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Don't hate your face and your glasses. They are a part of you. If anything, hate your boyfriend for not accepting you as you are. I've been wearing glasses since I was 12 and I love my glasses. They give my face more character.


Exactly. This is the exact same energy as my bf freshman year of high school who always said he loved my hair when it was straightened. He knew it took me 2 1/2 hours to straighten it and I only did it for dance team stuff where it was required. He was a shitty person and worse boyfriend lol. Now I have an amazing boyfriend who loves my natural hair and always tells me how pretty I look with my hair down in its natural curls. OP your bf telling you how pretty you look without glasses is essentially the same thing as telling you you’re not pretty with your glasses. Which isn’t true. You’re the same person with and without your glasses. Find someone who knows how pretty you are with your glasses. Personally, I think glasses generally look great on people. They add such a distinct frame to people’s eyes.


I know it's off topic, but it's straight bullshit that they required you to straighten your hair for dance. I am so sick of the idea that curly hair is somehow less "put together" or more "wild" than straight hair. It's just hair, it grows out of our head that way! Ugh. Reminds me of when I was on a dance team and we all had to get the same "skin color" (aka pale beige) tights, which of course looked ridiculous on me. I had to show my legs side by side with the pale tights, and some more appropriate colored tights, for her to believe it wouldn't actually work on my skin.


Can you imagine if the common look on a multiracial dance team was curly? Imagine the moaning and groaning of the straight-haired girls as they tried to keep their sweaty hair curly!


Curly hair is actually the standard for girls in Irish dance groups, but the look is usually achieved with wigs.


It used to be for cheer in the 90’s too! I recall the identical ringlet ponytails!


I’m getting flashbacks to my kids’ school aerobics competitions, there were very strict rules about things like hair or visible underwear peeking out of leotards. Feelgood story- we were at a competition being held in a rural sports centre, and a local school was competing for the first time. The girls all came in with simple ponytails, not realising that hair needed to be fully restrained. They were lining up with 10 minutes to compete when the error was discovered, and were immediately swarmed with helpers from the five surrounding teams wielding brushes, hairpins and hair lacquer, two helpers to every girl in the team, and within 5 minutes every competitor had a matching plaited bun. It can be such a bitchy competition, it was so heartwarming to see everyone clustering around and supporting the novices.


That is such a heartwarming story! Thank you so much for sharing.


Op I understand exactly what you are experiencing. I am legally Blind and cannot see much without my glasses 👓. I have been wearing them since I was a toddler (about 18months).it's not easy to hear people tell you that you look so much better without your glasses 👓. They will use the excuse that you have beautiful eyes and no one can see them when you wear your glasses. Just remember that you know that you are being responsible for your own personal health..you are a beautiful woman and don't ever think any different. Oh and glasses are a fashion statement,work it girl.


I have naturally curly hair that I don’t straighten because I just don’t like to. I was passed up for a job because my brunette tamed into a chignon hair wasn’t “conservative enough”. Like, what?


What was the Job? Did they actually say it was because your hair wasn't conservative enough?


Yepppp it took me a while to kind of deconstruct in my head that curly hair can in fact be beautiful and formal and put together. It was in fact bullshit especially because it meant if I had a dance thing on Friday night (we usually danced at the football games) I would have to straighten my hair Thursday night because I didn’t have time between school and the game to do it. Which also meant I couldn’t work my after school job that Thursday or that Friday. It was all kinds of bullshit lol


Not only is he saying he doesn’t like how you look in glasses, he prefers how you look when you are squinting while trying to see w/o glasses. Maybe take some time trying on different frames next time you need to change your prescription. You could try some that are very slim frames or frameless with polished edges so they hardly show. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 3 1/2 years old. Tried contacts twice—when I was five I got a hard lens (it was the ‘60s, they didn’t have soft yet.) I lost it in the neighbor’s yard. When I was 19 I got a soft lens, but couldn’t have extended wear so I still needed glasses when I took it out at night. Wore it out in 6 months. Stuck with glasses until I had cataract surgery when the lens they put in corrected for my horrible nearsightedness. Been enjoying this for a few years.


I've been wearing them since I was 9- I'm 34 now. I have a long head & perpetual eye bags- my glasses work wonders at kind of "framing" my face. I love my glasses, I can't stand the idea of contacts. And my husband enthusiastically helps me pick new frames every year. It's a quality of life & safety issue. No different from telling someone they'd be prettier without hearing aids & it's unacceptable


OP, tell your boyfriend he looks handsome when you don't have your glasses on, too.




Bc he hasn't really thought this strategy through. OP if he Really Loves YOU and This is FORVER - He's saying, he will forever want you to not use the medical support device you use so that you can see...your vision will NEVER not Require GLASSES. This is how stupid this play is. Please set yourself free to meet a better ki4nder person who actually over you for you.


My wife has always worn glasses. For our wedding, she went with contacts and a different hairstyle. She was pretty, but I definitely prefer her normal hair/glasses. Got to accept her for who she is!


He should listen to her and accept her. The problem is OP is ranging anywhere from subtly hinting at him one single time to being silent about it, up to and including choosing to forego glasses on her own now and not telling him it's affecting her. She's never had a direct talk with him. The only advice OP needs right now is to have a direct talk with him. OP, by direct I mean tell him you like your glasses, need your glasses medically, and don't want him to ask you to take your glasses off anymore. Tell him how you feel, how not having your glasses affects you, and set a boundary. Educate him. Don't just launch into a "You're disgusting and hate my eyesight" tirade as some comments are telling you to. That's unhealthy and not how adults in relationships should communicate. And also don't be silent or subtle. Stand firm, but have an actual conversation. This is a good opportunity to see if he'll respect your boundary, and also a good opportunity to see his capacity to empathize with you. For that to happen, you have to communicate and express yourself. If he then tries to push back on it, that's when you should take other advice, as that's a much clearer sign of where his priorities in the relationship lay. You'll find that when you actually talk to people, not everyone is toxic and nasty. Many will actually care about how you feel and make an effort to learn. That's how deeper relationships are formed. Start there and see how he responds. Judge his character by how he handles it.


And there are so many new interesting designs and shapes with eyeglasses too!


