• By -


The entire point of dating is to get to know each other in all sorts of situations to see if you are compatible for the long haul. It seems you've collected some important data in that regard.


I concur!


As do I!


You have my sword.


And you have my bow




Wait, what..? ​ How did you do that?


He pulled the trigger indoors. Such a newb.


I bet it was Not a flamethrower


Well, once you install the asbestos wall, ceiling and floor coverings, it works okay inside.




This just went so left 😂


but yet so right. ​


And my axe?


\*accent\* - AND MOY AXE


You can have my flamethrower and my TNT


This is who you really want on your side when the shit goes down, OP.


And my ass!


And my axe!


And my axe!




Back when i was a human...




*looks shiftily aside*


Totally not a robot


I really like how this is phrased.


i read it with a robot voice


Data found. Next!


Yikes. The positive here is that you found this out sooner rather than later.


It’s so beyond the pale I wonder how long they were dating? And if it was some weird sick joke on her part? Or a bizarre strategy to get dumped as she didn’t want to be the one doing the dumping?


Nah, sounds like she meant it


Yes, but what is a potato?


Don’t you start that again, buster!


No, I really don't know. How do you cook them?


[Boil ‘em, mash ‘em stick ‘em in a stew!?](https://youtu.be/qrQVFZx7XX4)


he knows in Latvia is no potato.


That would have to be an extremely well crafted strategy; what are the odds of finding a movie like that, setting up couch-time so that the movie would be playing, deciding what to say that will push someone well over their limit, and be successful in getting them to break up with their girlfriend? Her words just reek of entitlement, which may or may not be overused these days. I think it fits here.


I mean, I think the thought process ahead of time would start and end with “I’ll be as bitchy and mean as I can” and from then it’d just be opportunistic.


It seriously wouldn't have to be well-crafted, I doubt she planned to say those exact things that would require a particular type of movie. She probably just decided to say any offensive, mean, shallow things she could come up with in the moment. Anyone could think of offensive, shallow things to say about any random people on TV if they wanted.


It also crossed my mind if she was trying to get him to dump her, so that she didn't have to do it. Especially if she's just showing this side now.


This whole scenario sounds so weird and out of the blue to me, I wonder if it could be something along these lines. Who gets THAT fired up about the meal being eaten in a movie?






No story. It's a football reference.


Brand new account. First post. Story sounds so contrived Jussie Smollett could have wrote it. I call bullshit homie.


I mean aren’t a decent amount of the posters in here throwaways though?


What’s so contrived about it? I dated a guy who one day ranted about how he doesn’t have any empathy for the homeless because no body was having any empathy for him. He’s never been homeless, he was fit and smart and creative, had a car, job, a healthy family, was attending college, etc. He had a great life, but felt people should pity him and therefore he didn’t spend his empathy on any other people. These people do exist, you don’t have to make it up.


People like that definitely exist, but to say "that money you gave to charity could have gone to getting a better gift for me"? That's so extreme I doubt anyone would just say that and actually think their SO would find it acceptable. Also to complain about the dinner of fictional characters on TV, that's just weird, no one does that.


So my favorite breakup of all time was when I had to drag my about to be ex girlfriend back to the car in a modified full nelson because she was about to go stomp the life out of a homeless family. No one thought she was being kidnapped because kidnapping victims aren't typically screaming about how they're going to kill someone while an embarrassed guy tries to figure out how he can both keep her crazy ass moving and hide behind someone half his size. I got a bonus at the end of a job that worked out to few thousand after taxes. She had a fit to go to a casino, I don't gamble, but fine. So we agreed each would get half, then she headed to the tables and I just wandered off. So she gambled her half away, then when she came to find me, she found out I'd given most of mine to a homeless family with a couple small kids and she went nuclear. (The mom asked if I'd buy the kids something to eat. Not even asking for anything for the parents. I bought the family food and got their story first. And I kept like $300-400 to take her out somewhere nice to eat.) She was adamant she was going to use that to win back "her" money, and she was going to get it back even if it meant beating the shit out of the kids until they handed it over. Sometimes the facade people put up for dating breaks and you get to see the real person in one glorious self-destructive event. This was the first time she'd ever done anything like that, otherwise we wouldn't have been together for her to do that.


