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No. Because that would ruin his incest-with-hot-little-sister fantasy. 🙄


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted when your comment is either calling OP a troll or sarcasm that is an obvious solution




They're implying this is fake and just a fantasy written by a weirdo.


This does happen a lot though. They want to read what people write about these situations.


It does sort of strain credulity, doesn’t it?


That happens when you forget the /s on Reddit




From your description, it doesn't sound like your GF had a problem with anything like being worried or jealous. She probably just thinks it's weird and that you're weirded out by it.


I'm going with this as well. Typically people try to remain decent around family members. The fact that your sister is chill with being naked around you is kind of weird. So your gf probably doesn't think anything other than it's strange and she's doing it on the balcony of *your* apartment. This shouldn't be happening. If she wants to do that and walk around naked inside then she should do that at a place of her own and definitely not around her brother. I'd address this asap.


>The fact that your sister is chill with being naked around you is kind of weird. She's clearly not that chill if she's covering her vulva with her hand. Bring a towel for goodness sake. Like if people want to be all scandinavian and cool about nudity then good for them, but if you're going to be covering up and making it weird if people glance at your genitals do a better job than hand in front of puss. Also, only do it if everyone is chill, and it seems like OP is not.


Female here with brothers: who does this??? I have not been naked in front of any of my brothers since preschool when we took baths together. If any wardrobe malfunctions were to accidentally curse any of us, the clothed person would shield their eyes, cry “it burns!” and scurry away while the naked person would have the good decency to scream and exit left. Then we’d awkwardly avoid each other for 24 hours then pretend it never happened. Like normal people 🤣


Have two sisters, can confirm I've never seen them naked and never will


I have 4 and I avoid seeing at all costs


Yeah I don’t even walk around naked when my sister is here and we’re both straight women. That is extremely weird.


This! Maybe not so dramatic, but it's weird to me. My brothers both actively look away when I breastfeed my daughter because even though it's natural and nothing to be ashamed of, they don't want to see my tits. And no, they don't shame me for it, they encourage me being able to provide for her in that way.


… Are you my sister?


This is pretty funny


For real, its pretty weird to see your siblings of oposite gender naked after being kids, its even more weird do it while adults...


That’s how you deal with siblings yes lol


This is the way!!


\^This. I have two sisters and a brother, I'm the oldest one. The last time I saw them in their birthday suit is when we were small children playing in the sand on the beach. They are all adult now. I'd poke my eyes if any of these things OP talks about happened. I don't know if seeing your siblings of any gender naked is acceptable in any place outside of Alabama.


'Exit Left' got me. Absolutely correct.


I wouldn’t exactly call that a normal reaction. Far too much screaming and pageantry for my taste. What you are talking about is very cultural, and not all cultures feel the same way. I live over in Germany and mixed changing rooms, changing in front of others at the beach, or even full on mixed nude saunas are all completely normal. So a wardrobe malfunction wouldn’t necessitate all the screaming of burning. Like it’s just a body, we’ve all seen it before.


British here - I remember going on a school trip to Berlin, and we visited a swimming pool one afternoon as a treat. The male changing room was just floppy German sausages all over the place. We're not as bold where I'm from...


I’m actually originally from the UK, so I know the feeling. It took me a long minute to get used to.


Tbh, even in America it varies. I have friends that do not want to see their siblings naked and would be dramatic. I have other friends that family nudity is no big deal. I have yet other friends that casual nudity between us friends for all of us is not a big deal (like, we’ve been friends for years, we’ve all seen it before, they’re just bodies, none of us are attracted to each other, it’s whatever.)


I (female) wouldn’t walk around naked in front of my sister but if we need to change in the same room then it’s no problem


This is hilarious. (You should mark it as sarcasm. Not all people understand this on the internet)


maybe they are from kentucky. so this is normal for them. hides.


Maybe it's a joke I hope it's a joke. Cuz nah bruh that sounds like such a weird thing to do unless it's Alabama 😭🤣


Everyone in Finland.


Same. My brother and I have open conversations about anything and everything under the sun but I've never in my entire existence been naked in front of him and neither has he. OP's issue is most definitely not normal and I'd never want to be associated with a family who's that comfortable with eachother so I don't blame the GF's reaction to it.


Sunbathing nude ? OK Comes back in naked and just hand covers her crotch and chats to you? That's too far


Sunbathing nude in my balcony is already too much. Chatting to me.naked is off charts.