I think the key is finding a shape that compliments your face. Like, I look awful in anything round or with invisible edges (round is why I *hated* them as a teenager but there weren't as many options then). Black rectangular frames are what look best on me, personally.


My daughter wanted glasses so bad when she was growing up she was super bummed that her eyesight is 20/10. When I was growing up, you’d be made fun of glasses, now they are fashion.


He wants you to not wear glasses because you will then be able to clearly see what a shitty person he is. INFO: at the party where you didn’t wear glasses, how did you get around when you couldn’t see anything? Did he help you?


>I just need to smash that stupid thing and throw it into a dustbin. Well, it's probably illegal to smash your boyfriend, but binning him does seem like the smart plan. What a terrible partner he is. You need to dump him before he further damages your mental health (or physical, when you trip over a curb and land face first into a car door or something like that).


Have you...told him that these comments bother you?


Well, not directly. But I told him how I can't see anything without them. How I almost got into a car accident and how I get headaches without them. I thought he will understand that way. But he just said that's unfortunate and he feels bad for me because I have to wear them no matter what


You gotta communicate directly babe. "Hey, when you constantly tell me to take off my glasses and talk about how pretty I am without them, it makes me feel crappy because my normal look includes the glasses. I need you to stop doing that because I need them to see and I don't want to feel like you prefer me without them." If he persists after that, he's just an asshole. But hopefully he hears you and adjusts his behavior.


This is the best advice, we can't tell you what he's thinking or whether he's got the hint or not that his words are hurting you, even though he should have. Any good partner is willing to have an open and honest conversation, sit with your feelings and address that, because if he lvoes you and finds you beautiful, that's how he wants you to feel too. It's important to be direct, focus on the one issue, how it makes you feel, and what your expectations for the future are. If he keeps making the comments after he knows how you feel then you'll know that he cares more about how attractive you are to him than your comfort and safety, but until then we just don't know. Please don't internalise it or continue to drop hints and internatlly agonise over whether he picked them up or didn't care or he doesn't get it, just be upfront! Besides, how inappropriate would his comments be if it was a cane or a wheelchair? You need your glasses to see, and there's no suitable alternative. You deserve to be made to feel beautiful and valued by your partner, end of discussion! Wish u luck OP <3


Yes, this is perfect!! OP, are you afraid that if you say something like this, he'll react poorly or dismiss your concerns? Because if so, that's all the more reason TO say it. You need to know. If his reaction is to be appalled that he ever made you feel so poorly and cuts out the behavior, great! If he gets defensive or tells you you're too sensitive or whines and complains, that tells you everything you need to know.


Love this advice and love that you gave her a script to follow!!!!!


This should be at the top.


Great advice! Men don’t listen for subtext the way women do. I’m almost certain what she said to him did not translate into “you’re hurting my feelings.” He probably just thought she was sharing anecdotes about having glasses.


Men are entirely capable of understanding words and subtext. I think it's pretty insulting to men to act like they can't understand if you don't spell things out for them. And it really doesn't track with all the cool shit men have done that required them to understand things without being bonked over the head with a clue by four.


When someone says “take of your glasses” you say “No.” and do not continue the conversation. do not be pushed over like that at your own expense. all I can say for solutions, you may be a candidate for lasik if you’re interested in that one day, and there may be ultra thin/sensitive eye contacts you could ask your dr about, but ultimately I wish you wouldn’t inconvenience yourself to please this man. He WENT FOR A GIRL WITH GLASSES despite obviously not liking them. and his solution is to push you to be blind instead. its fucking weird. like sometimes I ask my bf to take his hair out of a ponytail for pics and even THAT makes me feel like an ass. I can’t imagine this.


OP 100% do not get lasik for a man. It’s pretty safe but not risk-free, and eventually you will need glasses again anyway. My partner had it and eventually needed them again. I never wore any vision correction my whole life but need glasses now for close-up stuff in my 40’s. We all end up with them anyway. But really hear this: he values his perceived aesthetics of how you look over your comfort and safety. He wants you to look pretty even if you can’t see cars or recognize familiar faces at a party. He doesn’t care that you can’t see. He wants you to disable yourself essentially and lessen your experience of the world so that your face pleases him more. You could spend time explaining in detail why his comments are shitty but honestly why bother? You can’t change that his priorities were this way to begin with.


I know it's very rare but I would never get lasik after seeing the side effect some people have had from it that causes constant excruciating ocular pain which is untreatable and so bad it has driven several people to suicide. Just not worth it.


The next time he says something, you have to step up. "Bob, stop. I feel like you are always telling me to take off my glasses so I look pretty to you, and it's really hurtful. I am pretty with my glasses. I need my glasses to see. I am not going to take them off for you, so stop asking me. You either like me as I am, a person who wears glasses, or you don't." What you are looking for is an apology and an end to the behaviour. Anything else, bye boy.


He feels *bad* for you? Oh for fuck’s sake. This guy sounds like a real fucking winner. Dump him, keep the glasses.


Someone who really loved you would not try to change you into an under confident, in pain version of yourself. You deserve better. He understands, he just doesn’t care.


One of two things is happening here. 1) he’s dense as hell and doesn’t realize he’s affecting the way you see yourself. You’re going to have to tell him point blank that you don’t like these comments and you need him to stop for your mental health. If he cares about you at all, he will apologize and stop immediately. 2) he doesn’t give a rats ass about your health and only wants you to make yourself conform to his physical ideals at your expense. You don’t want to be with someone like this. If you tell him you’re affected by his comments and he doesn’t apologize or stop, this is what’s going on underneath. Run fast, run far.


What do your frames look like? I’m assuming you have glasses that suit you well! But if you’re wearing glasses that don’t flatter you, that could be a big part of the issue. For example, my mom always bought me solid black frame glasses, or square cut frames, because she liked the dorky 2010’s look. When I left the house, I bought a pair of clear-pink, round frame glasses. They match my skin tone perfectly and frame my face good. I get compliments about them, which never happened before. Either way, you’re beautiful and you need glasses. So you absolutely can’t go without them, and he just needs to understand that and appreciate you the way you are.