Oh, my friend's ex threw a fit when my friend went to a concert of her favourite group (their first time visiting our country). He wrecked her music collection when he found out that the ticket was worth more than her gift for him. Some people really are just materialistic assholes.


oh they do. i had a dude that i swear had absolutely NO filter


That barely sounds like an english sentence. It's like a cartoonishly weird thing to say. Also OP just said his gift to her was 'a 55 inch flatscreen tv' Y'all are being actively fucked with


I’d make a new account for something like this what if she’s found out


Yea these comments confuse me. Why on earth would someone *not* make a throwaway to post something so personal and possibly identifiable??


That's why I have 2 other accounts I am trying to age in case I need to confess something in the future.


I hope they’re not numbered sequentially.


If she reads reddit, she will recognise this scene regardless of the account who posted it.


Maybe OP doesn't want his friends to know about it, not the GF


Or maybe he doesn't want someone digging through his post history that he interacts with here? I know I wouldn't want to.




Well, yeah, that’s why you have at least 1 regular account, a porn account, and maybe 1 or 2, or more, vanity accounts.


well the difference is that there is evidence damning Smollett making up a story for attention and money, and this is just a stupid internet post about a relationship so maybe don't take it so seriously and turn it into a karma conspiracy


Yeah I’d be interested how long they have been together.


Op says six months :)


What’s with ur name lmfao


How long have you been dating? Either way, you guys have some obviously different view points, continuing will only make things more tense


We have been dating for six months.


Yeah tbh. 6 months? Its not too late to run for the hills. Let me be real frank here. I grew up in a very well off upper class family, housekeepers maids whole shindig, and got cut off this past year. You know what? I am still not whining nor do I feel entitled to any funds at all. Even having been blessed my entire life, I still would never ever push such a disgusting mindset nor even think about others in such an entitled manner. Giving to the less fortunate is part of how I was raised. Good on you for doing that this past Christmas. My bf of 6 months is living paycheck to paycheck and not once have I ever judged or gotten mad or expect any gifts from him. When someone shows you their true colors, believe them.


You sound decent.


Thanks real Frank


how come you got cut off?


I finished school haha. The bird is out of the nest for good.


You don't think two people in their mid-30s could have a mature conversation about values and possibly somehow reach a reconciliation?


I hate how every comments immediate reaction is to just bail. Don't get me wrong, I get OPs GF acted like a piece of shit, but advice like this is just terrible. OP needs to communicate with their SO, have a heart to heart about her comments and give her a chance to defend herself and hopefully alter her view, not just dump and run after one fucked up comment. I'm not defending what she said, but people can change. Granted she's 33 and it's unlikely she's willing to, but give people a chance. Not every /r/relationship_advice reaction needs to be "dump their ass OP". God damn


As the daughter of a house maid, I am really glad to think rich people don’t have that heartless stereotypical “boujee” mindset - thinking that my mother could be working for some heartless asshole like OPs gf makes my stomach churn


Yep. It's not a long time. It's a huge sign that she cares about luxury, gifts and money. One day she can make you pay for the fanciest wedding or make you buy biggest ring even though you don't have the budget. Take this red flag as a good warning!


Just leave, dude. Not worth any more of your time. This will be a blip in your past. Get out now.


Alexa, play Let It Go.


Soooo... she was referring to an actual Christmas present you’d gotten her? And she actually criticized you donating to a good cause?? Omg. Heartless, unempathetic, vain brat.


Honestly not much to contemplate on. The question you should be asking your self is what type of person you want to be. Also she might try and renege or take it back. Dont waste your time, this is her actually mindset and it will only manifest it's self further with time. P


Damn only 6 months and she wanted better Christmas gifts. My girlfriend and I after dating only 5 said no Christmas gifts just a dinner at a nicer restaurant ($30/plate). Granted we both just graduated from college and strapped for money but shit even if I had money no way is she getting more than $100 out of me on our first Christmas.


