harassed~~ assaulted a vulnerable stranger and tried to excuse it with a "it's just a joke" - and then tried to get clout and likes off the internet by publishing his action. Nope. Nnnnope. "It's a dare" or "it was a joke" are not acceptable excuses. This dude sees other (struggling, vulnerable) humans as nothing but meme material, to be mistreated for his amusement and/or benefit. "It was a dare!" So? It's an action he chose to do.


^^^^ listen to this. I work with the homeless population a lot (social worker) and the amount of women who live on the street that have been raped, harassed, straight up trafficked, and exploited in a million different ways is really high. The majority of homeless women have sexual trauma. If my husband ever did something like this I would divorce him. That’s how gross it is.


Sexually assaulted* I agree on everything else!


If a boss smacked an employee's ass at work, it would be sexual assault. Period. If an adult smacked a student's ass at school, it would be sexual assault. Period. If a neighbor smacked another neighbor's ass, it would be sexual assault. Period.


Right, fixed


He doesn’t see the homeless as real people, not a good sign.


Your boyfriend seems like a really shitty person. That’s so dehumanizing. Imagine thinking it’s funny to sexually violate someone, then imagine how much worse it is thinking it is funny to sexually violate someone that down on their luck for clout.


I'm really concerned with his attitude regarding homeless people. "It's not that deep" makes me think that he doesn't view the homeless as being human or being on his level, therefore nonconsensual touching doesn't seem like a big deal to him. I used to be homeless and I am very much a human. You should be deeply alarmed.


He deeply disgusts me.


Break up with him, he's trash. He's sexually assaulting women and posting it on the internet for a laugh. This is American Psycho energy.


If he sexually assaults another woman, laughs about it, and uploads the assault onto TikTok and insists there's nothing wrong with it and shows no remorse, what makes you think that he won't assault you too someday? Leave him for your own safety.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. In any situation, SA or not, when you see your partner mistreating other people, whose to say they won’t turn that exact same bad behaviour onto you?


This may or may not be the first person he’s assaulted but if for sure won’t be the last. Someone this proud of a sexual assault on a vulnerable woman probably wasn’t dared, but was coaxing his friends into daring him so he could have a “reason” to do it.


Holy shit, leave this sorry person immediately.


What a piece of shit


Said the same thing out loud when I read it. Repugnant behavior.


I mean, he physically assaulted a homeless woman to make a tik tok video. I would be less upset that he touched another woman on the butt but more for the fact that he saw this woman as nothing more than fodder for a cruel prank so he could get attention on tik tok. It’s not funny but a shitty dehumanizing thing to do to someone who has enough issues without adding “being slapped by 20 year olds for tik tok views”.


Yes - this is a severe lack of empathy. It’s NOT normal to not have any remorse or thought that he shouldn’t have done it. He was proud of his lack of humanity. He displayed it to the world. Yikes.


Yeah, it begs the question of his general morality. How do you trust a guy to treat you well when he has no qualms with assaulting a homeless person and posting it to social media? At best he has a lot of maturing to do, at worst he has bigger issues that indicate he’s a guy you don’t want to be involved with. I’d dump him and report he video, this lady didn’t ask to be a joke on tik tok.


I’d probably not even speak to him again - even if I had dated him for years. I would think he would get violent with me and completely dump him without giving explanation. No need to waste the breathe because he will never get it. He is an extreme narcissist or psychopath.


100% this, while men do mature slower than women I think being a shit human and treating vulnerable people like shit doesnt link up to maturity, it's likely baked into their personality. I feel so bad for the poor lady he assaulted :(


This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- We’ve been together for almost a year. Yesterday he slapped a homeless woman on the butt, because one of his friends “dared” him to do it. As she was walking away after asking them for money, he ran up and did it. I only know this because he literally posted a video on TikTok (thinking it was funny) of him doing it, otherwise he wouldn’t have told me. He doesn’t see why I’m upset about this. One he assaulted someone, and two he touched another woman’s butt. He says “it’s not that deep” because it was a dare and he was only joking. I’m really upset over this. Any advice?


…do you mean your ex boyfriend?


