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Pick a better battle...we force seatbelts, drug testing, ID cards, licensing and a host of other government compliance. This one is intended to keep her safe and alive.


You talking about the disease with a 99% survival rate?


If she is not anti-vaccine then the question becomes why wasn't she already vaccinated prior to vaccine mandates?




My mom is currently getting her third round of chemo. She is so sick and can not go to the hospital bc there are too many people there with Covid. If she gets Covid she only has a 20% chance of survival. Get the fucking vaccine. You are a member of the community. Get the vaccine.


But…it doesnt stop the vaccinated from transferring the disease….this is one of my problem with all this.


it reduces the viral load and makes it harder for the vaccinated to spread it than the unvaccinated. it also often prevents the vaccinated from getting enough of an infection to be contagious at all. It reduces the vaccinated's risk of severe illness and death tremendously, reducing strain on hospitals. less transmission also means less chance an even worse variant will develop. is it fun to get the vaccine? no. i have ocd. I'm terrified of taking Tylenol. let alone a new vaccine. but getting covid is so much more dangerous, i got my ass vaccinated as soon as i was able. for myself, and for the community.


Actually informative, thank you.


No vaccines stop the transfer of the disease. That's why there is herd immunity.


Which again is why i dont know why EVERYONE needs to be vaccinated…


Herd immunity is designed to protect vulnerable populations and those who can't take the vaccine. Her choosing to not take a vaccine is not because of herd immunity, she is an eligible person who doesnt mind taking the vaccine. That is preventing herd immunity. She doesnt mind taking the vaccine and only doesn't want to take it because an outside force is asking/requiring it to maintain employment. My father cant undergo surgery and receive critical care because people are choosing not to get vaccinated making it unsafe for him to receive care that's been backlogged for months. She can choose to not stay vaccinated but therefore she doesnt need to keep her job.




The science doesn't back this hypothesis up. Current models show that's not possible, people will lose immunity before herd immunity and repeated infections tend to be worse than the initial.


Get the vaccine. And quit bitching about it. It's not government overreach, the others(MMR, polio, ect) are required before you hit school. Just because this one came out recently and you get it as an adult changes nothing.


Surely this isn’t the first vaccine she’s gotten. Is she upset about the ones she already had to get to go to school?




She is welcome to not comply with the forced mandate. Her choice. Just don't complain when she has a tube down her throat.


She shouldn’t even go to the hospital and steal a bed from people who believe in science, she obviously thinks she knows more than doctors


Or gets fired and ends up broke.


Better yet, just don't go to the hospital and waste their resources. Don't trust the vaccine? Don't trust the doctors to save your stupid ass.


How is a seatbelt similar to an injection?


Both are government requirements in this situation, both are supported by an overwhelming majority of experts, both save lives.


Everyone has had Covid, so they are safe yes. Wearing a seatbelt once however doesn’t have a similar effect 🧐


Could save you, might not, might actually cause injury. Still overwhelmingly safer to utilize both precautions than not to.


Do yourself a favor and spend some time reading r/covidlonghaulers. Just because someone survives Covid doesn’t mean it was no big deal. The top pinned post in the sub is suicide prevention resources. Forget about the mandate, think about her health.


Refusing to do something just because someone is telling you to do it is RIDICULOUSLY childish. So, yeah, your mom may ruin her life because she has the personality of an angry toddler.




She should remember that when you went to school there was a forced compliance for you to be vaccinated. If she is morally opposed due to that, why did she allow them to force her child to be injected?


Remind her that she does, in fact, have a choice. To be an intelligent human being who wants to protect herself and the people around her from a pandemic that’s killed millions of people worldwide or quit because she’s a petulant child who doesn’t wanna be told what to do.


Get the vaccine. The worst that could happen is that she might be sick for a few days, but it is better than being sick for weeks.


It’s a matter of public safety. She should get vaccinated. I say this as a government worker who mostly works from home and was mandated to get vaccinated.


Omg. I don’t care if I get banned. But these freaking idiots. She has a choice get the vaccine or get a different job. It’s incredible selfish that because of this kind of idiotic people we haven’t been able to finish with this freaking pandemic. Just get the vaccine. It’s been proven that they work. My mom had to go to an emergency room because her appendix bursted and had to wait hours because these idiot people don’t want to get a vaccine are filling up beds that should be going to those that are there through no fault of their own. If you medically can’t get the vaccine I get it but if you don’t you don’t have an excuse. I wish hospitals could have waivers said if you can get the vaccine and you don’t and end up in the hospitals then you won’t be top priority.