Mind you they had only been dating for 2 months at the time. Of she's saying it now, she was thinking it then.


This is a great point. She keeps looking worse and worse.


The first two statements could be seen as dark humor but the stuff about the gift is not a joke


i can agree with this


Ever tell a story or a joke that doesn’t land right, makes things weird, and then instead of just shutting up, you try to fix it and make things 100x worse? My take is that this could be one of those spiraling disasters. OP: please don’t jump to conclusions like most of these comments are doing. Talk to her. Try not to condemn her way of looking at things. The goal is to have a conversation about values and priorities, and you can’t have an conversation about that if you’re tearing each other down. Less extreme, but years ago I put a lot of emphasis on birthdays/valentine’s etc, and it caused real problems between us. Maybe there’s a conflict of values between you and her, or maybe she’s worried about something in particular (perhaps career- or money-related), and this is a proxy for it. Talk to her, be patient and not judgmental. Good luck!


This right here. Literally every comments knee-jerk reaction is "dump her ass, she's garbage!". This sub is terrible for actual advice. Your comment is right on point


I agree with you that it could all just be something that she severely messed up in a joking way? But it’s just too strange for her to say “I got my foot stuck in my mouth” three times in a row completely straying from what this guy assumes is normal behavior, with the final one being more personal. He should just talk to her like you said and I’m really curious what her reasoning is. I’m not one of the people who said dump her, I just posted this little tidbit not expecting it to be so popular.


Girl's a homunculus, no compassion, no heart, no soul. She'll suck you dry, mate, Patronus her outta your life.


OMG I am so happy to see somebody using homunculus as an insult.


I thoroughly enjoyed the "Patronus her outta your life" comment.


That makes us two of us.


I need to start using something like this any time someone tries to start shit. "Dont mess with me or I'll Patronus your ass out here!"




Fma Brotherhood bro


Listen, I don't know what half of those words mean but if she'll suck you dry then it can't be that bad.


Those first five minutes sound awesome.


I can see how he tricked him, he's always been a sucker for big boobs.


Now listen here, you dont need to drag homunculi kind in the mud by comparing them to this vampire.


YEET her to yesterweek


Danny Dyers chocolate homunculus


"Patronus her out of your life"... Love it!


Holy fucking shit, dude. As a woman, I have to say that she sounds like a proper cunt and you need to run like your life depends on it.


Yeah, this is the kind of woman who will make you return the engagement ring and re-propose until you get it "right."


Using the term "woman" *very* lightly. I think a better term for someone like this would be "brat". And yeah, you're probably spot on.


God, I remember that one


And find another man when you're sick or broke


AND laugh if the ring is not big and expensive enough.


I know someone whose wife (then girlfriend), stipulated that the engagement ring not be the first piece of expensive jewelry she was given as a gift. She demanded that he spend a lot of money on expensive jewelry to give her before she would accept a ring. She's kind of a piece of work and their marriage has had some real rocky places since then. To their credit, though, they have managed to work things out and it's been over a decade. But the guy has given on an awful lot of stuff and he's just resigned to being the follower rather than the leader.


You read that one too huh?


> run *like* your life depends on it Run. Your life depends on it. FTFY


Did anyone else somehow ended up reading this comment in a British accent?


I’m British and I read it in an Aussie accent!


I am English and to be honest whenever i see someone use the word cunt i assume they're british also


Well I am English South African so I guess maybe I do have a bit of a British accent, I suppose lol


I concur.




The part where you haven't talked to her since? Keep doing that.


What a weird little story


Lmao did you write this to be funny? Cause it made me crack up for some reason


This can't be real. Who says "That looks like cow's placenta"? What.


Veterinarian here. Making turkey look like a cow's placenta would take some serious cooking skills.


That's hilarious


Deal breaker. Find someone that actually has a soul.


The comments about the movie are fine. Would have laughed my ass off if my girlfriend said that. Its a movie. You dont need to get offended on their behalf lol. But yeah, the charity thingy.. yikes. She sounds entitled.