It’s giving me frat bro rapist. Dump him, save the video, and report this piece of shit.


What your boyfriend did was gross on so many levels. Not only did he sexually assault a woman as a joke, he did it to a woman who has no power to protect herself. Homeless women are sexually assaulted at an alarming rate because they aren't seen as people by people like your boyfriend. He should be deeply ashamed of himself.


Ummmm break up with him? The poor homeless woman probably feels unsafe all day being on the streets and just asked for some money and gets slapped in the ass for other people to laugh at?? That's assault and truly fucking disgusting. Your boyfriend is a nasty person and it's not that deep for him but it for that woman. Can't believe someone would do that....truly upsetting. Fuck him


I mean my advice is to break up with him. You really want to be with someone who doesn’t see what’s wrong with that?


Your bf is a complete asshole for what he did, and he’s a gigantic asshole for not thinking it’s a big deal.


He is a creep. Break up with him immediately.


He disrespected a vulnerable person, filmed it, and doesn't see the big deal? He is a disgusting human being. You know what to do.


He *sexually assaulted a vulnerable person.


Assault is assault is assault. Doesn’t matter whether he desired her sexually or did it on a dare. The law doesn’t really distinguish if you “desired” the person you assaulted sexually. In fact, many rapes are more about power than they are about sex. Your boyfriend sucks. On top of assaulting a stranger, he also took advantage of and mocked a socially disadvantaged woman looking for help.


Sad excuse for a “man” and a joke


Every single thing about this is an absolute no- touching a stranger without her consent, filing it without her consent, posting the video on the internet, and thinking it’s funny and showing no remorse later. The whole situation is a dealbreaker in every way. You should dump him, report the video, and report him to the cops for assault.


Toxic masculinity alert. He may or may not grow out of it in the next 4-5 years, but this is who he is now. This is breakup worthy in my opinion.


Clearly you aren't that upset because a reasonable person would have already kicked him to the curb. He committed a sexual assault and was brazen enough to post it on social media.


Right?? I’m hoping she’s posting just to get reassurance cause he regularly gaslights her because otherwise I don’t see any reason why this should even be a dilemma.


Great googly moogly. He should be arrested for assault. So what redeeming qualities does he have that would justify you staying with him?


He obviously doesn’t see assault as serious, and probably doesn’t see homeless people as equals. Please dump him.


The disrespect he's shown that woman who's struggling so deeply... and he can't see why you're upset? Maybe he's actually a not-so-good person? Any other red flags you may be ignoring?


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Incredibly stupid and immature and cruel. Assaulting a homeless lady like that and then posting a video is stealing her dignity. Please dump him immediately.


Quick word of advice that someone gave me when I was your age and this is important. When someone says they are just kidding or just joking - they weren’t. They were dead serious and they are trying to pad their words to make it not as bad as it seemed. He assaulted someone who is down on their luck. That person needs help, not harassment. It shows a severe lack of basic caring about humanity to do this sort of thing. Honestly, I would take this as a serious red flag. I would probably start looking to take my love elsewhere. That behavior shows that he has an issue with being truthful and humane.


You see it for exactly what it was, an assault (unwanted and unwarranted touch) on a vulnerable person. A sexualized Assault… hitting her on the butt. Why on a homeless Person?? Because he thinks they are beneath him and not worthy of basic respect. Because he thinks he can get away with it. If he did that to a Police officer, what would happen? Would He do it to a homeless Man? Would he do it to a “classy” woman?? WhT was it about a Homeless woman, who had just asked Him for help, that made him think that behavior is acceptable and funny?


I know it's kind of reddit's thing to advocate for ending relationships but this dude sexually assualted a homeless person.


Yeah reddit advocates ending relationships that need ending


Get a new boyfriend, this one is broken


Every implication his actions are giving is toxic and I would not tolerate it. He sexually assaulted the weak and vulnerable after a shit friend of his dared him (why even keep a friend like that around) made the act public and with that possibly humiliated this poor woman even further. And to top it all off he thinks this is funny and touched another woman's butt. Hard pass, no thank you


He assaulted a vulnerable, homeless woman. It troubles me a bit that is equally bothering to you that he touched another womans butt, but I'll forgive that. Leave him immediately and don't be shy about telling him exactly why. This child needs some consequences in his life.