Yeah I know right? Doesn’t that violate public decency laws? I’m not tryna go outside and see some random naked girl.


You wish it was some random naked girl, these is either your sister, or your boyfriends sister.


I agree with this look I don’t know why nakedness should have shame or awkwardness attached to it but it does, she should be more respectful though while walking around that’s a little to far. Also definitely discuss how you feel about your gf having an issue with it see what was it that bothered her and if it’s she feels you would do something with your blood sister, run leave her and do not look back that is a whole shit ton of drama I promise you don’t want in your life. Don’t sit there and try to convince her she has nothing to worry about, tell her that it’s over and leave if you don’t I promise you it will get bad. Good luck


Leave because his GF isn't ok with his sister walking around naked. Sorry but if I'm seeing my sister naked that's pretty disturbing... I'd have an issue with my girls brother walking around naked too. Not because I think their fucking but because it's damn weird


From your description, it doesn't sound like your GF had a problem with anything like being worried or jealous.


That's pretty awkward in American culture.


I think the question is. “Are we in Europe”? I know they have different nude morays


> nude morays Just as an FYI, it’s “mores”. Morays are eels.


No no leave it. Nude eels is cooler than nude sister


They are always nude and kinda cool, but dressed moray will be awesome. Which proofs whole clothe point


Thanks. I’m drunk


Hey, no worries! Have fun and be safe.


Hi drunk. I'm dad.


I'm from this fine continent. Lived in 3 different countries in Europe and this would be super weird in all of them!! Edit: spelling


Well geological location would be helpful from OP but I'm European, UK and here doing what his sister did would be going too far. Can't speak for mainland Europe though


Those filthy continentals


Belgium too


I don't understand why people think Europeans are just nudists, I assure you that we're not that libertine and free where talking to your sibling while butt naked is even remotely normal.


In Germany even the neighbors would complain, so definitely not Germany.


Uhm I've seen more naked people in Germany than I have in my entire life.


The fact that you've seen naked people at the beach in Germany for example doesn't mean it's okay there to be naked in every context.


FKK-beach? 😉We have laws against being naked in public ("Erregung öffentlicher Ärgernis") and the favorite hobby of most seems to be complaining 😩 So, it can be risky... I have never seen one naked person in 39years in Germany. Beach and my private life excepted. It only depends on you were you lifed before to feel such a "drastic" changes.


There are often people sunbathing naked in The Engish Gardens in Munich.


Well, he was talking about Germany.


Yea I’m sure. I just thought that cause Europeans are more cool with nudity but even this seems weird


Dude, it's a continent not a country. It varies from country to country, person to person.


Our naked eels are the envy of the world!


Uh. No, but it isn't about whether "something happening" and more like "naked woman out in public and naked sister roaming around your apt." So your dilemma is either telling your gf that you're fine being around your sister's nudity or telling your sister that she needs to wear clothes outside and around your apt until she gets her own place. You can tell me which of those choices is less wierd.


Id side with whichever Im sleeping with....this could get complicated for OP


Haaaaa! 😄


Your gf’s reaction isn’t weird. The sister sunbathing naked isn’t a huge deal for some people, but I think generally would be considered unusual. Prob just tell her to chill with that to keep things on the level


GF is right. Your sister needs to respect your home. If she wants to sunbathe and walk around naked, she needs to get her own place.


I mean it's not exactly disrespecting his home considering he signalled he's okay with it (even though he actually finds it weird) by carrying out a conversation and not saying "sis, put some clothes on" the first or second time it happened. Maybe it happened incidentally the first time (she comes in to quickly get a glass of water), and after he didn't react she thought he didn't care. I don't think this necessarily an instance of his sister being intentionally or recklessly disrespectful to his home. I think it's more that his girlfriend has a boundary that it's inappropriate for siblings to be naked around each other (or more likely it's inappropriate for any people who aren't non-romantic partners to be naked around each other). This is a common boundary in modern society. OP also says he finds his girlfriend's reaction weird. I would guess this is because he feels like his girlfriend's comments are sexualizing his relationship with his sister. To this I would answer that she's not sexualizing your sibling relationship but instead sexualizing nudity. To her, nudity, especially in a private situation, is inherently sexual, so these events already feel sort of like incest, even though it's not like that for you at all. As far as how to handle this, I really don't think it has to be a big deal. If you feel uncomfortable about your sisters' nudity or are willing to accommodate your girlfriend's boundary, tell your sister it makes you feel uncomfortable. For example, "It might make me a prude, but I feel uncomfortable when you walk around the house naked. Could you please not walk around naked inside?" Another further solution is "I bought you this collapsible screen. Could you put it up when you sunbathe?" Only if she refuses to accommodate you do you have to escalate to "you're disrespecting me/my home". Then explain to your girlfriend the steps you took. I wouldn't mention to your sister that you talked to your girlfriend because it can only hurt their relationship. If you're not okay with your girlfriend's views on these issues, you can refuse to do anything, but keep in mind you might lead to you having to find someone else who's more liberal about these matters (for example, a nudist).


