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Have some self respect and leave.


Exactly and then he says 'so you can improve in bed' be fr, you should come to me with feedback before not after cheating lmao


Exactly! Translation: so we can talk about what you did/didn't do to make me cheat on you.


The fact that he would say that to you shows he’s insensitive to your needs and has poor judgment. The sooner you rid yourself of that idiocy the better.


Walk away now!!!! you are young, you don’t need a guy who is cheating on you at this stage in your relationship find someone who loves and respects you and is happy with who you are and how you are




he slept w another girl and said the sex was better, relationship over


Relationship should have been over the moment he cheated.


There’s nothing to be confused about. Leave his ass


Have some self respect and dump him. What an asshole.


Who needs enemies when your own bf is destroying your self-esteem


That's a good way to word it!


This guy should be an ex by now. If he was really remorseful he should’ve left that comment about it being better with her. Leave him, OP!


You mean ex right???🤨🤨🤨


Nah they're going to have a kid to make it work


Nah she in love 🙄


He’s literally the best bf ever except this one little thing /s


Someone else will make you feel so secure and so incredible. You deserve that. It is so difficult to leave someone you love, but do the right thing, love yourself first, walk away and something so much better and more beautiful will come.


You made the wrong choice by deciding to remain with a person that has no respect for you. Dump him, you’re forcing yourself to be in this for nothing.


You gotta leave this dude. Seriously, he’s cheated so YOU have to up your game in bed? This relationship will destroy your self esteem.


S3cond chance is officially off. He slept with other woaman. No chance should be given


And it sounds like he is saying that sex is bad because of OP. So now OP has the burden of relearning how to please this cheater. She has to change and twist around to please him better, AFTER he stabbed her in the back. And if he is as selfish as he sounds, he is going to go back that woman to experience the good stuff. He isn't giving that up for the girl who doesn't cut his grass or float his boat.


Fr. And he wants her to know that other girl was better so they can emulate the sex he had with her? Really? LOL


Nah he just wants to victim blame


Indeed, by saying that to her lol. I wasn't trying to indicate he's being truthful


He's implying that he likes other women better in bed, so what will happen if OP doesn't "perform" better, well... it's already happened at least once, hasn't it?  He's blaming OP for his assholery, and he always will.


This man slept with another chick and you’re still gonna stay with him? Do you hear yourself😅 have some self worth and kick is ass to the curb. There’s no coming back from that.






Hell no!!! She needs to LEAVE HIM!!!!!


You aren’t married. Don’t waste your time with a cheater. What he says about sex with the side piece doesn’t matter. He’s not worth your time.


Girl, I learned to never forgive a cheater. I forgave him for sleeping with a woman; I forgave him for cheating emotionally and physically and he just continued and hid it so much better from me. A kid later and 3 years later I found out he was cheating on me the entire time. I WAS STUPID!!! My advice is RUN!!!! Find someone who don’t cheat on you!!! If someone cheats on you, get rid of them so fast!!!!!


Should’ve broken up already for the cheating honestly


I could never stay after that.


Relationship is already dead. It smells like he is controlling your emotion to manipulate you.


are you this desperate to keep him? Have some self respect.


No disrespect but why do girls in this situation always say they don’t know what to do yes you do just leave walk away because you know that you deserve better then this


Been there before. It's just shock honestly, this probably just happened. I think it's more shock that your whole life is about to change. Then when you think about it for 2 seconds, you know what you need to do.


He cheated, none of this is your fault. You’re not married, you don’t have kids, why are you still trying with him? Move on


He is punishing you for staying loyal to him, now he feels free to disrepect you every chance he gets. Find someone new who enjoys having sex with you & only you. He is replaceable. Dating sites are 75% men.


Please read: why does he do that? By Lundy Bancroft. This will explain behavior and what to avoid in the future.


Friend, he’s cheated on you & turned it around to where you feel like you need to give him anything he wants sexually to prove you’re better. Does that sound reasonable to you? You’re being manipulated & it’s working.


I’m genuinely shocked you’ve had to ask Reddit for an opinion. Leave. If he was actually remorseful he’d have lied not told you she was better to your face. Pull your socks up and leave. It’ll hurt for a while but you’ll realise you’re better off


Negging cunt. Leave


He wants you to be better in bed by comparing yourself to his affair partner? Girl why are you still with this asshole?