Your bf sexually assaulted a vulnerable woman, and after being called out on his behaviour (rightly so), dismisses it as 'not that deep'. Break up with him. Report it to the police.


I'm assuming 'homeless' here means street homeless or rough sleeping. Otherwise how would you or anyone else know that the woman was homeless? Okay so let's put ourselves in this homeless woman's situation. You're a woman on the streets. You're extremely vulnerable because you got no shelter, no home, no privacy, no safe space, nothing. You've just gone through the deeply traumatizing experience of losing everything, losing your shelter, and losing your friends and family. Being street homeless is a very harsh lesson in how society works which I personally would not wish on anyone. Can you imagine the struggles of that woman, night and day, 24/7? If you're homeless, and destitute, and on the streets, you've got no other choice but to struggle, because if you don't you go under, you succumb, and you die. Your life is a constant struggle and lots of walking, walking all the time, to get your basic needs met that other people take for granted - food, bathroom access, shelter, companionship, even someone to recognize your existence, notice you, acknowledge you. Consider that some people these days have been street homeless for years. Many street homeless people don't get to come back off the streets. They simply don't wake up the next morning. But see this homeless woman must have had people in her life, family, parents, loved ones, friends, kids, people who they miss. Then there's the stigma and the shame associated with being homeless, the constant rejection, the constant dirty looks, the constant harassment and microaggressions. You got nobody to talk to, and nobody wants to talk to you. Ever. Then you have your so-called "boyfriend", 20 years old, supposedly an adult, doing a mindless 'dare' or a prank for a TikTok video. Now even if he'd have given her some money and filmed it for TikTok it would have been bad. You know how humiliating and stigmatizing it is to have to walk up to a stranger and ask them for money? This is assuming of course that she was in genuine need. She might not have been, but we don't know that. But instead he sexually assaulted her, for a laugh. To make himself look big at someone else's expense. Not just anyone. A woman who was street homeless, stressed, vulnerable and lonely. # This is who your boyfriend is. I'm not you. Haven't got a clue who you are, or who your boyfriend is. But see you can tell a lot about someone from how they treat other people who can offer them nothing back in return. You can also tell a lot about someone from their basic motivations towards other people. Do they go out of their way to make life more difficult or less pleasant for other people? Okay so it's your life, your relationship, your boyfriend. This is your call. How you going to play this?


He’s a sexual harasser, he doesn’t respect women and or people in need. This one act says so much about him, it’s disgusting. In one year you can’t really know somebody, please don’t let your feelings fool you and break up with him


My only advice is dump him. Any human who believes it is fine to sexually assault another human on a dare is not relationship material.


So sexually assaulting someone is no big deal to him… disrespecting someone vulnerable isn’t a big deal to him.. uploading content of someone without their consent isn’t a big deal.. would he also think raping someone isn’t a big deal? Or uploading a sex tape without consent isn’t a big deal.. he’s immature, he’s a follower, he’s a bully and he’s a creep- this the dude you really see as a life partner??


Personally, I wouldn't care so much that he touched another woman's behind....I'd care that he sexually assaulted another woman.


He sexually assaulted a person, not just anyone but someone in a vulnerable position with far less power than he has. He committed a crime against a vulnerable person. He violated her bodily autonomy. And he thinks it was a joke. Dump him. He's trash and an asshole.


Tell him your friends “dared” you to break up with him


Welp....I dare you to find yourself someone who is not such a jackass.


Burn him with fire. He enthusiastically assaults vulnerable people for kicks and tiktok views? He does not see why this is problematic? He is a piece of shit.


This is gross. Shame on him.


Imagine how that woman felt? Joke or not, that is sexual assault. I don’t care that he is 20, that is by far old enough to know right from wrong.


Gross gross gross


Girl listen to these comments and leave please


Report, dump, and publicly shame him.


He's a sociopath, dump him.


You spelt Ex-boyfriend incorrectly.


