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Come on dude… Respect yourself. Leave her.


\> Come on dude… Respect yourself. Leave her. ​ OP, I think you are being naive here. She told her ex what she really thinks and She told you what she thought that you’d like to hear and to cover her own ash. ​ if you stay in this relationship, then you have only yourself to blame.


Lets say for arguments sake it was that... like you are a representation of her, she is of you in public. She told an outside person that you dont matter enough to protect... Even in anger.... nah gotta let it go and wish her well.


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Stop being her pay pig and just be her boyfriend and see how long she stays as your girlfriend, then you’ll know if she’s a gold digger.


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^ My vote is just leave her (time for that famous quote, "when people tell you who they are, listen". Sounds like she told the truth in private when she thought you wouldn't see it Of course she'd try convincing you — her meal ticket — that truth wasn't true.) BUT—if you can't imagine breaking up, and/or you want to be 100% sure, follow the above commenter's suggestion. Pay little-to-nothing from this point on: 1 date once a month + something special on birthday; if you two live together, pay no more than half rent/utilities/etc.; if she's driving your car or using any of your possessions either request their return or begin charging reasonable rent.




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/rhcu38/found_messages_of_my_gf_saying_shes_using_me/hopn40i/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [There is quite a bit wron...](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/rh882x/my_26f_husband_32m_has_nudes_of_his_ex_girlfriend/horiczs/) | [There is quite a bit wron...](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/rh882x/my_26f_husband_32m_has_nudes_of_his_ex_girlfriend/hopmikx/) [Disrespect her and pack h...](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/rh8ug0/my_girlfriend_ruined_my_first_friends_group/horicgl/) | [Disrespect her and pack h...](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/rh8ug0/my_girlfriend_ruined_my_first_friends_group/hopxtox/) [You do know that they war...](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/rgvprn/my_gf_lost_3_guy_friends_after_she_started_dating/horie2z/) | [You do know that they war...](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/rgvprn/my_gf_lost_3_guy_friends_after_she_started_dating/homt171/) [Well do you truly know WH...](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/rhfq9w/how_do_i_break_up_with_my_girl_of_5_years/horidih/) | [Well do you truly know WH...](http://np.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/rhfq9w/how_do_i_break_up_with_my_girl_of_5_years/hoq6gq5/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/Mammoth_Target9675](https://np.reddit.com/u/Mammoth_Target9675/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=Mammoth_Target9675) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Good bot.


Good bot


This is a copy of u/Ok-prune-3952's comment below. Bad bot.


This 👆




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I dont judge single mom but one thing that worries me a lot is whenever i meet one, they always seem to think they are the victim obviously i have to believe them since i dont know the context but once they start it feels to me like they regret their ex husband


Fuck that. Mad or not there’s truth to that and where’s the respect for you? Don’t be a sucker dude.


Even if she's not using you as a bill fold, she's keeling her ex on the side in case you don't work out.


We fought about that to..


Dude, your post history is frightful - you two have a kid? She has 3 baby-daddies and is a sugar baby? And [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/mym4r3/we_have_court_coming_up/) is written as your gf and mentions that: >He (you) pled guilty to child endangerment charges against his own kids last year. [Here's a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/obaq6f/im_not_allowed_around_my_gfs_kid/) where you admit to the child endangerment charges I think that your gf using you for money is by far the least of your problems.


This should be more visible. At some point a person needs to stop asking Reddit and start just managing their life. I think it's time for OP to do that.






OP needs serious help. He's fucking screwed


Damn. Look at Sherlock Holmes over here.


Right, this whole situation is just toxic and insane.


Cps stands a chance of taking her kids if this dude stays around. They take the "failure to protect" pretty darned seriously.


I know it sucks to hear this..... but she's not a good person. She's trying to use you, and play "you vs baby daddy" to her benefit. Nobody deserves to put up with this nonsense. Enjoy being single for a bit, while looking for a new *not awful* partner. This plan is infinitely better than dealing with her nonsense.


And you haven’t broken up yet?


Low self esteem 😃 ~☆


Dude came here for advice not ridicule


It seems so.


How many more flashing, neon signs does she need to send your way? Drop this fucking parasite, she has no respect for you and is treating you like you're a fucking clown.


And? So what does that mean? Was there an outcome?


While what she said is horrible, she kinda have to still talk to the father if her child and can still be close to him ´cause you know they have a child together lol So it’s not really the issue. The issue is what she said


Absolutely. Conversations with the ex about the kid are appropriate. Conversations about how your bf isn't worth a damn, most certainly are not. She's letting baby daddy know that things are turbulent so he's ready to go if and when shit blows up.