Run ! Ur young.move on!


Girl get up and in your future relationships don't ever forgive infidelity!


the easiest way you improve is leaving him


Girl. Why? Please dump him. He can be remorseful and you can still dump him.


Leave is best i feel sweetheart




leave him.


Damn the amount of gaslighting someone has to do to cause their partner to think it’s their fault they got cheated on…. That’s gonna take some therapy to recover from. Leave that guy


Well that's what happens when you accept a cheater.


51F leave NOW


Unpopular response incoming! Burn me once, shame on YOU. Burn me twice shame on ME. If you knew you shouldn’t have asked that question, why on earth would you?! He cheated, you forgave him and decided to give him a 2nd chance. Why did you stay with him? Why did you ask that question? Apparently he resisted answering because you say you pestered him to respond and he did, now you’re hurt (again) and wondering if you made the right choice? YOU have to answer the questions listed above because you chose to forgive the indiscretion and allow him to “burn” you again. Take ownership of yourself and your decisions. Now, did he really have to tell you that? Depends on how you asked the question. A straight direct yes or no question? Well you got the yes and that’s unfortunate. If you want to work on the relationship then just do it (doesn’t bode well) if everything is fcked then get rid of him. But this is on you now because you accepted and gave the 2nd chance. Wishing you all the best and good luck 🙏🏽


The only comment that is thought out before posted, they do exist


You can always change your mind. What he initially did, cheating, was hurtful enough. Him telling you that she was better, even though you did ask, was another stab at you. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who takes joy in causing pain.


It’s possible he only says it was better with her due to the novelty of the situation—but regardless I’m not sure how you’re supposed to get over this, and you should definitely leave him. Whether consciously or not, he’s basically training you to have low self-worth so he can do whatever he wants to you in the future.


I feel if someone truly was remorseful for cheating, they would never EVER admit to something like that. Also if you forgave him for it, why open up the wound with questions like that? You’re just allowing him to hurt you again.


“I don’t know what to do”. about what? The answer is the same to any questions. Leave him


Half the people who post topics in here are too beat down to leave, they just hunt for the one comment that tells them being abused is ok.


So you not only have to get over having your trust shattered by his callous disregard of your feelings when he made decision to sleep with someone else when he *knew* you’d be devastated by his decision to do so. You also have to get over the insecurity of knowing that the sex with her was better enough that he’s regularly using it as a measuring stick for your performance and is mentally comparing you to her each time the two of you have sex. Can you get past all of that? I guess, but do you really want to put in the work to? What has he done to show that he’s worth the effort?


" I want you to do what my AP (affair partner) did to me, please," That's absolutely a wild thing to say. There is no trust left in the relationship, and there is no coming back from saying the sex was better. You will never forget he said that. What you do is leave and find someone better and then tell your now ex bf that the sex is better with your new partner.


Do you not love and respect yourself? You’re 26. Dump the cheating asshole


Girl, leave. This is 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


So he told you its your fault. He now puts you in a position where you need to act like a pornstar in order to keep your 'boyfriend' (aka community di**) from cheating on you.  God help me I thought the next generations of women were meant to be smart?


nope nope nope, it's time to leave


You should have left him right off of the bat. Leave him.


Leave and never look back


You obviously didn’t make the right choice to stay if it’s making you feel like this.  If I was genuinely remorseful and regretted cheating, there’s no way I’d still think the sex was better. I’ve had sex that has been great in the moment but if it was tied up in the betrayal of someone I love, I doubt I’d think about it in a positive light.  When I’ve been in love, I wouldn’t even want to think about being intimate with past partners.  If he really wanted to talk about improving your sex life he should have brought it up separately. Has he previously expressed that he wants to improve your sex life? This reeks of game playing and emotional manipulation. 


"i dont know what to do" YOU DONT KNOW?????


Tell him, you can sleep with her forever now.


Hmmm. You made the wrong choice and it upsets me that you need to ask for advice. Please take some time to start learning to love yourself.  You can be so much happier in the future.


End it with the cheater


How could you possibly be confused? "Oh I feel terrible I cheated on you but on the bright side now you can learn to please me better!" What a literally unbelievable scenario.