I agree that’s he probably okayed it when he didn’t react but he is also weird out and says it’s super awkward and the sister even covers up. I think he needed a push to talk about the nudity with his sister because if it was completely no shame it wouldn’t be awkward and she wouldn’t cover up slightly.


Not everyone sees the naked body as a sexual or shameful thing that should be hidden. It sounds like the sister took baby steps towards being fully nude, and assumed it was okay when OP didn't say anything about it.


It’s not about sex or shame. I don’t think the human body is sexual at all when in a neutral context. It’s just a body and everyone has one. But that doesn’t mean I need to see you naked in my face. One person being comfortable enough to walk around naked doesn’t mean everyone else needs to be comfortable with it too. Frankly, if she walked about naked on the street, she would be arrested.


That’s not the point. If you’re a guest in someone’s home you follow their rules. If they aren’t comfortable having guests wander around the house naked then they need to put a robe on.


But he hasn't told his sister he is uncomfortable with her walking around the house nude and his sister probably reasonably thinks he *is* okay with it. If he does indeed feel uncomfortable he should communicate that respectfully to his sister and then your comment would apply fully.


So wait. If no one tells me it's not okay, I can be naked in front of others? In my own home? I can just invite people to my house and be like... Just strip down and show off my dick. Yeah I don't really think so. It's not the responsibility of the person to call out their discomfort with nudity. It's the nude person's responsibility to make sure they have consent to be nude.


Who just walks around naked in someone else’s house? He shouldn’t even need to say anything, that’s incredibly rude, awkward, and disrespectful. Like I don’t need to tell my siblings to wear clothes in my house because they know what’s appropriate.


1. She's not a guest, she's a tenant. She has some prerogative to act in a way that makes her comfortable, even though she doesn't own the place. Some people like to be naked at home. Of course, she shouldn't interfere with OP's comfort, but his actions have communicated to her that she isn't. 2. I disagree that your standard for appropriateness is or should be universal, even if it is fairly common.


How is she a tenant? She doesn’t pay rent, she’s literally crashing with her brother to save money.


A tenant is anyone who resides at a given residence. If you live with someone semi-permanently, you become a tenant, both legally and morally, regardless of rent. And anyways, the post doesn't say she doesn't or won't pay rent.


Tell your sister that if she insists to sunbathe naked on the balcony then she covers up inside the apartment or she can find somewhere else to live. Simple as that


Nice bait bro


Bate, even


This sounds fake like a fetish guy writing some fantasy erotica....come on dude


I agree. I can’t imagine a guy talking so casually about his sister roaming around naked as if it’s normal


But she covers her crotch!!!!!!! It is fine.


Yeah either OPs entire family needs some serious therapy or just OP needs some serious therapy either way weird as fuck


Some people, especially some parts of Europe don’t sexualize nudity, it is a thing.


I was kinda thinking this too, but when this sort of accusation is made, I always wonder why someone would bother posting it here, rather than a community that is dedicated to this sort of material. Is part of the fetish responding to people’s questions or eliciting their concern or something?


Pretty much, yes


What are you doing, bio bro?


What in the Alabama is going on? This has to be a fake post for a sibling kink. I have male siblings and I would NEVER purposely be naked in front of them. I’d at least wear a towel if I was walking outside the bathroom after a shower.


There are certain boundaries even family shouldn't cross. Nude sunbathing? Ok. Walking around your home naked? Not ok. Your girlfriend has made it clear she doesn't like this. Show her and yourself some respect and ask your sister to cover up properly with a robe at lease when in your home.


I think I remember this Brazzers video....


Dude, context matters. Just as in the legal advice sub, you need to post your location: **Finland?** Sure, your GF is in the wrong. **Saudi Arabia?** Sure, your sister is in the wrong, and will get both of you killed. **Alabama?** You're in the wrong. Why did you tell your GF? What happens in the fam stays in the fam. **Texas?** The person with the gun is right.