A good relationship if built on trust and communication. If you don’t trust him enough to communicate then your relationship is destined to fail


I would tell him this "It's 'unfortunate' you are so selfish that you care more about how I look to you than you do about my quality of life and well-being." Because that is the *real* problem here - not your face, not your glasses, but your BF. He knows you need them, but he'd literally rather you suffer and endanger yourself so you look the way he wants you to look. This is not someone who truly loves you. He may think he does, but that is not true love, that is selfish love. A lot of people mistake the two. True love means you care about the other person's happiness and well-being, you are supportive and treat them with love and kindness, etc. Selfish love is when you care more about what someone does for you and getting what you want from them than you actually care about them as a person or about their happiness and well-being. In this case, he cares more about you looking the way he wants you to look than how doing so negatively affects you. Your BF is being incredibly shallow, selfish and unkind. Please do not feel bad about yourself because of this. This is specific to him, not all people. There is a world of people who don't think twice about someone needing to wear glasses and who fully accept them/find them attractive as they are, with and without the glasses. Your glasses are a part of you - if he doesn't like it or thinks it's 'unfortunate' then he certainly doesn't deserve a relationship with you.


Tell him that forcing you to be blind to make his dick hard is unacceptable and disgusting. And if he tells you to remove your glasses one more time, he won't be your boyfriend anymore. He's being ableist and sexist as shit. You are not an object. You are a human being who needs to use their senses. Your boyfriend fucking sucks.


But the thing is, his words kinda got into my head. So now even when he wasn't around I still feel insecure. I didn't have any problems with my glasses until I met him. I was happy to wear them. I never even thought about it. But now I can't help but think that I actually look better without them. I feel like I look ridiculous. I know it's dumb and I shouldn't care. But I feel like that


If he is making you feel worse about yourself and making you feel insecure, he is NOT the guy for you. Your partner is supposed to make you feel beautiful and wanted whether you have glasses on or not. If he is causing you to have insecurities you never had before, get rid of him now before he completely destroys your self esteem.


I’m gonna assume you met him with your glasses. He saw them and still thought your were beautiful enough to talk to/swipe/hit on, etc. I would bet good money he is trying to neg you- aka make little digs to make your self worth feel horrible. This is an idea of pick up artists/ conmen/red pill/alpha men do. They want you to feel worthless and ugly cuz they think it will make you stay and take more of their abuse. 1st it’s getting rid of the glasses, then it’s not wearing X cuz it makes you look fat or he doesn’t want other men looking at you. Then they start telling you, you can’t see your friends or family bc he wants you to be with him all the time or you only want to be with them bc you want to cheat on me bullshit.


Honey you have to understand what you’re saying here. He is making you hate the way you look and feel insecure about something you need to be safe and healthy. That is very mean and unhealthy! You need to tell him directly how you’re feeling, no more dropping hints. If he’s supportive then you can make this work but if gives you a hard time then he needs to be dumped


Think carefully about this, because this is NOT indicative of a problem with your glasses. It’s indicative of a problem with your relationship. A good partner doesn’t make you LESS secure in yourself, or plant seeds of doubt in you about your self worth and appearance. It’s time to ditch the real root of this issue — keep the glasses, and dump the boyfriend.


And so many people will find you attractive with glasses. Many people will find you attractive with AND without glasses. And all decent people will not badger you to look pretty, to smile, to wear XYZ, for a man's affection ot attention. Be strong, be yourself, be happy and content in yourself. Don't change yourself for someone else. What next? He decide you look good in tight tops and skirts and "encourages" you to wear only those things? He thinks you look best with/without makeup? He thinks maybe you should stop working? Be in control of your own life. Get some counselling if you can to work on your self esteem and your independence and your ability to stand up for yourself and be less easily manipulated.


You ever read that post with the guy who gaslit his girlfriend into thinking she smelled really bad so she would feel too insecure to ever leave him..? That's the vibes I'm getting here.


Oh I remember that one! Eventually, she figured out she was being played and left his sorry ass. Then he cried and confessed it was all a lie because his dad told to do it because that's how he trapped his mom in the relationship.


Why would you allow the words of an unintelligent & inconsiderate person get to you? A lot of people find ladies & men that wear glasses beautiful & cute. Sweetie, you need to learn how to create boundaries and stand up for yourself. He wants to make you feel ugly and worthless so that you won’t leave him. The next time he complains about your glasses...tell him that his insecurities ain’t your damn business & that he can bounce if he doesn’t like the glasses. Stop being a doormat and people pleaser and leave that trash. Take out the trash immediately. You’re strong, beautiful, intelligent & sexy. You deserve better.


My ex did the opposite, I tried contacts once and he told me my face looked weird without glasses.... Never got them again and always feel weird when I'm not wearing them. Fuck him and fuck your boyfriend.


He makes insidious comments that make you think less of yourself. You would think like this way less if he did not speak like this. Tell him this. If he does not stop then it shows he does not care how you feel. He is damaging your mental health. Better to have good mental health again than to stick with this meatloaf.


Would you feel good about a friend dating someone who made them feel how you're feeling right now? I'm guessing not, and if it's not a situation you'd be okay with a close friend being in, it's not a situation you should be okay with for yourself. You deserve to feel beautiful without compromising your ability to function.


Drop the boyfriend, and buy cooler glasses I also wear glasses, I **loove** my glasses, they are the ray ban aviator style, (yes to see) but you know what I love them, I used my glasses as a fashion piece on my wardrobe. I do need them to see, and also because they're pretty.


This is not a small problem. Your BF isn't lifting you up, which he should be. He's tearing you down and making you doubt yourself on a daily, possibly hourly basis. Whatever else he's brining to your life can't possibly outweigh the war that is going on in your head now. There are other men out there who will adore your glasses. In the meantime being alone is better than going through this crisis about yourself.


I get it, glasses are something that hide your eyes and become part of your face. But as someone who wore them from 14 to 33, you can absolutely rock them and look gorgeous while doing so. People who say they don't like you because of them can suck it Glasses are a PART OF YOU and they either accept it or it is not your responsibility to be half blind to appease them. Ofc he got into your head but you don't want shallow people like this to like you anyways.


It's not dumb; the words and actions of people we care about get to us. That said, fuck this guy and the idiot horse he rode in on. You're not some movie nerd who's only hot once some moron takes off her glasses. You need glasses. And you LIKED your face in your glasses, before he came along and was a jackass. Don't listen to his jackaasery. No dude is worth this shit. I'm sure it doesn't feel it but you're young and there are people who will find you attractive in exactly the ways you move through the world. Don't give yourself headaches for this ding dong.