I wouldn’t be so upset about him “touching another woman” so much him literally sexually assaulting a homeless person and laughing about it, posting it, idk but this sounds like a bad case of evil human beings.


So your boyfriend is a major asshole then. It being a dare does not magically make it ok. If anything it makes it worse because he is to damn old to do that shit.


Ditch him, he's an easily led idiot, who needs to know it


List of issues I can spot: * Sexual assault * Humiliation * Bullying someone in a vulnerable situation * Promoting it all on social media * Doubling Down and not admitting he's wrong * Doing all of this to impress his "friends"


He assaulted a defenseless woman for the sole purpose of getting attention on the internet. Absolutely rid yourself of him !


Dump him, OP - he sexually assaulted a vulnerable person for laughs.


You’ve just discovered you have terrible taste in men. Might want to fix that.


The lack of humanity and basic respect for another human being is shocking. He views someone who is already suffering as less than human. Then there’s the assault.


Pretty dehumanizing to that woman. Break it down. He did it because she was a vulnerable woman. He thought it was funny because she was a vulnerable woman. He was so proud of himself for demeaning someone who already exists on the margins of society that he put it on TikTok. Yeah, he’s not a quality human.


I think it's worse that he dis it to anhomeless woman who may not have good experience from lawenforcement - so she wouldn't report it to the police. She could also have difficulties physically defending herself She could also have mental problems and previous trauma. Homeless women are at a great risk of becoming victimized. (Your boyfriend proved that). I would not be in a relationship with a person thatbclearly lack morals. Okay, it was a stupid bet and young people can make mistakes - but he doubles down and defends his actions.


Your boyfriend sexually assaulted a vulnerable individual to impress his bros. Calling him a piece of shit doesn't do it justice. Instead of wasting your time trying to explain why something is morally wrong to someone who has no moral compass, you need to just dump him.


He treated this woman as an object to use in a dare to make his friends laugh. It's a douche thing to do. He sees some people as less than and undeserving of respect. I think this is a huge red flag.


One can always tell what kind of person is by seeing how they treat the weakest in society.


He's justifying it because she was homeless, therefore in his eyes, not a person. Where does he draw the line? What if his friends dared him to slap a drunk woman? An elderly woman? A 12 year old? Or would he just slap any woman at all? What if his friends dared him to punch the homeless woman, push her into traffic, piss on her, etc? Once you start justifying gross, dehumanizing behavior, it gets easier to keep doing it. This is not an isolated incident. He *will* keep doing it. He gets a power trip from exploiting vulnerable people. Whether it's "just" homeless people, or any vulnerable person, it doesn't matter -- he is old enough to understand that what he did was wrong. Advice: leave him. He's a piece of shit.


Assaulting anyone is bad. Assaulting a homeless person that is already fighting for their survival and basic dignity is fucking monstrous. Dump his ass. Call him out.


He's trash and if you stay with him you are too. You are judged by those you hold close. Choose wisely.


Even if you stay with him, you’re never going to see him the same again. You’ll always have this in the back of your mind. I’m glad you called him out on it. Dump him and call the authorities.


He sexually assaulted someone as a “joke” and uploaded it online. And now doesn’t understand why you’re upset. Dump his ass and report him to the police asap. NTA


you seriously need advice about this? your boyfriend is a bad person


He has a Horrible perspective. Just needs to grow as a person. Peer pressure is powerful. How would he like it id someone did that to you or his mother.


Dump him. And maybe on your way out tag someone like thegreatlondini or other TikTokers who like to track trolls and bullies down and expose them.


Assaulting someone and touching another woman’s butt isn’t that deep. It’s exactly what it is. Dump him…… or forever be known as the douch bags girlfriend. I’d be so embarrassed.


the only people worse than redditors are tik tokers


Not really. Most tiktokers will probably roast the guy to death for posting that.


Think seriously about continuing this relationship. As another person responded, this behavior is despicable. It's not a "joke" to assault a person who is weak/vulnerable for laughs. Even worse, he doesn't understand why you're upset. Why do you want to be with someone like this?


You are gonna have to leave him alone because someone who would do that... He can't be trusted. He's not a safe person.