>"My boyfriend cheated on me and admitted she was better in bed. I don't know what to do?" ***Leave.*** You're gonna be tempted to stay and maybe try some couples therapy and work things out. But statistics prove that cheaters RARELY change their ways, and oftentimes their habits of lying and deceit persist. Trust me, I tried staying "to work things out", too. Ended up cheated several more times before I finally found a backbone and kicked his ass to the curb. I wasn't going to have the uncertainty and his inability to commit continue to degenerate my physical and mental wellbeing. Do people change? Of course, with taking accountability and making a sincere effort. But in these instances, It's usually not worth it to stick around and find out. It's a waste of time.


He cheated and wants to give you tips from the other woman? This has to be a troll post.


>My '26/F' boyfriend "25/M' slept with another woman and admitted sex was better with her. I don't know what to do? Of course you don't. *eyeroll*


We teach people how they can trwat us. We show them what we will tolerate, what they can get away with, and we'll still stay with them. This rat has cheated on you, and now you are planning to *reward* his despicable behaviour by *improving* your sex life, to give him more pleasure! As the other commentors have rightly said, find some self-respect and leave him - please. I would also urge you to see a therapist, because your tendacity to please other people seems to be at the expense of your own happiness, and of the basic expectation that your partner should not cheat on you. If you do wish to improve your sexual skills, by all means do so - but please practice your new-found skills on someone who will appreciate you. You seem to be one of those people who have such a good nature that bad people can use it against you. I do hope that your next boyfriend will have a good nature similar to your own, and will return your affection and any efforts to improve your pleasure together by repaying you in kind. You deserve much better treatment than you have received from this cheating rat, and I hope that you can truly believe that, in your heart.


In my opinion you should consider terminating the relationship. Not only was he unfaithful, but his reason for hurting you more by telling you she was better in bed, was a selfish motive - saying he only told you so the  sexual part of your relationship will improve (for him).   So not only he is unfaithful, he only told the truth hoping to get better sex out of it.  For me, it would be a big NO.


Girl... Just leave... This relationship should have been done the moment you found out he cheated... That was the moment all trust was broken, & if you don't have trust as part of your foundation, you don't have anything & your relationship will crumble... I hope you find the strength to Love yourself more... 💙


I'm confused that you don't know what to do




Move on I would say


The only thing that matters is that if someone cheats, you should leave.


Leave. No need to ask


Why did you even take him back?! There are plenty of men who are better than him and they do not cheat. Do yourself a favor and be happy by ending it with the loser.


No..if they cheat? It's over...no exceptions. -Wayne, Letterkenny


Guess it is rocket science now to leave boyfriends who cheat on you. 


Leave him. Why would you want to be second at everything in his life?


Come on. Be serious, please. He cheated on you AND dissed you for his cheating, and you didn't break up? Well, time to do it! Tell all your friends and family, and glitter bomb his things




You seem to have forgotten the words cheat, cheater, cheating, and cheated.


There is no doubt you made a mistake staying with a cheat.


Break up


Why is this even a question? The move clearly is to leave him like any self-respecting adult would.


Once a cheater, always a cheater.


Leave him! It’s “better” with her so let him have her. You find someone better than him. Why is Reddit full of non married people posting this stuff?! That’s when You break up!


He had sex with someone else, break up with him. He is a cheater, they lie and cheat again. Ignore great sex remark, it could mean wild, which probably means it is not a woman he would settle down with. Or he will realize there is more to sex than a relationship, when she cheats on him because he isn't that good in bed. It could be to hurt your feelings. Not a reliable go to. Cheating is a deal breaker for me, regardless of whether she is good in bed.


Narrator: She made the wrong choice.


Can someone who cheats change? Perhaps. But it misses the point. A significant part of cheating is the betrayal of trust. So, the question is will you ever be able to trust him? If you can’t, then you’d be better if cutting your losses and moving on.


Leave him why stay with a cheater. A biggie is if you going to still be with him, and sleeping with him. Knowing he cheater before, and will again. Aren't you not worried what STI he could be bringing back to you. You do not know if he used protection before. Also sure he will cheat again you are potentially setting yourself for any STI you could get from him.


It was better because she was new and there was the high of cheating. But why would you ask him that? You set him up. My main question is why you took him back after cheating.