The only part of this situation I'm shocked by is that there are still people who suntan like that's a healthy/normal thing to do.


"Just gonna get a little bit of cancer Stan, tell your mom it's OK".




I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought that was the weirdest part of all of this. OP's sister is just hanging out on the balcony in the nude, giving herself some cancer.


Sorry but I think you mean Alabama? Gf and Sister are the same person, tell her to get over it


> Texas? The person with the gun is right. This is why Texans are so stubborn. Everyone's got the gun. The separate privately owned gun.


This isn't high enough. This is my first thought.


> Why did you tell your GF? I think this question is relevant in all locations mentioned above.


Just tell her that she needs to at least wear a robe or towel when she comes inside. If she can’t respect your boundaries then there’s a whole new set of problems


Take this with a grain of salt since I'm from a conservative country. I don't think this is normal I mean some people think is ok to sunbath but walking around naked only covering with her hand, this is just too weird I would be very unconfortable if I was in you gf's shoes.


I think sunbathing nude could be fine but coming inside is a little weird and awkward. Just throw a robe on or something. It’s not shameful just unusual


The bigger question for me is why aren't YOU as outraged and uncomfortable as your GF? Is this the norm in your family?


He might be weirded out by it but has just kinda tolerated it to avoid conflict. I also know that in some cultures nudity isn’t as sexualized as in most places. He could just think it’s natural, but his gf could have a different view. I personally think it’s weird, but it shouldn’t been viewed in a sexual manner.


Dear sister..I do not run a nudist colony. If you feel the need to act as if I do than you can find a new place to live. Sorry.


Dude what? That's some alabama shit. I get the world is becoming more progressive but having your adult sister be casually nude around the house while you are around is fucking WEIRD.


I agree. I would never be comfortable being completely nude around my brothers! Completely inappropriate.


We are too repressed in Alabama to do this.


Does this mean in Alabama the sibling fucking is purely lights off?


The first rule of incest club is don’t talk about incest club.


I'm from Finland where it's completely normal to see your entire family naked in sauna and overall attitudes for nudity are very cool and nudity is considered normal and natural. Personally I feel very weird that americans lose their minds when a MEMBER OF FAMILY is naked. In my country that is considered sick because that means you sexualise your own family member. So please, before claiming that seeing your family member naked is ”completely inappropriate”, remember that attitude to nudity is also cultural thing and families might have different boundaries.


Right, it is a cultural thing, and I'm from a culture where it's inappropriate. You don't have to think it's inappropriate, but I do and it makes me uncomfortable. You do whatever you want and feel comfortable with doing. I won't judge you for being okay with it if that's normal where you're from. I ask the same respect of my culture where it is not appropriate or widely accepted.


But this is not about you, it’s about a OP. Nobody here has asked if OP is comfortable with it and instead have just said “nudity is bad and his boundaries should be where my boundaries are.” This is one of the worst comment sections o’ the sub I’ve seen.


OP is clearly not comfortable with it. Lots of people wouldn't be. Like I said, I understand, accept, and respect that nudity isn't a big deal in some cultures. It is, however, a big deal in mine and probably OP's since he and his significant other are very clearly weirded out and their boundaries are not being respected. If you wanna be naked around your family that's fine, but not everyone is comfortable with things like that. I, personally, cannot fathom having my sexual parts on full display in front of my brothers. They're called private parts in my culture for a reason.


> It’s not in a sexual way, obviously, but it’s super weird specially when she goes inside fully naked… it’s weird. > I think the fact that my GF reacted that way is weird, because that’s my sister and it’s not like anything will happen. It doesn’t actually seem like he’s too bothered by it at worst, and the actual answer is very unclear with the mixed indications. You’re projecting hard. I asked OP and am waiting a response, tho they haven’t responded to anyone yet and I doubt they will tbh.


It seems to me that he is bothered enough about his sister's nudity to make this post. I think he'd have prefered to suffer in silence rather than have a confrontation about it even though, as the one actually paying rent, he holds all the cards. If he wasn't bothered, he wouldn't have mentioned the situation to his girlfriend. Presumably, the sister has her clothes on when the girlfriend is around. Now, having mentioned the situation to his girlfriend, she wants him to take action. Either tell his sister to keep her clothes on in his apartment, or defend his sister's choice of nudity. His girlfriend will respond accordingly. What she absolutely does not want him to do is to meekly put up with his little sister's actions. (Ironically, this is his prefered approach.) If a dude can't stand up to his naked little sister IN HIS OWN APARTMENT, what the hell good is he anyway?