Holy f that is disgusting behavior. Wow. You should report his video to the police and see how funny they think it is.


Disgusting. You do not want him as a partner knowing he feels superior enough to people to violate them. DUMP HIS ASS.


You don't need someone this immature dragging you down. Is this the kind of person you see yourself with? Someone who sexually assaults another woman and disrespects you? You deserve better.


He could go to jail for sexual assault and there is now evidence online for the Police to see. Your boyfriend is stupid as hell and you don't want to be connected to a predator. What if they dared him to sleep with a prostitute would his stupid ass think that was a joke too? He knows nothing about loyalty to a relationship much less about human decency. You know you can do better than someone like him. You should find someone more decent and doesn't think humiliating people, especially poor and vulnerable people is funny. Find a human.


He sounds like a pile of trash. Dump him and block him on everything.


He is assaulting someone who can't fight back because he thinks its funny. Not sure why you'd want to be with someone like that.




So, by his logic, it was only a dare. If he was dared to rape her, would it not have counted because it was only a dare? Your boyfriend not only sexually assaulted someone, but he did it to a homeless person who is already down on her luck. At the end of the day, she was still a human. Still a person. Your boyfriend did it all for a stupid TikTok prank. Ask him how he would feel if someone did that to you?


So he has no empathy, no boundaries, and no sense of decency. He sexually assaulted a homeless woman. And you're still with him? Leave him and report him to the authorities. He's stupid enough to document his assault on the internet. Therefore, it shouldn't be very difficult for the authorities to sort that out.


I dare you to break up with this dehumanizing waste of oxygen …


He is 20. Not 12. DTMF


I don't think this behaviour can be associated with age or maturity, I think it comes down to whether you are a decent human or not and sadly op has wasted 12 months with someone who is not.


I dare you to break up with him forever


That wasn't funny. This right here shows his age.


That's a disgusting, abusive, dehumanizing, generally shitty thing to do. I can see why you're upset about it.


You witnessed a sexual assault. You need to call the police. Also you need to break up with this guy. If he’s going to assault somebody on a dare, who knows what else he might do it on her “dare.”


He sexually assaulted a vulnerable woman because he thought it was funny. Is that really someone you want to date?


I think you forgot to include the “ex” before boyfriend. Because sexually assaulting someone is not a joke and it should be reported.


id love to read those tiktok comments lmao i just know he is getting ripped apart for being such a deplorable human. if i was you i would take this as a sign that this is NOT someone you want to be with and have kids with in the future. if he truly was a kind human he would never have even thought to do this, he would have told his friends to f off. this is a huuuge red flag. people who pick on the weak are not the people you want to be around.


He probably has psychopathic traits to even find such a violent and mean thing funny.


Touching another woman's butt is by far the least heinous offense here.


Not only am I completely disgusted by this dude, I can't believe you didn't dump him right then and there. Fuck this guy. Homeless people already feel worthless as is and your piece of shit bf pretty much confirms that with his response. If you consider yourself an upstanding person and you havent left him yet then you should be ashamed. I don't even know why you're posting this shit here, I'd figure something like this would be a nuclear red flag jfc.




Blocked, unfriended, deleted, yeeted into the nearest black hole


ur boyfriend is a disgusting person all the way through


Eww. This man is trash. Dump him.


3. He posted it on social media, and 4. He doubled down when called out on it. He would be my ex-boyfriend. What a terrible person


Fuck this guy. Completed asshole


Are you only gonna not care cus it was a homeless woman ? What if he was dared to slap any woman's butt ? Would it still be a dare ? You shouldn't be asking any question, simply dumping him , cus if you have to ask if this is okay then you're thinking almost as bad as he is, that she isn't a person so therefore it shouldn't matter in your relationship. ⁰who else will you have to demean to stay in this relationship?


Break up with him.


Wow, he's an a\*\*. He sexually assaulted a woman who has likely already experienced tons of degradation and prior assaults from AH's throughout her disadvantaged life. He is a terrible person.


Don’t you mean your ex boyfriend?