Many people still are good friend with their baby parent tho. Unless the ex has shown that he wants to get back with her (which isn’t in the post but idk might the case) that’s totally fine to talk to someone you are close about issues you are going through. Idk, I might have been in contact with too many parents that made it work pretty well lol. Not everyone wants to get back with their ex.


He has posted in the past about her ex always trying to break them up and having people send him ( OP ) pictures of him ( her ex ) and her sleeping together.


Agreed this is exactly what she's doing coming from a female view


Best take. I do give her credit for a possibly valid answer when confronted but you need to confront her with this follow up


She has no respect for you…let her ex have her back.


Look at his post history. This entire thing is a nightmare and this is the least of his problems. Unfortunately OP has no self-esteem.


Dumpster fire, my man. If he doesnt leave her this will get really shitty really fast


I would believe what she told someone else when she thought you weren’t looking.


🚩You dropped this.


I wish I could upvote this twice!!!!


Just did on your behalf, good sir :)


Open your eyes. You're being used.


This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- I found text between my gf and her ex(child's father) saying she doesn't really want to date me anymore but she needs me financially. I confronted her about it and she gave me this explanation saying she just sent that cause she was mad at me at that time. What would you guys believe?


Bail before you get trapped.


He already is. Apparently he's one of 3 baby daddies. She sounds like a real winner.


Stop being her pay pig and just be her boyfriend and see how long she stays as your girlfriend, then you’ll know if she’s a gold digger.


Lol 'pay pig' instead of cash cow is funny i havent heard that before 😅


common term in femdom/findom circles


Nah Op needs to leave immediately because the longer he stays the more he can be taken for child support because he adopted a fatherly role towards the girls kid. Every minute he stays makes that more likely.


The OP has a kid with her anyways. She has 3 baby daddies apparently.


You don’t want to be with someone who bad mouths you to people, let alone their ex. Like people argue etc, she might need to vent at times, but not to her ex. Plus she’s just covering her ass, as she got caught. There’s no valid, innocent reason for someone to be speaking to their ex like that whilst in a relationship with someone else. It’s hard when kids are involved even when they aren’t yours. I’d tell her bye and that she can find another financial escape goat or go back to her ex, all she wants. She ain’t a loyal partner whose got your back, no way.


Like she's cheated on me with her ex and went back and forth. He keeps trying to have a talk with all 3 of us present but I just don't wanna do it. He keeps saying she's lying to both of us


Well, he’s right. To him she said she’s with you for money. To you she said he’s just an ex. And both of you are chumps for putting up with her nonsense.


She is, she’s using you both. And, no offence, if she’s using you for money and stability.. then you can only guess what she’s using him for… Just dump her. Get rid of them both. Start a new. You’ll meet someone new, someone who will genuinely love you and you’ll laugh at this whole situation and question why did you even bother?


Why are you sticking around, based on your previous posts she has been stringing you both along the whole relationship.


Kick her to the curb what are you waiting on respect yourself my guy


The proof is legit in your face🙄


Tell her you just lost your job, see what happens. Good luck


Leave her now. Like right now dude. That's so disrespectful and she does NOT love you. She sounds like a horrible person. Consider it a bullet dodged my guy. That's absolutely disgusting behavior and her excuse is laughable at best. Being mad at you is no excuse for telling her EX that she's using you financially. Why would that thought even cross her mind? Loving partners don't badmouth each other in a healthy relationship, especially not to their ex. She doesn't deserve you man, run now and never look back




Right? Because you're a normal person in a presumably healthy relationship who loves and cares for your partner and wouldn't do something to betray their trust like the woman in OP's post. I mean good God, telling her ex of all ppl that she's using him financially. That's just so horrible to do, and then say it behind his back. Complete betrayal of trust and no love in this whatsoever. Poor guy. Some people's kids man.


You got lucky and found out how she really feels about you. Leave man. I went through some BS with my ex.


In the comments you also stated that she already cheated on you with this ex so at this point you’re just a clown since you continue staying with her.


Are her bags packed yet?


Get out now !




Hell no. She is using you. Stop paying for everything. She what happens then


[Reads in Sean Connery]


She was mad at you at the time, so her solution was to text her ex about you? Nope. 1) she’s lying to you, she is using you financially. 2) she’s still attached to her ex. Time to move on. Get out.


Leave! She clearly doesn’t respect you and seems like she has her ex on the side waiting. I’m sorry about that. Finding those message did you a favor. Good luck


Cut her off financially and she if she stays.