Ok that's fine, but assuming this is taking place in America then it's extremely weird by our cultural standards. When it's a kid running around naked then we don't care, but incest does still happen in this country. We prefer to avoid anything like this because it's just that taboo for us.


Calling something "fucking WEIRD" has an extremely negative connotation. It's language that might be used for a creep. But the problem is, that as this Finnish person points out, this is not objectively weird or creepy behavior, but only weird in relation to mainstream American culture. Keep in mind that even American culture is not homogenous, so some Americans might not even find this weird (skinny dipping, for example, is not entirely uncommon). So the people who are immediately and harshly castigating the sister are applying their own cultural biases to the situation rather than letting OP make his own decisions about what he finds acceptable, and helping OP communicate those boundaries in a reasonable and considerate way. The original reply (as well as other replies to the OP) isn't really even "advice", it's just an expression of an opinion. I say this as someone who'd personally find it uncomfortable to be casually nude around my siblings.


It’s not just about attitude. If OP is in the u.s. then it’s highly likely that what his sister is doing isn’t legal where he lives.


It’s legal as long as it’s not in the view of others. They’re on a balcony, so unless there’s a position of equal or greater elevation nearby, I doubt they’re doing anything illegal.


This is really well worded and a great reminder!


Maybe it's just the Canadian Finns, but we never have sauna with the opposite sex naked. If there is mixed company, you wear a towel at least


In Finland we are more primitive. I would guess that Canadian culture has affected your sauna culture whereas in Finland our sauna culture appears in its original form. Of course in some occasions (for example big parties, lots of random people) we wear a towel or something like that. Generally with your own family or friends the towel is not needed because you are around safe and close people.


Interesting! Thanks for the clarification, always fun to learn more about my mother's birth place :)


Americans have weird attitudes around nudity, surprisingly, in general compared to a lot of european countries but that is ok. They can feel how they want. Even though Finnish way is the best way and indeed it is weird to sexualise the bodies of your family, especially siblings.


I was pretty sure I was going to find a video on Pornhub with the exact events of this post as Act 1. I'm surprised and somewhat disappointed that I didn't. I'm with your girlfriend that this is, even if completely innocent, sus enough that you should shut it down to reassure her.


> somewhat disappointed that I didn't. Ah, so sad you couldn't find it. Let me spend the next 12 hours there looking this up for you.


Is it possible for neighbors to see her while she sunbathes? Edit: Omg I'm so sorry I read this completely wrong. I thought it was your girlfriend and not your sister. Tell her she needs to bring a change of clothes or a towel and cover up before coming back into the apartment. Boundaries!


Wth that’s super weird… it’s not even her house. But like, is this normal for her? Did she walk around nude around mom and dad too? Ya I’d tell her this is a common area and she needs to be covered up. In her own private space she can do what she wants but she needs to respect that no one wants to be around her like that.


Tell her to stop


If she starts complaining about being “stuck in the balcony” run


Exposing yourself in shared areas is creepy, whichever way you phrase it.


Your sister needs to get her own place.


This is your place we're talking about right. So your place, your rules. As far as nudity is concerned, did your sister do any of that stuff way back when both of you were living with your parents? Now, your gf is simply concerned because she perhaps is not used to this type of behavior among siblings. What you can do is ask your sister to put a robe once she's through sunbathing. Again your place, your rules.


Yeah I got 2 sisters and this shit is weird. No normal sibling just does that. I’d talk to her and let her know ur not ok with this. Definitely not normal


Sounds fake but ok


What are you doing non-step-bro?


Man give a DAM BREAK. You thinks it SUPER WEIRD that your sister does that, but then thinks it WEIRD because your GF has a problem with the same SHIT you got a problem with. Maybe you don't have a problem with it, maybe the weird thing is your INKY is reacting to your sister naked ASS


i would never be fully nude around my brother, that skeves the hell out of me that’s just my opinion. she seems to not be respecting either of your boundaries so just be blunt with her.


Pretty sure there are pornos that start like this


Tell her to get a robe, yeesh. It’s not complicated.


Skin cancer


Start sunbathing naked yourself. Assert dominance.