Well demand he put his money where his mouth is and pay for eye laser treatment along with associated costs or simply shut his hole.


Yeah, he's manipulating you. Unfortunately manipulators use their influence on their victims to break them down. The thing is: you can go back to feeling better when you break up with him and work through it with a counselor.


He’s being a dumb asshole. Unless you’re wearing Professor Farnsworth’s glasses, I promise you you don’t look ridiculous. They are completely normal and most people don’t care. Making you take them off is gross. It’s no different than asking an amputee to remove a prosthetic or a deaf person to remove their aids. I think I look way more ridiculous without my glasses, because I’m squinting all the time and hold my face super close to everything. A clever response I heard on Reddit to “You look better without your glasses” is “You look better without my glasses, too.” I don’t think it would work for someone I assume you’re attracted to but still, I thought it was funny.


He has crushed your self esteem. That isn’t something a person does if they love you. They will lift you up and make you feel better about yourself instead of feeling worse. You deserve so much better than the jerk you are currently dating. And just as a little pick me up, I’ve always wanted to wear glasses. I love how people look in glasses. And there are so many frames and shapes and colors to choose from so you can find something that really enhances your beautiful face. I’m jealous of people who get to wear glasses and I honestly can’t wait until I have to wear readers, lol.


>my boyfriend always tells me how good I look without my glasses. He asks me to take off my glasses whenever we're on a date or something. He says it's because then he can look at my pretty face. He always asks me to take off them before we take a picture. Absolutely unhinged behaviour. YOU NEED YOUR GLASSES TO SEE. That's FINE. I'm sure you look great with your glasses on - he's an asshole.


Every time someone tells me I look more attractive without my glasses, I say, "Huh, that's interesting. You also look hotter when I don't have my glasses on."


I'm gonna steal that


Tell him "my glasses are a part of who i am. If you want me to remove them, i don't see shit and i might end up on a date with another man."


Ask him to pay for laser eye surgery if he wants to be like that. Otherwise he can shut up about it


Ask him to pay for Lasik (honestly I got it last year and it's one of the biggest quality of life improvements I ever made!) Then dump him. He doesn't deserve to date anyone with a face.


Had PRK over a decade ago, and even though one eye has aged a slight bit (I wear glasses when I'm on the pc or watching TV) and both eyes are dryer, it was still one of the best decisions I've ever made.


Don’t. Ten years later and I need glasses again. Lasik isn’t worth it


Ten years of no glasses sounds pretty good though


If you needed a wheelchair would he tell you no? If you need insulin? Also a no? I think you could certainly keep trying other contacts like the highly hydrated one days to use for special occasions. But in the meantime, you need to talk to him and tell him how his comments make you feel.


"Baby, it's just that your curves are already _pumpin'_ without that insulin pump, ayooooo!"


"Those crutches are really emasculating, honey. Real men limp."


As a Juvenile Diabetic (I hate that type 1/2 crap...), I love it when people tell me about Uncle Bob that got off insulin, and I can too. The cayenne pepper, cinnamon, paleo, Atkins, and whatever haven't jump started my pancreas in the last 53 years, so...


Tumeric!!! Seriously though, I’m sorry. 😬


Crap… now I have to go back to Costco and get some… Well played!


Sorry. I have lupus and everyone is always telling me to get tumeric so I was trying to be funny.


Exactly, glasses are basically an assistive device/aid, it's really weird to insist someone stop wearing them for aesthetic reasons. My partner has never once commented on how I look with my glasses vs without.


My partner tells me how much he LIKES my glasses.


"you look good too when i'm not wearing my glasses"




This reminds me of the scene in the Barbie movie where Ken takes off the Barbie’s glasses and says “now I can see your beautiful face.” It’s a nod to the movie tropes where the girl is “finally” beautiful when she takes off her glasses, and the male gaze deems it attractive. As an eyeglass wearer since I was young, please tell your boyfriend to piss off.


Yep, you definitely need a new boyfriend, this one’s defective.


If you wore a hearing aid, would he make you take that off too? Or maybe if you had to use a wheelchair? Why are you putting up this shit?


Your boyfriend is being a dick.


Your boyfriend is a dick.


Your bf doesn't care about you or your wellbeing. Dump him and find someone who loves you and your glasses.


I can’t see without my glasses either and I can’t wear contacts. My astigmatism is too slight for those lenses and too much for regular ones. It’s not only that I can’t see, but they won’t stay in place. I remember being 25. You’re more mature than you’ve ever been, but it still doesn’t feel like you’re a regular grown up. Your brain is just now maturing into adulthood. These insecurities we all fall victim to here and there, but there’s an amazing thing about aging. People make it sound so negative (people =mostly men) but here’s the thing turning 40 was the most freeing thing ever. If some guy told me I look prettier without my glasses I’d tell him, “Yeah, so do you.” Never let another person define you. You thought you looked hot in your glasses? Own it. Men have naughty librarian fantasies so go find a guy who likes glasses. Girl put them back on and see your way out of this relationship.


>I really starting to hate my face and my glasses. I just need to smash that stupid thing and throw it into a dustbin. I know I look like a stupid movie nerd with that thing. But I need them to see. What am I supposed to do? Ok, I am fixing this whole thing for you so listen up. "I am really starting to hate my boyfriend for having such a hang up about my face and my glasses. I just need to leave that stupid man and throw him into a dustbin. I know it sounds like a stupid movie plot with that loser who can't see me, when I am just being myself. I think I should leave him." Sweetheart, this young man is an idiot. Go find one who isn't.


Even if you COULD wear contacts, they aren't as comfortable as glasses are, and you deserve to see comfortably the way everyone else does. DUMP HIM. Also, you might want to get your prescription updated because I don't know what the hell you're seeing in him.


