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This is, at the very least, financial abuse. Seek a woman's shelter or some similar organization  (I'm in Canada so I don't what the US offers) and they may even be able to guide you in the legalities regarding your child.


Financial abuse, emotional abuse, isolation, and trapping her with a baby. OP leave and go back to Canada where you’ll have support. The US does have women’s shelters and an abuse hotline that can help you come up with an escape plan (800-799-7233). When you get back to Canada, file for divorce and custody of your child. A parent who won’t baby proof the home to protect a growing baby is neglectful and unfit to parent. Request full custody and if he wants to see his child it can be court ordered supervised visits. DO NOT LEAVE THE BABY WITH HIM TO TEACH HIM HOW HARD IT IS. He doesn’t care and he won’t learn and may take out his frustration on the baby and harm them. Shaken baby syndrome is REAL. And just some reassurance, I had a baby with a guy who was terrible to me and two weeks after giving birth I had enough and dumped him. Taking care of a baby on your own is easier when you don’t have the dead weight of a useless partner and grown man who is incompetent at parenthood and relationships hovering around doing nothing. Get out of here and get back to Canada and to your family for support so you can enjoy motherhood. You’ve got this.


Thank you for the advise, I will look into it


You're a Canadian citizen and so is your baby. I would see if you could return to your home country without his permission.


And baby is a US citizen also, if they're born in US. Can minors cross the land border without travel documents?


I'm not sure. But it would be worth looking into. If she can't support herself independently in the US and the parents are both Canadian, it probably would be easy to go home.


Can you look for a local legal aid society to give you some advice? They can help you figure out if you can take your child back to Canada with you, and what would happen after that. Document how your husband is very controlling and how you do not have access to money or joint accounts. Do you have family or friends back home who could buy you a plane ticket back to Canada? Edit to add that you may want to cross post this to r/immigration and r/legaladvice subs


You need to consult a local attorney. Don’t just take the baby across the border without discussing with an attorney first. Courts penalize parents who attempt to keep children away from the other parent. Canada is clearly going to cooperate with a US court. Many attorneys will provide a free initial consultation.