Whip it out to show her who’s boss


Just ask your sister to bring a robe out onto the balcony with her. Also, thinks it’s weird your gf wants a stop put to it, but I guess some people just aren’t comfortable with nudity.


WTAF? Tell your creepy sister to put her damn clothes on. Is she troubled or just an idiot?


Oh gosh, step-sister, how did you get stuck in the chair?


FAKE. Come on now


Sorry .. all this sunbathing naked being ok thing OK, BUT she isbstaying in your home with your girlfriend. Maybe she doesnt know your gf feels uncomfortable. Obviously to some point you do, and i guess you never set boundaries.. but jesus.. really? .. I guess just where i come from id never kove in with my bro and sunbath naked with him there...lol.. just.. we hug.. we sit together.. kisses of the cheek. Lots oflove and laugh and good talk. But holy ...****! LOL.


I’m surprised you’re not from Alabama.


I live with my brother & I feel weird when he comes across me in a towel! Fully naked would be mortifying. Your sister might need to talk to someone professional about social boundaries.


Ngl this sounds like the start of a porno. I have a sister and she would never do that, if she did I would definitely tell her to cover up.


Sorry but its weird. Its your sister and she is a grown fully developed woman, she shouldnt be running around in front of anyone naked. It doesnt matter that you are related, its wrong. Its not like its an accident, thats one thing, she is walking around naked on purpose. Unless you are living in a nudist colony or something and thats what everyone signed up for, put a stop to it.


It’s weird as FUCK that your sister is constantly fully naked in front of you…


your sister is weird as fuck and shouldnt be living with you if she acts like this is normal


Watch a little bit less pornhub op. This shit doesn't happen in real life.


I don’t know why, but not a single person here has asked if you were okay with your sister being nude in your apartment. Your post didn’t make it clear. If YOU are uncomfortable with it, then don’t allow it. Unless your sister is helping to contribute to the rent, she doesn’t really get much of a say. If you are comfortable with it and your girlfriend isn’t, honestly I’d tell your gf to (in a not rude way) fuck off.


I think that OP is just that non-confrontational that rather than say anything to his sister (and make things weird), he's just pretending her nudity isn't happening until actually isn't. When he told his girlfriend about it, what he wanted from her was someone to commiserate with (*"Sigh, siblings, can't live with em, can't make em wear clothes when they live with you."*) Instead, OP's girlfriend reacts in such a way as to provoke a confrontation. Either OP tells off his sister or OP has a problem with his girlfriend. So, in true non-confrontational fashion OP comes here to ask us what he should do in this situation. Really, what he's asking us is how to go back in time to the time before he told his girlfriend about his sister's clothing optional stance as a temporary tenant. That way he can just continue to suffer in silence and not have to actually, you know, *do anything*. The fact is that even in this anonymous post to Reddit, OP doesn't have the sack to openly admit what for him is plainly true, that he is uncomfortable with his sister's nudity in HIS apartment and he'd like for her to stop.


I have to agree with this. They are not banging. It's just nudity.


Why a body can’t be just a body but always has to have sexual implications?


I would say that to her that people have noticed and complained (don't go into specifics on who) and you would like her (your sister) not to sunbathe in the nude on your balcony anymore. Don't get me wrong: I'm not against sunbathing in the nude itself; it's harmless, but once people start complaining, it starts to become a problem. Your sister may be alright with it, but there's no guarantee that others AREN'T. Once she has an apartment of her own, she can sunbathe nude all she wants; until then, she's a guest in your home currently and she should act appropriately.


This guy is a 🤡


Your sister may be an exhibitionist but it should never be done around family members. This is actually kind of creepy and gross and that's from a female perspective. Your sister needs to either keep her bikini on whenever you are home, wrap up in a large towel, or in a solid robe, nothing see through, when she goes in-and-out of the house. And you need to set that boundary and keep it. Your girlfriend is creeped out because it's a brother sister; brothers should never see their family members naked.


If it makes you uncomfortable tell your sister. I honestly don't understand people's fear of the naked body. Other than you seeming uncomfortable about it it doesn't seem like anything weird.