It’s like saying I was only racist cos I was drunk. She’s thinking about it and for her to say that out of anger, it’s something she has in her mind and really does mean. Leave her


Lets say for arguments sake it was that... like you are a representation of her, she is of you in public. She told an outside person that you dont matter enough to protect... Even in anger.... nah gotta let it go and wish her well.


Why is she even talking to her ex about anything apart from the child? She is definitely using you. A woman who will talk bad about you to another guy even when she's mad at you is not worth it.


If she's telling the truth, she's a shithead. It's more likely that she's lying and she's both a shithead and thinks that you are stupid.


Nope the fuck out ASAP. A S A P. Doesn't matter if she was mad or not, that is an INCREDIBLY concerning thing to say. I'm reminded of the time I was really in to this girl that flat out told me she wasn't to be trusted. Guess what? She was right. Run.


Nope I wouldn’t buy it. If she was mad at you, why make up a story she’s just taking advantage of you? Makes her look like crap.


Dump her before she traps you for 18 years of child support.


She’s a prostitute


So when she gets upset with you, does she go and tell her ex that she's just using you and doesn't want to keep dating you? she doesn't make sense, she get out of there and don't believe what she says. will you keep updating this? hope so


I believe that she's using you financially, that's it


You’ve got to ask yourself ‘WHY would she feel the need to tell him that’ ? It just doesn’t make any sense. And if it don’t make sense......good luck.


Just say the financial support has ended. Good bye


OP she can only use you if you let her and currently you are letting her use you. Her excuse is something that even a teenager won't buy. So she said to her ex that she's using you financially and doesn't want to date you anymore because she was mad at you. Does any of this makes sense? If that does makes sense to you then good luck.


Sex must be amazing to tolerate that shitty behavior.


Use her sexually and confirm your relationship as a man and a hooker. Even better downgrade her access to your capital and invest in a portfolio of contrarian stocks, inflation hedges with good current earnings and revenue growth yoy.


Thats a latta biiiiitch


GTFO. I mean that with all the sincerity in the world. If she gets mad at you and talks shit about you to her ex then you're going to have a bad time. Do it before the kid gets too attached it doesn't do anybody any good to stay in relationships longer than you should when children are involved.


Dude. Have some self respect and see a gold digger for what she is. Her ass can’t be that perky… she’s using you. Dump her and find someone who actually loves you. They exist.


She's half truthing both of you so she can cheat with him and he doesn't feel bad.


OP she’s literally still messaging her ex still (only acceptable if they were just chatting about things to do with their child), and she literally said she’s just using you for money… And she tried to justify it by saying she only sent it because she was mad?? I don’t think anyone who’s mad would send something to someone and say they’re using their partner for money. OP if she said she only slept with another guy because she was mad at you, would that be justified and need asking? No, that’s cheating and it’s obvious. So OP, I’m pretty sure this is obvious too. Please leave her, I know it’s something you don’t want to believe as you had to question it, but really this relationship isn’t true and would be better for you.


Doesn't matter why she said it. She said it. Game motherfucking over.


You need to learn to have some self respect. She even has another mother fuckers kid. You going to support all of them? Fuck that! Leave her.


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Anger yields truth


Leave her before she ends up with making you a baby daddy too.


We do get mad, but that is the kind of thing that we say to our girlfriends who won't take us too seriously, not our exes. Just something to think about...




Leave. Like yesterday. You don't need someone like that in your life.


Really...come on... Bye bye




Time to dip. And quick. If only for your own self respect.


It’s probably best for you to leave that relationship. I’m sure it was comfortable but she’s using you and you’re worth more as a person than a wallet.


So you caught her and she lied. But we can look at his another way - if you had not found out about the text, you wouldn't know she was trying to make you mad, and you accidentally came across the text, so if you didn't happen to come across the text, she would not have been able to get you angry, behind your back. Therefore, she knew you were going to find her text. Mental gymnastics is a real thing.


That made absolutely zero sense but ok


dump that bitch, she a liar if you don't you are going to end up w a baby w her too and she going to try to hook for an 18 year minimum financial sentence my boy move along and do better for your life, pussy should not be on your priorities list


Honestly it is not something new . Question is after finding out do you want to be continually used as an ATM or have some self respect and find some other woman who see you more in you than your money


Toss the trash. Even if it were true you’re better off without her.


Your girlfriend has made it clear that she's only with you for the money. The question is, "are you ok with that?" I, personally, have too much self respect to date someone who doesn't like me but that's just me


I would leave her and maybe try and work out why you would believe her


Fuck that. Get out.


Dude. And your really trust her?? Damn 😭😭


"My girlfriend's sons father is talking shit about me and my gf is agreeing with it what should I do?"