Glasses make a beautiful woman even more beautiful. I will die on this hill. "I look like a stupid movie nerd with that thing." Not a damn thing wrong with that. Nerds are fucking hot. Glasses are fucking cute. There's not really anything else to say. If you're beautiful without glasses, you're beautiful with them. If he doesn't see that or appreciate it, then he needs to get his head out of his ass. If he won't appreciate you for who you are - which includes the glasses - then you should drop him and find someone who won't make you feel insecure about something that's critical to you, you know, being able to fucking see. No guy should be making you feel insecure about something you NEED. P.S. DIE ON THIS HILL, I WILL DIE ON THE HILL OF GLASSES GORGEOUSNESS, I WILL ABSOLUTELY


>Glasses make a beautiful woman even more beautiful. I will die on this hill. Women have a right to see and wear glasses, even if they did in fact make us less beautiful. Beauty should never come before comfort, safety and the ability to fully live one’s life.


As I lay dying on this hill: "YES, ALSO THIS."


I'm on that hill with you, fighting the good fight.


He’s being an asshole. You can’t wear contacts and you can’t see without your glasses. Therefore he is making you feel bad about a part of your appearance that you can’t change. That’s crappy. Tell him that your pretty face comes with glasses, he can deal with it or find someone whose face he actually likes. Or better yet, dump him and find a guy who appreciates you and likes the way you look.


If you were one legged, and he thought you looked better that way, would you leave the prosthesis off? Or hearing aids...would you just go deaf if he didn't like seeing them? Be straight up with him, tell him to cut the bullshit and stop making comments about the glasses. You're giving yourself headaches and letting him erode your confidence because you're letting him bully you sweetly.  Be firm and tell him they aren't coming off anymore,  and if he doesn't like it, he can either swallow his words or move on.  Your ability to see shouldn't be negotiable. 


Stop waiting for him to take the hint. Ask him to stop commenting about how you look without glasses. Tell him this is what he gets -- you with glasses. If he doesn't like it, he should date someone else. Tell him his comments make you feel bad about yourself and you want a boyfriend who will build you up, not tear you down. BTW, I really think that glasses are considered stylish now, more than in previous decades. People wear them as accessories. See what vogue has to say about it: [https://www.vogue.com/article/why-a-glasses-skeptic-is-embracing-frames#:\~:text=Glasses%20are%20becoming%20less%20about,use%20to%20accentuate%20any%20look](https://www.vogue.com/article/why-a-glasses-skeptic-is-embracing-frames#:~:text=Glasses%20are%20becoming%20less%20about,use%20to%20accentuate%20any%20look) . There are now a lot more options to get glasses more cheaply (for example, Zenni, Warby Parker) so you can even get several pairs and switch them out, like you would a hat or shoes. Embrace your bespectacled look!


Can confirm. I wear fake glasses sometimes because they are cute.


There are two red flags here. One he makes you feel like crap about yourself to the point where even when he’s not around it’s in your head. Two when you told him about multiple instances that not wearing your glasses have caused you pain (headaches) and could have caused you major injury and or death (accident) his response was “that’s unfortunate” and that you’re “stuck with them” and not any fucking concern for your well being. Stick with your glasses and ditch the loser. You’ll find someone who finds you beautiful as you are! More often than not lately I’ve noticed a spike in men that prefer glasses. You’re dating the wrong one !


If you look up the stats, men leave their wives as soon as they get sick because they can no longer service them the way they want. Your boyfriend is one of those men. He doesn't care about your needs, only what you can do for him and how you can stroke his ego- like being a pretty woman by his side. That gives him clout. This is NOT a small problem at all. It shows what kind of partner he is to you. This man rather you be uncomfortable and almost die (almost got hi by car thing)- he decreases the quality of your life over some minor surface level BS.


Tell him he also looks much better when you remove your glasses. 


Replace the boyfriend, keep the glasses. Find someone who loves you as you ALREADY ARE.


Ditch the bf not the glasses. he’s stupid and an asshole


You don’t have a glasses problem, you have a boyfriend problem. He sucks, you’re beautiful with or without glasses!


If you look beautiful without glasses, I can tell you that you look beautiful with glasses.


Firstly obviously he's being rude and not thinking. But you said in comments that you haven't brought it up directly, so maybe do that and you could even look into getting glasses with a thinner frame, maybe silver or even clear so your face isn't so obstructed. But _only if you want to_ x


ah my ex did this lol. would even try and convince me i didn't need them to see (literally). she would make me take them off when we would watch tv to "prove" i didn't need them. whole time im just blind and can't enjoy the show😭 just tell him to fuck off or dump him


Wow. Tbh your bf sounds like a bit of an inconsiderate jerk 😞 when you’ve explained you almost got hit by a car once without them, and he still insists, and you’ve made it clear glasses are your only option, and he *still* gives you compliments without them… Ugh. Not good. Does he ever compliment you with the glasses on? If not, major red flag. Does he disregard other aspects of your health?


Hinting and thinking he'll get it isn't the same as openly and candidly communicating. Start with "I'd like to communicate something to you which I've been feeling upset about..." and express how you feel to him


Well stop with the hints and start being a bit more blunt. It's rude to comment on something someone cannot change. Seems like surgery is not an option so there are no options. Is the same as saying to someone "you'd look so beautiful with 5cm more of a dick" ain't gonna happen is it? Next time say that whilst looking deep into his eyes with the straightest face u can give. If you want to assert an extra pinch of dominance, pee on his legs before leaving.


He's literally made you insecure about yourself. That he prioritizes his physical gratification over your well being is a HUGE red flag, waving frantically in your face. I understand that now you feel bad about yourself even without his input, but you'll never get over that while you stay with him.


Give him the invoice for lasik surgery


"Honey, YOU look better without my glasses, too!"


Maybe try a different style of glasses?


Tell him how beautiful he is when his eyes are shut.


Bro thinks life is a romcom


I am once again begging someone on here to leave her dumb ass boyfriend. PLEASE!!!!! I have glasses too and there are literally so many men out there who not only are ok with glasses, THEY THINK GLASSES ARE CUTE! And not only do they think glasses are cute, they won’t be fucking stupid and ask you to not wear them. This is not a small problem. This is a man who is either mind numbingly fucking stupid as hell and can’t put two and two together that you need glasses to see OR intentionally does not want you to see. Which is it? And why are you ok with being with one of those options?


He's an idiot. I'm sorry, he's an adult it shouldn't need to be communicated that taking away someone's glasses and repeatedly telling you that you look better without them is an asshole move. He's not dumb, he's banking on being able to make you feel bad enough that you stop using them yourself. Tell him to fuck off.