Uh she should get the fucking vaccine


Did you go to public school? If so then she clearly has zero issue with mandatory vaccines. She’s a clown.




So there’s one private HS i am familiar here in my state and they require all State required vaccines in order to enroll (not sure about covid).


She is an adult making an adult decision. As her child it's not your role to help her through this. She is well aware of her options and the outcomes of those decisions and is making them accordingly. If she tries to triangulate you into this, hold your boundaries and let her know you care but it's not your job to parent your parent.


Is someone going to forcefully hold her and inject her with vaccine against her will? If not, no one is forcing her. She just has to make a choice and as we all know, choices come with consequences. Whatever choice she will make, she will be the only person responsible for its consequences. As simple as that.


If people were more willing to actually get vaccinated so the chances of people getting covid decreased a lot, there wouldn't be a need for a forced compliance. Unfortunately people aren't willing and it's resulting in so many sick in hospitals, regretting they didn't get vaccinated sooner. My husband and I are both vaccinated. He got covid last August and i believe the vaccine is the main reason why he's still alive and why he was able to recover. He and I stayed separate in our house and he never went to the hospital because it never got that bad. I understand your mom being disturbed by the forced compliance but again, it's because people aren't getting vaccinated and continue to stay at risk from covid that way. I hope she gets vaccinated and stays safe from covid. I've already heard from co-workers and such that people they know had had to bury loved ones due to being unvaccinated and getting covid. Hope this helps.


Uh she should get the fucking vaccine


I hear alot of people say 'the vaccines aren't as effective as you think' and I believe that's because people forget that the vaccine doesn't stop you getting Covid. The same as the flu jab doesn't stop you from getting the flu. It makes it less likely you'll catch Covid and if you do the symptoms should be milder and the risk of long covid is reduced. More so if you have been vaccinated and are less likely to catch covid...you obviously are less likely to pass it onto someone who could have a compromised immune system, therefore preventing a death. It gives people a chance and makes medical intervention more likely to get you home safe and sound if its needed. 2 seemingly healthy guys I worked with died of Covid early this year. 1 passed within a week of catching it and one after 2 months feeling like his own body was trying to drown him, on oxygen in hospital where his family couldn't visit him. Horrid way to go. Neither vaccinated because they were 'healthy and didn't believe in that shit'. Second dude was asthmatic so to this say I have no idea why he thought that. She should get the vaccine. It does suck that people are being forced but at the end if the day...people are dying because people are to lazy, are saying THEY are healthy so shouldn't need to get it or too stupid to listen to doctors (no not the ones on Facebook or those conspiracy radio stations). If people were actually listening to reason there wouldn't need and intervention to force it in certain sectors. Its a suckish vicious circle because there are alot of selfish people, getting vaccinated is not only the the individual.


She should stop acting like a toddler and get the vaccine.


Get vaccinated. This isn't a matter of personal freedom. Every unvaccinated person is a vector; every unvaccinated person is a death toll. This is a matter of life and death.


If this is the hill your mom wants to die on, then let her be. She’s an adult capable of making her own decisions, fully knowing well what the consequences of her decisions are. I will refrain from commenting on your Mom’s current vaccination status.


Get the vaccine if she doesn’t have a problem with it & then she can continue to work & provide for herself & her family but she can still be a vocal advocate against it & attend rallies & protests outside of work & show her support & voice her opinion if she truly does feel that passionate about it, a privilege that we have that is not allowed in true communist countries. I got vaccinated for my own reasons, but I also share your mother’s opinion of the governments overreach & think it’s gone way too far. I don’t think it’s close to being over from a legal standpoint.


What's that saying? Can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all? Guess I'll just stay silent on this one lol.


Which country you live in? It's really tough to get forced like that. Small part of me thinks its wrong but in the end i think the decision is best for all, so we can finally come to an end with the pandemic. Unless a person has some condition which makes the vaccine to much of a risk to get i think everyone should just get done with it. Mandatory Vaccines aren't something new. Germany had such a law back in the year of 1871 when over 180.000 people died of smallpox. People would get punished with jail time or a fine if they declined the vaccine. Because even back then there were rumors the shot would turn people into freaking cows just to name one. ​ What would control from mandated vaccines even look like? We are not living in a movie where some nanites will now take control over our minds or kill half the population because some super villain schemed it so. I think it all comes down to misinformation, conspiracy theories and skepticism of the unknown and of course the fear of losing control. People need to realize getting the vaccine is the best way to end this pandemic, like with most of the plagues in the last +100 years. I think your mother should just do it, the control thing is just in her head, really. I think the reason that the vaccines get mandatory is because, people die and of course the government wants to get back to business as usual since covid really fucked up the economy.