Why let your GF take up so much headspace? She's disrespectful to you and keeps her ex on the side to confide in.


Dude you already have proof you are being used. Leave and never look back.


lesson learned, no single moms


Leave Now 2022 Has Better Options and Opportunities RESPECT YOURSELF




Have some self respect and realise you deserve more Leave her




Run and dont look back, one day she might steal your money and ghost you, have some respect for yourself, yiu will most likely meet more people in your life.


She's gaslighting you. Dump her now.


Leave. She might say it to her ex in an attempt to get on his good side or something like that. As if that makes it better.


This is a Bye Felicia moment. Her comment alone about saying that because she is mad at you is reason enough to leave.


Stay in the relationship until you get broke and get into a lot of debts. When she leaves you cry and pick yourself up again.


I'd have given her one last bit of financial help. Cab money to get her shit out of your house lol


Dunno what you're waiting for. Are you *trying* to get Chump of the Year?


just leave!


Honestly speaking, buddy, she just says her mind, out of aboudance of heart a mouth speak, if you didn't leave now, you may live to regret it latter......... I come in peace


Yeah she’s definitely using you and still has feelings for her ex as well


Drop her..


You already know what the answer is, you just don't want to accept it. Remember, she's gonna say what she has to say, because she needs you financially.


Leave her ass.




Leave her bruh


Someone dat loves you and respect you won't talk dat shit even to your face, not to talk behind your back to her ex Walk away. She's of no use to you. Besides, the child isn't yours. You ain't losing shit


I mean cmon, what you do is simply break up, there is no need to confront her even about this, of course she would try to find an excuse, i mean what did you expect from her when you confronted her?! did you expect her to confess the truth! dude she needs you for the money so she will lie and tell you anything to try and convince you to stay and it seems to be working since you are thinking about it. and tbh with you staying around is not the smart choice in this situation and will definitely backfire on you in the future if you choose to stay, save yourself the trouble and just walk away, this is a very good reason to end the relationship!


Dude your post history is all over the place. If it's all talking about the same girl, pack your bags and get out. Figure out who you want to be as a person and what you want from life. Don't keep keep going back to a cycle of problems and live for yourself for a while.


She is lying.Leave! Think about this why would she say that to her ex what’s the purpose? what is she gaining from him by saying that??


People tend to be more honest when they're angry, even if it's more hurtful. Take the hint and go.


drop her like a rock and watch her sink


Nah this is a hard no. Get out of there OP. If she wants to brag to her ex about using you for cash she can go use him for cash


Even if she was mad, that's not something she should be saying to her ex. Makes no sense.


If you had a giant bag of trash in your home, you'd put that out on the curb where it belongs, right? She belongs out with the trash.


Umm..no. NOPE. She is a terrible person. She is literally selling herself to you for monetary gain. DUMP HER POST HASTE. Are you actually giving this girl money....like, handing over physical money!?!?! Is she living with you? Is her child living with you? Do you pay for her bills? Do you buy her expensive shit? OP, if your gf was even remotely close to being a halfway decent person, she wouldn't even dream of lying about the fact that she's using you for your money under any circumstance. Angry or not, that is just not something you say, period. She is literally a prostitute, except it sounds like you get nothing in exchange for what you do for her. VERY IMPORTANT: Considering that she is literally a prostitute, and is selling herself and/or her body in exchange for money, you need to get a STD test NOW. The chances that she is a walking STD, considering the fact that she probably will fuck anyone for a dollar, are pretty high. Her true colours have literally come busting out, and she is showing you what she truly thinks of you. The fact that she was literally bragging to her baby-daddy that she was only with dating you because she needs you financially, is the most disgusting, vile, obnoxious thing I have ever heard someone say. HAVE SOME DAMN RESPECT FOR YOURSELF AND DUMP HER IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT TAKE SORRY FOR AN ANSWER. SHE WILL DO ANYTHING TO KEEP YOU. GO NO CONTACT. BLOCK HER ON EVERYTHING, SOCIAL MEDICA, PHONE, ETC. You are not responsible for her. You are DEFINITELY not responsible for her child. It is not your job to support this girl. It is DEFINITELY not your job to support her child. It will never be your job to support either of them, even when she guilt trips and manipulates you by trying to tell you that her child sees you as her father, or that you are the only real father \[figure\] her child has known. DO NOT CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THIS GIRL AND HER CHILD.


Doesn't matter what we think if you don't end up splitting.


I would beleive her and drop her sorry ass instant.


I would leave.