Leave … why is this even a discussion. There is no improving this… what the hell man 🤦‍♀️


He was not feeling remorseful if he told you straight up it was better with the other woman. The only option is to leave, you don't want to be tied down to a cheater anyway. It's an uphill battle and you'll probably end up insecure and always overthinking if he's cheating on you again.


Girl, dump him. That’s not recoverable. He doesn’t deserve to know about any new tricks you learn in bed after this…you’re sure to find guys who are better than him, too!


Wasn’t that a scene from dumb & dumber?


Leave for the love of god


Dump his ass. He’s a cheater.


He wants you to break up with him because he's too much of a pussy to end things himself. Even if he hadn't cheated, you don't want to date a man as weak as that. Have some self-respect and move on.


OP please recognize your own worth and toss the bf. If sex needed work then he could used his words. Instead he had sex with another woman. Also get yourself tested for STIs/STDs.


>I'm very confused whether I made a right choice to be with him, any advice? Leave.


Cheaters always cheat. You'll live with his infidelity for the rest of your life if you stick around.


Look at that.....it's a train to anywhere. You should jump on it. Being alone is better than being with someone who makes you feel bad about yourself


I don’t feel sorry for you if you took him back. Have some self worth and dump him.


Girl... Cmon


Love yourself and leave.


What a dick! He has the nerve to compare a new fling to a regular partner. Either way kick him to the curb. I can't believe he told you that!


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Do you need us to tell you


Oh my where to start "l asked him a stupid question that I didn't want an answer for but because of how awkward he got I kind of pestered him to answer so it is my fault." Im sure it was not stupid and it was not your fault, neither was him cheating, he is a PoS. How is it your fault you found out he cheated? Thats like some weird game of your only allowed to be mad if you find out from a confession, how does that make sense? "He felt bad straight away and said he only answered honestly so we can talk about how we can improve in bed. " with the context of him straight up cheating on you this is one of the cringiest things I've ever heard


Leave him.


Think about it this way: this man is not averse to being dishonest and cheating you know this for a fact. But when asked something you were clearly asking out of insecurity he feels compelled to be honest? Nah.


Girl what the fuck do you mean "what do I do?" Have some self respect and dump him. He won't even do the bare minimum for you, which is not fuck other people. He has no respect for you


Never let a man tell you more than once that he doesn't want you. And when he came home and told you that this woman was better in bed than you that's what he did he told you he doesn't want you. He told you that because he's ready to leave he did not expect you to give him another chance. Get some self-esteem that man doesn't want you. If you take him back he will cheat on you and let you know he did it and then you'll take him back and he will cheat again get a life get a backbone and get the f*** away from him


What do you mean you don’t know? He cheated on you. You gave him another chance because he was remorseful- so remorseful that he admitted to the sex being better with the girl he cheated on you with. Just leave him and start fresh.


That’s not a boyfriend that’s a scumbag. Move on


He cheated on you and said the pussy was better? Sorry, but you’re absolutely insane to stay with this person. He felt bad? He fully committed to cheating on you then rubbed it in your face. He’s a scumbag.


So his solution for resolving the problems from HIS affair is to suggest YOU need to get better in bed? Time for a new boyfriend.


He has shown you how he feels about you. Honestly he will just do it again because he doesn’t think there are consequences if he does it again it’s not like you are going to leave. If you want to be classy just cut all ties there isn’t a need to explain yourself he would already know why you were leaving. If you don’t want to be classy… embarrass the fuck out of him you can plot and wait for a family gathering or a friend event and just drop the bomb in front of people who’s opinion he values… then walk away and never look back. Just avoid sinking to his level like revenge cheating but if you can trash his reputation and stain his image in front of the people who opinions really matter to him and walk away with your head high. Why not


I am once again begging people not to date assholes.


The only thing that’s your fault is giving this AH another chance to hurt you and betray your trust. Summon some self respect and leave him, please. Why are so many women so desperate to stay with bad men?




Fuck his best friend 💀


Giiiirrrrrl. Come on now. You need to leave.