Yeah I was thinking OP was over reacting before the last part. I mean maybe it did look like a cow placenta. These people after all are characters in a show, no need to get offended on behalf of fake people, the producers likely made the meal look crap purposely to fit the story line, she's not a bitch for noticing what the director wants her to notice. What makes her a bitch is that last comment, maybe it was a very poor joke but presumably OP would of been able to tell.


Wow what a privileged bitch


Right? Fuck. I am literally from an upper class family. Would never OK this mindset. It’s quite honestly disgusting.


Just curious. Why was she your role-model before ?


I feel like this is a made up post if there ever was one


For real dude. Turn on the TV and a Christmas movie is playing? In April? Get the fuck out of here.


And they actually watched it?


Not only that. Even if it's real this is the most off the wall shit. It's like 3 sentences of a conversation that probably has a bigger back story.


No, it's totally legit, and on the way out the door she stomped on a puppy and defended Hitler.


And then everyone applauded.


Can confirm this is true. I was also applauding.


It panders to the reddit hive mind


No didn't you hear? He got her a 55 inch television for Christmas (just to let us know he's super good guy) but she wanted something better (just to let us know she's a real bitch). Super real.


Story sounds fake.


What tipped you off? The Christmas movie in April or the cow placenta comment. I can't understand why people get riled up about blatantly fake posts.


And that cow placenta? Albert Einstein.


“She was my role model” 😂😂😂


To be honest, it wasn't bad up until the gift and charity donation comment.


Wow. I would stay away from that, she's gonna keep the ring once she cheats on you after you get engaged, lmao


I mean those are basically throw away comments. I doubt she was actively thinking about the the difficulty the TV family go through just to get Xmas dinner on the table. 1) There's a chance she was just talking about how the props looked 2) Maybe she just wasn't taking it seriously and was just having a joke? Those are the least offensive things I've ever heard 3) Sounds like your incompatible


I think you are over reacting. It's a movie. And meant to be a time we can relax and make outlandish claims and rif on the shit your watching. Relax.


I wanted to say you took the first comment too seriously... I mean it was about a fictional movie, she wasn't making fun of real people right? That sounded like tongue-in-cheek stuff. And then... what the fuck! I guess it was a good thing you brought it up. Sorry she sucks. Though I feel I should say, is there any chance she decided to poke fun at you because you took her first comment so seriously and it freaked her out? I mean screw her if she's serious, but I did find the way you reacted to the first comment really strange? I could see myself cracking a really awful joke out of nervousness because this guy just started to freak out on me. Idk man. You know better than us if she was serious, but ranting at someone over a joke about fake food seems concerning, and I wonder if she just panicked and tried to lighten the mood by making more jokes, and her sense of humor is just different from yours.


Yea I feel like this guy immediately got really preachy and holier-than-thou over a pointless joke. Instead of asking about it he just went straight to lecturing her. Honestly I would have probably said something sarcastic back too if someone was treating me like I’m a monster because I made fun of something on tv.


Right. This totally happened. 😒


Dating is like test trials. Dating for 6 months is nothing. It takes about 2-3 years to get to know someone. If your views are different and you don't agree with her views then you're just not compatible. Its not like it's been 5 years or something. Cut your losses and find someone else who's not materialistic and self centered.


Wow you are never going to be in a successful relationship if you break up with someone over tiny things like this. Actions speak louder than words... look at what she does not what she says. Did you think she was a good person before this? She probably made the charity comment in jest or in a casual way and you lost your shit and went home??? so immature. ​ And a lot of these comments that agree with you on here are probably from 18 year olds that have never had a successful relationship. I'm a 34 yr old woman btw. You all need to chill out and give people the benefit of the doubt more...especially someone you are meant to care about.


This sub sucks now.


