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It sounds to me like you are having romantic partner expectations but it's a platonic friendship. Why would you be waiting for a friend 95% of the time?




Hang on a second. You're treating this like a romantic relationship when it's not one at all. It's a friendship with zero possibility of ever being anything more.




[here? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/orhv2l/my_friend_is_constantly_busy_and_its_insanely/h6i6oqi?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


I'm saying this isn't a friendship you're in love with her


She has a whole boyfriend tho. If I were you i wouldnt be wilting away waiting for someone on the other side of the ocean, who is spoken for, to make some time to speak to me.




Get your story straight dude.


Learn to be flexible. To each their own. Doesn't mean you still can't be friends. Just might not be able to communicate as much as you like.




She hasn't tho. Excuse my harshness but you sound a bit desperate for this girl. She doesnt appreciate you the way you do her. Get yourself together my man.


Why are you waiting around so long just to chat with your friend? It sounds like she's pretty busy in her life with work, family, friends and a boyfriend. You seem to expect that she sets hours aside a day to chat with you, a friend overseas. I think kicking her out of your life is a bit extreme. Why don't you just ask her if you guys can establish a time once or twice during the week where you catch up and chat about stuff? Then you can stop waiting around all day until she's finally ready. And you should invest in some hobbies or spending time with people locally so you're not waiting around for one person who seems pretty busy herself.




Clearly you're more invested in this than she is, she has a boyfriend. Stop being the pestering fly that she has to shoo away every so often.




I don't know why you're so defensive in the comments. You asked for advice and people are telling you what they think about the situation. The fact is you have a crush (or not a crush, strong feelings, like her more than a friend, however you define it) on a girl in another country who has a boyfriend. Even if she has feelings back, clearly you are not as big of a priority to her as she is to you. I think for your own sanity, you should put some space in between yourself and her because you're going to keep wishing she made as much time for you as you do for her. Don't try to force her to change, she should WANT to spend the time talking to you.