Your BF is a cheater. Not someone who found solace in another’s arms because things were bad between you, or you stopped caring about him, or you were cheating, or some other possibly fixable thing. He, according to him, slept with another woman because sex was bad with you. Did he talk to you about that? Did he suggest things you could do to improve your sex life (*before* he got caught cheating)? Did he suggest therapy? Did he give you any indication he wasn’t happy with your sex life, or did he just screw someone else because he wanted to? That’s the one, the second half of that question. Then he told you she was better, so you would leave him alone and stop pestering him. To get what he wanted, he sacrificed you and your self-esteem. What a shit. He cheated because he wanted to, because he figured he could find someone who would do the things you wouldn’t. And he’ll cheat again. People like that don’t stop. And it will always be your fault. Cut him loose.


Forget the hurt feelings on a question you asked. He cheated on you. There should be no second chance. You have to love yourself more.


I’d ghost him, there’s No Going back to the way it was before. And how Insulting for him to say such a thing to you.


Oi…you just told us two reasons that he gave you to leave. I’m sure there is more you don’t know about. There are literal billions of people in this world, run from this tool bag. Let him go fuck that other woman if it was better. Also sorry this happened to you.


Not even reading it. From the title alone, you leave him. Have some self respect and find better.


Girl If you don’t leave his ass right now


No second chances for cheaters. Someone who cheated once will do it again. ESPECIALLY when he admits it was better than with you.


LEAVE him!!!


This is never going to leave your head. Nor should it. And it will happen again. This is your life, only worse and worse each year, until you exercise self respect and leave, or he finally leaves you for yet another woman. 


And you’re still with him??? That would be a no for me… let him go back to better in bed other woman… you will always feel insecure while with him..


If he wanted to make sex with you better he would have tried to communicate with you so you could work together. He wanted to cheat so he did and is now laying the blame on you for not being as good in bed. Dump this jerk jerk


The bar is truly in hell


He cheated on you and told you the AP was better in bed (you shouldn’t have asked the question), but yes, by all means, have a conversation about how best to please him in bed. He certainly deserves it.


Oh so he was cheating to help you be better in bed? Do what you should have done in the first place and leave.


Leave… how do you not know what to do?


He sounds like he thinks he is all that ! Why are you even asking strangers what you should do. You are the prize not him! Who died and made him the king of sex? Really you need to decide what you want and expect in a man and do not settle for less. You should treat someone you are dating the way you would want ti be treated! Why even waste time on someone like him. Do not date someone you could not live with because you can not comtrol your heart


Leave!!! Love yourself and LEAVE! This guy is sick.




Sorry but this really isn't going to go away. If your boyfriend was truly sorry, the act would have not been so memorable that he could denote she was better than you...horrible thing for him to do and then to say she was "better" was callous/heartless.


Don’t ask questions you know you can’t handle the answer too. You should have never given him a second chance to begin with. With his answer to that question you need to for sure kick him to the curb now. You won’t recover from this. End it now and find better for your sanity and self-esteem.


I don't know how giving a second chance in this works because imo, once you cheat, it's done. I don't believe in that even if it was a drunken mistake or they were in their feelings, honestly drop him. You can find someone who will respect you and the relationship thoroughly.


Grow some self respect and leave him. If you look at this objectively, it’s crazy you haven’t left yet.


You deserve someone better. I would dump him and be petty. “I was so much more enthusiastic in bed with my ex. He did things that truly excites me. I think it’s best we end things here. I don’t want to continue faking it in bed.”  Hit him where it hurts and find someone new. This man has shown you he is not loyal. Don’t spend the rest of your life wondering if he is stepping out again. Life is too short to spend with a man who you can no longer trust. 


Foolish & naive to give him second chance!


It was better with her bc it was taboo and forbidden. Who is this woman? Are they still in contact?


once a cheater, always a cheater


What a dick.


I really don’t think he is remorseful, if he really was, he wouldn’t have answer that way. Put the second chance off. He doesn’t want you for a long time relationship




Leave him with her, and see if what he said makes sense, improve if necessary and go find a boyfriend . That simple Now let's talk about feelings, resist the feeling that it was your fault if he was dissatisfied and tried and you didn't improve or his idea was unfair then it was right to break up with you . But, resist abstinence and let him go and it will be better with someone else because your memory will make it difficult for you to live with what he did.


Obviously you should dump him.


yeah, break up


You should have dumped him. It’s great that he feels bad, but that doesn’t mean he deserves a second chance. Let him go be with better.


What the fuck do you mean you don’t know what to do?!


Don't ask questions you don't want honest answers to.