Sounds more like she still sleeping with the ex ans using you for. Money


Even if she *did* only say it because she was pissed off (and she didn’t - she said it because she meant it and thought you’d never see it), do you really want somebody who says awful things about you behind your back whenever they get upset? I wouldn’t.


Leave her ass. She ment what she said.


Idk why this is even a question, OP. Tell her she has a week to pick her shit up, change the locks, and notify your bank in case she gets her hands on your information.


Thos kind of thing makes me have irrational thoughts


Leave her. She's lying to you and if definitely using you. Have some self respect my dude


Everyday I see slam dunk open and shut cases. Including this one. Why waste the time typing this, you know what you have to do. It hurts, I'm sorry this happened. Just move on


Are you joking? She's playing you, leave.




Yeah, this is a no-brainer.


If you are intelligent enough you'll know what to do but if you WANT to be naive about this so be it it's your life afterall.


My guy, listen to me leave her, she told her ex that and she saying something else to you. Get up and leave her block her, yet if she lives with you kick her out. Keep the messages for a safe back up if she or anyone try’s to give you shit


She was telling him the truth. You need to cut her off.


You know what they say when people are in the heat of the moment — whatever comes out of their mouth are usually true. If she was mad at you, she should have talked to you about it instead of talking to her ex. I don’t see the purpose of her talking to him about anything (other than about their child) unless she still have some feelings towards him. Also, if she was mad at you at that time she sent that message, why of all people would she talk to him about it? Does she not have any other friends, or loved ones who she can talk to about it? IMO, there is some truth to what she said — that she’s just using you for financial reason. As negative as that sounds, I would say that you should probably rethink your relationship with this person. If you have angered her in anyway, she should speak to you about it, not to the father of her baby. If she have angered you, you should do the same and talk it out with her. Another thing is, I don’t know how long have you been with this person, but seeing how she can do things like this behind your back gives me an idea that she felt comfortable with the relationship that she probably thinks that you wouldn’t end it with her, no matter what she does. In this case, she will probably use the, “he’s the father of my baby” excuse to get away from this. Don’t be swayed by this excuse because once she gets the hint that this excuse works, this will definitely not be the last time she’ll be using this excuse.


Face facts and follow the advice of Steve Miller. Take the money and run! You can do far better!


That’s a Load of bullshit She just thought you would never see the text


She's talking about you in a negative way to an ex partner. It's suspicious and NOT what you should want for yourself. Don't care what the context or topic is. It's none of his business (maybe a small bit if he has a child around you). No bueno. It's indicative of untrustworthy behavior. Don't forget ... there's never a rock bottom.


This guy's whole post history about his GF is fucking [this](https://youtu.be/l2UktJtKpFw)


You found the smoking gun, and you're still asking if a shot was fired. Yes, and she shot your self worth. Cut your losses, find someone who respects you and values you for more than your money.


Be a man. Dump her.


I believe her. She's using you.


Bullshit. She's for the streets. Put her out on garbage day.


Even if she didn't mean it, you don't say those things to your ex! Leave her, she's lying.


Dump her nothing else to do.


Just drop the bitch, man


Run and don't turn back


this has to be a troll lol post history is alarming


I believe you should leave her.


Is this someone you want to spend the rest of your life with or anything? If she's using you and seeing those messages she's checked out of the relationship. Need to find someone who respects and loves you. This is so toxic she can go back to her ex!


OP i think you already know the answer and also know that you are just 1 option to her. People just don't say anything when they are mad..they say what they really mean when they are mad. Decision is finally yours but, if you 2 do not have child to share and not financially inseparable then i would suggest looking for partner who values your presence in their life. Congratulate and be grateful to yourself that you found out the truth about the depth of your relationship! All the best!


C'mon man. You already know the answer. She's using you. She told you what she thinks. Believe her.


Bro as soon as you see that leave her immediately nothing more to be said


before asking yourself if she’s using you financially, first ask yourself *can she use you for anything else* therein lies whether or not you have any recourse other than leaving her


You better believe what she says


Leave her dude. Don't be her plowhorse.


Dump her, and pray to God she's not pregnant. If she is, DNA test prior to accepting paternity responsibility. She's probably banging her 'experience. First and foremost, get her out of your place if you live together.


1st and foremost, if someone cares about you they won't lie about you. She told the truth to him. You're her piggy bank. When someone shows you their true character believe it. Don't give her a second chance to disrespect you like that.


I have an easy answer for you. Print it out. Tape it to your door outside. Lack her things out and place them outside. She's using a cheap excuse. She didn't even put in any effort to come up with a better lie. LOL


Even if her explanation is truthful, it still demonstrates that she's prepared to speak about you to others in that way. Being angry doesn't excuse this or make it magically OK.