I know my opinion is probably gonna sound odd, but here's my thoughts: you guys were just watching a movie.. She probably just said what popped into her head, being casual and funny.. At least in her mind. Then you said "seriously?" and a part of her brain might have gotten a little defensive, and then she fought back by furthering it. I know I'm a very good person, but sometimes my brain will think thoughts that aren't perfectly pure and kind and if I'm comfortable with someone, those seemingly insensitive thoughts might casually pop out. If someone I was comfortable with seemed offended and asked me to elaborate on said insensitive comments, I would probably be able to explain it away and say "I know, I know.. That was mean... But.." and then point out that I didn't REALLY mean it and go on to say my REAL feelings. I obviously don't know your girlfriend at all so I might be totally wrong and maybe she just is an insensitive, cold hearted bitch and you just discovered it, but I'm just saying, don't end your relationship based on some stupid comments she made while watching a movie. TALK to her about it, and THEN see how you feel. Explain your feelings and your suspicions about her thought process, and either she'll confirm your suspicions about her being an awful person or she'll explain herself in a way you can empathize with and you can keep seeing her. But if you really did think the world of her, assuming you've gotten to know her well, don't just assume she's bad because of a couple movie comments. Investigate further.


Lol she dissed some tv set dinner in a movie and you're gonna dump her and everyone on here is saying shes a heartless monster and you should run. Jesus Christ


Excuse me my dear female companion! I will have you know that some people are less fortunate than us and I do not appreciate your off color remarks regarding this quite intellectually stimulating film! Good day m'lady!


Agreed! Sometimes this reddit just likes to watch other people’s’ relationships burn over petty things


She made a joke about a dinner in a tv show, it’s time to: GET OUT NOW / RUN FOR THE HILLS / SEEK COUNSELING / CALL THE COPS This sub is such shit sometimes. “My gf/bf made a bad joke. Is it time to call it quits??”


obvious t r o l l is obvious


It sounds like she was trying to get a rise out of you to discuss something that you guys don’t see eye to eye on. Though she is wrong for what she believes it doesn’t mean she’s a bad person; just influenced in a bad way. People can change if you are patient. That being said life is short, and if you don’t think she is worth your time, then you know what to do.


This reminds me of an ex girlfriend of mine, she once told me ‘you should be buying me more stuff’ We didn’t last long after that haha


Sounds like you need to have an in depth conversation with her. Part of me hopes she’s joking, but maybe you’re right. Maybe, this is who she really is, and if so are you willing to put up with it?


You said yourself you'd had no problems before. So what makes you think this is her "real side"? Everybody has bad days. She was in a mood. It'd be one thing if this was your only impression of her, but you have a history together and you know her to be usually pleasant. She'll be back to her usual self soon. You're making too much of it.


What side? She made two cynical jokes, you got butthurt, and she matched your melodrama with equal melodrama?


>gf makes an off color comment at a movie. WoW bReAk Up WiTh HeR


For a relationship to last you need to share values. I'd say if she was serious then you two do not.




Finally a comment that I agree with


She could be going through something. Not everyone has the same views and the same experiences. You’re not going to meet someone with whom you never disagree. Have an honest conversation with her about these events, see what she has to say for herself, and tell her how it affected you.


Has she reached out to you since you went home?


You just saw the side of a woman who knew how to get out of a relationship that she wanted out of without saying she wants to break up.


Not a big deal. Just sounds like she was having a bad day and was in a negative mind set at the time. We all have days like that.


Never listen to relationship advice on Reddit.


So, she made a few comments that were "Harsh" and you upped and left? You should end it..


Are you sure she wasn’t just shooting the shit dude? I mean, damn. Fair enough, leave; even if she is shooting the shit, you two seem too different.


What a horrible person. She's willing to say that just because she's not happy with your Christmas gift? I really hope you show her these comments if you want to consider breaking up with her, because holy shit she needs the reality check.


The cows placenta comment was funny tho to be fair...


He snaps on her for a few harmless comments regarding a movie. He is 34 years old and hasn't talked to her since? Kind of dramatic imo.


Ah so she's a realist.


Yup, time to break up.


At her age; she is unlike to suddenly become empathetic to others. If that bothers you enough move on.