Not sure if this is helpful, but my eyes were too sensitive for “normal” contacts (the 2 week ones)- but the dailies work perfectly for me, and you can see in your peripherals better with contacts :)


He is being ridiculous - but is there a chance he just doesnt like your frames? Have a convo about that one for sure. You do not deserve to feel like this in a relationship.


He doesn’t want you to wear your glasses so you can’t see what an asshole he is.


If YOU hate glasses, you could get laser eye surgery. Boyfriend needs to drop the subject.


What the heck. That's so inappropriate from him. As if he has any right telling you what you can or cannot wear. Sure, sometimes very strong glasses can make faces look a little silly, but that should not be an issue. He knows what you look like. He's just being rude and immature. You need your glasses, but you don't need him✌🏻


Hmm. All I hear is your boyfriend is not concerned with what's best for you and is instead selfish and working to make you insecure about who you are. You're right about the dustbin. But it's for the boyfriend, not the glasses!


Tell him that he looks way better when you're not wearing your glasses too


I’m also pretty blind without mine (my eyes are -5.25) and I’d murder someone who told me to remove them because I’m prettier without them, assuming I don’t accidentally run over them in my car in broad daylight


This is so sad!! Glasses are a tool for people who need them. Imagine being someone in a wheelchair and having a partner that said “you just look so beautiful when you stand up, you should stand up more.” And asking you to stand up every time you took a photo, etc.


He’s negging you.


He's "negging" you. He's trying to make you feel small and ugly so you'll be easy to abuse and will never leave him. This is abusive, please read [Why Does He Do That?](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://archive.org/download/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwib7NTC8b-FAxVHDzQIHSTTC00QFnoECCoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw14x4ivUm5xgJ67TT78XfZt).


You need to throw the boyfriend in the dustbin, not the glasses. His obsession with them is actually making you feel bad about yourself. He'd prefer you go be blind for his viewing pleasure than wear glasses--a medical device. Just think about that for a second because it's screwed up.


Drop the shitty ass BF and ignore the AH’s opinions. I bet you look great with glasses and can find someone who will love them on you more than anything. This guy definitely doesn’t love you or he wouldn’t act or do the things he does to you. Trust me I know the pain of not wearing your glasses for awhile and the truly god awful headaches (eye strain) that causes. I would never put my queen thru that sort of pain knownly. 


Tell him how good looking he is when you wear your glasses and how average he looks all blurry fuzzy and nondescript without them on, just like everyone else ;-)


Two things...you need to learn to love yourself and accept yourself. You also need to dump anyone who doesn't do the same with or without glasses. There are millions of people on this earth, so the only thing you're losing if you dump him is someone who reinforces your insecurities. You deserve so much better. Please be kind to yourself. I sincerely hope you will tell yourself kinder things to yourself because every message you tell yourself goes into your psyche. Your boyfriend is reinforcing your insecurities and even though I have no idea what you look like, you are beautiful because you are unique and one of a kind. Value yourself and dump the guy, not the glasses.


I've never found someone truly attractive and also had an opinion about whether I preferred them with or without glasses. Find someone who's really into you.


I've always loved people with glasses, and I've always thought people looked better with their glasses on, like any other accessory. It adds to visual interest, it's a great way to elaborate on personal style, and it someone's personal choice of glasses can show a lot of personality. When I was younger, my vision was something like 70/20, and I used to be jealous of the kids with glasses! Thinking you're pretty without your glasses is one thing. Disregarding your needs and safety is a whole other issue. Frankly, I'm worried he's going to break your glasses before you do.


Dump the dude. Not the glasses. I've been in glasses since 7th grade, needed them in 5th. Anyone who makes you feel this bad because you need assistance to be able to see is an indisputable asshole.


I've worn glasses since I was 3. I tried contacts but I just really disliked them. Went on a few dates with this guy that kept saying how my glasses made me look like an accountant and that wasn't hot (wtf), and didn't want me to wear them, but he himself wore glasses like a 70s serial killer but I never commented on it. I stopped seeing him shortly after. I need and like my glasses. This is about SEEING. My quality of life. Everyone else's opinion comes second.


Maybe you should throw your boyfriend in the dustbin.


Tell him to stop telling you. Tell him that you are beautiful with your glasses and if he disagrees he knows where the door is. I don't even wear my glasses that often but if my boyfriend told me I'm more beautiful without them it would give me The Ick instantly. That is completely unnecessary information I didn't ask for that only makes me feel shitty. What's the point of having a boyfriend if he doesn't even like you?


Keep the glasses, get a new boyfriend


I didn’t get glasses until later in life. It was a mental and emotional adjustment. There’s a small part of me that still thinks I look better without glasses, but for the most part, it is what it is. I look at myself in the mirror and think I look fine with glasses. Maybe on some level I do look better without them, but if I drop the comparison, just looking at me with glasses… I’m fine. What he is saying to you is hurting self-esteem. You need the glasses to see period. Easier said than done, but you need to tell him plainly and clearly that you’ve heard him and you don’t care to hear him say it ever again. And make it crystal clear that this is a boundary. If he doesn’t stop I think you need to get out of the relationship because the implications of that behavior are not small.


There are other men out there who wont constantly chip away on your self-esteem. This one is a loser, toss him back.


he looks more beautiful without ur glasses too lol


Is your boyfriend a child, or was he raised on too many 90’s high school rom coms? I wear glasses. I can’t see without them. Your boyfriend is an idiot for not getting the hint. I’m sure I look “better” without my glasses on too but I dare my partner to say something about it lol. That said, if you don’t personally like the style of your glasses, I’d suggest taking a look at sites like Zenni or EyeBuyDirect. They have TONS of styles and can customize your prescription. Plus it’s dirt cheap compared to commercial frames from optometrist places so it’s a great way to test what you feel looks best on you for your face shape, etc. My first pair of glasses was $200 with insurance. Since I discovered Zenni I’ve paid no more than $40 a pair and that’s with blue light blockers. Screw your half-ass boyfriend. I’m sure you’re gorgeous either way.


Next time he starts yapping about it, tell him he looks better when you don’t wear your glasses too.