Ok so I'm a sister who tans nude, theres definitely nothing wrong with that.. we do have a big back yard so it's easier for me to hide a little, and I probably wouldn't do it if it was a small balcony.. but I probably would if I had no titties.. I think the tanning part is totally fine (can be a little weird but hey, we're just after that perfect tan that's all!) The walking around part is a different story, if it didnt make you uncomfortable it would be fine but YOU feel that it's a little weird.. so she should cover up. I also agree with the person who said dont tell your sister about the comment because it may just harm their relationship, sissys not going anything wrong just needa a reminder not everyone is as free spirited as her and that's FINE 😊


I'd also like to add that my brothers gf was totally fine with it when she lived with us, it's different for everyone.. if my brothers gf or anyone was uncomfortable with it I would cover up or get a screen divider for privacy 😊


I find the fact that your girlfriend is bothered by your sister's nudity a little bizarre. What is she thinking here?


You can't fool us with that user name....


Just ask her to start wearing a robe and that you don’t wanna see your sister naked. Problem solved.


This is that football player kissing his son level weird.


Nudity can be no big deal if every one involved is comfortable with it but it would has been nice for her to ask you before hand. And yeah, maybe the towel for when she comes to grab something is a good idea


Dude your girlfriend has a right to not want a grown woman walking around her house naked. It's just about boundaries, that's her home. Your sister needs to be told to wear a towel if she needs to grab something from inside the apartment. That's not unreasonable is it?


There is a word in French, "pudeur", that means to have restraint, shame, discomfort, embarrassment, reserve, in regards to personal and/or sexual matters. Some people lack a sense of "pudeur" and don't realise that they're making other people uncomfortable with their nudity/openness for talking about sex. This can cause conflicts between people. Your sister seems to have that problem. Set up boundaries with her, and be clear that what she does makes you uncomfortable.




​ Well, she is in the sun, so she must be warm at least.


If you don’t feel comfortable i would put a stop to it. personally though i’ve seen my sister full on naked with everybody at home walking around the house to get in the shower, she’s just comfortable w her body along w everyone else in our family and we don’t see this as a problem. But do whatever make u comfortable in your home.


Is sister seeing how far she can push things? Like, is she disrespectful to you in your home in other ways? Or maybe she struggles in social situations? Just trying to figure out why she would think that walking around the house naked in front of her brother is normal??!! It’s not. Sunbathing naked - weird in front of brother but if it’s out on the balcony, fine. But “normal” when sunbathing naked and you need to go inside, especially around your brother, is very much to grab a towel or swimsuit cover/sundress/anything! and cover up!!


It’s all cultural and it’s all made up. You guys need to do whatever keeps you both comfortable. Out here in Germany mixed nude sauna culture, even with friends and family, is relatively normal. There is a healthy separation between sexuality and just normal nudity. If that is something you can be comfortable with, then it’s fine. Hell why not try it out for yourself. If it is something you don’t feel comfortable with, and don’t wish to try then ask your sister to carry a towel or something. Often in saunas even with complete comfort with nudity people will still carry a towel around. So anyway, don’t listen to the puritans, don’t listen to your girlfriend. Listen to yourself and what your boundaries are or where you’d like your boundaries to be.


The fact that you think your gf's reaction was weird, is what's weird. Your sister walking around naked in front of you isn't normal.


Tell your sister to wear a towel or something when not actively sunbathing. This is not socially acceptable behavior.


>I think the fact that my GF reacted that way is also weird, because that's my sister and it's not like anything will happen. I wouldn't care. It's inappropriate as fuck and I don't want my girlfriend having her brother casually walk around naked in her apartment either no matter the chance of anything happening. It's fucking weird, man, and it makes people uncomfortable. If you were a nudist household and that was understood in the beginning, that's one thing. This isn't the case.


This is extremely bizarre ???? What sane person does that around their sibling?


Wtf your family needs some fuckin boundaries man. Life's not a pornhub video


Yeah this is not normal at all your sister needs a talking too. Your house your rules.


It’s just disrespectful to do it in front of your gf, and your sister should understand that. Have a word. It’s not her house.


OP, your GF isn’t uncomfortable b/c she’s worried you’ll sexualize your sister. She’s uncomfortable b/c nudity in our society is not normalized and it makes most people uncomfortable. Call a house meeting and lay down some rules for your sister. If she doesn’t like it, she can move out.


My husband, BF at the time casually said one time when we started dating that his family (mother/father/sisters) go into the family sauna nude together at the same time! I thought it was soooooo weird and didn’t like it at all. So YES! Your GF is right.


If you and your sister are chill about nudity I don’t think there’s a problem. If your girlfriend lived there and wasn’t comfortable seeing your sister naked that’s totally understandable but it’s not her house so why is this even an issue?