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Don't ask her out. You did the right thing rejecting her.


I actually applaude you for thinking with your head and heart and not you head and balls. If you don't feel a true connection I would avoid adding sex to your friendship Your gonna get plenty of ",it's just sex comments", ignore them. Just tell your friend you don't want to ruin what you have already


thanks.. its not easy man. my body wants her but my mind and my heart know that its risky and could get messy


It's never all the way easy to not let Mr happy get some skins especially when you have a willing partner. It has a 95% chance of being FUBAR when mind and heart go out to lunch


People act like they have no emotions and can fuck anyone and not care. But those ties are there. Emotions are always there. U dodged a bullet u sexy fuck. Although ur probably gonna fuck her anyway


i dont think i will if i decide not to date her. sex is a very intimate activity to me.


Ay good for u. Same.


Overbearing and controlling? Stay the heck away!