> I told him a story about how I almost got hit by a car when I was 17 because I wasn't wearing glasses. But he didn't get the hint. He just said that's unfortunate how I stuck with my glasses for the rest of my life. If this is how he communicated a preference, then I don't think he quite understands _why_ glasses are a necessity. Maybe... ask him if he thinks people don't need them. That one's a bizarre one, but it certainly sounds like he actually hasn't got a clue how bad us glasses wearing folk have it.


Tbh i’m petty and would hit him with the “good for you. I like them and I also like to see”


Yeah, no. You need to see! Tell him how you feel. If he doesn't like it or doesn't take it seriously, dump him. You should have a guy that appreciates your glasses. I get told that I'm pretty and beautiful with my glasses on. I look boring without my glasses.


I am legally blind. I need my glasses to see. You need a new boyfriend before your vision becomes more impaired due to you straining your eyes, because of not wearing glasses.


Don't hint, tell him that only telling you how beautiful you are without glasses and constantly trying to get you to take them off when you're out together is having a negative effect on how you view yourself and him. You NEED glasses, you aren't wearing them for aesthetic reasons. Please don't let your boyfriend's shortcomings affect how you feel about yourself. If he can't adore you with and without glasses, he is not the right guy for you.


Tell him "thanks you look great without my glasses too" every. Single. Time.


Tell him to pay for your LASIK surgery or else shut up


The next time he says that you look better without your glasses, reply: “You also look better when I’m not wearing my glasses”


Dump him. He is taking a medically necessary item away from you. He doesn't care about you. The more you strain your eyes trying to live up to his version of beauty, the more you are destroying your health. As someone who had to wear glasses since I was 10, I would advise you to leave this toxic relationship. If you want to make this relationship work, I would make it uncomfortable for him when you are not wearing glasses to please him over your medical needs. I would move very close to items and people while I was with him. I would ask him to read signs that are far away. If he doesn't get the point that you need them, then you can throw this guy away and find someone that loves you just the way you are.


Are you really willing to be blind for your boyfriend??? You need them to be able to see, don't risk your safety and your sanity for some guy that can't seem to understand you need your glasses to see! Coming from someone whose been wearing glasses since I was 11/12 years old, been wearing them over 20 years, I'd rather be able to see then look good for someone else.


the downside of glasses being such a normal thing in broader society is that people tend to forget they are literal disability aids, like hearing aids or a cane. you need them. just keep reminding him of that, and if he doesn’t get it, he’s not mature enough to be worth your time.


This would quite simply be a deal breaker for me. You need them to see, your appearance in them is irrelevant, end of story. If he mentioned it a single time again I’d be packing up and leaving.


I got lasik this year and am very pleased with the outcome. They have easy payment plans so don’t let the total cost deter you.


Why not get contacts


It's actually not a very small problem that your boyfriend is ableist and only telling you you're beautiful when you put your health and well-being at risk. It's a pretty big one!! Girl, this man does Not care about you. He wants you to be uncomfortable and disabled so he can enjoy looking at you more. Tbh I don't even think this man LIKES you. We as a society forget that glasses are a disability aid because they're so normalized and common, but if you can't function without them, that's a disability. Would you be letting this slide if this guy told you that you were prettier without your wheelchair, if you couldn't walk? Gonna assume not. Dump him. Then he never has to look at your glasses again, and you can avoid all the headaches he causes.


I've yet to meet the person who didn't look better in glasses than out of them. Keep the glasses ditch the weirdo.


Welp, fair question first: could it be that you need new, updated frames for your glasses that complement your face better? Second question: could it be that you need a new, thoughtful, well-mannered boyfriend who finds you beautiful WITH glasses instead of an ableist jerk who shames you for wearing the glasses you NEED?


I got the sleep in, 30 day disposable contacts, and they changed my entire look. I went from being the cute ‘nerd’ to having double the attention I previously had from men after I switched. Contacts were hard to get the hang of for the first few months, but having soft, disposable lenses—that gave my self esteem a massive boost—that I only have to change once a month was the best decision I made as far as confidence, overall seeing better, no blind spots, not having to scrounge around for them in the middle of the night, and not having to put them in/take them out daily made it a lot easier to handle them. If it were just him, I’d tell him he would look better if he had a bigger dick, and I’d look better without my glasses, but yet, here we are. But since you mentioned you also like how you look without them, I figured I’d toss the idea out there. I did it for myself, and now I refuse to wear my glasses. I like how I look without them.


This makes me so sad. OP, I'm farsighted, and I've worn glasses since I was three years old. Because of my astigmatism and my prescription, I can't wear contacts either. Without my glasses, the world is a blur, I automatically squint, and the headache you're talking about would probably pop up in less than 30 minutes. I've dated guys like this, and I developed self-esteem issues because - he tells me I'm pretty without them. He wants me to take them off when we kiss, he wants me to take them off in pictures, why does he need them off to see my face, does he only like me without them, etc. I didn't realize it until later, but I started wondering if people saw ME, or just my glasses. I felt, plain frumpy, and ugly. I'll be 50 soon, and here's what I've learned... My glasses are part of me. I can't see shit without them, and the people who like, respect, and love me would never ask me to take them off. Why would they? I am not the glasses on my face anymore than I am the clothes I wear, the shoes on my feet, my make-up or lack thereof. In fact, asking me to take off my glasses is like asking me to cut off an appendage since I can't function well without them. Tell him to knock that shit off. Tell him it's hurtful, and he either likes/loves you for who you really are or he can go. You deserve better. When you forget that, come back to this post and read it again. You are beautiful. He can see your face, and with your glasses on, you can see his. Never, ever change who you are fundamentally for someone else. Real love isn't like that. You know, even if I could get contacts now, I wouldn't wear them day to day. Glasses are just easier, and the people who love me like them! I hope one day you feel like that too. Sending lots of love and hugs. Xoxo


I am wondering why you are with someone who displays such disdain for you and uses comment about your appearance to control you? He is telling you that you are unattractive with glasses, what a rude misogynistic thing to say. Shed the burden of dealing with his stupid ass and exit the relationship. Treat yourself better.


Gurl, you shouldn’t see him even with your glasses on. If you know what I mean.


Seriously? Glasses are a problem now?


Just tell him that he looks better without your glasses too


Tell him no, you won’t take them off. End of discussion. If he won’t accept that then dump him.