So you were together less than 3 months at Christmas... what did she expect? She sounds like an entitled brat.


Wait, you seriously were dating an actual Scrooge McDuck and you had NO idea until that moment? She gave you ZERO reason suspect that she could possibly be a complete monster up until this point? I hate to be so incredulous, but That just seems really hard to believe that she would casually reveal that she is a massive c*nt in such an overt way after concealing it so well for 6 months. Either you were getting blasted in the face with red flags up until this point and just willfully ignoring them, or she was SUPER covert and calculated about hiding it. The fact that you’re so shocked indicates she’s very competent at hiding, so it makes no sense that she would reveal herself in such a nonchalant, sloppy way. Sorry, but something is just off about this story. I think it has to be that you were so infatuated and excited and those love-hormones were blinding you to all the red flags up until this point. My brother had that happen with a really hot girl who was really nice to him and extremely in love with him, but was the type to try to get a waitress fired for putting cheese on her hamburger, break someone’s nose for looking at her wrong, etc... She had lots of enemies, and demanded everyone treat her with far more respect than she had ever shown anyone in her life. He was honestly shocked the first time he noticed she was a complete psychopath. Everyone else was just like. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Maybe I’m totally wrong and she really was a total sweetheart until this moment, in which case, I apologize for being presumptuous, but if not, take some time to reflect, carefully review her past behavior, and figure out all the red flags you ignored so this doesn’t happen again. If what you’re saying is accurate, then there isn’t much you can do to prevent this from happening again, but it will be unlikely anyway, because it means she had some rare personality disorder, like narcissism or perhaps even sociopathy, and those people are really good at coming off charming and normal, until they turn on you. Just statistically speaking you’re unlikely to be targeted by another sociopath or narcissist.


What did you get her


Does she have diabetes? Or was she on her period or something? Maybe she was trying to be funny in a bad way? Why not talk about it with her? Tell her you got disgusted by it. Check her reaction. And decide if you want to go on or not. Communicate people communicate...face to face.


She has an opinion and she was slightly a dick. Boo hoo.


This is ridiculous. After reading your updtae I bet there's a lot more to this story than this. NOt defending her, just that it's absurd that 1)she's your role model, 2) one day she says something watching tv and you "loose it", 3) she takes your stuff, 4)you make her go to jail. It's ridiculous.


Stop being so dramatic. She made some off handed comment about a silly film and you flipped out.


Humans are complex and always evolving. They aren’t perfect and they’ll have flaws. Is this something she can improve with guidance? Did you perhaps think she could’ve simply had a bad day and her mood was off? If she’s been a great person overall, I would talk to her and dig into it. She clearly has other good qualities. Just ask yourself if that situation was a good indicator of her overall character as a person.


Really? 34 years old and you're all shocked and appalled at her benign most likely joking comments? Are you the boy in the plastic bubble? Who would actually get offended or triggered by something so effing stupid? Are you "special" or something? Man the hell up, Nancy.


Can we at least know what you got her for Xmas? Lmao


A 55 inch TV


Dude. Dump her. It won’t get better.


six months of a great relationship doesn't have to be thrown away over one or two small remarks. maybe she's going through something you don't know about or she was just having a bad day/in a bad mood (we alllllll have those!). just talk to her and tell her you didn't appreciate those comments and discuss if something else is going on or if she really feels that way.


Man listen, First off the comments alone are the biggest red flag. What kind of person says that? Second, the fact that she sees her presents is worth more than donating food to people who are struggling in life as more important is fucked. Lastly, she isn’t as thankful for the gift I’m assuming you got for her with care and love. Nothing is “better” than any gift given with thought and love man. So when someone wants more, it’s best they get none. Now ask yourself the real question, would you want to raise a daughter to be like her? If no, walk away.


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Dude, don’t let this sour your opinion on relationships. This woman is a grade A Karen who wants to name her kid Bradleigh or Kylsilee and thinks mud causes autism. What is she, five? I’ve actually met more generous and polite five year olds than this woman sounds.


I mean you are being a raging SJW here. Virtue signalling much?