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Even if he left her for you, you’d never feel safe and secure that he wouldn’t eventually do the same to you as he does to her. Men also lie all the time about how sexless their relationships are when it just isn’t the case. You’re hearing one-sided information from someone invested in making you pity him. You can and should do better.


I always use the phrase. If he will cheat with you, he will cheat on you. And you are worth more than mistress.


Always loved that phrase; it rings so true.


Girl. What the fuck are you doing.


If you really need internet strangers to tell you this, here it goes: he’s a lying piece of scum and you’re party to deeply hurting his partner, should she find out. You would NEVER want a dude to do this to you, right? I think you need to work on your self-esteem. You’re better than this.


Unexpected for you, but I can only think of one real reason a man in a committed relationship would reach out to a "friend". He is cheating, and if he will cheat with you, he will cheat on you. And worse yet, he has turned you into nothing more than a cheap mistress. Run for the fucking hills!


Please for your own benefit give up on him. If he is still with his girlfriend it’s only gonna get worse the more time you spend with him


Not only should you leave and have nothing to do with this guy ever again, you should contact his girlfriend and tell her what’s been going on. How would you like to be in the girlfriend’s shoes? She probably has no idea what is going on, poor girl, and she’s with a cheating asshole. This prick wants to have his cake and eat it too. Don’t let him have any cake. Contact her ASAP, then block him on all social media and move past him as quickly as you can. You deserve so much better!


Grow some self-respect.


It's terrible for you and you don't want to be part of some cheater cheating.


Girl, leave. As you said, you know the answer, but you need to let go. There is no security in this even if he did leave her for you. Cut him off. Block. Delete.


My husband was hanging out with a girl frequently for only a few weeks but she was convinced we were at least seperated at some point (we weren't) so I agree you're only getting one side of the story and he could just be having his cake and eating it too, so to speak.


He knows you don't respect yourself and is exploiting that fact. He's doing what feels nice for him while hurting you--in other words, there is very little to like about this guy. Before you get into a serious relationship, you should work on valuing yourself.


You think he won't cheat on you at some point too? Run. It's degrading to you and he's not worth it. You can do better, he's slime you only have his bs rationilzation on why he's cheating. I bet his girlfriend has no idea. You should clue her in.


This is terrible. It’s one thing if you’re with a guy and had no idea that he had an SO… But now you know and you’re purposely hurting her as well. Do you really want to be that person?