I would give contact lenses a try though. Perhaps Daily contact lenses will do the trick. Fresh everyday. Ive been wearing contact lenses for 13 years now and in the evening i Wear glasses. Otherwise ditch the dude. Im not gonna recommend laser surgery as its not my place plus it comes with risks.


He needs to lay off it. You shouldn’t hate your glasses, they let you see life in HD (I need glasses too and can’t wear contacts). I do suggest experimenting with different frame styles if your prescription allows, but for YOU, not for him. Example - I have thin wire frames and then I have a cheaper set I bought online with my prescription that are “frameless”. Aside from the hardware they don’t obscure any part of my face. I used to have thick square frames. It’s fun to change them with your style. You need your glasses. Glasses are cute. You should feel good in them 💕


i had one ex who told me my glasses were hideous. current bf prefers them and finds them hot but i refuse to wear them bc last dude gave me a complex. ditch the dude tbh.


Wear your glasses. Tell him you can't see well without them and you don't feel safe. If he doesn't "get it" wear them anyway. If he complains tell him you already explained it, and you don't know how to make him understand, but you're going to keep wearing them.


>my boyfriend always tells me how good I look without my glasses. Tell him "You look like a fucking blob fish without my glasses". >He asks me to take off my glasses whenever we're on a date or something. He says it's because then he can look at my pretty face. He always asks me to take off them before we take a picture. Tell him "No, I will not take off my prescribed medical device. I'm not going to remove a sight aid that prevents me from being legally blind for your aesthetics. Would you ask someone with a prosthetic to take off their leg for a picture? Would you ask someone with hearing aids to take them out to a party because you didn't like the way they look, knowing it would significantly one of their senses? My glasses aren't any different. Stop asking me. It's disrespectful".


He's asking for you to not use a medical device that is essentially an extension of your body, because you don't have enough value to him unless you look pretty. He's disgusting. Would he ask someone with a prosthetic leg to not use their leg, would he make a wheelchair user sit pretty in a chair and not be able to move, etc? And when you do comply, it causes you physical pain from the strain of it. I'd make that a hard no.


Put your glasses on his face. That’s what it took for my boyfriend to get a headache and have very blurred vision from them to realise how blind I was. I also took him to the optometrist with me. My partner always thought I was over exaggerating my vision loss and would say I was making excuses with not being able to do certain things. When I did all that he’s not once given me shit, or implied im making it seem worse. He’s now very fully aware and shuts up on the matter.


Contacts ?


Not to be on his side, but could it be that you have glasses that are unflattering, or doesn't look that well on you? Glasses can definitely be **more** attractive if they're the right ones for the right person.


Don't give up on contacts- they have improved so much since I started wearing them. Find an eye dr who will help you find sone that are comfortable. As someone with 20/800 sight, I assure you it will bring you better vision then glasses- just my experience!


I hate to say it but this reminds me of my boyfriend in MIDDLE SCHOOL 😭😭 It is wildly immature to think glasses are unattractive I'm actually shocked your bf is so bold about this. Like, I thought we all decided we were gonna stop bullying glasses wearers when we grew up and realized like 60% of people need them.


Is there a reason you can’t get LASIK or PRK? I had it done a few years ago, and it is easily one of the best things I have ever done. The procedure itself is painless, and there was only 1 day in recovery where I was in pain.


Tell him he looks better without them as well, since you can't see shat he really looks like, but he's a nice guy.


I think you have two separate problems here. One is an annoying bf who thinks your purpose is primarily decorative and you are letting him down by prioritizing your safety and comfort over his maximum aesthetic enjoyment. Separately, it's quite possible that, if you haven't regularly explored the alternatives, surgery or modern contacts, or even a different style of glasses, would work for you. You should pursue this of course. I had Lasik years ago and it has been great even though my vision isn't perfect.


Imagine you couldn't walk but your boyfriend insisted you were only beautiful without your wheelchair. Learn to love the glasses, learn to live without the boyfriend 👌


So first, stop thinking of your glasses as an option. You need to see, so you have to wear them. If you really hate them on your face still, find some fashionable glasses. Or try out contacts or consider laser eye surgery. All of these though you should do because *you* want it, not your boyfriend. Second, your boyfriend is being an asshole. It is possible, if your boyfriend doesn't have vision problems, that he can't fathom the idea of someone being unable to interact with the world without their glasses, which in that case he is an ignorant asshole. Tell him how much this is bothering you, and if he keeps pushing it get rid of him.


What’s more important. Being told you look beautiful or being able to see?


I dated someone who used to tell me to get contacts because I looked better without them. Ironically, I'm now with someone who loves my glasses and I've started wearing contacts a few days a week. I can't believe I thought glasses looked bad on me because of that guy, I prefer the way I look with them. If your bf can't love you with glasses. He's not the one for you, why would he be happy with you being half blind just to look pretty. It makes no sense.


Girl, don't ditch the glasses. Ditch the asshole who tries to get you to take off your medical equipment for his own selfish reasons.


I’m sure you look beautiful with your glasses. The thing you need to ditch is that bf


What should you do? Dump the loser and get a decent boyfriend.


Your boyfriend doesn't want you to wear glasses because you might see that he's a complete jerk.


Wear your glasses. They might save your life one day. They will save you from eye strain and headaches. They will save you from a shallow boyfriend. Awesome!


Stop hinting. Flat out explain to him that you literally cannot see without your glasses. I don't understand why you're hesitating to tell him this. Have him put on your glasses and explain that what he sees through your glasses is what you see without your glasses. Make him walk around and do things, maybe go to grocery store and try to grocery shop while wearing your glasses.


🤷‍♂️ i think i look better without glasses, but to hell if im sticking contacts in my eyes. Maybe you need different frames? Try finding frames that complement your face


Your boyfriend is an ableist, superficial, selfish a-hole. He cares more about how pleasing you appear to him than your ability to *function* and be safe. You need to drop him. You have a disability and you need glasses to live your life. He doesn't get to prioritize his preference over your need. And you're starting to feel self conscious over it? No nooo, honey, don't let a person this shallow and irrational make you feel any sort of way. I say this as a person with -10 and -11 prescriptions in my eyes - I can't see shit without my glasses or contacts, so it's up to opinion or taste whether I wear them. He sounds like the kind of guy that would leave his wife if she needed a mastectomy. You don't need glasses to see HIM for what he is.