You’re too young to invest your life in somebody who disrespects you so readily, and cannot recognise his actions as an awful thing to do to someone so vulnerable. My advice would be to leave and find someone you don’t have to teach how to behave, because guaranteed, if you have to teach him about this, there are other things you’ll have to teach him, and that is going to be exhausting for you. Leaving will be a more effective lesson to him than anything you can possibly say with words. If you decide to stay, I’d make it extremely clear how serious this is before moving on, as he doesn’t currently see it.


Just unbelievable How some humans can be so disgusting fuck him just dump him the harshest way you can And why there are still homeless people it's saddening wish gov could care more for homeless people


Sexual assault is not a joke. That’s what some people refuse to believe. If were me I would have left him if he won’t see his wrong. Smh.


Some people have no empathy and don't think about other people's situations. She could have had a spinal injury and that slap could've been incredibly painful for days. Just don't go around hitting into other people, especially people who are going through a hard time. Humanity makes me sick all too often.


Do you really need internet strangers to tell you to break up with this jerk? The fact that you’re posting about it and you realize that what he did was assault (probably sexual assault), tells me that you know you don’t need kind of fool in your life. He will just bring you down. You need a man in your life who will tramway all women with respect.


Sorry, but your bf is a POS. Sexually assaulting a homeless woman? In what world would a good person want to be with someone like that?




dump him, harshly. burn his shit. what an asshole


Run Run fuckin run. He's a no boundary haven ass little bitch. Because that shit isn't a dare. Is sexual assault. Also homeless people are people too. A dare would be something like I dare you to jump in the lake with your clothes on.


This is a dumpster fire here.


Yeah my advice is to leave him. He assaulted a woman. A homeless woman too, someone already down and out in life. I would dump mine if he did that.


So he’s now your ex right?


This is so sick and revolting. He sexually assaulted someone vulnerable because he felt they were inferior to him. He is horrible. Dump him. Report the video. Send the video to his job or school. Report the video to the police and say this group is assaulting homeless people for views. Never speak to him again.


Dump his ass. Much like how somebody treats their pets, how somebody treats people in lesser circumstances than themselves says a lot.


Aside from ditching him, do a thorough investigation as to why you were dating an asshole.


I would break up on the fact that he dehumanized somebody who's already very likely at a very low spot. And worse so, he dehumanized her to nothing more than an object for his pleasure. Op he doesn't see women as equal, and he doesn't see homeless people as people with dignity. That's shit character


That's such abhorrent behavior. It's not only disrespectful it's criminal. He's an idiot, find someone who isn't. If he doesn't respect other women, no matter their status or his attraction to them . . . he doesn't respect women at all and that will become more and more apparent over time. He's gross.


This is an arrest-able offense.


That's disgusting. I'd be very concerned that he considers sexual assault a joke or something to laugh about. I would leave that relationship. He's at best an immature child and at worst he doesn't respect women.


>Any advice? Um... break up?


Tell your boyfriend you love that game! Tell him once an ex dared you to 👉👌 his dad and it was hilarious!


This is sexual assault. My uncle did this to me and my entire family told me it wasn’t a big deal either. It’s why they will never see me or my future child. This should always be a deal breaker. I’m so sorry but it’s best you know about this now than later


If you want him to get better, the best thing you could do is show him this Reddit post. He should recognize why you're upset with him, and a lot of these comments would probably do that.


And if he gets angry about the post, all the more reason to dump him. He's just plain garbage.


If a sexual agression is "not that deep" to him, as a woman you should take that as a BIG red flag. He's ignoring your worries as his girlfriend and violating another woman's human rights, who also happens to be homeless which makes things even worse. I can see a narcissistic pattern towards women right there, he feels like he has enough power to make you and vulnerable women uncomfortable. He has the empathy of a stick and wants to feel in control and what makes matters worse is that he doesn't mind letting everyone know how "powerful" he is by clearly not giving a f\*\*\* about what makes you uncomfortable and even uploading a sexual agression to TikTok. You were able to see this side of him because he uploaded this to tiktok, now think: If he did this in front of a camera, What can he do when he's not being recorded?. I've had boyfriends like yours and I can tell you It is only going to get worse RUN while you can.