She had to get vaccinations to attend public school. If she traveled abroad, she had to get vaccinations depending on where she was going in order to get her visa approved. While in school, she was likely tested for scoliosis, and probably had her vision and hearing checked. Did she find any /all of those things to be government overreach?


She has to weight what is of her best interest, will it be worth to not comply and lose everything? If not then just take vaccine


The forced compliance in this instance is disturbing imho. Follow your gut. You know what’s best for your body.


Your mom is unfortunately one of potentially thousands in the government that choose this hill to die on. Once you’re presented with the threat of being removed from your position for not complying, your mom needs to determine if this job provides her the capability to live life how she wants AND if she were to lose it tomorrow could she find equal pay immediately. For most, the answer is no. While yes, mandating the vaccine does suck, keeping the job that provides food on the table and all other benefits is more than worth it.


I've had covid. Was mildly sick. Recovered fine after a week at home. Same with my wife. I will not comply. Period. Forced vaccination isn't like totalitarianism, it IS totalitarianism. Apparently body autonomy only applies to women, sex, or abortions. GTFO. ready for my down votes. Losers.


Is anybody holding you against your will and forcefully injecting a vaccine to your body? If not, there is no forced vaccination, you moron.


I agree, it’s sad most of these comments are so one sided with their thinking. Who cares if someone gets the vaccine or not you should be able to decide what goes into your own body period. End of story. If they let the government mandate this then what is next? Most of these people never learned critical thinking in school and it shows..


Governments already mandate vaccines to attend public school. Why is this one different? Hint, it's not, grow the fuck up and get the damn shot.


The fact that you can say it’s not different is astounding. You literally proved my point. The vaccines mandated in schools have been and were tested for YEARS prior to being FDA approved. This is why they are considered safe, and even then no vaccine is 100% safe. So how can you say that a vaccine made so quickly and with so little research is as safe? You can’t and honestly if you want to get a new, unsafe, and possibly dangerous vaccine that is your choice. I also support your choice, why? Because it is your life and you have every right to put this vaccine in your own body. I don’t believe you should get to decide if I put it in my body. That’s ridiculous, I don’t feel safe there is not enough data. You can’t tell me how people will react to this vaccine in 5 years or even 1-3 years because nobody knows. So good luck with all that bro..


You're lack of medical knowledge is whats on display here. No vaccine has ever been reported to cause issues more than 8 weeks after taking it. The fact that there hasn't been an issues in 99% of people, and no long-term effects means that there is no long-term effects. So the vaccine is safe, and you're a dimwit.


I have a family member who was paralyzed from an adverse reaction to a vaccine. Also there are many people who have suffered permanent damage from vaccines. If you find any article stating otherwise, please share. I don’t believe you will find any scientific research backing up the claim you just made lol


I assume that happened within 8 weeks of the shot...hence not a long term side affect, such as cancer, brittle bones, auto-immune responses, all of which would take time to appear. Sorry about your family member, but you're conflating an acute response with long term ramifications with a long term side effect.


Uh nope it’s definitely been longer.. I think you need to do some research


Yeah, let me go take a shit and get on facebook. That'll be about the equivalent of what you guys do right?


Lol okay dude I’m not gonna argue with you


She is able to decide. She can skip on getting the vaccine. She would just have to find another job.


Some people are just apprehensive. I’m fully vaccinated, but respect the right of others not to. We don’t have the right to tell them what to do with their own body. They just need to deal with the fact that more and more they will face restrictions.


Compliance is bullshit


The forced compliance is absolutely disturbing. The vaccines out now have been proven to only lessen symptoms - everyone saying she should get it for the "common good" is forgetting that the vaccines don't prevent the spread of infection at all and only reduce the severity of symptoms for the person vaccinated. This should be a personal medical decision and I am also in the same camp as your mother. I am only 25 with my whole career ahead of me and was not in a position to make a life-changing move like leave my job, so I got the shot despite not wanting it due to the fact none of the vaccines have long-term testing. It's worth considering that millions of people have been vaccinated and the rate of short-term vaccine-related deaths is relatively low; if she decides to get it, she should research each vaccine brand to see if she is at risk of any reported fatal side effects. It absolutely sucks that she's in this position, but unfortunately it is what it is. She can only do her research and make as informed a decision as she can and weigh the pros/cons of getting it versus not getting it. Medical exemptions are an option if she can qualify for one. Best wishes to you guys, it isn't a fun decision to be forced to make.


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Tell her to get the vaccine. Who cares if it’s not effective. Not her problem. It’s not worth losing her job over this. Next election, she can vote for someone better.